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Some new dynamic inequalities with several functions of Hardy type on time scales
Journal of Inequalities and Applications volume 2021, Article number: 3 (2021)
The aim of this article is to prove some new dynamic inequalities of Hardy type on time scales with several functions. Our results contain some results proved in the literature, which are deduced as limited cases, and also improve some obtained results by using weak conditions. In order to do so, we utilize Hölder’s inequality, the chain rule, and the formula of integration by parts on time scales.
1 Introduction
Let \(z>0, \alpha >0\) be real numbers. If a function f is nonnegative, integrable over finite interval \((0,z)\), and the integral of \(f^{\alpha }\) over \((0,\infty )\) converges, then Hardy’s inequality [1] is given as follows:
and the equality holds iff \(f=0\) almost everywhere. On the other hand, the constant \((\frac{\alpha }{\alpha -1} )^{\alpha }\) is optimal. Hardy proved this inequality in 1925 [1] and the discrete version in 1920 [2]. The discrete version of (1) is given by
These two inequalities are known in the literature as Hardy–Hilbert type inequalities. Since the invention of these inequalities, plenty of papers containing new proofs, various extensions, and generalizations have appeared. Inequality (1) was extended in [3], where it was proved that, if \(\alpha >1\) and \(f>0\) are integrable on \((0,\infty)\), then
The study of Hardy’s inequalities (discrete and continuous) focused on the investigations of new inequalities with weighted functions. These results are of interest and importance in analysis because the size of weight classes cannot be improved and the weight conditions themselves are interesting. These inequalities have applications in diverse fields of mathematics (spectral theory, PDEs theory, ODEs theory, etc.). These inequalities lead to a large number of impressive connections between different branches of mathematics. This explored area of mathematical analysis generates the publications of various monographs and research papers. We refer the reader to [4–13] and the references therein.
Over the last decades a lot of considerable effort has been devoted to improve and generalize Hardy’s inequalities (1) and (2). In what follows, we introduce some of these improvements that motivated the content of this paper. Levinson in [14] expanded inequality (1) using Jensen’s inequality. Under the following conditions:
\(\lambda , f\) are positive functions;
there exists a constant \(K>0\) having the following property:
$$ \alpha -1+\frac{\Lambda (z) \lambda ^{\prime }(z)}{\lambda ^{2}(z)} \geq \frac{\alpha }{K}\quad\text{for all }z>0, $$where \(\Lambda (z)=\int _{0}^{z}\lambda (s)\,ds\) and \(\alpha >1\);
Φ is a real-valued convex function such that \(\Phi (v) >0\) for \(v>0\),
Levinson proved that
In [15] Copson showed that if \(1<\gamma , 1\leq \alpha \), then
where \(\Lambda (z)=\int _{0}^{z}\lambda (\xi )\,d\xi \) and \(\Phi (z)=\int _{0}^{z}f(\xi )\lambda (\xi )\,d\xi \). Hwang and Yang, in [16], extended inequality (5) and derived that if \(\lambda , q, f\) are nonnegative functions, \(\alpha >1\), and K is a positive constant having the following propriety:
The authors in [17] proved that, for \(i=1,\ldots,n\), if \(\alpha _{i}>\beta _{i}>0\), \(m_{i}>\beta _{i}\) are real numbers with \(\sum_{i=1}^{n}\beta _{i}=1\) and \(m=\sum_{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\), and if
for any constant \(C_{i}>0\), where
A time scale is a closed subset of real numbers denoted by \(\mathbb{T}\). The main objective is to demonstrate some results in dynamic inequalities where the involved functions are defined on an arbitrary time scale \(\mathbb{T}\) domain. These results involve the classical discrete and continuous inequalities ( \(\mathbb{T}=\mathbb{N}\), \(\mathbb{T}=\mathbb{R}\)) and can be expanded to different inequalities on different time scales like \(\mathbb{T}=q^{\mathbb{N}}\) for \(q>1\), \(\mathbb{T}=h\mathbb{N}\), \(h>0\), etc.
For wholeness, the main results of dynamic inequalities inspiring the subject of this article are mentioned. Using Elliott’s technique [18], Řehak in [19] found the time scale version of Hardy’s inequality. Particularly, Řehak derived, for \(\alpha >1\) and f a positive function such that \(\int _{a}^{\infty } ( f(s) ) ^{\alpha }\,\Delta s<\infty \), that
Additionally, if \(\nu (s)/s\rightarrow 0\) as \(s\rightarrow \infty \), then \(( \frac{\alpha }{\alpha -1} ) ^{\alpha }\) is the optimal constant. Nevertheless, to determine whether the constant in inequality (10) is optimal also on all time scales or just those fulfilling the condition \(\lim_{s\rightarrow \infty }(\nu (s)/s)=0\) is still an open problem.
Özkan and Yildirim [20] found a novel inequality with weight functions that can be thought of as a time scale Hardy–Knopp type inequality proved by Kaijser et al. in [21] of the form
where Φ is a convex function on \((0,\infty )\).
Authors of [22] derived the time scale analogue of (3), that is,
where \(\gamma >1\), \(\alpha >1\) with the existence of a positive constant K having the following propriety: \(1/K \leq \frac{s}{\check{\sigma }(s)}\) for \(s\in {\mathbb{T}}\).
The authors in [23] generalized inequality (10) and showed that if \(\gamma , \alpha >1\), then
Saker et al. [24] proved Copson inequalities (6) on time scales. In particular, it has been proved that if \(\gamma ,\alpha >1\), then
In addition, some generalizations of the inequalities of Bennett and Leindler type on time scales have been proved. The authors demonstrated that if \(1>\gamma >0, 1\leq \alpha \), then
The aim of this article is to prove some new Hardy-type inequalities on time scales involving many functions which generalize and improve some of the above results and also improve some other already proved results in [25]. The manuscript is arranged as follows: In the preliminaries section, we recall a few elementary results and definitions concerning the delta calculus on time scale. In the main results section, we prove our results that cover a wide spectrum of previously proved inequalities.
2 Preliminaries
This section is devoted to presenting some basic definitions as well as some basic results on delta calculus on time scales that will be used in the sequel; for more details, see [26]. The backward jump operator and the forward jump operator are defined by \(\varrho (s):=\sup \{\eta \in \mathbb{T}: s>\eta \}\) and \(\check{\sigma }(s):=\inf \{\eta \in \mathbb{T}: \eta >s\}\), respectively, where \(\sup \emptyset =\inf \mathbb{T}\). The forward graininess function \(\nu : \mathbb{T}\rightarrow [0,\infty )\) is given by \(\nu (s):=\check{\sigma }(s)-s\). A point \(s\in \mathbb{T}\) is called:
right-dense if \(\check{\sigma }(s)=s\),
left-dense if \(\inf \mathbb{T}< s\) and \(\varrho (s)=s\),
right-scattered if \(s<\check{\sigma }(s)\),
left-scattered if \(s>\varrho (s)\).
\(u:\mathbb{T}\rightarrow \mathbb{R}\) is a right-dense continuous (noted rd-continuous) function if u is continuous at right-dense points and its left-hand limits are finite at left-dense points in \(\mathbb{T}\). We denote by \(C_{rd}(\mathbb{T})\) the set of rd-continuous functions.
Without loss of generality, we assume that \(\sup \mathbb{T}\) is equal to ∞. We note \([a,b]_{\mathbb{T}}:=[a,b]\cap \mathbb{T}\) the time scale interval. Throughout this paper, \(\mathbb{T}\) is provided with the topology induced by the standard topology on \(\mathbb{R}\) (see, for instance, [26]).
If u is defined on \(\mathbb{T}\), then as an abbreviation \(u(\check{\sigma }(t))=u^{\check{\sigma }}(t)\). The derivative of UV and \(U/V\) of two delta-differentiable functions u and v is given by
On the other hand, the Δ-integral on \(\mathbb{T}\) is characterized by the following: If \(\Gamma ^{\Delta }(s)=\gamma (s)\), then \(\int _{a}^{s}\gamma (t)\,\Delta t=\Gamma (s)-\Gamma (a)\) is the Cauchy Δ-integral of γ. The discrete time scale integration formula is given by
while the infinite integral is defined as \(\int _{a}^{\infty }\gamma (\xi )\,\Delta \xi =\lim_{b\rightarrow \infty }\int _{a}^{b}\gamma (\xi )\,\Delta \xi \). The chain rule for functions \(U:\mathbb{R}\rightarrow \mathbb{R}\), which is continuously differentiable, and \(V:\mathbb{T}\rightarrow \mathbb{R}\), which is delta-differentiable, is given by
and this rule leads to the useful form
Another formula to the chain rule is given by
which provides us with the following useful form:
For \(U,V\in C_{rd}(\mathbb{T})\) and \(t_{1},t_{2}\in \mathbb{T}\), the following expression
is known as the integration by parts formula.
Hölder’s inequality on time scales is written as follows:
where \(\alpha >1\) and \(\frac{1}{\alpha }+\frac{1}{\beta }=1\).
Throughout this paper, we make the following assumptions:
the integrals exist (finite),
\(\mathbb{T}\) denotes the time scale set and \(a\in [a,\infty )_{\mathbb{T}}:=[a,\infty )\cap \mathbb{T}\),
all functions appearing in the assumptions of theorems are positive and rd-continuous on \([a,\infty )_{\mathbb{T}}\).
3 Main results
First, we prove some new Hardy-type inequalities with several functions which cover a wide spectrum of previously proved inequalities. Then, we improve some inequalities showed in [25] by removing the imposed conditions on the functions. It will be convenient to use the convention \(0.\infty =0\) and \(0/0=0\). To attain the first objective in this paper, we define the operators Λ and ϕ by
Theorem 1
Let h be nondecreasing on \([a,\infty )_{\mathbb{T}}\) and \(r>1 \), \(\alpha >\beta >0\) be real numbers. If there exists a positive constant κ having the following propriety:
We define v for any \(\xi \in {}[ a,\infty )_{\mathbb{T}}\) by
Using the formula of integration by parts (18), \(\phi (a)=0\), and \(v(\infty )=0\), we get
By utilizing the chain rule (17), we observe that
Apply the derivative of the product formula (16) on \(\phi (\xi )\) to obtain that
Employing the assumption h is nondecreasing, we conclude that \(\phi ^{\Delta }(\xi )\geq 0\), and thus
In addition, as \(\Lambda ^{\Delta }(\xi )=\lambda (\xi )\) is positive, we get
integrating both sides gives that
Hence, we have
By combining (22), (23), and (25), we find that
Utilizing assumption (19) leads to
Applying Hölder′s inequality with exponents \(\frac{\alpha }{\beta } \) and \(\frac{\alpha }{(\alpha -\beta )} \) produces
Inequality (26) directly yields
Remark 1
Let \(\mathbb{T}=\mathbb{R}\). In Theorem 1, setting \(h(\xi )=\lambda (\xi )=g(\xi )=1, \beta =1, \kappa =1, a=0\) leads to inequality (1).
Remark 2
In Theorem 1, by putting \(h(\xi )=\lambda (\xi )= g(\xi )=1, \beta =1\), and \(r=\alpha \) in (20), we obtain
Since \(\xi \leq \check{\sigma }(\xi )\), then \((\xi -a)^{-\alpha }\geq (\check{\sigma }(\xi )-a)^{-\alpha }\), which implies along with the above inequality that
Letting \(\kappa =1\), we obtain inequality (10).
In order to prove our next result, which is a new generalization of a Copson-type inequality, we define
where \(\mathbb{T}\) is a time scale, and assume that there exists \(m\geq 1\) such that
Theorem 2
Let \(a, b\in \mathbb{T}\), \(\alpha \geq \beta \geq 1\), and \(\alpha >m\). If g is an increasing function, then
where \(\digamma (\xi ):=\frac{\Phi (\xi )}{\Lambda (\xi )} \) and Λ is defined as in Theorem 1.
For any \(\xi \in [ a,b ] _{\mathbb{T}}\), we define \(u, v\) by
Integrate the L.H.S of (28) by parts to obtain
By the chain rule, we have (note that \(( \beta /\alpha ) -1<0\) and \(\Lambda ^{\Delta }(\xi )=\lambda ( \xi ) >0\))
From the quotient rule, we get (noting that g increasing and so \(\Phi ( \xi ) < \Lambda ( \xi )g ( \xi ) \)) that
By the chain rule (17), inequality (27), and \(\Lambda ^{\check{\sigma }}\geq \Lambda \), we have: for \(d\in {}[ \xi ,\check{\sigma } ( \xi ) ] \),
Inequalities (34) and (31) give after some simplifications
Apply Hölder’s inequality with exponents β and \(\beta /(\beta -1)\) to obtain
This gives (noting that \(( \alpha /m ) -1>0\)) that
With simple modifications on the proof of Theorem 1, the following result holds.
Lemma 1
Let h be a nondecreasing function on \([a,\infty )_{\mathbb{T}}\). If there exist a positive constant κ and real numbers \(r>1\), \(\alpha >\beta >0\) such that
Remark 3
In Lemma 1, taking \(g(\xi )=\lambda (\xi ), h(\xi )=1\), and \(\beta =1=\kappa \)leads to \(\Lambda (\xi )=\int _{a}^{\xi }\lambda (\eta )\,\Delta \eta \), \(\phi (\xi )=\int _{a}^{\xi }f(\eta )\lambda (\eta )\,\Delta \eta \). Therefore,
In inequality (35) if \(\mathbb{T}=\mathbb{R}\), we obtain inequality (6). On the other hand, since \(\Lambda (\xi )\leq \Lambda ^{\check{\sigma }}(\xi )\) (Λ is increasing), \(\alpha >1 \), and \(r >1\), then
therefore, inequality (35) becomes
and this is inequality (14).
Remark 4
In Lemma 1, choosing \(g(\xi )=h(\xi )=\lambda (\xi )=1\), and \(\beta =1=\kappa \) leads to \(\phi (\xi )=\int _{a}^{\xi }f(\eta )\,\Delta \eta \) and \(\Lambda (\xi )=\xi -a\). This implies that
Since \(\xi \leq \check{\sigma }(\xi )\), then \(\frac{1}{\check{\sigma }(\xi )-a}\leq \frac{1}{\xi -a}\), which along with the above inequality gives that
and this is inequality (13).
In the following theorem, we try to give an answer to the remark “It would be interesting to prove some new results by excluding the condition that has been proposed on \(q(t)\)” given in [25, Remark 2.16]. So, we derive some already obtained results (see [25]) that are related to Hardy’s inequality. However, we soften the conditions imposed on the functions in [25]. In other words, we prove the following result assuming that the function \(q(t)\) is bounded, while the authors in [25] proposed it is an increasing function. We introduce new operators: for \(\xi \in [a,\infty )_{\mathbb{T}}\),
with \(\int _{a}^{\infty }\vartheta (s)(\Theta ^{\check{\sigma }}(s))^{- \gamma }\,\Delta s<\infty \).
Theorem 3
Let \(M>m>0\), \(\alpha >1\), \(0\leq \gamma <1\) be real numbers, and a bounded function \(q(\xi )\), i.e., \(m\leq q(\xi )\leq M\). Then
It follows from using integration by parts on time scales with
and \(\phi (\infty )=v(a)=0\), that
Applying the chain rule gives
Observing that \(\Theta ^{\Delta }(\xi )=q(\xi )\vartheta (\xi )>0\) enables us to write
Using the assumption \(q(\xi )\geq m\) returns
Furthermore, by using the chain rule, we get
and since \(\phi ^{\Delta }(\xi )=-f(\xi )q(\xi )\vartheta (\xi )\) is negative, we get
From (36), (37), (38), and the assumption \(q(\xi )\leq M\), we get
The last inequality holds by applying Hölder’s inequality with exponents α and \(\frac{\alpha }{\alpha -1}\). By simple simplification, we have
Theorem 4
Suppose that \(\alpha _{i}>\beta _{i}>0\), \(m_{i}>\beta _{i}\) for \(i=1,\ldots,n\) are real numbers such that \(\sum_{i}^{n}\beta _{i}=1\). Furthermore, assume that \(h_{i}(t)\), \(f_{i}(t)\), \(g_{i}(t)\) are nonnegative functions and \(h_{i}(t)\) is a nondecreasing function for \(i=1,\ldots,n\) and define
If there exist positive constants \(\kappa _{i}\) satisfying
We define the function \(\psi _{i}\) by
Then, by Theorem 1, we find
For some constants \(C_{i}>0\), and by using the arithmetic-geometric inequality [27], we get
where \(K_{i}=\beta _{i} [ \frac{C_{i}\alpha _{i}\kappa _{i}}{(m_{i}-\beta _{i})} ] ^{ \frac{\alpha _{i}}{\beta _{i}}}\). □
Remark 5
In Theorem 4, if \(n=1, \alpha _{i}=\alpha , \beta _{i}=1, \lambda _{i}=1\) with \(h(t)=g(t)=1\), then we get
Then we have
as stated in relation (12).
Theorem 5
Suppose that \(\alpha _{i}>\beta _{i}>0\), \(m_{i}>\beta _{i}\) for \(i=1,\ldots,n\) are real numbers such that \(\sum_{i}^{n}\beta _{i}=1\). Furthermore, assume that \(h_{i}(t)\), \(f_{i}(t)\), \(g_{i}(t)\) are nonnegative functions and \(h_{i}(t)\) is nondecreasing for \(i=1,\ldots,n\), and define
If there exist positive constants \(\kappa _{i}\) satisfying
There are many special cases that can be derived from Theorems 4 and 5. For instance, we can deduce inequality (9) from Theorem 5 by taking the time scale equals \(\mathbb{R}\), \(\vartheta _{i}(t)=1\) (this leads to \(\Theta _{i}(x)=x \)), \(h_{i}(x)=1/f_{i}(x)\), and replacing \(g_{i}(x)\) by \(g_{i}(x)/x \).
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Not applicable.
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Hamiaz, A., Abuelela, W., Saker, S.H. et al. Some new dynamic inequalities with several functions of Hardy type on time scales. J Inequal Appl 2021, 3 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13660-020-02530-6
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s13660-020-02530-6