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  1. Using maximal element theorem, we prove some existence theorems for the two types of generalized vector quasi-variational-like inequalities with non-monotonicity and non-compactness.

    Authors: Jian-Wen Peng and Xin-Min Yang
    Citation: Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2006 2006:59387
  2. We introduce new and interesting model of system of generalized set-valued equilibrium problems which generalizes and unifies the system of set-valued equilibrium problems, the system of generalized implicit v...

    Authors: Jian-Wen Peng
    Citation: Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2006 2006:16764
  3. A mixed problem with a boundary Dirichlet condition and nonlocal integral condition is considered for a two-dimensional elliptic equation.The existence and uniqueness of a weak solution of this problem are pro...

    Authors: Givi Berikelashvili
    Citation: Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2006 2006:93858
  4. We establish some complements of Cauchy's inequality on time scales. These results extend some inequalities given by Cargo, Diaz, Goldman, Greub, Kantorovich, Makai, Metcalf, Pólya, Rheinboldt, Schweitzer, and...

    Authors: Cheh-Chih Yeh, Huei-Lin Hong, Horng-Jaan Li and Shiueh-Ling Yu
    Citation: Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2006 2006:97430
  5. We study nonlinear ODE problems in the complex Euclidean space, with the right-hand side being polynomial with nonconstant periodic coefficients. As the coefficients functions, we admit only functions with van...

    Authors: Andrei Borisovich and Wacław Marzantowicz
    Citation: Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2006 2006:42908
  6. We give some necessary and sufficient conditions for the class of Appell polynomials to satisfy well-known Turan's inequality. Among the other corollaries, we apply our results to some classes of orthogonal po...

    Authors: Slavko Simic
    Citation: Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2006 2006:91420
  7. Picone-type inequalities are established for nonlinear elliptic equations which are generalizations of nonself-adjoint linear elliptic equations, and Sturmian comparison theorems are derived as applications. O...

    Authors: Jaroslav Jaroš, Kusano Takaŝi and Norio Yoshida
    Citation: Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2006 2006:52378
  8. We prove that the projection operator on a nonempty closed convex subset of a uniformly convex Banach spaces is uniformly continuous on bounded ...

    Authors: Jean-Paul Penot
    Citation: Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2005 2005:921970
  9. This paper deals with the problem of estimating the deviation of the values of a function from its mean value. We consider the following special cases: (i) the case of random variables (attached to arbitrary p...

    Authors: Aurelia Florea and Constantin P Niculescu
    Citation: Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2005 2005:714694
  10. We analyze the univalence of the solutions of the biharmonic equation. In particular, we show that if is a biharmonic map in the form

    Authors: Z AbdulHadi, Y Abu Muhanna and S Khuri
    Citation: Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2005 2005:642561
  11. We deal with a theoric question raised in connection with the application of a three-critical points theorem, obtained by Ricceri, which has been already applied to obtain multiplicity results for boundary val...

    Authors: Giuseppe Cordaro
    Citation: Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2005 2005:432707
  12. The purpose of this paper is to introduce the concept of fuzzy variational-like inequalities and to study the existence problem and the iterative approximation problem for solutions of certain kinds of fuzzy v...

    Authors: SS Chang, D O'Regan, KK Tan and LC Zeng
    Citation: Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2005 2005:201653
  13. Using the notion of inferior mean due to M. Heins, we establish two inequalities for such a mean relative to a positive harmonic function defined on the open unit ball or half-space in ...

    Authors: Yevgenya Movshovich
    Citation: Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2005 2005:913098
  14. We prove that a Jordan homomorphism from a Banach algebra into a semisimple commutative Banach algebra is a ring homomorphism. Using a signum effectively, we can give a simple proof of the Hyers-Ulam-Rassias s...

    Authors: Takeshi Miura, Sin-Ei Takahasi and Go Hirasawa
    Citation: Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2005 2005:735242
  15. Some new Gronwall-Ou-Iang type integral inequalities in two independent variables are established. These integral inequalities can be applied as tools to the study of certain class of integral and differential...

    Authors: Wing-Sum Cheung and Qing-Hua Ma
    Citation: Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2005 2005:541438
  16. We apply a fixed point result for multifunctions to derive existence results for boundary value problems of Sturm-Liouville differential equations with nonlinearities that may involve discontinuous and functio...

    Authors: S Carl and S Heikkilä
    Citation: Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2005 2005:317549
  17. We give a Grüss-type inequality which is a refinement of a result due to Dragomir and Agarwal. We also give its applications for the moments of random variables, guessing mappings, and Ozeki's inequality.

    Authors: Saichi Izumino, Josip E Pečarić and Božidar Tepeš
    Citation: Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2005 2005:918685
  18. We introduce and study a new class of generalized nonlinear implicit quasivariational inclusions involving relaxed Lipschitzian mappings. We prove the existence of solution for the generalized nonlinear implic...

    Authors: Ya-Ping Fang, Nan-Jing Huang, Jung Im Kang and Yeol Je Cho
    Citation: Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2005 2005:915890
  19. We introduce and study a new class of generalized nonlinear variational-like inequalities, which includes these variational inequalities and variational-like inequalities due to Bose, Cubiotti, Dien, Ding, Din...

    Authors: Zeqing Liu, Jeong Sheok Ume and Shin Min Kang
    Citation: Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2005 2005:634163
  20. The implicit function theorem asserts that there exists a ball of nonzero radius within which one can express a certain subset of variables, in a system of equations, as functions of the remaining variables. W...

    Authors: Marco Papi
    Citation: Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2005 2005:373250
  21. We establish optimal, in a sense, unique solvability conditions of the Cauchy problem for a wide class of linear functional differential equations in a Banach space with a solid wedge. The conditions are formu...

    Authors: Andrei Rontó and Jiří Šremr
    Citation: Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2005 2005:348549
  22. We study Carrier's equation in a noncylindrical domain. We use the penalty method combined with Faedo-Galerkin and compactness arguments. We obtain results of the existence and uniqueness of the local solution.

    Authors: Tania Nunes Rabello and Maria Cristina De Campos Vieira
    Citation: Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2005 2005:313250

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