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Extraction new results of common fixed point theorems for \(({T}, {\alpha }_{{s}}, {F})\)-contraction of six mappings in a tripled b-metric space with an application of integral equations


The aim of this work is to usher in tripled b-metric spaces, triple weakly \(\alpha _{s}\)-admissible, triangular partially triple weakly \(\alpha _{s}\)-admissible and their properties for the first time. Also, we prove some theorems about coincidence and common fixed point for six self-mappings. On the other hand, we present a new model, talk over an application of our results to establish the existence of common solution of the system of Volterra-type integral equations in a triple b-metric space. Also, we give some example to illustrate our theorems in the section of main results. Finally, we show an application of primary results.

1 Introduction and preliminaries

The Banach contraction principle plays a central part in metric fixed point theory, and a great number of researchers revealed many fruitful generalizations of this resolution in diverse ways. In 1989, Bakhtin investigated the concept of b-metric space [1]. However, Czerwik initiated the study of fixed point of self-mappings in a b-metric space and proved an analogue of Banach’s fixed point theorem [2]. Since then, numerous research articles have been published comprising fixed point theorems for several classes of single-valued and multi-valued operators in b-metric spaces (for example, consider [36]). In 2012, the concept of F-contraction, which is one of these generalizations, was introduced by Wardowski [7]. He presented that every F-contraction defined in a complete metric space has a unique fixed point. Subsequently, the subject of F-contraction proved to be a milestone in the fixed point theory, and numerous research papers on F-contraction have been published (for instance, see [4, 819]). In the same year, Samet et al. investigated the idea of (\(\alpha , \psi \))-contractive and α-admissible mappings and established some significant fixed point solutions for such a variety of functions defined on a complete metric space (for more details, see [20]). Some authors such as Salimi, Latif, Hussain et al. improved the concept of α-admissibility and proved some important (common) fixed point theorems as well (for more information, see [2124].

Recently, Cosentino and Vetro established a fixed point result for Hardy–Rogers-type F-contraction [25]. Also, Minak, Helvaci, and Altun presented a fixed point result for Ćirić-type generalized F-contraction [26]. In 2018, Nazam, Muhammad, and Postolache investigated some common fixed point results for four self-mappings satisfying such kind of contractions on the \(\alpha _{s}\)-complete b-metric space and applied their conclusion to infer several new and old results, based on the idea of Ćirić-type and Hardy–Rogers-type (\(\alpha _{s}, F \))-contractions [27].

In this study, motivated by [27] and among these achievements, we are working to stretch out the Ćirić-type and Hardy–Rogers-type (\(\alpha _{s}, F \))-contractions based on six self-mappings defined on a b-metric space. Also, some common fixed point results for six self-mappings satisfying such kind of contractions are shown in the (\(T, \alpha _{s}, F \))-complete tripled b-metric space. Consequently, we discuss an application of the main result to show the existence of common solution of the system of Volterra-type integral equations.

Let X be a nonempty set, \(\mathbb{R}^{+} =(0, \infty )\), \(\mathbb{R}_{0}^{+} = [ 0, \infty )\), and \(s >1\) be a real constant. Suppose that \(d_{b}\) maps \(X\times X\times X\) into \(\mathbb{R}_{0}^{+}\) somehow that for all x, y, z, and \(a_{i}\) with \(i\in \{1,2,3,4\}\) belong to X satisfying the following conditions [9]:

  • \(d_{b} ( x, y, z )=0\) if and only if \(x = y = z\).

  • \(d_{b} ( x, y, z )>0\) if and only if \(x\neq y\) or \(x\neq z\) or \(y\neq z\).

  • \(d_{b} ( x, y, z )= d_{b} ( x, z, y )= d_{b} ( z, y, x )= d_{b} ( y, x, z )= d_{b} ( z, x, y )= d_{b} ( y, z, x )\).

  • \(d_{b} ( x, x, y )= d_{b} ( x, y, y )\).

  • \(d_{b} ( x, x, y ) \leq d_{b} ( x, y, z )\), \(d_{b} ( x, x, z ) \leq d_{b} ( x, y, z )\), \(d_{b} ( y, y, z ) \leq d_{b} ( x, y, z )\).

  • \(d_{b} ( x, y, z ) \leq s [ d_{b} ( x, a_{1}, a_{2} ) + d_{b} ( y, a_{3}, a_{4} ) + d_{b} ( z, a_{2}, a_{3} )]\).

We say that (\(X, d_{b}, s \)) is a tripled b-metric space.

Example 1.1

Let \(X= \mathbb{R}_{0}^{+}\). We define \(d_{b}: X^{3} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}_{0}^{+}\) as follows:

$$ d_{b} ( x, y, z )=\max \bigl\{ \vert x-y \vert ^{2}, \vert x-z \vert ^{2}, \vert y-z \vert ^{2} \bigr\} . $$

Then (\(X, d_{b}, s \)) is a tripled b-metric space with \(s =2\).

We bring back into reader’s mind some definitions and properties of b-metric.

Definition 1.2

(see [2])

Let A be a nonempty set, and let \(s>1\) be a real number. A mapping \(d^{*}: A^{2} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}_{0}^{+}\) is said to be a b-metric if, for all a, b, and \(c\in A\), we have:

  • \(a = b\) if and only if \(d^{*} ( a, b )=0\);

  • \(d^{*} ( a, b )= d^{*} ( b, a )\);

  • \(d^{*} ( a, b ) \leq s [ d^{*} ( a, c ) + d^{*} ( c, b )]\).

In this case, the triple (\(A, d^{*}, s \)) is called a b-metric space (with coefficient s).

Remark 1.3

Definition 1.2 allows us to remark that b-metric space is effectually more general than metric space as a b-metric is a metric when \(s=1\). It is worth to mention that the b-metric structure produces some differences to the classical case of metric spaces: the b-metric on a nonempty set M need not be continuous, open balls in such spaces need not be open sets, and so on. The following example describes the significance of a b-metric.

For the notions like convergence, completeness, Cauchy sequence in the setting of b-metric spaces, the reader is referred to Aghajani et al. [28], Czerwik [2], Amini-Harandi [29], Huang et al. [3], Khamsi and Hussain [5]. In line with Wardowski [7], Cosentino et al. [30] investigated a nonlinear function \(F: \mathbb{R}^{+} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\) complying with the following axioms:

  • F is strictly increasing;

  • \(\lim_{r\rightarrow \infty } r_{n} =0\) if and only if \(\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } F ( r_{n} )= -\infty \);

  • \(\lim_{r\rightarrow \infty } r_{n} =0\) there exists \(a\in (0,1)\) such that \(\lim_{r_{n} \rightarrow 0^{+}} ( r_{n} )^{a} F ( r_{n} )=0\);

  • \(\tau +F ( s r_{n} ) \leq F ( r_{n- 1} )\) implies \(\tau +F ( s^{n} r_{n} ) \leq F ( s^{n- 1} r_{n- 1} )\) for each \(n\in \mathbb{N}\) and some \(\tau >0\)

for all sequence \(\{ r_{n} \}\) of positive numbers. We denote the set of all functions satisfying the conditions (\(F_{1}\)), (\(F_{2}\)), (\(F_{3}\)), and (\(F_{4}\)) by \(\mathcal{F}_{s}\).

Example 1.4

(see [30])

Let \(F: \mathbb{R}^{+} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\) be defined by \(F(r)=\ln r\) or \(F(r)=r+\ln r\). Then F satisfies in the conditions.

Theorem 1.5

(see [31])

Let (\(X,d\)) be a complete metric space and \(T:X\rightarrow X\) be a bijective (\(\xi ,\alpha ,\eta \))-expansive mapping of type B satisfying the following conditions:

  • \(T^{- 1}\) is α-admissible with respect to η;

  • There exists \(x_{0} \in X\) such that \(\alpha ( x_{0}, T^{- 1} x_{0} ) \geq \eta ( x_{0}, T^{- 1} x_{0} )\);

  • T is continuous.

Then T has a fixed point.

Definition 1.6

(see [32])

Let (\(X, p_{b} \)) be a partial b-metric space with the coefficient \(s\geq 1\). A mapping \(T:X\rightarrow X\) is said to be a generalized \(\alpha -\eta -\psi \)-Geraghty contractive type mapping if there exist \(\psi \in \Psi \), \(\alpha ,\eta :X\times X\rightarrow [ 0,\infty )\), and \(\beta \in \mathcal{F}\) such that

$$ \alpha ( x, y ) \geq \eta ( x, y ) \quad \text{implies}\quad \psi \bigl( s p_{b} ( Tx, Ty )\bigr) \leq \beta \bigl( \psi \bigl( M_{s}^{T} ( x, y )\bigr)\bigr) \psi \bigl( M_{s}^{T} ( x, y )\bigr) $$

for all \(x, y\in X\), where

$$ M_{s}^{T} ( x, y )=\max \biggl\{ p_{b} ( x, y ), p_{b} ( x, Tx ), p_{b} ( y, Ty ), \frac{p_{b} ( x, Ty ) + p_{b} ( y, Tx )}{2 s} \biggr\} . $$

Theorem 1.7

(see [32])

Let (\(X, p_{b} \)) be a \(p_{b}\)-complete partial b-metric space with the coefficient \(s\geq 1\). Let \(T:X\rightarrow X\) be a generalized \(\alpha -\eta -\psi \)-Geraghty contractive type mapping. Suppose that the following conditions hold:

  • T is a triangular α-orbital admissible mapping with respect to η;

  • There exists \(x_{1} \in X\) such that \(\alpha ( x_{1}, T x_{1} ) \geq \eta ( x_{1}, T x_{1} )\);

  • \(\{ x_{n} \}\) is α-regular with respect to η.

Then T has a fixed point.

Example 1.8

(see [32])

Let \(X=[0,\infty )\) and with the partial b-metric \(p_{b}:X\times X\rightarrow [0,\infty )\) defined by \(p_{b} (x,y)=\max \{x,y \}^{2}\) for all \(x,y\in X\). Obviously, (\(X, p_{b} \)) is a partial b-metric space with \(s=2\). Define the mapping \(T:X\rightarrow X\) given by

$$ Tx = \textstyle\begin{cases} \frac{x}{9} & \text{if } x\in [0,1];\\ \ln x+ 3 & \text{if } x\in (1, \infty ). \end{cases} $$

Define \(\psi :[0, \infty ) \rightarrow [0, \infty )\) and \(\beta :[0, \infty ) \rightarrow [0,1)\) by \(\psi ( t )= t\) and

$$ \beta ( t )= \textstyle\begin{cases} \frac{e^{-t}}{1 +t} & \text{if } x\in (0, \infty );\\ \frac{1}{2} & \text{if } t =0. \end{cases} $$

Let \(\alpha , \eta : X\times X\rightarrow [0, \infty )\) be defined by

$$ \alpha ( x, y )= \textstyle\begin{cases} 6 & \text{if } x\in [0,1];\\ 0 & \text{if } x\in (1, \infty ), \end{cases} $$


$$ \eta ( x, y )= \textstyle\begin{cases} 2 & \text{if } x\in [0,1];\\ 1 & \text{if } x\in (1, \infty ). \end{cases} $$

Let \(\alpha ( x, Tx ) \geq \eta ( x, Tx )\). Thus \(x, Tx\in [0,1]\) and so \(T^{2} x = T ( Tx ) \in [0,1]\), which implies that \(\alpha ( Tx, T^{2} x ) \geq \eta ( Tx, T^{2} x )\), that is, T is α-orbital admissible with respect to η. Now, let \(\alpha ( x, y ) \geq \eta ( x, y )\) and \(\alpha ( y, Ty ) \geq \eta ( y, Ty )\), we get that \(x, y, Ty\in [0,1]\) and so \(\alpha ( x, Ty ) \geq \eta ( x, Ty )\). Therefore T is triangular α-orbital admissible with respect to η. Let \(\{ x_{n} \}\) be a sequence such that \(\{ x_{n} \}\) is \(p_{b}\)-convergent to z and \(\alpha ( x_{n}, x_{n+ 1} ) \geq \eta ( x_{n}, x_{n+ 1} )\) for all \(n\in \mathbb{N}\). Then \(\{ x_{n} \} \subseteq [0,1]\) for any \(n\in \mathbb{N}\) and so \(z\in [ 0,1 ]\), from which we have \(\alpha ( x_{n}, z ) \geq \eta ( x_{n}, z )\). That is, \(\{ x_{n} \}\) is α-regular with respect to η. The condition (ii) of Theorem 1.7 is satisfied with \(x_{1} =1 \in X\) since (\(\alpha (1, T 1)=2 \geq 2= \eta (1, T 1)\). We next prove that T is a generalized α-η-ψ-Geraghty contraction type mapping. Let \(x, y\in X\) with \(\alpha ( x, y ) \geq \eta ( x, y )\). Thus \(x, y\in [0,1]\). Without loss of generality, we may assume that \(0 \leq y\leq x\leq 1\). Therefore

$$ p_{b} ( Tx, Ty )= \biggl[ \max \biggl\{ \frac{x}{9}, \frac{y}{9} \biggr\} \biggr]^{2} = \frac{x^{2}}{81} $$


$$ M_{s}^{T} ( x, y )=\max \biggl\{ x^{2}, x^{2}, y^{2}, \frac{x^{2} + [ \max \{ y, \frac{x}{9} \} ]^{2}}{4} \biggr\} = x^{2}. $$

Since \(\frac{2}{81} \leq \frac{1}{2 e} \leq \frac{e^{- x^{2}}}{1 + x^{2}}\), we obtain that

$$\begin{aligned} \psi \bigl( s p_{b} ( Tx, Ty )\bigr)&= \psi \biggl(2 \frac{x^{2}}{81} \biggr)= \frac{2 x^{2}}{81} \leq \frac{e^{- x^{2}}}{1 + x^{2}} \cdot x^{2} \\ &\leq \beta \bigl( \psi \bigl( x^{2} \bigr)\bigr) \psi \bigl( x^{2} \bigr) \\ &\leq \beta \bigl( \psi \bigl( M_{s}^{T} ( x, y )\bigr) \bigr) \psi \bigl( M_{s}^{T} ( x, y )\bigr). \end{aligned}$$

Thus T is a generalized α-η-ψ-Geraghty contraction type mapping. Hence all the assumptions in Theorem 1.7 are satisfied and thus T has a fixed point which is \(x =0\).

Definition 1.9

(see [27])

Let (\(M, d^{*},s\)) be a b-metric space, \(S:M\rightarrow M\) and \(\alpha _{s}:M\times M\rightarrow \mathbb{R}_{0}^{+}\) be two mappings. The mapping S is said to be \(\alpha _{s}\)-admissible if

$$ \alpha _{s} ( r_{1}, r_{2} ) \geq s^{2} \Rightarrow \alpha _{s} \bigl( S ( r_{1} ), S ( r_{2} )\bigr) \geq s^{2} \quad \text{for all } r_{1}, r_{2} \in M. $$

Theorem 1.10

(see [27])

Let M be a nonempty set and \(\alpha _{s}\) be as defined in Definition 1.9. Let f, g, S, T be \(\alpha _{s} -b\)-continuous self-mappings defined on an \(\alpha _{s} \)-complete b-metric space (\(M, d^{*},s\)) such that \(f(M)\subseteq T(M)\), \(g(M)\subseteq S(M)\). Suppose that, for all \(( r_{1}, r_{2} )\in \gamma _{f,g, \alpha _{s}}\), there exist \(F\in \mathcal{F}_{s}\) and \(\tau >0\) such that

$$ \tau +F \bigl( s d^{*} \bigl( f ( r_{1} ), g ( r_{2} )\bigr)\bigr) \leq F \bigl( \mathcal{M}_{1} ( r_{1}, r_{2} )\bigr). $$

Assume that the pairs (\(f, S \)), (\(g, T \)) are \(\alpha _{s}\)-compatible and the pairs (\(f, g \)) and (\(g, f \)) are triangular partially weakly \(\alpha _{s}\)-admissible with respect to T and S, respectively. Then the pairs (\(f, S \)), (\(g, T \)) have the coincidence point (say) v in M. Moreover, if \(\alpha _{s} ( Sv, Tv ) \geq s^{2}\), then v is a common fixed point of f, g, S, T.

Remark 1.11

(see [27])

If we suppose that \(\alpha _{s} (v,w)\geq s^{2}\) for each pair of common fixed point of f, g, S, T, then v is unique. Indeed, if w is another fixed point of f, g, S, T and assuming on the contrary that \(d^{*} (fv,gw)>0\), then from (1.2) we have

$$ F \bigl( s d^{*} ( v, w )\bigr)= F \bigl( s d^{*} \bigl( S ( v ), T ( w )\bigr)\bigr) \leq F \bigl( \mathcal{M}_{1} ( v, w )\bigr) -\tau , $$


$$ \begin{aligned} \mathcal{M}_{1} ( v, w )&=\max \biggl\{ d^{*} \bigl( S ( v ), T ( w )\bigr), d^{*} \bigl( f ( v ), S ( v )\bigr),\\ &\quad d^{*} \bigl( g ( w ), T ( w )\bigr) \frac{d^{*} ( S ( v ), g ( w )) + d^{*} ( f ( v ), T ( w ))}{2 s} \biggr\} . \end{aligned} $$

Thus, by (1.3), we have

$$ F \bigl( s d^{*} ( v, w )\bigr)< F \bigl( d^{*} ( v, w ) \bigr), $$

which is a contradiction. Hence, \(v = w\) and v is a unique common fixed point of self-mappings f, g, S, T.

Theorem 1.12

(see [27])

Let f, g, S, T be self-mappings defined on an \(\alpha _{s}\)-regular and \(\alpha _{s}\)-complete metric space (\(M, d^{*},s\)) such that \(f(M)\subseteq T(M)\), \(g(M)\subseteq S(M)\), and \(T(M)\) and \(S(M)\) are closed subsets of M. Suppose that, for all \(( r_{1}, r_{2} )\in \gamma _{f,g, \alpha _{s}}\), there exist \(F\in \mathcal{F}_{s}\) and \(\tau >0\) such that

$$ \tau +F ( s d^{*} \bigl( f ( r_{1} ), g ( r_{2} ) \bigr) \leq F \bigl( \mathcal{M}_{1} ( r_{1}, r_{2} )\bigr). $$

Assume that the pairs (\(f, S \)), (\(g, T \)) are weakly compatible and the pairs (\(f, g \)) and (\(g, f \)) are triangular partially weakly \(\alpha _{s}\)-admissible with respect to T and S, respectively. Then the pairs (\(f, S \)), (\(g, T \)) have the coincidence point v in M. Moreover, if \(\alpha _{s} ( Sv, Tv ) \geq s^{2}\), then v is a coincidence point of f, g, S, T.

Theorem 1.13

(see [27])

Let f, g, S, T be \(\alpha _{s}\)-continuous self-mappings defined on an \(\alpha _{s}\)-complete b-metric space (\(M, d^{*},s\)) such that \(f(M)\subseteq T(M)\), \(g(M)\subseteq S(M)\). Suppose that, for all \(( r_{1}, r_{2} )\in \gamma _{f,g, \alpha _{s}}\), there exist \(F\in \mathcal{F}_{s}\) and \(\tau >0\) such that

$$ \tau +F ( s d^{*} \bigl( f ( r_{1} ), g ( r_{2} ) \bigr) \leq F \bigl( \mathcal{M}_{i} ( r_{1}, r_{2} )\bigr) $$

holds for one of \(i =2,3,4,5,6\), where

$$\begin{aligned} \mathcal{M}_{2} ( r_{1}, r_{2} )&= a_{1} d^{*} \bigl( S ( r_{1} ), T ( r_{2} )\bigr) + a_{2} d^{*} \bigl( f ( r_{1} ), S ( r_{1} )\bigr) + a_{3} d^{*} \bigl( g ( r_{2} ), T ( r_{2} )\bigr) \\ &\quad {}+ a_{4} \bigl[ d^{*} \bigl( S ( r_{1} ), g ( r_{2} )\bigr) + d^{*} \bigl( f ( r_{1} ), T ( r_{2} )\bigr)\bigr] \end{aligned}$$

with \(a_{i} \geq 0\), \(i =1,2,3,4\), such that \(a_{1} + a_{2} + a_{3} + 2 s a_{4} =1\);

$$ \mathcal{M}_{3} ( r_{1}, r_{2} )= a_{1} d^{*} \bigl( S ( r_{1} ), T ( r_{2} )\bigr) + a_{2} d^{*} \bigl( f ( r_{1} ), S ( r_{1} )\bigr) + a_{3} d^{*} \bigl( g ( r_{2} ), T ( r_{2} )\bigr), $$

with \(a_{1} + a_{2} + a_{3} =1\);

$$\begin{aligned}& \mathcal{M}_{4} ( r_{1}, r_{2} )= k \max \bigl\{ d^{*} \bigl( f ( r_{1} ), S ( r_{1} )\bigr), d^{*} \bigl( g ( r_{2} ), T ( r_{2} )\bigr)\bigr\} \quad \textit{with } k\in [0,1); \\& \begin{aligned} \mathcal{M}_{5} ( r_{1}, r_{2} )&= a_{1} ( r_{1}, r_{2} ) d^{*} \bigl( S ( r_{1} ), T ( r_{2} )\bigr) + a_{2} ( r_{1}, r_{2} ) d^{*} \bigl( f ( r_{1} ), S ( r_{1} )\bigr)\\ &\quad {} + a_{3} ( r_{1}, r_{2} ) d^{*} \bigl( g ( r_{2} ), T ( r_{2} )\bigr) \\ &\quad {}+ a_{4} ( r_{1}, r_{2} )\bigl[ d^{*} \bigl( S ( r_{1} ), g ( r_{2} )\bigr)) + d^{*} \bigl( f ( r_{1} ), T ( r_{2} )\bigr)\bigr] \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

with \(a_{i} ( r_{1}, r_{2} )\), \(i =1,2,3,4\) are nonnegative functions such that

$$\begin{aligned}& \sup_{r_{1}, r_{2} \in M} \bigl\{ a_{1} ( r_{1}, r_{2} ) + a_{2} ( r_{1}, r_{2} ) + a_{3} ( r_{1}, r_{2} ) + 2 s a_{4} ( r_{1}, r_{2} )\bigr\} =1; \\& \begin{aligned} \mathcal{M}_{6} ( r_{1}, r_{2} )&= a_{1} d^{*} \bigl( S ( r_{1} ), T ( r_{2} )\bigr) + \frac{a_{2} + a_{3}}{2} \bigl[ d^{*} \bigl( f ( r_{1} ), S ( r_{1} )\bigr) + d^{*} \bigl( g ( r_{2} ), T ( r_{2} )\bigr)\bigr] \\ &\quad {}+ \frac{a_{4} + a_{5}}{2 s} \bigl[ d^{*} \bigl( S ( r_{1} ), g ( r_{2} )\bigr) + d^{*} \bigl( f ( r_{1} ), T ( r_{2} )\bigr)\bigr] \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

with \(a_{1} + a_{2} + a_{3} + a_{4} + a_{5} =1\).

Assume that the pairs (\(f, S \)), (\(g, T \)) are \(\alpha _{s}\)-compatible and the pairs (\(f, g \)) and (\(g, f \)) are triangular partially weakly \(\alpha _{s}\)-admissible pairs of mappings with respect to T and S, respectively. Then the pairs (\(f, S \)), (\(g, T \)) have the coincidence point v in M. Moreover, if \(\alpha _{s} ( Sv, Tv ) \geq s^{2}\), then v is a common point of f, g, S, T.

2 Main results

In this section, first we introduce some definitions in a tripled b-metric space (\(X, d_{b} \)) and present several examples.

Definition 2.1

Let (\(X, d_{b},s\)) be a tripled b-metric space, \(T:X\rightarrow X\) and \(\alpha _{s}: X^{3} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}_{0}^{+}\) be two mappings. The mapping T is said to be \(\alpha _{s}\)-admissible if \(\alpha _{s} ( x,y,z ) \geq s^{2}\), then \(\alpha _{s} (Tx,Ty,Tz)\geq s^{2}\) for all \(x,y,z\in X\).

Definition 2.2

Let (\(X, d_{b},s\)) be a tripled b-metric space, \(T:X\rightarrow X\) and \(\alpha _{s}: X^{3} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}_{0}^{+}\) be two mappings. The mapping T is said to be triangular \(\alpha _{s}\)-admissible if

  • \(\alpha _{s} ( x, y, z ) \geq s^{2}\) implies that \(\alpha _{s} ( Tx, Ty, Tz ) \geq s^{2}\) for all \(x, y, z\in X\);

  • \(\alpha _{s} ( x, y, z ) \geq s^{2}\) and \(\alpha _{s} ( y, z, w ) \geq s^{2}\) imply \(\alpha _{s} ( x, z, w ) \geq s^{2}\)for all \(x, y, z, w\in X\).

Definition 2.3

Let (\(X, d_{b},s\)) be a tripled b-metric space, \(f,g,h:X\rightarrow X\) and \(\alpha _{s}: X^{3} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}_{0}^{+}\) be four mappings. The tripled (\(f,g,h\)) is said to be

  • triple weakly \(\alpha _{s}\)-admissible if \(\alpha _{s} ( f ( x ), gf ( x ), hgf ( x )) \geq s^{2}\), \(\alpha _{s} ( g ( x ), hg ( x ), fhg ( x )) \geq s^{2}\), and \(\alpha _{s} ( h ( x ), fh ( x ), gfh ( x )) \geq s^{2}\) for all \(x\in X\);

  • partially weakly \(\alpha _{s}\)-admissible if \(\alpha _{s} ( f ( x ), gf ( x ), hgf ( x )) \geq s^{2}\) for all \(x\in X\).

Definition 2.4

Let (\(X, d_{b},s\)) be a tripled b-metric space and \(f,g,h,\phi :X\rightarrow X\) be four mappings such that \(f(X)\cup g(X)\cup h(X)\subseteq \phi (X)\). The triple of mappings (\(f,g,h\)) is said to be

  • triple weakly \(\alpha _{s}\)-admissible with respect to ϕ if and only if \(\alpha _{s} ( f ( x ), g ( y ), h ( z )) \geq s^{2}\) for all \(x\in X\), for all \(y\in \phi ^{- 1} gf ( x )\), for all \(z\in \phi ^{- 1} hgf ( x )\) and \(\alpha _{s} ( h ( x ), g ( y ), f ( z )) \geq s^{2}\) for all \(x\in X\), for all \(y\in \phi ^{- 1} gh ( x )\), for all \(z\in \phi ^{- 1} fgh ( x )\) and \(\alpha _{s} ( g ( x ), f ( y ), h ( z )) \geq s^{2}\) for all \(x\in X\), for all \(y\in \phi ^{- 1} fg ( x )\), for all \(z\in \phi ^{- 1} hfg ( x )\);

  • partially triple weakly \(\alpha _{s}\)-admissible with respect to ϕ if and only if

    $$ \alpha _{s} \bigl( f ( x ), g ( y ), h ( z )\bigr) \geq s^{2} $$

    for all \(x\in X\), \(y\in \phi ^{- 1} gf ( x )\), and \(z\in \phi ^{- 1} hgf ( x )\).

Definition 2.5

Let (\(X, d_{b},s\)) be a tripled b-metric space and \(f,g,h,\phi :X\rightarrow X\) be four mappings such that \(f(X)\cup g(X)\cup h(X)\subseteq \phi (X)\). The triple of mappings (\(f,g,h\)) is said to be triangular triple weakly \(\alpha _{s}\)-admissible with respect to ϕ if

  • \(\alpha _{s} ( h ( x ), g ( y ), f ( z )) \geq s^{2}\) for all \(x\in X\), for all \(y\in \phi ^{- 1} gf ( x )\), \(z\in \phi ^{- 1} hgf ( x )\), and

    $$ \alpha _{s} \bigl( h ( x ), g ( y ), f ( z )\bigr) \geq s^{2} $$

    for all \(x\in X\), for all \(y\in \phi ^{- 1} gh ( x )\), for all \(z\in \phi ^{- 1} fgh ( x )\), and \(\alpha _{s} ( g ( x ), f ( y ), h ( z )) \geq s^{2}\) for all \(x\in X\), for all \(y\in \phi ^{- 1} fg ( x )\), for all \(z\in \phi ^{- 1} hfg ( x )\);

  • \(\alpha _{s} ( x, y, z ) \geq s^{2}\) and \(\alpha _{s} ( y, z, w ) \geq s^{2}\) imply \(\alpha _{s} ( x, z, w ) \geq s^{2}\) for all \(x, y, z, w\in X\).

Example 2.6

Let \(X= \mathbb{R}_{0}^{+}\) and

$$ d_{b} ( x, y, z )=\max \bigl\{ \vert x-y \vert ^{2}, \vert x-z \vert ^{2}, \vert y-z \vert ^{2} \bigr\} $$

for all \(x, y, z\in X\). Then (\(X, d_{b}, s \)) is a tripled b-metric with \(s =2\). We define \(f ( x )= x\), \(g ( x )= x^{\frac{1}{2}}\), \(h ( x )= x^{\frac{1}{4}}\), and \(S ( x )= x^{4}\) if \(x\in [0,1)\) and \(f ( x )= g ( x )= h ( x )= S ( x )=1\), whenever \(x\in [1, \infty )\) and \(\alpha _{s}: X^{3} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}_{0}^{+}\) as follows:

$$ \alpha ( x, y, z )= \textstyle\begin{cases} \max \{ 4 +y-x,4 +z-x,4 +z-x \} , & x, y, z\in [0,1),\\ 0, & \text{otherwise}. \end{cases} $$

Then, for all \(x\in [0,1)\), \(y\in S^{- 1} ( g ( f ( x )))\), \(z\in S^{- 1} ( h ( g ( x )))\), we have \(y = x^{\frac{1}{8}}\), \(z = x^{\frac{1}{32}}\),

$$ \alpha _{s} \bigl( x, g \bigl( x^{\frac{1}{8}} \bigr), h \bigl( x^{\frac{1}{32}} \bigr) \bigr) = \alpha _{s} \bigl( x, x^{\frac{1}{16}}, x^{\frac{1}{32 \times 4}} \bigr) \geq s^{2}. $$

Thus the triple of mappings (\(f, g, h \)) is triangular weakly \(\alpha _{s}\)-admissible with respect to S. Indeed, if \(\alpha _{s} ( x, y, z ) \geq s^{2}\) and \(\alpha _{s} ( y, z, w ) \geq s^{2}\), then \(\alpha _{s} ( x, z, w ) \geq s^{2}\). Since \(y-x\geq 0\) or \(z-x\geq 0\) or \(z-y\geq 0\) and \(z-y\geq 0\) or \(w-z\geq 0\) or \(w-y\geq 0\). Thus \(w-x\geq 0\) or \(w-z\geq 0\) or \(z-x\geq 0\).

Definition 2.7

Let \(f,g,h,\phi :X\rightarrow X\) be four self-mappings defined on a tripled b-metric space such that \(f(X)\cup g(X)\cup h(X)\subseteq \phi (X)\). The triple of mappings (\(f,g,h\)) is said to be triangular triple partially weakly \(\alpha _{s}\)-admissiblewith respect to ϕ if

  • \(\alpha _{s} ( f ( x ), g ( y ), h ( z ) ) \geq s^{2}\) for all \(x\in X\), \(y\in \phi ^{- 1} ( g ( f ( x )))\), \(z\in \phi ^{- 1} ( hg ( f ( x )))\),

  • \(\alpha _{s} ( x, y, z ) \geq s^{2}\), \(\alpha _{s} ( y, z, w ) \geq s^{2}\) imply \(\alpha _{s} ( x, z, w ) \geq s^{2}\) for all \(x, y, z\in X\).

Definition 2.8

Let (\(X, d_{b},s\)) be a tripled b-metric space. The tripled b-metric space X is said to be \(\alpha _{s}\)-complete if and only if every Cauchy sequence \(\{ x_{n} \}\) in X such that \(\alpha _{s} ( x_{n}, x_{n+1}, x_{n+2} ) \geq s^{2}\) for all \(n \in \mathbb{N}\) converges in X. That is,

$$ \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } d_{b} ( x_{n}, x, x )= \lim _{n\rightarrow \infty } d_{b} ( x_{n}, x_{n}, x )=0. $$

If X is a complete tripled metric space, then X is also an \(\alpha _{s}\)-complete tripled metric space, but the converse is not true. The following example explains this fact.

Example 2.9

Let \(X= \mathbb{R}^{+}\) and \(d_{b}: X^{3} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}_{0}^{+}\) be the tripled b-metric. Define \(\alpha _{s}: X^{3} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}_{0}^{+}\),

$$ \alpha ( x, y, z )= \textstyle\begin{cases} 4\max \{ e^{| x-y | }, e^{| y-z | }, e^{| x-z | } \} , & x, y, z\in [0, \frac{5}{2} ),\\ 0, & \text{otherwise}. \end{cases} $$

It is easy to see that (\(X, d_{b}, S \)) in not a complete tripled b-metric space, but (\(X, d_{b}, s \)) is an \(\alpha _{s}\)-complete tripled b-metric.

Definition 2.10

Let (\(X, d_{b},s\)) be a tripled b-metric space. We say that the self-mapping T is an \(\alpha _{s}\)-continuous mapping on (\(X, d_{b},s\)) if, for given \(x\in X\) and sequence \(\{ x_{n} \}\),

$$ \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } d_{b} ( x_{n}, x, x )= \lim _{n\rightarrow \infty } d_{b} ( x_{n}, x_{n}, x )=0, $$

and \(\alpha ( x_{n}, x_{n+ 1}, x_{n+ 2} ) \geq s^{2}\) for all \(n\in \mathbb{N}\) implies

$$ \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } d_{b} ( T x_{n}, Tx, Tx )= \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } d_{b} ( T x_{n}, T x_{n}, Tx )=0. $$

Example 2.11

Let \(X= \mathbb{R}_{0}^{+}\) and \(d_{b}: X^{3} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}_{0}^{+}\) for all \(x,y,z\in X\), define by \(d_{b} (x,y,z)=\max \{ | x-y | ^{2},| x-z | ^{2},| y-z | ^{2} \} \) and

$$\begin{aligned}& T ( x )= \textstyle\begin{cases} \sin \pi x, & x\in [0,1],\\ \cos \pi x+ 2, & x\in (1, \infty ), \end{cases}\displaystyle \\& \alpha _{s} ( x, y, z )= \textstyle\begin{cases} x^{2} + y^{2} + 4, & x, y, z\in [0,1],\\ 0, & \text{otherwise}. \end{cases}\displaystyle \end{aligned}$$

Then T is not continuous on X; however, T is \(\alpha _{s}\)-continuous.

Definition 2.12

Let (\(X, d_{b},s\)) be a tripled b-metric space. The pairs of self-mappings (\(f,g\)), (\(g,h\)), and (\(f,h\)) are said to be \(\alpha _{s}\)-compatible if

$$\begin{aligned}& \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } d_{b} \bigl( gh ( x_{n} ), hg ( x_{n} ), g ( x_{n} ) \bigr) =0, \\& \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } d_{b} \bigl( fg ( x_{n} ), gf ( x_{n} ), f ( x_{n} ) \bigr) =0, \\& \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } d_{b} \bigl( hf ( x_{n} ), fh ( x_{n} ), h ( x_{n} ) \bigr) =0, \end{aligned}$$

or \(\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } d_{b} ( gh ( x_{n} ), hg ( x_{n} ), h ( x_{n} ) ) =0\) or \(\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } d_{b} ( fg ( x_{n} ), gf ( x_{n} ), g ( x_{n} ) ) =0\) or

$$ \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } d_{b} \bigl( hf ( x_{n} ), fh ( x_{n} ), f ( x_{n} ) \bigr) =0, $$

whenever \(\{ x_{n} \}\) is a sequence in X such that \(\alpha ( x_{n}, x_{n+ 1}, x_{n+ 1} ) \geq s^{2}\), and

$$ \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } f ( x_{n} )= \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } g ( x_{n} )= \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } h ( x_{n} )= t $$

for some \(t\in X\).

Example 2.13

Let \(X=[1,\infty )\) and \(d_{b}:X\times X\times X\rightarrow \mathbb{R}_{0}^{+}\) be defined by

$$ d_{b} ( x, y, z )=\max \bigl\{ \vert x-y \vert ^{2}, \vert x-z \vert ^{2}, \vert y-z \vert ^{2} \bigr\} $$

for all \(x, y, z\in X\), then (\(X, d_{b}, s =2\)) is a tripled b-metric space. Define \(f ( x )=4\), \(g ( x )=16 - 3 x\) if \(x\in [1,4]\) and \(f ( x )=8\) and \(g ( x )=9\) whenever \(x\in (4, \infty )\) and

$$ \alpha ( x, y, z )= \textstyle\begin{cases} 6, & x, y, z\in [1,4],\\ 0, & \text{otherwise}. \end{cases} $$

Let us consider \(\{ x_{n} \}\) to be a sequence such that \(\alpha ( x_{n}, x_{n+ 1}, x_{n+ 2} ) \geq s^{2}\), and let

$$ \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } f ( x_{n} )= \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } g ( x ), $$

then \(x_{n} =4\). It is clear that \(\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } f ( x_{n} )= \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } g ( x )=4\). We obtain that

$$\begin{aligned} \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } d_{b} \bigl( fg ( x_{n} ), gf ( x_{n} ), f ( x_{n} )\bigr)&= \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } d_{b} \bigl( fg ( x_{n} ), gf ( x_{n} ), g ( x_{n} )\bigr) \\ &= d_{b} (4,4,4)=0. \end{aligned}$$

Hence (\(f, g \)) is an \(\alpha _{s}\)-compatible pair. Now, if we consider \(x_{n} =4 - \frac{1}{n}\), then

$$ \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } f ( x_{n} )= \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } g ( x_{n} )=4. $$

But \(\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } gf ( x_{n} )=4\),

$$ \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } fg ( x_{n} )= \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } f \biggl(16 - 3\biggl(4 - \frac{1}{n} \biggr)\biggr)= \lim _{n\rightarrow \infty } f \biggl(4 + \frac{3}{n} \biggr)=8, $$

and \(\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } d_{b} ( fg ( x_{n} ), gf ( x_{n} ), f x_{n} ) \neq 0\). Consequently, (\(f, g \)) is not compatible.

Definition 2.14

Let \(f,g\), and T be self-mappings defined on a nonempty set X. If \(f(x)=g(x)=T(x)\) for some \(x\in X\), then x is called a coincidence point of \(f,g\), and T. Three self-mappings \(f,g\), and T defined on X are said to be weakly compatible if \(\{f,g\}\), \(\{g,T\}\), and \(\{f,T\}\) commute at their coincidence points.

Definition 2.15

Let (\(X, d_{b},s\)) be a tripled b-metric space. The space (\(X, d_{b},s\)) is said to be \(\alpha _{s}\)-regular if, for any sequence \(\{ x_{n} \}\) in X, the following condition holds: if \(x_{n} \rightarrow x\) as \(n\rightarrow \infty \) and \(\alpha _{s} ( x_{n}, x_{n+1}, x_{n+2} )\geq s^{2}\) for all \(n \in \mathbb{N}\), then \(\alpha _{s} ( x_{n},x,x)\geq s^{2}\) and \(\alpha _{s} ( x_{n}, s_{n},x)\geq s^{2}\) for all \(n \in \mathbb{N}\).

Now, we are ready to prove our results.

Lemma 2.16

Let (\(X, d_{b},s\)) be a tripled b-metric space. If there exist three sequence \(\{ x_{n} \}\), \(\{ y_{n} \}\), and \(\{ z_{n} \}\) such that \(\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } d_{b} ( x_{n}, y_{n}, z_{n} )=0\) and \(\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } x_{n} = \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } y_{n} =t\) for some \(t\in X\), then \(\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } z_{n} =t\).


By the triangle inequality, we have

$$ d_{b} ( z_{n}, t, t ) \leq s \bigl[ d_{b} ( z_{n}, x_{n}, y_{n} ) + d_{b} ( t, t, t ) + d_{b} ( t, y_{n}, t ) \bigr]. $$

By taking limit as \(n\rightarrow \infty \), the result follows. □

Definition 2.17

Let (\(X, d_{b},s\)) be a tripled b-metric space, \(f,g,h, S_{1}, S_{2}, S_{3}:X\rightarrow X\) be self-mappings, and \(\alpha _{s}\) be as defined in Definition 2.1. We define the set \(\lambda _{f,g,h, \alpha _{s}}\) by

$$ \begin{aligned}[b] \lambda _{f, g, h, \alpha _{s}} & = \bigl\{ ( \alpha , \beta , \gamma ) \in X^{3}: \alpha _{s} \bigl( S_{1} ( \alpha ), S_{2} ( \beta ), S_{3} ( \gamma )\bigr) \geq s^{2}, \\ & \quad \text{and } d_{b} \bigl( f ( \alpha ), g ( \beta ), h ( \gamma )\bigr)>0 \bigr\} . \end{aligned} $$


$$ \begin{aligned}[b] & M ( \alpha , \beta , \gamma ) \\ &\quad =\max \biggl\{ d_{b} \bigl( S_{1} ( \alpha ), S_{2} ( \beta ), S_{3} ( \gamma ) \bigr), d_{b} \bigl( f ( \alpha ), S_{2} ( \alpha ), S_{3} ( \alpha ) \bigr), \\ &\qquad d_{b} \bigl( g ( \beta ), S_{1} ( \beta ), S_{3} ( \beta ) \bigr), d_{b} \bigl( h ( \gamma ), S_{1} ( \gamma ), S_{2} ( \gamma ) \bigr), \\ &\qquad \frac{d_{b} ( S_{1} ( \alpha ), g ( \beta ), h ( \gamma ) ) + d_{b} ( f ( \alpha ), S_{2} ( \beta ), h ( \gamma ) ) + d_{b} ( S_{3} ( \gamma ), g ( \beta ), f ( \alpha ) )}{3 s} \biggr\} . \end{aligned} $$

The following theorem is one of our main results.

Theorem 2.18

Let X be a nonempty set and \(\alpha _{s}\) be as defined in Definition 2.1. Let f, g, h, \(S_{1}\), \(S_{2}\), \(S_{3}\) be \(\alpha _{s} - b\)-continuous self-mappings defined an \(\alpha _{s}\)-complete tripled b-metric space (\(X, d_{b},s\)) such that \(f(X)\subseteq S_{1} (X)\), \(g(X)\subseteq S_{2} (X)\), and \(h(X)\subseteq S_{3} (X)\). Suppose that, for all \((x,y,z)\in \lambda _{f,g,h, \alpha _{s}}\), there exist \(F\in \mathcal{F}_{s}\) and \(r>0\) such that

$$ r+F \bigl( s d_{b} \bigl( f ( x ), g ( y ), h ( z )\bigr)\bigr) \leq F \bigl( M ( x, y, z )\bigr). $$

Assume that the pairs (\(f, S_{1} \)), (\(g, S_{2} \)), and (\(h, S_{3} \)) are \(\alpha _{s}\)-compatible and the triples (\(f, g, h \)), \(( g, f, h )\), and (\(h, g, f \)) are triangular partially weakly \(\alpha _{s}\)-admissible with respect to \(S_{1}\), \(S_{2}\), and \(S_{3}\), respectively. Then the pairs (\(f, S_{1} \)), \(( g, S_{2} )\), and (\(h, S_{3} \)) have the coincidence fixed point say v in X. Moreover, if \(\alpha _{s} ( S_{1} ( v ), S_{2} ( v ), S_{3} ( v )) \geq s^{2}\), then v is a common fixed point of f, g, h, \(S_{1}\), \(S_{2}\), \(S_{3}\).


Let \(x_{0} \in X\) be an arbitrary point. As \(f ( X ) \subseteq S_{1} ( X )\), there exists \(x_{1} \in X\) such that \(f ( x_{0} )= S_{1} ( x_{1} )\). Since \(g ( x_{1} ) \in S_{2} ( X )\), we can choose \(x_{2} \in X\) such that \(g ( x_{1} )= S_{2} ( x_{2} )\). Since \(h ( x_{2} ) \in S_{3} ( X )\), there exists \(x_{3} \in X\) such that \(h ( x_{2} )= S_{3} ( x_{3} )\). In general, \(x_{2 n}\), \(x_{2 n+ 1}\), and \(x_{2 n+ 2}\) are chosen in X such that \(f ( x_{2 n} )= S_{1} ( x_{2 n+ 1} )\), \(g ( x_{2 n+ 1} )= S_{2} ( x_{2 n+ 2} )\), and \(h ( x_{2 n+ 2} )= S_{3} ( x_{2 n+ 3} )\). Define a sequence \(\{ J_{n} \} \in X\) such that, for all \(n\in \mathbb{N}\), \(J_{2 n+ 1} = f ( x_{2 n} )= S_{1} ( x_{2 n+ 1} )\), \(J_{2 n+ 2} = g ( x_{2 n+ 1} )= S_{2} ( x_{2 n+ 2} )\), and \(J_{2 n+ 2} = h ( x_{2 n+ 2} )= S_{3} ( x_{2 n+ 3} )\). As \(x_{1} \in S_{1}^{- 1} ( f ( x_{0} ))\), \(x_{2} \in S_{2}^{- 1} ( g ( x_{1} ))\), \(x_{3} \in S_{3}^{- 1} ( h ( x_{2} ))\), and (\(f, g, h \)), (\(h, g, f \)), and (\(g, f, h \)) are triangular partially weakly \(\alpha _{s}\)-admissible triples of mappings with respect to \(S_{1}\), \(S_{2}\), and \(S_{3}\), respectively, we have

$$\begin{aligned}& \alpha _{s} \bigl( f ( x_{0} ), g ( x_{1} ), h ( x_{2} ) \bigr) = \alpha _{s} \bigl( S_{1} ( x_{1} ), S_{2} ( x_{2} ), S_{3} ( x_{3} ) \bigr) \geq s^{2}, \\& \alpha _{s} \bigl( h ( x_{2} ), g ( x_{1} ), f ( x_{0} ) \bigr) = \alpha _{s} \bigl( S_{3} ( x_{3} ), S_{2} ( x_{2} ), S_{1} ( x_{1} ) \bigr) \geq s^{2}, \end{aligned}$$


$$ \alpha _{s} \bigl( g ( x_{1} ), f ( x_{0} ), h ( x_{2} ) \bigr) = \alpha _{s} \bigl( S_{2} ( x_{2} ), S_{1} ( x_{1} ), S_{3} ( x_{3} ) \bigr) \geq s^{2}. $$

Continuing this way, we obtain

$$\begin{aligned}& \alpha _{s} \bigl( S_{1} ( x_{2 n+ 1} ), S_{2} ( x_{2 n+ 2} ), S_{3} ( x_{2 n+ 3} ) \bigr) \geq s^{2}, \\& \alpha _{s} \bigl( S_{3} ( x_{2 n+ 3} ), S_{2} ( x_{2 n+ 2} ), S_{1} ( x_{2 n+ 1} ) \bigr) \geq s^{2}, \end{aligned}$$

and \(\alpha _{s} ( S_{2} ( x_{2 n+ 2} ), S_{1} ( x_{2 n+ 1} ), S_{3} ( x_{2 n+ 3} ) ) \geq s^{2}\). Thus, we have

$$\begin{aligned}& \alpha _{s} ( J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 2}, J_{2 n+ 3} ) \geq s^{2}, \\& \alpha _{s} ( J_{2 n+ 3}, J_{2 n+ 2}, J_{2 n+ 1} ) \geq s^{2}, \end{aligned}$$

and \(\alpha _{s} ( J_{2 n+ 2}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 3} ) \geq s^{2}\) for all \(n\in \mathbb{N}\). At present, we prove that

$$ \lim_{l\rightarrow \infty } d_{b} ( J_{l}, J_{l+ 1}, J_{l+ 2} ) =0. $$

Set \(d_{l} = d_{b} ( J_{l}, J_{l+ 1}, J_{l+ 2} )\). Suppose that \(d_{l_{0}} =0\) for some \(l_{0}\). Then \(J_{l_{0}} = J_{l_{0} + 1}\). If \(l_{0} =2 n\), then \(J_{2 n} = J_{2 n+ 1}\) gives \(J_{2 n+ 1} = J_{2 n+ 2}\). Indeed, by contractive condition (2.3), we get

$$\begin{aligned} F \bigl( s d_{b} ( J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 2}, J_{2 n+ 3} ) \bigr) &= F \bigl( s d_{b} \bigl( f ( x_{2 n} ), g ( x_{2 n+ 1} ), h ( x_{2 n+ 2} ) \bigr) \bigr) \\ &\leq F \bigl( M ( x_{2 n}, x_{2 n+ 1}, x_{2 n+ 2} ) \bigr) -r \end{aligned}$$

for all \(n\in \mathbb{N} \cup \{0\}\), where

$$\begin{aligned} M ( x_{2 n}, x_{2 n+ 1}, x_{2 n+ 2} ) &=\max \biggl\{ d_{b} \bigl( S_{1} ( x_{2 n} ), S_{2} ( x_{2 n+ 1} ), S_{3} ( x_{2 n+ 2} ) \bigr), \\ &\quad d_{b} \bigl( f ( x_{2 n} ), S_{2} ( x_{2 n} ), S_{3} ( x_{2 n} ) \bigr), \\ &\quad d_{b} \bigl( g ( x_{2 n+ 1} ), S_{1} ( x_{2 n+ 1} ), S_{3} ( x_{2 n+ 1} ) \bigr), \\ &\quad d_{b} \bigl( h ( x_{2 n+ 2} ), S_{1} ( x_{2 n+ 2} ), S_{2} ( x_{2 n+ 2} ) \bigr), \\ &\quad \frac{1}{3 s} \bigl[ d_{b} \bigl( S_{1} ( x_{2 n} ), g ( x_{2 n+ 1} ), h ( x_{2 n+ 2} ) \bigr) \\ &\quad {}+ d_{b} \bigl( f ( x_{2 n} ), S_{2} ( x_{2 n+ 1} ), h ( x_{2 n+ 2} ) \bigr) \\ &\quad {}+ d_{b} \bigl( S_{3} ( x_{2 n+ 2} ), g ( x_{2 n+ 1} ), f ( x_{2 n} ) \bigr) \bigr]\biggr\} \\ &=\max \biggl\{ d_{b} ( J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 2} ), d_{b} ( J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n}, J_{2 n- 1} ), \\ &\quad d_{b} ( J_{2 n+ 2}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n} ), d_{b} ( J_{2 n+ 2}, J_{2 n+ 2}, J_{2 n+ 2} ), \\ &\quad \frac{1}{3 s} \bigl[ d_{b} ( J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 2}, J_{2 n+ 2} ) + d_{b} ( J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 2} ) \\ &\quad {}+ d_{b} ( J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 2}, J_{2 n+ 1} ) \bigr]\biggr\} . \end{aligned}$$


$$ \begin{aligned} M ( x_{2 n}, x_{2 n+ 1}, x_{2 n+ 2} ) & = \max \biggl\{ d_{b} ( J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 1} ), d_{b} ( J_{2 n- 1}, J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1} ), \\ &\quad d_{b} ( J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 2} ), \\ &\quad \frac{1}{3 s} \bigl[ d_{b} ( J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 2}, J_{2 n+ 2} ) + d_{b} ( J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 2} ) \\ &\quad{}+ d_{b} ( J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 2} ) \bigr]\biggr\} \\ & \leq \max \bigl\{ d_{b} ( J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 2} ), d_{b} ( J_{2 n- 1}, J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1} ), \\ &\quad d_{b} ( J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 2} ), d_{b} ( J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 2} ) \bigr\} \\ & =\max \bigl\{ d_{b} ( J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 2} ), d_{b} ( J_{2 n- 1}, J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1} ) \bigr\} . \end{aligned} $$

Since \(d_{b} ( J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 2} ) =0\), therefore \(M ( x_{2 n}, x_{2 n+ 1}, x_{2 n+ 2} ) = d_{b} ( J_{2 n- 1}, J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1} )\). Then

$$ F \bigl( s d_{b} ( J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 2}, J_{2 n+ 3} ) \bigr) = F \bigl( d_{b} ( J_{2 n- 1}, J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1} ) \bigr) -r. $$

By (\(F_{1} \)), we have

$$ s d_{b} ( J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 2}, J_{2 n+ 3} ) \leq d_{b} ( J_{2 n- 1}, J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1} ) -r. $$

Let \(l =2 n\), then we have \(s d_{b} ( J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 2} ) \leq d_{b} ( J_{2 n- 2}, J_{2 n- 1}, J_{2 n} ) -r\). Thus, for all n,

$$ d_{b} ( J_{n}, J_{n+ 1}, J_{n+ 2} ) \leq \frac{1}{s} d_{b} ( J_{n- 1}, J_{n}, J_{n+ 1} ). $$

That is, a sequence \(\{ d_{b} ( J_{n}, J_{n+ 1}, J_{n+ 2} ) \} \) is nonincreasing and \(d_{b} ( J_{n}, J_{n+ 1}, J_{n+ 2} ) \rightarrow 0\) as \(n\rightarrow \infty \). Hence \(\lim_{l\rightarrow \infty } d_{b} ( J_{l}, J_{l+ 1}, J_{l+ 2} ) =0\) holds true. Now, suppose that \(d_{l} = d_{b} ( J_{l}, J_{l+ 1}, J_{l+ 2} ) >0\) for each \(l\in \mathbb{N}\). We claim that \(\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } d_{b} ( J_{n}, J_{n+ 1}, J_{n+ 2} ) = -\infty \). Let \(l =2 n\). As

$$\alpha _{s} \bigl( S_{1} ( x_{2 n} ), S_{2} ( x_{2 n+ 1} ), S_{3} ( x_{2 n+ 2} ) \bigr) \geq s^{2}, $$

\(d_{b} ( f ( x_{2 n} ), g ( x_{2 n} ), h ( x_{2 n+ 1} ) ) >0\), so \(( x_{2 n- 1}, x_{2 n}, x_{2 n+ 1} ) \in \lambda _{f, g, h, \alpha _{s}}\), by (2.3), we obtain

$$ F \bigl( s d_{b} ( J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 2} ) \bigr) \leq F \bigl( d_{b} ( J_{2 n- 1}, J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1} ) \bigr) -r $$

for all \(n\in \mathbb{N}\). Similarly, for \(\mathcal{l} =2 n- 1\),

$$ F \bigl( s d_{b} ( J_{2 n- 1}, J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1} ) \bigr) \leq F \bigl( d_{b} ( J_{2 n- 2}, J_{2 n- 1}, J_{2 n} ) \bigr) -r $$

for all \(n\in \mathbb{N}\). Hence, by (2.4) and (2.5), we have

$$ F \bigl( s d_{b} ( J_{n}, J_{n+ 1}, J_{n+ 2} ) \bigr) \leq F \bigl( d_{b} ( J_{n- 1}, J_{n}, J_{n+ 1} ) \bigr) -r $$

for all \(n\in \mathbb{N}\). Let \(a_{n} = d_{b} ( J_{n}, J_{n+ 1}, J_{n+ 2} )\) for each \(n\in \mathbb{N}\). By (2.6) and property (\(F_{4}\)), we have \(r+F ( s^{n} a_{n} ) \leq F ( s^{n- 1} a_{n- 1} )\) for all \(n\in \mathbb{N}\). Continuing this process, we obtain

$$ F \bigl( s^{n} a_{n} \bigr) \leq F ( a_{n} ) -nr $$

for all \(n\in \mathbb{N}\). On taking limit \(n\rightarrow \infty \) in (2.7), we have \(\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } F ( s^{n} a_{n} )= -\infty \). By property (\(F_{2}\)), we get \(\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } s^{n} a_{n} =0\) and (\(F_{2}\)) implies that there exists \(k\in (0,1)\) such that \(\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } ( s^{n} a_{n} )^{k} F ( s^{n} a_{n} )=0\). By (2.7), for all \(n\in \mathbb{N}\), we obtain

$$ \bigl( s^{n} a_{n} \bigr)^{k} F \bigl( s^{n} a_{n} \bigr) - \bigl( s^{n} a_{n} \bigr)^{k} F ( a_{0} ) \leq - \bigl( s^{n} a_{n} \bigr)^{k} nr\leq 0. $$

On taking limit \(n\rightarrow \infty \) in (2.8), we have \(\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } n ( s^{n} a_{n} )^{k} =0\). This implies there exists \(n_{1} \in \mathbb{N}\) such that \(n ( s^{n} a_{n} )^{k} \leq 1\) for all \(n\geq n_{1}\), or \(s^{n} a_{n} \leq \frac{1}{n^{\frac{1}{k}}}\) for all \(n\geq n_{1}\). To prove \(\{ J_{n} \}\) is a Cauchy sequence, by the triangular inequality, we have

$$\begin{aligned} d_{b} ( x_{n}, x_{m}, x_{m} ) &\leq s \bigl[ d_{b} ( x_{n}, x_{n+ 1}, x_{n+ 2} ) + d_{b} ( x_{m}, x_{m}, x_{m} ), d_{b} ( x_{m}, x_{m+ 2}, x_{m} ) \bigr] \\ &= s d_{b} ( x_{n}, x_{n+ 1}, x_{n+ 2} ) +s d_{b} ( x_{n+ 2} ), x_{m}, x_{m} ) \\ &\leq s d_{b} ( x_{n}, x_{n+ 1}, x_{n+ 2} ) + s^{2} \bigl[ d_{b} ( x_{n+ 2}, x_{n+ 3}, x_{n+ 4} ) \\ &\quad {} + d_{b} ( x_{m}, x_{m}, x_{m} ) + d_{b} ( x_{m}, x_{n+ 3}, x_{n+ 1} ) \bigr] \\ &= s d_{b} ( x_{n}, x_{n+ 1}, x_{n+ 2} ) + s^{2} d_{b} ( x_{n+ 2}, x_{n+ 3}, x_{n+ 4} ) + s^{2} d_{b} ( x_{n+ 3}, x_{m}, x_{m} ) \\ &\leq s d_{b} ( x_{n}, x_{n+ 1}, x_{n+ 2} ) + s^{2} d_{b} ( x_{n+ 2}, x_{n+ 3}, x_{n+ 4} ) \\ &\quad{}+ s^{3} d_{b} ( x_{n+ 3}, x_{n+ 4}, x_{n+ 5} ) + s^{3} d_{b} ( x_{n+ 4}, x_{m}, x_{m} ). \end{aligned}$$

Take \(m = n+p\), (\(n, p\in \mathbb{N}\)), then we have

$$\begin{aligned} d_{b} ( x_{n}, x_{m}, x_{m} ) &\leq s d_{b} ( x_{n}, x_{n+ 1}, x_{n+ 2} ) + s^{2} d_{b} ( x_{n+ 2}, x_{n+ 3}, x_{n+ 4} ) \\ &\quad {}+ s^{3} d_{b} ( x_{n+ 3}, x_{n+ 4}, x_{n+ 5} ) +\cdots + s^{n- 1} d_{b} ( x_{n+p- 1}, x_{n+p}, x_{n+p} ) \\ &\leq \frac{s}{s^{n} n^{\frac{1}{k}}} + \frac{s^{2}}{s^{n+ 2} ( n+ 2 )^{\frac{1}{k}}} + \frac{s^{3}}{s^{n+ 3} ( n+ 3 )^{\frac{1}{k}}} \\ &\quad {}+\cdots + \frac{s^{p- 1}}{s^{n+P- 1} ( n+p- 1 )^{\frac{1}{k}}} \\ &= \frac{s^{1 -n}}{n^{\frac{1}{k}}} + \frac{s^{-n}}{( n+ 2 )^{\frac{1}{k}}} + \frac{s^{-n}}{( n+ 3 )^{\frac{1}{k}}} +\cdots + \frac{s^{-n}}{( n+p- 1 )^{\frac{1}{k}}} \\ &= \frac{s^{1 -n}}{n^{\frac{1}{k}}} + s^{-n} \sum_{i =2}^{p- 1} \frac{1}{( n+i )^{\frac{1}{k}}}. \end{aligned}$$

Since \(\sum_{i =2}^{p- 1} \frac{1}{( n+i )^{\frac{1}{k}}}\) is convergent and \(s^{-n} \rightarrow 0\) as \(n\rightarrow \infty \), thus we conclude that

$$ \lim_{n, m\rightarrow \infty } d_{b} ( x_{n}, x_{m}, x_{m} ) =0. $$

This implies that \(\{ J_{n} \}\) is a Cauchy sequence in the \(\alpha _{s}\)-complete tripled b-metric space X and

$$ \alpha _{s} ( J_{n}, J_{n+ 1}, J_{n+ 2} ) \geq s^{2}, $$

there exists \(v\in X\) such that

$$ \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } d_{b} ( J_{2 n+ 1}, v, v ) = \lim _{n\rightarrow \infty } d_{b} ( f x_{2 n}, v, v ) = \lim _{n\rightarrow \infty } d_{b} \bigl( S_{1} ( x_{2 n+ 1} ), v, v \bigr) =0. $$

Consequently, \(f ( x_{2 n} ) \rightarrow v\) and \(S_{1} ( x_{2 n+ 1} ) \rightarrow v\) as \(n\rightarrow \infty \). So

$$ \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } d_{b} ( J_{2 n+ 1}, v, v ) = \lim _{n\rightarrow \infty } d_{b} ( g x_{2 n}, v, v ) = \lim _{n\rightarrow \infty } d_{b} \bigl( S_{2} ( x_{2 n+ 1} ), v, v \bigr) =0. $$

Thus \(g ( x_{2 n} ) \rightarrow v\) and \(S_{2} ( x_{2 n+ 1} ) \rightarrow v\) as \(n\rightarrow \infty \). Again, we have

$$ \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } d_{b} ( J_{2 n}, v, v ) = \lim _{n\rightarrow \infty } d_{b} ( h x_{2 n}, v, v ) = \lim _{n\rightarrow \infty } d_{b} \bigl( S_{3} ( x_{2 n+ 1} ), v, v \bigr) =0. $$

Hence \(h ( x_{2 n} ) \rightarrow v\) and \(S_{3} ( x_{2 n+ 1} ) \rightarrow v\) as \(n\rightarrow \infty \). Now, since (\(f, S_{1} \)) is an \(\alpha _{s}\)-compatible pair and

$$ \alpha _{s} ( J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 2} ) \geq s^{2}. $$

Therefore, we have \(\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } d_{b} ( f S_{1} ( x_{2 n} ), S_{1} f ( x_{2 n} ), x_{2 n} ) =0\) and (\(g, S_{2} \)) is an \(\alpha _{s}\)-compatible pair and

$$ \alpha _{s} ( J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 2} ) \geq s^{2}. $$

We have \(\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } d_{b} ( g S_{2} ( x_{2 n} ), S_{2} g ( x_{2 n} ), x_{2 n} ) =0\) and (\(h, S_{3} \)) is an \(\alpha _{s}\)-compatible pair, we get

$$ \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } d_{b} \bigl( h S_{3} ( x_{2 n} ), S_{3} h ( x_{2 n} ), x_{2 n} \bigr) =0. $$

Since \(\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } d_{b} ( f ( x_{2 n} ), v, v ) =0\), \(\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } d_{b} ( S_{1} ( x_{2 n} ), v, v ) =0\), and f, \(S_{1}\) is \(\alpha _{s}\)-continuous. Thus \(\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } d_{b} ( S_{1} f ( x_{2 n} ), S_{1} v, S_{1} v ) =0\), \(\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } d_{b} ( f S_{1} ( x_{2 n} ), fv, fv ) =0\), and

$$ \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } d_{b} \bigl( g ( x_{2 n} ), v, v \bigr) =0, $$

so g, \(S_{2}\) is \(\alpha _{s}\)-continuous, we have \(\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } d_{b} ( S_{2} g ( x_{2 n} ), S_{2} v, S_{2} v ) =0\) and

$$ \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } d_{b} \bigl( g S_{2} ( x_{2 n} ), gv, gv \bigr) =0. $$

Again in this way, \(\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } d_{b} ( S_{3} h ( x_{2 n} ), S_{3} v, S_{3} v ) =0\) and \(\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } d_{b} ( h S_{3} g ( x_{2 n} ), hv, hv ) =0\). By the triangle inequality, we have

$$ \begin{aligned}[b] d_{b} \bigl( fv, S_{1} v, S_{1} ( x_{2 n} ) \bigr) & \leq s \bigl[ d_{b} \bigl( fv, fv, f S_{1} ( x_{2 n} ) \bigr) + d_{b} \bigl( S_{1} v, S_{1} f ( x_{2 n} ), S_{1} v \bigr) \\ &\quad {} + d_{b} \bigl( S_{1} x_{2 n}, f S_{1} x_{2 n}, S_{1} f ( x_{2 n} ) \bigr) \bigr]. \end{aligned} $$

Applying limit as \(n\rightarrow \infty \), we obtain \(d_{b} ( fv, S_{1} v, v ) \leq 0\), which yields that \(fv = S_{1} v = v\). Thus v is a coincidence and common fixed point of f, \(S_{1}\). Arguing in a similar manner, we can prove that \(gv = S_{2} v = v\) and \(hv = S_{1} v = v\). Thus \(fv = gv = hv = S_{1} v = S_{2} v = S_{3} v = v\) and v is a common fixed point of f, g, h, \(S_{1}\), \(S_{2}\), and \(S_{3}\). □

Remark 2.19

If we suppose that \(\alpha _{s} ( v,w,w ) \geq s^{2}\) for each pair of common fixed points of f, g, h, \(S_{1}\), \(S_{2}\), and \(S_{3}\), then v is unique. Indeed, if w is another fixed point of f, g, h, \(S_{1}\), \(S_{2}\), and \(S_{3}\) and assuming on contrary \(d_{b} ( fv,gw,hw ) >0\), then from (2.3) we have

$$ F \bigl( d_{b} ( v, w, w ) \bigr) = F \bigl( s d_{b} \bigl( S_{1} ( v ), S_{2} ( w ), S_{3} ( w ) \bigr) \bigr) \leq F \bigl( M ( v, w, w ) \bigr) -r, $$


$$ \begin{aligned} M ( v, w, w ) & =\max \biggl\{ d_{b} \bigl( S_{1} ( v ), S_{2} ( w ), S_{3} ( w ) \bigr), d_{b} \bigl( f ( v ), S_{2} ( v ), S_{3} ( v ) \bigr), \\ &\quad d_{b} \bigl( g ( w ), S_{1} ( w ), S_{3} ( w ) \bigr), d_{b} \bigl( h ( w ), S_{1} ( w ), S_{2} ( w ) \bigr), \\ &\quad \frac{1}{3 s} \bigl[ d_{b} \bigl( S_{1} ( v ), g ( w ), h ( w ) \bigr) \\ &\quad {} + d_{b} \bigl( f ( v ), S_{2} ( w ), h ( w ) \bigr) + d_{b} \bigl( S_{3} ( w ), g ( w ), f ( v ) \bigr) \bigr]\biggr\} \\ & =\max \biggl\{ d_{b} ( v, w, w ), d_{b} ( v, v, v ), d_{b} ( w, w, w ), d_{b} ( w, w, w ), \\ &\quad \frac{1}{3 s} \bigl[ d_{b} ( v, w, w ), d_{b} ( v, w, w ) + d_{b} ( w, w, v ) \bigr]\biggr\} . \end{aligned} $$

Thus, by (2.10), we have \(F ( s d_{b} ( v, w, w ) ) \leq F ( d_{b} ( v, w, w ) ) -r < F ( d_{b} ( v, w, w ) )\), which is a contradiction. Hence \(v = w\) and v is a unique common fixed point of self-mappings f, g, h, \(S_{1}\), \(S_{2}\), and \(S_{3}\).

The following example elucidates Theorem 2.18.

Example 2.20

Let \(X= \mathbb{R}_{0}^{+}\) and \(d_{b}:X\times X\times X\rightarrow \mathbb{R}_{0}^{+}\) be defined by

$$ d_{b} ( x, y, z )=\max \bigl\{ \vert x-y \vert ^{2}, \vert x-z \vert ^{2}, \vert y-z \vert ^{2} \bigr\} $$

for all \(x, y, z\in X\). Define \(\alpha _{s}: X\times X\times X\rightarrow \mathbb{R}_{0}^{+}\) by

$$ \alpha _{s} ( x, y, z )= \textstyle\begin{cases} 4\max \{ e^{x-y}, e^{x-z}, e^{y-z} \} , & x\geq y\geq z,\\ 4\max \{ e^{y-x}, e^{z-x}, e^{z-y} \} , & x\leq y\leq z . \end{cases} $$

So (\(S, d_{b}, s \)) is an \(\alpha _{s}\)-complete tripled b-metric with \(s =2\). Define the mappings f, g, h, \(S_{1}\), \(S_{2}\), and \(S_{3}: X\rightarrow X\) for all \(x\in X\) by

$$ \begin{gathered} f ( x ) =\ln \biggl( 1 + \frac{x}{5} \biggr), \\ g ( x ) =\ln \biggl( 1 + \frac{x}{6} \biggr), \\ h ( x ) =\ln \biggl( 1 + \frac{x}{7} \biggr), \end{gathered} $$

\(S_{1} ( x )= e^{6 x} - 1\), \(S_{2} ( x )= e^{7 x} - 1\), and \(S_{3} ( x )= e^{8 x} - 1\). Clearly, f, g, h, \(S_{1}\), \(S_{2}\), and \(S_{3}\) are \(\alpha _{s}\)-continuous self-mappings complying with \(f ( X )= g ( X )= h ( X )= S_{1} ( X )= S_{2} ( X )= S_{3} ( X )\). We note that the pair (\(f, S_{1} \)) is \(\alpha _{s}\)-compatible. Indeed, let \(\{ x_{n} \}\) be a sequence in X satisfying \(\alpha _{s} ( x_{n}, x_{n+ 1}, x_{n+ 2} ) \geq s^{2}\) and

$$ \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } f ( x_{n} )= \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } \ln \biggl( 1 + \frac{x_{n}}{5} \biggr) = \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } S_{1} ( x_{n} )= t $$

for some \(t\in X\). Then \(\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } | f ( x_{n} ) -t | ^{2} = \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } | S_{1} ( x_{n} ) -t | ^{2} =0\), equivalently

$$ \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } \biggl\vert \ln \biggl( 1 + \frac{x_{n}}{5} \biggr) -t \biggr\vert ^{2} = \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } \bigl\vert e^{6 x_{n}} - 1 -t \bigr\vert ^{2} =0 $$


$$ \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } \bigl\vert x_{n} - \bigl(5 e^{t} - 5\bigr) \bigr\vert ^{2} = \lim _{n\rightarrow \infty } \biggl\vert x_{n} - \frac{\ln ( t+ 1)}{6} \biggr\vert ^{2} =0. $$

Uniqueness of limit gives that \(5 e^{t} - 5= \frac{\ln ( t+ 1)}{6}\), thus \(t =0\) is only possible solution. Due to \(alph a_{s}\)-continuity of f and \(S_{1}\), for \(t =0 \in X\), we have

$$\begin{aligned}& \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } d_{b} \bigl( f S_{1} ( x_{n} ), S_{1} f ( x_{n} ), f ( x_{n} ) \bigr)\\& \quad =\max \Bigl\{ \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } \bigl\vert f S_{1} ( x_{n} ) - S_{1} f ( x_{n} ) \bigr\vert ^{2}, \\& \qquad \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } \bigl\vert S_{1} f ( x_{n} ) -f ( x_{n} ) \bigr\vert ^{2}, \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty } \bigl\vert f S_{1} ( x_{n} ) -f ( x_{n} ) \bigr\vert ^{2} \Bigr\} \\& \quad =\max \bigl\{ \bigl\vert f ( t ) - S_{1} ( t ) \bigr\vert ^{2}, \bigl\vert S_{1} ( t ) -t \bigr\vert ^{2}, \bigl\vert f ( t ) -t \bigr\vert ^{2} \bigr\} \\& \quad =0. \end{aligned}$$

Similarly, the pair (\(g, S_{2} \)) and (\(h, S_{3} \)) is \(\alpha _{s}\)-compatible. To prove that (\(f, g, h \)) is a partially weakly \(\alpha _{s}\)-admissible triple of mappings with respect to \(S_{!}\), let \(x\in X\) and \(y\in S_{1}^{- 1} ( g ( f ( x )))\), that is, \(S_{1} ( y )= g ( f ( x ))\) and

$$ e^{6 y} - 1= g \biggl( \ln \biggl( 1 + \frac{x}{5} \biggr) \biggr) =\ln \biggl( 1 + \frac{\ln ( 1 + \frac{x}{5} )}{6} \biggr). $$

Thus \(y = \frac{1}{6} \ln ( 1 + \ln ( 1 + \frac{\ln ( 1 + \frac{x}{5} )}{6} ) )\). We have

$$ f ( x )=\ln \biggl( 1 + \frac{x}{5} \biggr) \geq g ( y )=\ln \biggl( 1 + \frac{y}{6} \biggr) =\ln \biggl( 1 + \frac{1}{36} \ln \biggl( 1 + \ln \biggl( 1 + \frac{\ln ( 1 + \frac{x}{5} )}{6} \biggr) \biggr) \biggr). $$

We have \(z\in S_{1}^{- 1} ( hg ( f ( x )) )\), that is, \(S_{1} ( z )= hg ( f ( x ))\), \(S_{1} ( z )= h ( S_{1} ( y ))\), \(e^{z} - 1=\ln ( 1 + \frac{S_{1} ( y )}{7} )\),

$$ e^{6 z} - 1=\ln \biggl( 1 + \frac{1}{7} \ln \biggl( 1 + \frac{\ln ( 1 + \frac{x}{5} )}{6} \biggr) \biggr), $$


$$ z = \frac{1}{6} \ln \biggl( 1 + \ln \biggl( 1 + \frac{1}{7} \ln \biggl( \frac{\ln ( 1 + \frac{x}{5} )}{5} \biggr) \biggr) \biggr). $$

We conclude that

$$\begin{aligned} g ( y )&=\ln \biggl( 1 + \frac{y}{6} \biggr) =\ln \biggl( 1 + \frac{1}{42} \ln \biggl( 1 + \ln \biggl( 1 + \frac{\ln ( 1 + \frac{x}{5} )}{6} \biggr) \biggr) \biggr) \\ &\geq h ( z )=\ln \biggl( 1 + \frac{z}{7} \biggr) \\ &=\ln \biggl( 1 + \frac{1}{42} \ln \biggl( 1 + \ln \biggl( 1 + \frac{1}{7} \ln \biggl( 1 + \frac{\ln ( 1 + \frac{x}{5} )}{6} \biggr) \biggr) \biggr) \biggr). \end{aligned}$$

Thus \(\alpha _{s} ( f ( x ), g ( y ), h ( z ) ) =4\max \{ e^{x-y}, e^{x-z}, e^{y-z} \} \geq s^{2}\). In this process, we can prove that (\(g, f, h \)) is a partially weakly \(\alpha _{s}\)-admissible triple of mappings with respect to \(S_{2}\) and (\(h, g, f \)) is a partially weakly \(\alpha _{s}\)-admissible triple of mappings with respect \(S_{1}\). Now, for each \(x, y, z\in X\), consider

$$\begin{aligned}& d_{b} \bigl( f ( x ), g ( y ), h ( z ) \bigr) =\max \bigl\{ \bigl\vert f ( x ) -g ( y ) \bigr\vert ^{2}, \bigl\vert g ( y ) -h ( z ) \bigr\vert ^{2}, \bigl\vert f ( x ) -h ( z ) \bigr\vert ^{2} \bigr\} , \\& \begin{aligned} \bigl\vert f ( x ) -g ( y ) \bigr\vert ^{2} &= \biggl\vert \ln \biggl( 1 + \frac{x}{5} \biggr) - \ln \biggl( 1 + \frac{y}{6} \biggr) \biggr\vert ^{2} \\ &\leq \biggl( \frac{x}{5} - \frac{y}{6} \biggr)^{2} \\ &= \frac{1}{900} ( 6 x- 5 y )^{2} \\ &\leq \frac{1}{900} \bigl( e^{6 x} - e^{5 y} \bigr)^{2}, \end{aligned} \\& \begin{aligned} \bigl\vert g ( y ) -h ( z ) \bigr\vert ^{2} &= \biggl\vert \ln \biggl( 1 + \frac{y}{6} \biggr) - \ln \biggl( 1 + \frac{z}{7} \biggr) \biggr\vert ^{2} \\ &\leq \biggl( \frac{y}{6} - \frac{z}{7} \biggr)^{2} \\ &= \frac{1}{1764} ( 7 y- 6 z )^{2} \\ &\leq \frac{1}{1764} \bigl( e^{7 y} - e^{6 z} \bigr)^{2}, \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} \bigl\vert f ( x ) -h ( z ) \bigr\vert ^{2} &= \biggl\vert \ln \biggl( 1 + \frac{x}{5} \biggr) - \ln \biggl( 1 + \frac{z}{7} \biggr) \biggr\vert ^{2} \\ &\leq \biggl( \frac{x}{5} - \frac{z}{7} \biggr)^{2} \\ &= \frac{1}{1225} ( 7 x- 5 z )^{2} \\ &\leq \frac{1}{1225} \bigl( e^{7 x} - e^{5 z} \bigr)^{2}. \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} d_{b} \bigl( f ( x ), g ( y ), h ( z ) \bigr) &\leq \frac{1}{900} \max \bigl\{ \bigl( e^{6 x} - e^{5 y} \bigr)^{2}, \bigl( e^{7 y} - e^{6 z} \bigr)^{2}, \bigl( e^{7 x} - e^{5 z} \bigr)^{2} \bigr\} \\ &= \frac{1}{900} d_{b} \bigl( S_{1} ( x ), S_{2} ( y ), S_{3} ( z ) \bigr). \end{aligned}$$

Define the function \(F: \mathbb{R}^{+} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\) by \(F ( x )=\ln x\) for all \(x\in \mathbb{R}^{+}\). Hence, for all \(x, y, z\in X\) such that \(d_{b} ( f ( x ), g ( y ), h ( z ) ) >0\), \(r =\ln (900)\), we obtain

$$ r+F \bigl( d_{b} \bigl( f ( x ), g ( y ), h ( z ) \bigr) \bigr) \leq F \bigl( M ( x, y, z ) \bigr). $$

Thus the contractive condition (2.3) is satisfied for all \(x, y, z\in X\). Hence, all the hypotheses of Theorem 2.18 are satisfied. Note that f, g, h, \(S_{1}\), \(S_{2}\), and \(S_{3}\) have a unique common fixed point \(x =0\).

We have obtained some results from Theorem 2.18, which we express in order.

Corollary 2.21

Let X be a nonempty set and \(\alpha _{s}:X\times X\times X\rightarrow \mathbb{R}_{0}^{+}\) be a function. Let (\(X, d_{b},s\)) be an \(\alpha _{s}\)-complete tripled metric space and f, g, h, \(S_{1}\), \(S_{2}\), and \(S_{3}\) be \(\alpha _{s}\)-continuous self-mappings on (\(X, d_{b},s\)) such that for all \((x,y,z)\in \lambda _{f,g,h, \alpha _{s}}\) the inequality

$$ s d_{b} \bigl( f ( x ), g ( y ), h ( z ) \bigr) \leq kM ( x, y, z ) $$

holds. Assume that the pairs (\(f, S_{1} \)), \(( g, S_{2} )\), and (\(h, S_{3} \)) are \(\alpha _{s}\)-compatible and the triples of mappings (\(f, g, h \)), (\(g, f, h \)), and (\(h, g, f \)) are triangular partially weakly \(\alpha _{s}\)-admissible with respect to \(S_{1}\), \(S_{2}\), and \(S_{3}\), respectively. Then the pairs (\(f, S_{1} \)), (\(g, S_{2} \)), and (\(h, S_{3} \)) have the coincidence point v in X. Moreover, if \(\alpha _{s} ( S_{1} v, S_{2} v, S_{3} v ) \geq s^{2}\), then v is a common fixed point of f, g, h, \(S_{1}\), \(S_{2}\), and \(S_{3}\).


For all \(( x, y, z ) \in \lambda _{f, g, h, \alpha _{s}}\), we have \(s d_{b} ( f ( x ), g ( y ), h ( z ) ) \leq kM ( x, y, z )\). It follows that \(r+ \ln ( d_{b} ( f ( x ), g ( y ), h ( z ) ) ) \leq \ln ( M ( x, y, z ) )\), where \(r =\ln ( \frac{s}{k} )>0\). Then the contraction condition (2.11) reduces to (2.3) with \(F ( x )=\ln x\), and the application of Theorem 2.18 ensures the existence of a fixed point. □

If we set \(S = S_{1} = S_{2} = S_{3}\) in Theorem 2.18, we obtain the following corollaries.

Corollary 2.22

Let \(f,g,h\), and S be self-mappings defined on an \(\alpha _{s}\)-complete tripled metric space (\(X, d_{b},s\)) such that \(f(X)\cup g(X)\cup h(X)\subseteq S(X)\) with \(\alpha _{s}\)-continuous. Suppose that, for all \(x,y,z\in X\) with \(\alpha _{s} (Tx,Ty,Tz)\geq s^{2}\), there exist \(F\in \mathcal{F}_{s}\) and \(r>0\) such that \(d_{b} ( f(x),g(y),h(z) ) >0\), then

$$ r+F \bigl( s d_{b} \bigl( f ( x ), g ( y ), h ( z ) \bigr) \bigr) \leq F \bigl( M ( x, y, z ) \bigr), $$


$$\begin{aligned} M ( x, y, z ) &=\max \biggl\{ d_{b} \bigl( S ( x ), S ( y ), S ( z ) \bigr), d_{b} \bigl( f ( x ), S ( x ), S ( x ) \bigr), \\ &\quad d_{b} \bigl( g ( y ), S ( y ), S ( y ) \bigr), d_{b} \bigl( h ( z ), S ( z ), S ( z ) \bigr), \\ &\quad \frac{1}{3 s} \bigl[ d_{b} \bigl( S ( x ), g ( y ), h ( z ) \bigr) + d_{b} \bigl( f ( x ), S ( y ), h ( z ) \bigr) \\ &\quad {}+ d_{b} \bigl( S ( z ), g ( y ), f ( x ) \bigr) \bigr]\biggr\} . \end{aligned}$$

Assume that either the pair (\(f, S \)) is \(\alpha _{s}\)-compatible and f is \(\alpha _{s}\)-continuous or (\(g, S \)) is \(\alpha _{s}\)-compatible and g is \(\alpha _{s}\)-continuous, or (\(h, S \)) is \(\alpha _{s}\)-compatible and h is \(\alpha _{s}\)-continuous. Then the pairs (\(f, S \)), \(( g, S )\), and (\(h, S \)) have the coincidence point v in X provided that the triple of mappings (\(f, g, h \)) is triangular weakly \(\alpha _{s}\)-admissible with respect to S. Moreover, if \(\alpha _{s} ( Sv, Sv, Sv ) \geq s^{2}\), then v is a common fixed point of f, g, h, and S.

If we set \(S_{1} = S_{2} = S_{3}\) and \(f = g = h\) in Theorem 2.18, we obtain the following corollary.

Corollary 2.23

Let f and S be \(\alpha _{s}\)-continuous self-mappings defined on an \(\alpha _{s}\)-complete tripled metric space (\(X, d_{b},s\)) such that \(f(X)\subseteq S(X)\). Suppose that, for all \(x,y,z\in X\) with \(\alpha _{s} (Sx,Sy,Sz)\geq s^{2}\), there exist \(F\in \mathcal{F}_{s}\) and \(r>0\) such that \(d_{b} ( f(x),f(y),f(z) ) >0\), then

$$ r+F \bigl( s d_{b} \bigl( f ( x ), f ( y ), f ( z ) \bigr) \bigr) \leq F \bigl( M ( x, y, z ) \bigr), $$


$$\begin{aligned} M ( x, y, z ) &=\max \biggl\{ d_{b} \bigl( S ( x ), S ( y ), S ( z ) \bigr), d_{b} \bigl( f ( x ), S ( x ), S ( x ) \bigr), \\ &\quad d_{b} \bigl( f ( y ), S ( y ), S ( y ) \bigr), d_{b} \bigl( f ( z ), S ( z ), S ( z ) \bigr), \\ &\quad \frac{1}{3 s} \bigl[ d_{b} \bigl( S ( x ), f ( y ), f ( z ) \bigr) + d_{b} \bigl( f ( x ), S ( y ), f ( z ) \bigr) \\ &\quad {}+ d_{b} \bigl( S ( z ), f ( y ), f ( x ) \bigr) \bigr]\biggr\} . \end{aligned}$$

Assume that the pair (\(f, S \)) is \(\alpha _{s}\)-compatible. Then the mappings f and S have the coincidence fixed point in X provided that fg is a triangular weakly \(\alpha _{s}\)-admissible mapping with respect to S. Moreover, if \(\alpha _{s} ( Sv, Sv, Sv ) \geq s^{2}\), then f, S has a common point v.

Corollary 2.24

Let \(f,g,h\), and S be self-mappings defined on an \(\alpha _{s}\)-regular and \(\alpha _{s}\)-complete tripled metric space (\(X, d_{b},s\)) such that \(f(X),g(X),h(X)\subseteq S(X)\), and \(S(X)\) is a closed subset of X. Suppose that, for all \(x,y,z\in X\) with \(\alpha _{s} (Sx,Sy,Sz)\geq s^{2}\), there exist \(F\in \mathcal{F}_{s}\), and \(r>0\) such that \(d_{b} ( f(x),g(y),h(z) ) >0\), then \(r+F ( s d_{b} ( f(x),g(y),h(z) ) ) \leq F ( M(x,y,z) )\), where

$$\begin{aligned} M ( x, y, z ) &=\max \biggl\{ d_{b} \bigl( S ( x ), S ( y ), S ( z ) \bigr), d_{b} \bigl( f ( x ), S ( x ), S ( x ) \bigr), \\ &\quad d_{b} \bigl( g ( y ), S ( y ), S ( y ) \bigr), d_{b} \bigl( h ( z ), S ( z ), S ( z ) \bigr), \\ &\quad \frac{1}{3 s} \bigl[ d_{b} \bigl( S ( x ), g ( y ), h ( z ) \bigr) + d_{b} \bigl( f ( x ), S ( y ), h ( z ) \bigr) \\ &\quad {}+ d_{b} \bigl( S ( z ), g ( y ), f ( x ) \bigr) \bigr]\biggr\} . \end{aligned}$$

Assume that the pairs (\(f, S \)), (\(g, S \)), and (\(h, S \)) are weakly compatible and the triple of mappings (\(f, g, h \)) is triangular weakly \(\alpha _{s}\)-admissible with respect to S. Then the pairs (\(f, S \)), (\(g, S \)), and (\(h, S \)) have the coincidence point v in X. Moreover, if \(\alpha _{s} ( Sv, Sv, Sv ) \geq s^{2}\), then v is a coincidence point of f, g, h, and S.

Corollary 2.25

Let f and S be self-mappings defined on an \(\alpha _{s}\)-regular and \(\alpha _{s}\)-complete tripled metric space (\(X, d_{b},s\)) such that \(f(X)\subseteq S(X)\), and \(S(X)\) is a closed subset of X. Suppose that, for all \(x,y,z\in X\) with \(\alpha _{s} (Sx,Sy,Sz)\geq s^{2}\), there exist \(F\in \mathcal{F}_{s}\) and \(r>0\) such that \(d_{b} ( f(x),f(y),f(z) ) >0\), then \(r+F ( s d_{b} ( f(x),f(y),f(z) ) ) \leq F ( M(x,y,z) )\), where

$$\begin{aligned} M ( x, y, z ) &=\max \biggl\{ d_{b} \bigl( S ( x ), S ( y ), S ( z ) \bigr), d_{b} \bigl( f ( x ), S ( x ), S ( x ) \bigr), \\ &\quad d_{b} \bigl( f ( y ), S ( y ), S ( y ) \bigr), d_{b} \bigl( f ( z ), S ( z ), S ( z ) \bigr), \\ &\quad \frac{1}{3 s} \bigl[ d_{b} \bigl( S ( x ), f ( y ), f ( z ) \bigr) + d_{b} \bigl( f ( x ), S ( y ), f ( z ) \bigr) \\ &\quad {}+ d_{b} \bigl( S ( z ), f ( y ), f ( x ) \bigr) \bigr]\biggr\} . \end{aligned}$$

Assume that the pair (\(f, S \)) is weakly compatible and f is a triangular weakly \(\alpha _{s}\)-admissible mapping with respect to S. Then the pair (\(f, S \)) has the coincidence point v in X.

Corollary 2.26

Let \(f,g\), and h be self-mappings defined on a complete tripled metric space (\(X, d_{b},s\)). Suppose that, for all \(x,y,z\in X\) with \(\alpha _{s} (x,y,z)\geq s^{2}\), there exist \(F\in \mathcal{F}_{s}\) and \(r>0\) such that \(d_{b} ( f(x),g(y),h(z) ) >0\), then \(r+F ( s d_{b} ( f(x),g(y),h(z) ) ) \leq F ( M(x,y,z) )\), where

$$\begin{aligned} M ( x, y, z ) &=\max \biggl\{ d_{b} ( x, y, z ), d_{b} \bigl( f ( x ), x, x \bigr), \\ &\quad d_{b} \bigl( g ( y ), y, y \bigr), d_{b} \bigl( h ( z ), z, z \bigr), \\ &\quad \frac{1}{3 s} \bigl[ d_{b} \bigl( x, g ( y ), h ( z ) \bigr) + d_{b} \bigl( f ( x ), y, h ( z ) \bigr) \\ &\quad {}+ d_{b} \bigl( z, g ( y ), f ( x ) \bigr) \bigr]\biggr\} . \end{aligned}$$

Assume that the triple of mappings (\(f, g, h \)) is triangular weakly \(\alpha _{s}\)-admissible. Then f, g, and h have a common fixed point v in X provided that either f or g or h is \(\alpha _{s}\)-continuous, or X is \(\alpha _{s}\)-regular.

Theorem 2.27

Let f, g, h, \(S_{1}\), \(S_{2}\), and \(S_{3}\) be \(\alpha _{s}\)-continuous self-mappings defined on an \(\alpha _{s}\)-complete tripled b-metric space (\(X, d_{b},s\)) such that \(f(X)\subseteq S_{1} (X)\), \(g(X)\subseteq S_{2} (X)\), and \(h(X)\subseteq S_{3} (X)\). Suppose that, for all \(( x,y,z ) \in \lambda _{f,g,h, \alpha _{s}}\), there exist \(F\in \mathcal{F}_{s}\) and \(r>0\) such that

$$ r+F \bigl( s d_{b} \bigl( f ( x ), g ( y ), h ( z )\bigr)\bigr) \leq F \bigl( M_{i} ( x, y, z )\bigr) $$

holds for one of \(i =1,2,3,4,5\), where

$$ \begin{aligned} M_{1} ( x, y, z ) & = a_{1} d_{b} \bigl( S_{1} ( x ), S_{2} ( y ), S_{3} ( z ) \bigr) + a_{2} d_{b} \bigl( f ( x ), S_{2} ( x ), S_{3} ( x ) \bigr) \\ &\quad {} + a_{3} d_{b} \bigl( g ( y ), S_{1} ( y ), S_{3} ( y ) \bigr) + a_{4} d_{b} \bigl( h ( z ), S_{1} ( z ), S_{2} ( z ) \bigr) \\ &\quad {} + a_{5} \bigl[ d_{b} \bigl( S_{1} ( x ), g ( y ), h ( z ) \bigr) + d_{b} \bigl( f ( x ), S_{2} ( y ), h ( z ) \bigr) \\ &\quad {} + d_{b} \bigl( S_{3} ( z ), g ( y ), f ( x ) \bigr) \bigr] \end{aligned} $$

with \(a_{i} \geq 0\), \(i =1,2,3,4,5\), such that \(a_{1} + a_{2} + a_{3} + 3 a_{5} = s\),

$$ \begin{aligned} M_{2} ( x, y, z ) & = a_{1} d_{b} \bigl( S_{1} ( x ), S_{2} ( y ), S_{3} ( z ) \bigr) + a_{2} d_{b} \bigl( f ( x ), S_{2} ( x ), S_{3} ( x ) \bigr) \\ &\quad {} + a_{3} d_{b} \bigl( g ( y ), S_{1} ( y ), S_{3} ( y ) \bigr) + a_{4} d_{b} \bigl( h ( z ), S_{1} ( z ), S_{2} ( z ) \bigr) \end{aligned} $$

with \(a_{1} + a_{2} + a_{3} = s\),

$$ \begin{aligned} M_{3} ( x, y, z ) & = k \max \bigl\{ d_{b} \bigl( f ( x ), S_{2} ( x ), S_{3} ( x ) \bigr), d_{b} \bigl( g ( y ), S_{1} ( y ), S_{3} ( y ) \bigr), \\ &\quad d_{b} \bigl( h ( z ), S_{1} ( z ), S_{2} ( z ) \bigr) \bigr\} \end{aligned} $$

with \(k\in [0,1)\),

$$ \begin{aligned} M_{4} ( x, y, z ) & = a_{1} ( x, y, z ) d_{b} \bigl( S_{1} ( x ), S_{2} ( y ), S_{3} ( z ) \bigr) \\ &\quad {} + a_{2} ( x, y, z ) d_{b} \bigl( f ( x ), S_{2} ( x ), S_{3} ( x ) \bigr) \\ &\quad {} + a_{3} ( x, y, z ) d_{b} \bigl( g ( y ), S_{1} ( y ), S_{3} ( y ) \bigr) \\ &\quad {} + a_{4} d_{b} \bigl( h ( z ), S_{1} ( z ), S_{2} ( z ) \bigr) \\ &\quad{}+ a_{5} ( x, y, z )\bigl[ d_{b} \bigl( S_{1} ( x ), g ( y ), h ( z ) \bigr) \\ &\quad {} + d_{b} \bigl( f ( x ), S_{2} ( y ), h ( z ) \bigr) \\ &\quad {} + d_{b} \bigl( S_{3} ( z ), g ( y ), f ( x ) \bigr) \bigr] \end{aligned} $$

with \(a_{i} ( x, y, z )\), \(i =1,2,3,4,5\), are nonnegative functions such that

$$ \sup_{x, y, z\in X} \bigl[ a_{1} ( x, y, z ) + a_{2} ( x, y, z ) + a_{3} ( x, y, z ) + 3 a_{5} ( x, y, z ) \bigr] = s. $$

Suppose that the pairs (\(f, S_{1} \)), (\(g, S_{2} \)), and (\(h, S_{3} \)) are \(\alpha _{s}\)-compatible and the triples of mappings (\(f, g, h \)), \(( g, f, h )\), and (\(h, g, f \)) are triangular partially triple weakly \(\alpha _{s}\)-admissible with respect to \(S_{1}\), \(S_{2}\), and \(S_{3}\), respectively. Then the pairs (\(f, S_{1} \)), \(( g, S_{2} )\), and (\(h, S_{3} \)) have the coincidence point v in X. Moreover, if \(\alpha _{s} ( S_{1} ( v ), S_{2} ( v ), S_{3} ( v )) \geq s^{2}\), then v is a common fixed point of f, g, h, \(S_{1}\), \(S_{2}\), and \(S_{3}\).


In line with the beginning part of Theorem 2.18, for all \(( x, y, z ) \in \lambda _{f, g, h, \alpha _{s}}\) for some \(F\in \mathcal{F}_{s}\) and \(r >0\), from contractive condition (2.12) we get

$$ \begin{aligned}[b] F \bigl( s d_{b} ( J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 2} ) \bigr) & = F \bigl( s d_{b} \bigl( f ( x_{2 n} ), g ( x_{2 n+ 1} ), h ( x_{2 n+ 2} ) \bigr) \bigr) \\ & \leq F \bigl( M_{1} ( x_{2 n}, x_{2 n+ 1}, x_{2 n+ 2} ) \bigr) -r \end{aligned} $$

for all \(n\in \mathbb{N}\), where

$$ \begin{aligned} M_{1} ( x_{2 n}, x_{2 n+ 1}, x_{2 n+ 2} ) & = a_{1} d_{b} \bigl( S_{1} ( x_{2 n} ), S_{2} ( x_{2 n+ 1} ), S_{3} ( x_{2 n+ 2} ) \bigr) \\ &\quad {} + a_{2} d_{b} \bigl( f ( x_{2 n} ), S_{2} ( x_{2 n} ), S_{3} ( x_{2 n} ) \bigr) \\ &\quad {} + a_{3} d_{b} \bigl( g ( x_{2 n+ 1} ), S_{1} ( x_{2 n+ 1} ), S_{3} ( x_{2 n+ 1} ) \bigr) \\ &\quad {} + a_{4} d_{b} \bigl( h ( x_{2 n+ 2} ), S_{1} ( x_{2 n+ 2} ), S_{2} ( x_{2 n+ 2} ) \bigr) \\ &\quad {} + a_{5} \bigl[ d_{b} \bigl( S_{1} ( x_{2 n} ), g ( x_{2 n+ 1} ), h ( x_{2 n+ 2} ) \bigr) \\ &\quad {} + d_{b} \bigl( f ( x_{2 n} ), S_{2} ( x_{2 n+ 1} ), h ( x_{2 n+ 2} ) \bigr) \\ &\quad {} + d_{b} \bigl( S_{3} ( x_{2 n+ 2} ), g ( x_{2 n+ 1} ), f ( x_{2 n} ) \bigr) \bigr] \\ & = a_{1} d_{b} ( J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 1} ) + a_{2} d_{b} ( J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n}, J_{2 n- 1} ) \\ &\quad {} + a_{3} d_{b} ( J_{2 n+ 2}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n} ) + a_{4} d_{b} ( J_{2 n+ 2}, J_{2 n+ 2}, J_{2 n+ 2} ) \\ &\quad {} + a_{5} \bigl[ d_{b} ( J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 2}, J_{2 n+ 2} ) + d_{b} ( J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 2} ) \\ &\quad {} + d_{b} ( J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 2}, J_{2 n+ 1} ) \bigr] \\ & \leq a_{1} d_{b} ( J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 1} ) + a_{2} d_{b} ( J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n}, J_{2 n- 1} ) \\ &\quad {} + a_{3} d_{b} ( J_{2 n+ 2}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n} ) \\ &\quad {} + a_{5} \bigl[3 d_{b} ( J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 2} ) \bigr] \\ & =( a_{1} + a_{3} + 3 a_{5} ) d_{b} ( J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 2} ) \\ &\quad {} + a_{2} d_{b} ( J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n}, J_{2 n- 1} ). \end{aligned} $$

Now from (2.13) we have

$$ \begin{aligned}[b] F \bigl( s d_{b} ( J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 2} ) \bigr) & = F \bigl( ( a_{1} + a_{3} + 3 a_{5} ) d_{b} ( J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 2} ) \\ &\quad {} + a_{2} d_{b} ( J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n}, J_{2 n- 1} ) \bigr) -r. \end{aligned} $$

Since F is strictly increasing, (2.14) implies

$$ \begin{aligned} s d_{b} ( J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 2} ) & \leq ( a_{1} + a_{3} + 3 a_{5} ) d_{b} ( J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 2} ) \\ &\quad {} + a_{2} d_{b} ( J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n}, J_{2 n- 1} ). \end{aligned} $$


$$ \begin{aligned} ( s- a_{1} - a_{3} - 3 a_{5} ) d_{b} ( J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 2} ) & \leq a_{2} d_{b} ( J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n}, J_{2 n- 1} ). \end{aligned} $$


$$ \begin{aligned} d_{b} ( J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 2} ) & \leq \frac{a_{2}}{s- a_{1} - a_{3} - 3 a_{5}} d_{b} ( J_{2 n- 1}, J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1} ). \end{aligned} $$

Since \(a_{1} + a_{2} + a_{3} + 3 a_{5} = s\), therefore \(d_{b} ( J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 2} ) \leq d_{b} ( J_{2 n- 1}, J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1} )\). Thus from (2.14) we obtain

$$ \begin{aligned}[b] F \bigl( s d_{b} ( J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 2} ) \bigr) & \leq F \bigl( d_{b} ( J_{2 n- 1}, J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1} ) \bigr) -r \end{aligned} $$

for all \(n\in \mathbb{N}\). Similarly,

$$ \begin{aligned}[b] F \bigl( s d_{b} ( J_{2 n- 1}, J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1} ) \bigr) & \leq F \bigl( d_{b} ( J_{2 n- 2}, J_{2 n- 1}, J_{2 n} ) \bigr) -r \end{aligned} $$

for all \(n\in \mathbb{N}\). Hence, from (2.15) and (2.16), we have

$$ \begin{aligned}[b] F \bigl( s d_{b} ( J_{n}, J_{n+ 1}, J_{n+ 2} ) \bigr) & = F \bigl( d_{b} ( J_{n- 1}, J_{n}, J_{n+ 1} ) \bigr) -r. \end{aligned} $$

Inequality (2.17) leads to remark that \(\{ x_{n} \}\) is a Cauchy sequence, and the remaining part of the proof can easily be followed from the finishing part of the proof of Theorem 2.18. For \(M_{2} ( x, y, z )\), in line with the beginning part of the proof of Theorem 2.18, for all \(( x, y, z ) \in \lambda _{f, g, h, \alpha _{s}}\), for some \(F\in \mathcal{F}_{s}\), and \(r >0\), from contractive condition (2.11), we get

$$ \begin{aligned}[b] F \bigl( s d_{b} ( J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 2} ) \bigr) & = F \bigl( s d_{b} \bigl( f ( x_{2 n} ), g ( x_{2 n+ 1} ), h ( x_{2 n+ 2} ) \bigr) \bigr) \\ & \leq F \bigl( M_{2} ( x_{2 n}, x_{2 n+ 1}, x_{2 n+ 2} ) \bigr) -r \end{aligned} $$

for all \(n\in \mathbb{N} \cup \{0\}\), where

$$ \begin{aligned} M_{2} ( x_{2 n}, x_{2 n+ 1}, x_{2 n+ 2} ) & = a_{1} d_{b} ( J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 1} ) + a_{2} d_{b} ( J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n}, J_{2 n- 1} ) \\ &\quad{}+ a_{3} d_{b} ( J_{2 n+ 2}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n} ) \\ &\quad{}+ a_{4} d_{b} ( J_{2 n+ 2}, J_{2 n+ 2}, J_{2 n+ 2} ) \\ & \leq a_{1} d_{b} ( J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 2} ) + a_{2} d_{b} ( J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n}, J_{2 n- 1} ) \\ &\quad{}+ a_{3} d_{b} ( J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 2} ) \\ & =( a_{1} + a_{3} ) d_{b} ( J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 2} ) \\ &\quad{}+ a_{2} d_{b} ( J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n}, J_{2 n- 1} ). \end{aligned} $$

From (2.18), we have

$$ \begin{aligned}[b] F \bigl( s d_{b} ( J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 2} ) \bigr) & \leq F \bigl( ( a_{1} + a_{3} ) d_{b} ( J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 2} ) \bigr) \\ &\quad{}+ a_{2} d_{b} ( J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n}, J_{2 n- 1} ) -r. \end{aligned} $$

Since F is strictly increasing, (2.19) implies

$$ \begin{aligned} s d_{b} ( J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 2} ) & \leq ( a_{1} + a_{2} ) d_{b} ( J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 2} ) \\ &\quad{}+ a_{2} d_{b} ( J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n}, J_{2 n- 1} ), \end{aligned} $$

so \(( s- a_{1} - a_{3} ) d_{b} ( J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 2} ) \leq a_{2} d_{b} ( J_{2 n- 1}, J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1} )\). Hence

$$ \begin{aligned} d_{b} ( J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 2} ) & \leq \frac{a_{2}}{s- a_{1} - a_{3}} d_{b} ( J_{2 n- 1}, J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1} ). \end{aligned} $$

Thus, from (2.19), we obtain

$$ \begin{aligned}[b] F \bigl( s d_{b} ( J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 2} ) \bigr) & \leq F \bigl( d_{b} ( J_{2 n- 1}, J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1} ) \bigr) -r \end{aligned} $$

for all \(n\in \mathbb{N}\). Similarly,

$$ \begin{aligned}[b] F \bigl( s d_{b} ( J_{2 n- 1}, J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1} ) \bigr) & \leq F \bigl( d_{b} ( J_{2 n- 2}, J_{2 n- 1}, J_{2 n} ) \bigr) -r \end{aligned} $$

for all \(n\in \mathbb{N}\). Hence, from (2.20) and (2.21), we have

$$ \begin{aligned}[b] F \bigl( s d_{b} ( J_{n}, J_{n+ 1}, J_{n+ 2} ) \bigr) & \leq F \bigl( d_{b} ( J_{n- 1}, J_{n}, J_{n+ 1} ) \bigr) -r. \end{aligned} $$

Inequality (2.22) leads to remark that \(\{ J_{n} \}\) is a Cauchy sequence, and the remaining part of the proof can easily be followed from the finishing part of the proof of Theorem 2.18. For \(M_{3} ( x, y, z )\), in line with the beginning part of the proof of Theorem 2.18, for all \(( x, y, z ) \in \lambda _{f, g, h, \alpha _{s}}\), for some \(F\in \mathcal{F}_{s}\), and \(r >0\), from contractive condition (2.12), we get

$$ \begin{aligned}[b] F \bigl( s d_{b} ( J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 2} ) \bigr) & = F \bigl( s d_{b} \bigl( f ( x_{2 n} ), g ( x_{2 n+ 1} ), h ( x_{2 n+ 2} ) \bigr) \bigr) \\ & \leq F \bigl( M_{3} ( x_{2 n}, x_{2 n+ 1}, x_{2 n+ 2} ) \bigr) -r \end{aligned} $$

for all \(n\in \mathbb{N} \cup \{0\}\), where

$$ \begin{aligned}[b] M_{3} ( x_{2 n}, x_{2 n+ 1}, x_{2 n+ 2} ) & = k \max \bigl\{ d_{b} ( J_{2 n- 1}, J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1} ), d_{b} ( J_{2 n+ 2}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n} ),0\bigr\} \\ & = k \max \bigl\{ d_{b} ( J_{2 n- 1}, J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1} ), d_{b} ( J_{2 n+ 2}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n} ) \bigr\} . \end{aligned} $$


$$ \max \bigl\{ d_{b} ( J_{2 n- 1}, J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1} ), d_{b} ( J_{2 n+ 2}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n} ) \bigr\} = d_{b} ( J_{2 n+ 2}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n} ), $$

then from (2.23) we have \(F ( s d_{b} ( J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 2} ) ) \leq F ( k d_{b} ( J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 2} ) ) -r\). Since F is strictly increasing, we have \(s d_{b} ( J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 2} ) < k d_{b} ( J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 2} )\). It is a contradiction. Thus we have

$$ \begin{aligned} F \bigl( s d_{b} ( J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 2} ) \bigr) & \leq F \bigl( k d_{b} ( J_{2 n- 1}, J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1} ) \bigr) -r, \end{aligned} $$

and \(s d_{b} ( J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 2} ) \leq k d_{b} ( J_{2 n- 1}, J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1} )\). So

$$ \begin{aligned} d_{b} ( J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1}, J_{2 n+ 2} ) & \leq \frac{k}{s} d_{b} ( J_{2 n- 1}, J_{2 n}, J_{2 n+ 1} ). \end{aligned} $$

The emaining part of the proof can easily be followed from the proof of Theorem 2.18. Similar arguments hold from \(M_{4} ( x, y, z )\). □

Theorem 2.28

Let f, g, h, \(S_{1}\), \(S_{2}\), and \(S_{3}\) be self-mappings defined on a complete tripled b-metric space (\(X, d_{b},s\)) such that \(f(X)\subseteq S_{1} (X)\), \(g(X)\subseteq S_{2} (X)\), and \(h(X)\subseteq S_{3} (X)\). If there exist \(F\in \mathcal{F}_{s}\) and \(r>0\) such that \(d_{b} ( f(x),g(y),h(z) ) >0\), then

$$ r+F ( s d_{b} \bigl( f ( x ), g ( y ), h ( z ) \bigr) \leq F \bigl( M ( x, y, z )\bigr) $$

for all \(x, y, z\in X\). Then f, g, h, \(S_{1}\), \(S_{2}\), and \(S_{3}\) have a unique common fixed point in X provided that \(S_{1}\), \(S_{2}\), and \(S_{3}\) are continuous and pairs (\(f, S_{1} \)), (\(g, S_{2} \)), and (\(h, S_{3} \)) are compatible.


The arguments follow the same lines as in the proof of Theorem 2.18. □

3 Application to a system of integral equations

Let \(X = C ([0,1], \mathbb{R})\) be the space of all continuous real-valued functions defined on [\(0,1\)]. Let \(d_{b}: X\times X\times X\rightarrow \mathbb{R}_{0}^{+}\) be defined

$$ d_{b} ( u, v, w ) =\max \Bigl\{ \sup_{t\in [0,1]} \bigl\vert u ( t ) -v ( t ) \bigr\vert ^{2}, \sup_{t\in [0,1]} \bigl\vert u ( t ) -w ( t ) \bigr\vert ^{2}, \sup _{t\in [0,1]} \bigl\vert v ( t ) -w ( t ) \bigr\vert ^{2} \Bigr\} $$

for all \(u, v, w\in C ( [ 0,1 ], \mathbb{R} )\), and define \(\alpha _{s}: X\times X\times X\rightarrow \mathbb{R}_{0}^{+}\) by \(\alpha _{s} ( u, v, w )= s^{2}\) for all \(u, v, w\in X\). Obviously, (\(X, d_{b}, s \)) is an \(\alpha _{s}\)-complete tripled b-metric space. We will apply Theorem 2.18 to show the existence of a common solution of the system of Volterra-type integral equations given by

$$ \begin{gathered} u ( t ) = p ( t ) + \int _{0}^{t} K \bigl( t, r, S_{1} \bigl( u ( t )\bigr)\bigr) dr, \\ v ( t ) = p ( t ) + \int _{0}^{t} J \bigl( t, r, S_{2} \bigl( v ( t )\bigr)\bigr) dr, \\ w ( t ) = p ( t ) + \int _{0}^{t} I \bigl( t, r, S_{3} \bigl( w ( t )\bigr)\bigr) dr \end{gathered} $$

for all \(t\in [0,1]\), where \(p:[0,1] \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\) is a continuous function and \(K, J, I:[0,1] \times [0,1] \times X\rightarrow \mathbb{R}\) are lower semi-continuous operators. Now, we prove the following theorem to ensure the existence of solution for the system of integral equations.

Theorem 3.1

Let \(X=C([0,1], \mathbb{R)}\) and define the mappings \(f,g,h:X\rightarrow X\) by

$$ \begin{gathered} f \bigl( u ( t )\bigr) = p ( t ) + \int _{0}^{t} K \bigl( t, r, S_{1} \bigl( u ( t )\bigr)\bigr) dr, \\ g \bigl( v ( t )\bigr) = p ( t ) + \int _{0}^{t} J \bigl( t, r, S_{2} \bigl( v ( t )\bigr)\bigr) dr, \\ h \bigl( w ( t )\bigr) = p ( t ) + \int _{0}^{t} I \bigl( t, r, S_{3} \bigl( w ( t )\bigr)\bigr) dr \end{gathered} $$

for all \(t\in [0,1]\). Assume that the following conditions are satisfied.

  • There exists a continuous function \(\phi _{i}: X\rightarrow \mathbb{R}_{0}^{+}\), \(i =1,2,3\), such that

    $$ \begin{gathered} \bigl\vert K ( t, r, S_{1} ) -J ( t, r, S_{2} ) \bigr\vert \leq \phi _{1} ( r ) \bigl\vert S_{1} \bigl( u ( t )\bigr) - S_{2} \bigl( v ( t )\bigr) \bigr\vert , \\ \bigl\vert K ( t, r, S_{1} ) -I ( t, r, S_{3} ) \bigr\vert \leq \phi _{2} ( r ) \bigl\vert S_{1} \bigl( u ( t )\bigr) - S_{3} \bigl( w ( t )\bigr) \bigr\vert , \\ \bigl\vert J ( t, r, S_{2} ) -I ( t, r, S_{3} ) \bigr\vert \leq \phi _{3} ( r ) \bigl\vert S_{2} \bigl( v ( t ) \bigr) - S_{3} \bigl( w ( t )\bigr) \bigr\vert \end{gathered} $$

    for each \(t, r\in [0,1]\) and \(S_{1}\), \(S_{2}\), and \(S_{3} \in X\);

  • There exists \(\tau >0\) such that

    $$ \int _{0}^{t} \phi _{1} ( r ) dr, \int _{0}^{t} \phi _{2} ( r ) dr, \int _{0}^{t} \phi _{3} ( r ) dr\leq \sqrt{\frac{e^{-\tau }}{s}}. $$

Then the system of integral Eqs. (3.1) has a solution.


By assumptions (i) and (ii), we have

$$ \begin{aligned} d_{b} \bigl( f \bigl( u ( t )\bigr), g \bigl( v ( t ) \bigr), h \bigl( w ( t )\bigr) \bigr) & =\max \Bigl\{ \sup_{t\in [0,1]} \bigl\vert f \bigl( u ( t )\bigr) -g \bigl( v ( t )\bigr) \bigr\vert ^{2}, \\ &\quad \sup_{t\in [0,1]} \bigl\vert g \bigl( v ( t )\bigr) -h \bigl( w ( t )\bigr) \bigr\vert ^{2}, \\ &\quad \sup_{t\in [0,1]} \bigl\vert f \bigl( u ( t )\bigr) -h \bigl( w ( t )\bigr) \bigr\vert ^{2} \Bigr\} , \end{aligned} $$


$$\begin{aligned}& \begin{aligned} \sup_{t\in [0,1]} \bigl\vert f \bigl( u ( t ) \bigr) -g \bigl( v ( t )\bigr) \bigr\vert ^{2}& = \biggl( \sup _{t\in [0,1]} \int _{0}^{t} \bigl\vert K \bigl( t, r, S_{1} \bigl( u ( t ) \bigr) \bigr) - J \bigl( t, r, S_{2} \bigl( v ( t )\bigr)\bigr) \bigr\vert dr \biggr)^{2} \\ &\leq \biggl( \sup_{t\in [0,1]} \int _{0}^{t} \phi _{1} ( r ) \bigl\vert S_{1} \bigl( u ( t )\bigr) - S_{2} \bigl( v ( t ) \bigr) \bigr\vert dr \biggr)^{2} \\ &\leq \biggl( \sqrt{\sup_{t\in [0,1]} \bigl\vert S_{1} \bigl( u ( t )\bigr) - S_{2} \bigl( v ( t )\bigr) \bigr\vert ^{2}} \int _{0}^{t} \phi _{1} ( r ) dr \biggr)^{2} \\ &= \sup_{t\in [0,1]} \bigl\vert S_{1} \bigl( u ( t ) \bigr) - S_{2} \bigl( v ( t )\bigr) \bigr\vert ^{2} \biggl( \int _{0}^{t} \phi _{1} ( r ) dr \biggr)^{2}, \end{aligned} \\& \sup_{t\in [0,1]} \bigl\vert g \bigl( v ( t )\bigr) -h \bigl( w ( t )\bigr) \bigr\vert ^{2} \leq \sup_{t\in [0,1]} \bigl\vert S_{2} \bigl( v ( t )\bigr) - S_{3} \bigl( w ( t ) \bigr) \bigr\vert ^{2} \biggl( \int _{0}^{t} \phi _{2} ( r ) dr \biggr)^{2}, \\& \sup_{t\in [0,1]} \bigl\vert f \bigl( u ( t )\bigr) -h \bigl( w ( t )\bigr) \bigr\vert ^{2} \leq \sup_{t\in [0,1]} \bigl\vert S_{1} \bigl( u ( t )\bigr) - S_{3} \bigl( w ( t ) \bigr) \bigr\vert ^{2} \biggl( \int _{0}^{t} \phi _{3} ( r ) dr \biggr)^{2}. \end{aligned}$$

Consequently, we have

$$ \begin{aligned} d_{b} \bigl( f \bigl( u ( t )\bigr), g \bigl( v ( t ) \bigr), h \bigl( w ( t )\bigr) \bigr) &= \frac{e^{-\tau }}{s} \max \Bigl\{ \sup _{t\in [0,1]} \bigl\vert S_{1} \bigl( u ( t )\bigr) - S_{2} \bigl( v ( t )\bigr) \bigr\vert ^{2}, \\ &\quad \sup_{t\in [0,1]} \bigl\vert S_{2} \bigl( v ( t ) \bigr) - S_{3} \bigl( w ( t )\bigr) \bigr\vert ^{2}, \sup _{t\in [0,1]} \bigl\vert S_{1} \bigl( u ( t )\bigr) - S_{3} \bigl( w ( t )\bigr) \bigr\vert ^{2} \Bigr\} \\ & = \frac{e^{-\tau }}{s} d_{b} \bigl( S_{1} \bigl( u ( t ) \bigr), S_{2} \bigl( v ( t )\bigr), S_{3} \bigl( w ( t )\bigr) \bigr) \\ & \leq \frac{e^{-\tau }}{s} M \bigl( u ( t ), v ( t ), Sw ( t ) \bigr). \end{aligned} $$

Thus, we obtain

$$ s d_{b} \bigl( f \bigl( u ( t )\bigr), g \bigl( v ( t )\bigr), h \bigl( w ( t )\bigr) \bigr) \leq e^{-\tau } M \bigl( u ( t ), v ( t ), w ( t ) \bigr), $$

which implies that

$$ \tau + \ln \bigl( s d_{b} \bigl( f \bigl( u ( t )\bigr), g \bigl( v ( t )\bigr), h \bigl( w ( t )\bigr) \bigr) \bigr) \leq \ln \bigl( M \bigl( u ( t ), v ( t ), w ( t ) \bigr) \bigr). $$

For \(F ( r )=\ln r\), all the hypotheses of Theorem 2.28 are satisfied. Hence the system of integral equations has a unique common solution. □

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Ranjbar, G.K., Samei, M.E. Extraction new results of common fixed point theorems for \(({T}, {\alpha }_{{s}}, {F})\)-contraction of six mappings in a tripled b-metric space with an application of integral equations. J Inequal Appl 2020, 236 (2020).

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