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Extremal values on Zagreb indices of trees with given distance k-domination number


Let \(G=(V(G),E(G))\) be a graph. A set \(D\subseteq V(G)\) is a distance k-dominating set of G if for every vertex \(u\in V(G)\setminus D\), \(d_{G}(u,v)\leq k\) for some vertex \(v\in D\), where k is a positive integer. The distance k-domination number \(\gamma_{k}(G)\) of G is the minimum cardinality among all distance k-dominating sets of G. The first Zagreb index of G is defined as \(M_{1}=\sum_{u\in V(G)}d^{2}(u)\) and the second Zagreb index of G is \(M_{2}=\sum_{uv\in E(G)}d(u)d(v)\). In this paper, we obtain the upper bounds for the Zagreb indices of n-vertex trees with given distance k-domination number and characterize the extremal trees, which generalize the results of Borovićanin and Furtula (Appl. Math. Comput. 276:208–218, 2016). What is worth mentioning, for an n-vertex tree T, is that a sharp upper bound on the distance k-domination number \(\gamma _{k}(T)\) is determined.

1 Introduction

Throughout this paper, all graphs considered are simple, undirected and connected. Let \(G=(V,E)\) be a simple and connected graph, where \(V=V(G)\) is the vertex set and \(E=E(G)\) is the edge set of G. The eccentricity of v is defined as \(\varepsilon_{G}(v)=\max\{ d_{G}(u,v)\mid u\in V(G)\}\). The diameter of G is \(\operatorname{diam}(G)=\max\{ \varepsilon_{G}(v)\mid v\in V(G)\}\). A path P is called a diameter path of G if the length of P is \(\operatorname{diam}(G)\). Denote by \(N_{G}^{i}(v)\) the set of vertices with distance i from v in G, that is, \(N_{G}^{i}(v)=\{u\in V(G)\mid d(u,v)=i\}\). In particular, \(N_{G}^{0}(v)=\{v\}\) and \(N_{G}^{1}(v)=N_{G}(v)\). A vertex \(v\in V(G)\) is called a private k-neighbor of u with respect to D if \(\bigcup_{i=0}^{k}N^{i}_{G}(v)\cap D=\{u\}\). That is, \(d_{G}(v,u)\leq k\) and \(d_{G}(v,x)\geq k+1\) for any vertex \(x\in D\setminus\{u\}\). The pendent vertex is the vertex of degree 1.

A chemical molecule can be viewed as a graph. In a molecular graph, the vertices represent the atoms of the molecule and the edges are chemical bonds. A topological index of a molecular graph is a mathematical parameter which is used for studying various properties of this molecule. The distance-based topological indices, such as the Wiener index [2, 3] and the Balaban index [4], have been extensively researched for many decades. Meanwhile the spectrum-based indices developed rapidly, such as the Estrada index [5], the Kirchhoff index [6] and matching energy [7]. The eccentricity-based topological indices, such as the eccentric distance sum [8], the connective eccentricity index [9] and the adjacent eccentric distance sum [10], were proposed and studied recently. The degree-based topological indices, such as the Randić index [1113], the general sum-connectivity index [14, 15], the Zagreb indices [16], the multiplicative Zagreb indices [17, 18] and the augmented Zagreb index [19], where the Zagreb indices include the first Zagreb index \(M_{1}=\sum_{u\in V(G)}d^{2}(u)\) and the second Zagreb index \(M_{2}=\sum_{uv\in E(G)}d(u)d(v)\), represent one kind of the most famous topological indices. In this paper, we continue the work on Zagreb indices. Further study about the Zagreb indices can be found in [2025]. Many researchers are interested in establishing the bounds for the Zagreb indices of graphs and characterizing the extremal graphs [1, 2640].

A set \(D\subseteq V(G)\) is a dominating set of G if, for any vertex \(u\in V(G)\setminus D\), \(N_{G}(u)\cap D\ne\emptyset\). The domination number \(\gamma(G)\) of G is the minimum cardinality of dominating sets of G. For \(k\in N^{+}\), a set \(D\subseteq V(G)\) is a distance k-dominating set of G if, for every vertex \(u\in V(G)\setminus D\), \(d_{G}(u,v)\leq k\) for some vertex \(v\in D\). The distance k-domination number \(\gamma_{k}(G)\) of G is the minimum cardinality among all distance k-dominating sets of G [41, 42]. Every vertex in a minimum distance k-dominating set has a private k-neighbor. The domination number is the special case of the distance k-domination number for \(k=1\). Two famous books [43, 44] written by Haynes et al. show us a comprehensive study of domination. The topological indices of graphs with given domination number or domination variations have attracted much attention of researchers [1, 4547].

Borovićanin [1] showed the sharp upper bounds on the Zagreb indices of n-vertex trees with domination number γ and characterized the extremal trees. Motivated by [1], we describe the upper bounds for the Zagreb indices of n-vertex trees with given distance k-domination number and find the extremal trees. Furthermore, a sharp upper bound, in terms of \(n,k\) and Δ, on the distance k-domination number \(\gamma_{k}(T)\) for an n-vertex tree T is obtained in this paper.

2 Lemmas

In this section, we give some lemmas which are helpful to our results.

Lemma 2.1

([24, 48])

If T is an n-vertex tree, different from the star \(S_{n}\), then \(M_{i}(T)< M_{i}(S_{n})\) for \(i=1,2\).

In what follows, we present two graph transformations that increase the Zagreb indices.

Transformation I


Let T be an n-vertex tree (\(n>3\)) and \(e=uv\in E(T)\) be a nonpendent edge. Assume that \(T-uv=T_{1}\cup T_{2}\) with vertex \(u\in V(T_{1})\) and \(v\in V(T_{2})\). Let \(T'\) be the tree obtained by identifying the vertex u of \(T_{1}\) with vertex v of \(T_{2}\) and attaching a pendent vertex w to the u (=v) (see Figure 1). For the sake of convenience, we denote \(T'=\tau(T,uv)\).

Figure 1
figure 1

T and \(\pmb{T'}\) in Transformation I .

Lemma 2.2

Let T be a tree of order n (≥3) and \(T'=\tau(T,uv)\). Then \(M_{i}(T')>M_{i}(T)\), \(i=1,2\).


It is obvious that \(d_{T'}(u)=d_{T}(u)+d_{T}(v)-1\) and

$$\begin{aligned} M_{1}\bigl(T'\bigr)-M_{1}(T)={}& \bigl(d_{T}(u)+d_{T}(v)-1\bigr)^{2}+1-d_{T}^{2}(u)-d_{T}^{2}(v) \\ ={}&2\bigl(d_{T}(u)-1\bigr) \bigl(d_{T}(v)-1\bigr) \\ >{}&0.\end{aligned} $$

Let \(x\in V(T)\) be a vertex different from u and v. Then

$$\begin{aligned} M_{2}\bigl(T'\bigr)-M_{2}(T)={}& \bigl(d_{T}(u)+d_{T}(v)-1\bigr) \biggl(\sum _{xu\in E(T_{1})}d_{T}(x)+\sum_{xv\in E(T_{2})}d_{T}(x)+1 \biggr) \\ &-d_{T}(u)\sum_{xu\in E(T_{1})}d_{T}(x)-d_{T}(v) \sum_{xv\in E(T_{2})}d_{T}(x) -d_{T}(u)d_{T}(v) \\ ={}&\bigl(d_{T}(v)-1\bigr)\sum_{xu\in E(T_{1})}d_{T}(x)+ \bigl(d_{T}(u)-1\bigr)\sum_{xv\in E(T_{2})}d_{T}(x) \\ &+d_{T}(u)+d_{T}(v)-1-d_{T}(u)d_{T}(v) \\ \geq{} &2\bigl(d_{T}(v)-1\bigr) \bigl(d_{T}(u)-1 \bigr)+d_{T}(u)+d_{T}(v)-1-d_{T}(u)d_{T}(v) \\ ={}&\bigl(d_{T}(v)-1\bigr) \bigl(d_{T}(u)-1\bigr) \\ >{}&0.\end{aligned} $$

This completes the proof. □

Lemma 2.3


Let u and v be two distinct vertices in G. \(u_{1},u_{2},\ldots,u_{r}\) are the pendent vertices adjacent to u and \(v_{1}, v_{2},\ldots,v_{t}\) are the pendent vertices adjacent to v. Define \(G'=G-\{vv_{1}, vv_{2},\ldots, vv_{t}\}+ \{uv_{1}, uv_{2},\ldots, uv_{t}\}\) and \(G''=G-\{uu_{1}, uu_{2},\ldots, uu_{r}\}+\{ vu_{1}, vu_{2},\ldots, vu_{r}\}\), as shown in Figure 2. Then either \(M_{i}(G')>M_{i}(G)\) or \(M_{i}(G'')>M_{i}(G)\), \(i=1,2\).

Figure 2
figure 2

G , \(\pmb{G'}\) and \(\pmb{G''}\) in Lemma  2.3 .

Lemma 2.4


For a connected graph G of order n with \(n\geq k+1\), \(\gamma_{k}(G)\leq\lfloor\frac {n}{k+1}\rfloor\).

Let G be a connected graph of order n. If \(\gamma_{k}(G)\geq2\), then \(n\geq k+1\). Otherwise, \(\gamma_{k}(G)=1\), a contradiction. Hence, by Lemma 2.4, we have \(\gamma_{k}(G)\leq\lfloor\frac{n}{k+1}\rfloor\) and \(n\geq(k+1)\gamma_{k}\) for any connected graph G of order n if \(\gamma _{k}(G)\geq2\).

Lemma 2.5

Let T be an n-vertex tree with distance k-domination number \(\gamma_{k}\geq2\). Then \(\triangle \leq n-k\gamma_{k}\).


Suppose that \(\triangle\geq n-k\gamma_{k}+1\). Let \(v\in V(T)\) be the vertex such that \(d(v)=\triangle\) and \(N(v)=\{v_{1},\ldots ,v_{\triangle}\}\). Denote by \(T^{i}\) the component of \(T-v\) containing the vertex \(v_{i}\), \(i=1,\ldots,\triangle\). Let D be a minimum distance k-dominating set of T,

$$S_{1}=\bigl\{ i\mid i\in\{1,2,\ldots,\triangle\}, 0\leq\varepsilon _{T^{i}}(v_{i})\leq k-1\bigr\} $$


$$S_{2}=\bigl\{ i\mid i\in\{1,2,\ldots,\triangle\}, \varepsilon _{T^{i}}(v_{i})\geq k\bigr\} . $$

Clearly, \(|S_{2}|\geq1\). If not, \(\{v\}\) is a distance k-dominating set of T, which contradicts \(\gamma_{k}\geq2\). If \(|S_{1}|=0\), then \(\varepsilon_{T^{i}}(v_{i})\geq k\) for \(i=1,\ldots ,\triangle\), so \(|V(T^{i})\cap D|\geq1\). Therefore, \(\gamma_{k}\geq\triangle\geq {n-k\gamma_{k}+1}\), which implies that \(\gamma_{k}\geq\frac{n+1}{k+1}\). Since \(\gamma_{k}\geq2\), \(\gamma_{k}\leq\lfloor\frac{n}{k+1}\rfloor\) by Lemma 2.4, a contradiction. Thus, \(|S_{1}|\geq1\). Let \(i_{1}\in S_{1}\) and

$$\varepsilon_{T^{i_{1}}}(v_{i_{1}})=\max\bigl\{ \varepsilon_{T^{i}}(v_{i}) \mid i\in S_{1}\bigr\} =\lambda. $$

Then \(0\leq\lambda\leq k-1\), so \(|S_{2}|\leq\lfloor\frac{n-\triangle -1-\lambda}{k}\rfloor \leq\lfloor\frac{k\gamma_{k}-2}{k}\rfloor\leq\gamma_{k}-1\).

If \(V(T^{i})\cap D=D_{1}\neq\emptyset\) for some \(i\in S_{1}\), then \(D-D_{1}+\{ v\}\) is a distance k-dominating set according to the definition of \(S_{1}\). Thus, we assume that \(V(T^{i})\cap D=\emptyset\) for each \(i\in S_{1}\). Similarly, suppose that \(D'\cap V(T^{i_{1}})=\emptyset\) where \(D'\) is a minimum distance k-dominating set of the tree \(T'=T-\bigcup_{i\in S_{1}\setminus\{i_{1}\}}V(T^{i})\).

We claim that \(D'\) is a distance k-dominating set of T. Let \(y\in V(T^{i_{1}})\) be the vertex such that \(d(v_{i_{1}},y)=\lambda\) and \(y'\in D'_{1}=\bigcup_{i=0}^{k}N_{T'}^{i}(y)\cap D'\). Then \(y'\in V(T')\setminus V(T^{i_{1}})\) and \(d(y,y')=d(y,v)+d(v,y')\leq k\), so, for \(x\in\bigcup_{i\in S_{1}\setminus\{i_{1}\}}V(T^{i})\), we have \(d(x,y')=d(x,v)+d(v,y')\leq d(y,v)+d(v,y')\leq k\). Hence, all the vertices in \(\bigcup_{i\in S_{1}\setminus\{i_{1}\}}V(T^{i})\) can be dominated by \(y'\in D'\). Therefore, \(D'\) is a distance k-dominating set of T, so the claim is true.

In view of

$$k+1< (k+1)|S_{2}|+\lambda+2\leq\big|V\bigl(T'\bigr)\big|\leq n-|S_{1}|+1=n-\triangle+|S_{2}|+1, $$

one has

$$\begin{aligned} \gamma_{k}&\leq\big|D'\big| \\ &\leq\biggl\lfloor \frac{n-\triangle+|S_{2}|+1}{k+1}\biggr\rfloor \quad (\text{by Lemma 2.4}) \\ &\leq\biggl\lfloor \frac{(k+1)\gamma_{k}-1}{k+1}\biggr\rfloor \quad\bigl(\text{since }\triangle \geq n-k\gamma_{k}+1, |S_{2}|\leq\gamma_{k}-1\bigr) \\ &< \gamma_{k},\end{aligned} $$

a contradiction as desired. □

Determining the bound on the distance k-domination number of a connected graph is an attractive problem. In Lemma 2.5, an upper bound for the distance k-domination number of a tree is characterized. Namely, if T is an n-vertex tree with distance k-domination number \(\gamma_{k}\geq2\), then \(\gamma_{k}(T)\leq\frac{n-\Delta(T)}{k}\).

Let \(\mathscr{T}_{n,k,\gamma_{k}}\) be the set of all n-vertex trees with distance k-domination number \(\gamma_{k}\) and \(S_{n-k\gamma _{k}+1}\) be the star of order \(n-k\gamma_{k}+1\) with pendent vertices \(v_{1},v_{2},\ldots,v_{n-k\gamma_{k}}\). Denote by \(T_{n,k,\gamma_{k}}\) the tree formed from \(S_{n-k\gamma_{k}}\) by attaching a path \(P_{k-1}\) to \(v_{1}\) and attaching a path \(P_{k}\) to \(v_{i}\) for each \(i\in\{2,\ldots,\gamma_{k}\}\), as shown in Figure 3. Then \(T_{n,k,\gamma_{k}}\in\mathscr{T}_{n,k,\gamma_{k}}\). Even more noteworthy is the notion that \(\gamma_{k}(T_{n,k,\gamma _{k}})=\gamma_{k}=\frac{n-\Delta(T_{n,k,\gamma_{k}})}{k}\). It implies that the upper bound on the distance k-domination number mentioned in the above paragraph is sharp.

Figure 3
figure 3

\(\pmb{T_{n,k,\gamma_{k}}}\) .

The Zagreb indices of \(T_{n,k,\gamma_{k}}\) are computed as

$$M_{1}(T_{n,k,\gamma_{k}})=(n-k\gamma_{k}) (n-k \gamma_{k}+1)+4(k\gamma_{k}-1) $$


$$M_{2}(T_{n,k,\gamma_{k}})= \textstyle\begin{cases} (n-k\gamma_{k})[n-(k-1)\gamma_{k}]+(4k-2)\gamma_{k}-4& \text{if }k\geq2,\\ 2(n-\gamma+1)(\gamma-1)+(n-\gamma)(n-2\gamma+1) &\text{if }k=1. \end{cases} $$

For \(k=1\), the distance k-domination number \(\gamma_{1}(G)\) is the domination number \(\gamma(G)\). Furthermore, the upper bounds on the Zagreb indices of an n-vertex tree with domination number were studied in [1], so we only consider \(k\geq2\) in the following.

Lemma 2.6


T be a tree on \((k+1)n\) vertices. Then \(\gamma_{k}(T)=n\) if and only if at least one of the following conditions holds:

  1. (1)

    T is any tree on \(k+1\) vertices;

  2. (2)

    \(T=R\circ k\) for some tree R on \(n\geq1\) vertices, where \(R\circ k\) is the graph obtained by taking one copy of R and \(|V(R)|\) copies of the path \(P_{k-1}\) of length \(k-1\) and then joining the ith vertex of R to exactly one end vertex in the ith copy of \(P_{k-1}\).

Lemma 2.7

Let T be an n-vertex tree with distance k-domination number \(\gamma_{k}(T)\geq3\). If \(n=(k+1)\gamma _{k}\), then

$$M_{1}(T)\leq\gamma_{k}(\gamma_{k}+1)+4(k \gamma_{k}-1) $$


$$M_{2}(T)\leq2\gamma_{k}^{2}+(4k-2) \gamma_{k}-4, $$

with equality if and only if \(T\cong T_{n,k,\gamma_{k}}\).


When \(n=(k+1)\gamma_{k}\), \(T=R\circ k\) for some tree R on \(\gamma_{k}\) vertices by Lemma 2.6. Assume that \(V(R)=\{v_{1},\ldots,v_{\gamma_{k}}\}\). Then \(d_{R}(v_{i})=d_{T}(v_{i})-1\). It is well known that \(\sum_{i=1}^{n} d(u_{i})=2(n-1)\) for any n-vertex tree with vertex set \(\{u_{1},\ldots ,u_{n}\}\). Hence, \(\sum_{i=1}^{\gamma_{k}}d_{R}(v_{i})=2(\gamma_{k}-1)\). By the definition of the first Zagreb index, we have

$$\begin{aligned} M_{1}(T) =&\sum_{i=1}^{\gamma_{k}}d_{T}^{2}(v_{i})+ \sum_{x\in V(T)\setminus V(R)}d_{T}^{2}(x) \\ =&\sum_{i=1}^{\gamma_{k}}\bigl(d_{T}(v_{i})-1 \bigr)^{2}+\sum_{x\in V(T)\setminus V(R)}d_{T}^{2}(x)+2 \sum_{i=1}^{\gamma_{k}}\bigl(d_{T}(v_{i})-1 \bigr)+\gamma_{k} \\ =&M_{1}(R)+4(k-1)\gamma_{k}+\gamma_{k}+2\sum _{i=1}^{\gamma_{k}}d_{R}(v_{i})+ \gamma _{k} \\ \leq&M_{1}(S_{\gamma_{k}})+4(k-1)\gamma_{k}+2 \gamma_{k}+4(\gamma_{k}-1) \\ =&\gamma_{k}(\gamma_{k}+1)+4(k\gamma_{k}-1). \end{aligned}$$

The equality holds if and only if \(R\cong S_{\gamma_{k}}\), that is, \(T\cong T_{n,k,\gamma_{k}}\). We have

$$\begin{aligned} M_{2}(T)={}&\sum_{xy\in E(R)}d_{T}(x)d_{T}(y)+ \sum_{xy\in E(T)\setminus E(R)}d_{T}(x)d_{T}(y) \\ ={}&\sum_{xy\in E(R)}\bigl(d_{T}(x)-1\bigr) \bigl(d_{T}(y)-1\bigr)+\sum_{xy\in E(R)} \bigl(d_{T}(x)+d_{T}(y)-1\bigr) \\ &+\sum_{xy\in E(T)\setminus E(R)}d_{T}(x)d_{T}(y) \\ ={}&M_{2}(R)+\sum_{x\in V(R)}d_{T}(x) \bigl(d_{T}(x)-1\bigr)-(\gamma_{k}-1) \\ &+\sum_{x\in V(R)}2d_{T}(x)+4(k-2) \gamma_{k}+2\gamma_{k} \\ ={}&M_{2}(R)+\sum_{x\in V(R)} \bigl(d_{T}(x)-1\bigr)^{2} +3\sum _{x\in V(R)}\bigl(d_{T}(x)-1\bigr)+4k\gamma_{k}-5 \gamma_{k}-1 \\ ={}&M_{2}(R)+M_{1}(R)+6(\gamma_{k}-1)+4k \gamma_{k}-5\gamma_{k}+1 \\ \leq{}&M_{2}(S_{\gamma_{k}})+M_{1}(S_{\gamma_{k}})+4k \gamma_{k}+\gamma_{k}-5 \\ ={}&2\gamma_{k}^{2}+(4k-2)\gamma_{k}-4. \end{aligned} $$

The equality holds if and only if \(R\cong S_{\gamma_{k}}\). As a consequence, \(T\cong T_{n,k,\gamma_{k}}\). □

Lemma 2.8

Let G be a graph which has a maximum value of the Zagreb indices among all n-vertex connected graphs with distance k-domination number and \(S_{G}=\{v\in V(G)\mid d_{G}(v)=1,\gamma _{k}(G-v)=\gamma_{k}(G)\}\). If \(S_{G}\neq\emptyset\), then \(|N_{G}(S_{G})|=1\).


Suppose that \(|N_{G}(S_{G})|\geq2\) and u and v are two distinct vertices in \(N_{G}(S_{G})\). \(x_{1},x_{2},\ldots, x_{r}\) are the pendent vertices adjacent to u and \(y_{1},y_{2},\ldots,y_{t}\) are the pendent vertices adjacent to v, where \(r\geq1\) and \(t\geq1\). Let D be a minimum distance k-dominating set of G. If \(x_{i}\in D\) for some \(i\in\{1,\ldots,r\}\), then \(D-x_{i}+u\) is a distance k-dominating set of T. Hence, we assume that \(x_{i}\notin D\), \(i=1,\ldots,r\). Similarly, \(y_{i}\notin D\) for \(1\leq i\leq t\). Define \(G_{1}=G-\{vy_{1}\}+\{uy_{1}\}\) and \(G_{2}=G-\{ux_{1}\}+\{vx_{1}\}\). Then \(\gamma_{k}(G_{1})=\gamma_{k}(G_{2})=\gamma_{k}(G)\). In addition, we have either \(M_{i}(G_{1})>M_{i}(G)\) or \(M_{i}(G_{2})>M_{i}(G)\), \(i=1,2\), by a similar proof of Lemma 2.3 and thus omitted here (for reference, see the Appendix). It follows a contradiction, as desired. □

3 Main results

In this section, we give upper bounds on the Zagreb indices of a tree with given order n and distance k-domination number \(\gamma_{k}\). If \(P=v_{0}v_{1}\cdots v_{d}\) is a diameter path of an n-vertex tree T, then denote by \(T_{i}\) the component of \(T-\{v_{i-1}v_{i},v_{i}v_{i+1}\} \) containing \(v_{i}\), \(i=1,2,\ldots,d-1\). By Lemma 2.1, we obtain Theorem 3.1 directly.

Theorem 3.1

Let T be an n-vertex tree and \(\gamma_{k}(T)=1\). Then \(M_{1}(T)\leq n(n-1)\) and \(M_{2}(T)\leq(n-1)^{2}\). The equality holds if and only if \(T\cong S_{n}\).

Let \(T^{i}_{n,k,2}\) be the tree obtained from the path \(P_{2k+2}=v_{0}\cdots v_{2k+1}\) by joining \(n-2(k+1)\) pendent vertices to \(v_{i}\), where \(i\in\{1,\ldots,2k\}\).

Theorem 3.2

If T is an n-vertex tree with distance k-domination number \(\gamma_{k}(T)=2\), then

$$M_{1}(T)\leq(n-2k) (n-2k+1)+4(2k-1), $$

with equality if and only if \(T\cong T^{i}_{n,k,2}\), where \(i\in\{1,\ldots,k\}\). Also,

$$M_{2}(T)\leq(n-2k) (n-2k+2)+8k-8, $$

with equality if and only if \(T\cong T^{i}_{n,k,2}\), where \(i\in\{2,\ldots,k\}\).


Assume that \(T\in\mathscr{T}_{n,k,2}\) is the tree that maximizes the Zagreb indices and \(P=v_{0}v_{1}\cdots v_{d}\) is a diameter path of T. If \(d\leq2k\), then \(\{v_{\lfloor\frac{d}{2}\rfloor}\}\) is a distance k-dominating set of T, a contradiction to \(\gamma_{k}(T)=2\). If \(d\geq2k+2\), define \(T'=\tau(T,v_{i}v_{i+1})\), where \(i\in\{1,\ldots ,d-2\}\). Then \(T'\in\mathscr{T}_{n,k,2}\). By Lemma 2.2, we have \(M_{i}(T')>M_{i}(T)\), \(i=1,2\), a contradiction. Hence, \(d=2k+1\).

If \(T_{i}\) is not a star for some \(i\in\{1,2,\ldots,d-1\}\), then there exists an n-vertex tree \(T'\) in \(\mathscr{T}_{n,k,2}\) such that \(M_{i}(T')>M_{i}(T)\) for \(i=1,2\) by Lemma 2.2, a contradiction. Besides, \(T\cong T^{i}_{n,k,2}\) for some \(i\in\{1,\ldots,d-1\}\) by Lemma 2.3.

Since \(M_{1}(T^{i}_{n,k,2})=M_{1}(T^{j}_{n,k,2})\) for \(1\leq i\neq j\leq d-1\) and \(T^{i}_{n,k,2}\cong T^{d-i}_{n,k,2}\) for \(k+1\leq i\leq d-1\), we get \(T\cong T^{i}_{n,k,2}\), \(i\in\{1,\ldots,k\}\). By direct computation, one has \(M_{1}(T)=M_{1}(T^{i}_{n,k,2})= (n-2k)(n-2k+1)+4(2k-1)\), \(i\in\{1,\ldots ,k\}\). In addition, \(M_{2}(T^{1}_{n,k,2})=M_{2}(T^{d-1}_{n,k,2})< M_{2}(T^{2}_{n,k,2})=\cdots =M_{2}(T^{d-2}_{n,k,2})\) and \(T^{i}_{n,k,2}\cong T^{d-i}_{n,k,2}\) for \(i\in \{k+1,\ldots,d-2\}\). Hence, \(T\cong T^{i}_{n,k,2}\), where \(i\in\{2,\ldots,k\}\). Moreover, \(M_{2}(T)=M_{2}(T^{i}_{n,k,2})=(n-2k)(n-2k+2)+8k-8\). This completes the proof. □

Lemma 3.3

Let tree \(T\in\mathscr{T}_{n,k,3}\). Then

$$M_{1}(T)\leq(n-3k) (n-3k+1)+4(3k-1) $$


$$M_{2}(T)\leq(n-3k) (n-3k+3)+12k-10, $$

with equality if and only if \(T\cong T_{n,k,3}\).


Assume that \(T\in\mathscr{T}_{n,k,3}\). We complete the proof by induction on n. By Lemma 2.4, we have \(n\geq (k+1)\gamma_{k}\). This lemma is true for \(n=(k+1)\gamma_{k}\) by Lemma 2.7. Suppose that \(n>3(k+1)\) and the statement holds for \(n-1\) in the following.

Let D be a minimum distance k-dominating set of T and \(P=v_{0}v_{1}\cdots v_{d}\) be a diameter path of T. Then \(d\geq2k+2\). Otherwise, \(\{v_{k},v_{k+1}\}\) is a distance k-dominating set, a contradiction. Note that \(\bigcup_{i=0}^{k}N_{T}^{i}(v_{0})\cap D\neq\emptyset\) and \(\bigcup_{i=0}^{k}N_{T}^{i}(v_{0})\subseteq(\bigcup_{i=0}^{k-1}V(T_{i})\cup\{v_{k}\})\). Hence, \((\bigcup_{i=0}^{k-1}V(T_{i})\cup\{v_{k}\})\cap D\neq\emptyset\). However, \(\bigcup_{i=0}^{k}N_{T}^{i}(x)\subseteq\bigcup_{i=0}^{k}N_{T}^{i}(v_{k})\) for \(x\in\bigcup_{i=0}^{k}V(T_{i})\setminus\{v_{k}\} \), so we assume that \(v_{k}\in D\) and \((\bigcup_{i=0}^{k}V(T_{i})\setminus\{ v_{k}\})\cap D=\emptyset\). Similarly, \(v_{d-k}\in D\) and \((\bigcup_{i=d-k}^{d}V(T_{i})\setminus\{v_{d-k}\})\cap D=\emptyset\). Suppose that \(v_{0}=u_{1}\), \(v_{d}=u_{2},\ldots, u_{m}\) are the pendent vertices of T and \(S_{T}=\{u_{i}\mid1\leq i\leq m, \gamma_{k}(T-u_{i})=\gamma_{k}(T)\}\). We have the following claim.

Claim 1



Assume that \(S_{T}=\emptyset\). Namely, \(\gamma_{k}(T-u_{i})=\gamma_{k}(T)-1\) for each \(i\in\{1,\ldots,m\}\). If \(D\setminus\{w_{i}\}\) is a minimum distance k-dominating set of the tree \(T-u_{i}\), where \(w_{i}\in D\), then \(w_{i}\neq w_{j}\) for \(1\leq i\neq j\leq m\). Otherwise, \(\gamma_{k}(T-u_{i})=\gamma_{k}(T)\) or \(\gamma _{k}(T-u_{j})=\gamma_{k}(T)\), a contradiction. It follows that \(m\leq\gamma_{k}\).

If \(d_{T}(v_{i})\geq3\) for some \(i\in\{2,\ldots,k,d-k,\ldots,d-1\}\), then \(V(T_{i})\cap\{u_{3},\ldots,u_{m}\}\neq\emptyset\). In view of \(\{ v_{k},v_{d-k}\}\subseteq D\), we have \(\gamma_{k}(T-x)=\gamma_{k}(T)\) for \(x\in V(T_{i})\cap\{u_{3},\ldots,u_{m}\}\), a contradiction. Hence, \(d_{T}(v_{i})=2\) for \(i\in\{2,\ldots,k,d-k,\ldots,d-1\}\).

Since \(\gamma_{k}(T-v_{0})=\gamma_{k}(T)-1\), \(v_{1}\) must be dominated by the vertices in \(D\setminus\{v_{k}\}\). Bearing in mind that \((\bigcup_{i=0}^{k}V(T_{i})\setminus\{v_{k}\})\cap D=\emptyset\), one has \(v_{k+1}\in D\). The same applies to \(v_{d-k-1}\). Hence, \(\{ v_{k},v_{k+1},v_{d-k-1},v_{d-k}\}\subseteq D\). If \(d>2k+2\), then the vertices \(v_{k}\), \(v_{k+1}\), \(v_{d-k-1}\) and \(v_{d-k}\) are different from each other, a contradiction to \(\gamma_{k}(T)=3\). As a consequence, \(d=2k+2\) and thus \(D=\{v_{k},v_{k+1},v_{d-k}\}\).

If \(d_{T}(v_{k+1})=2\), then \(T\cong P_{2k+3}\) and \(\{v_{k},v_{d-k}\}\) is a distance k-dominating set, a contradiction. It follows that \(d_{T}(v_{k+1})\geq3\). Hence, \(m\geq3=\gamma_{k}\). Recalling that \(m\leq \gamma_{k}=3\), we have \(m=3\), which implies that \(T_{k+1}\) is a path with end vertices \(v_{k+1}\) and \(u_{3}\). If \(d(v_{k+1},u_{3})>k\), then \(u_{3}\) cannot be dominated by the vertices in D. If \(d(v_{k+1},u_{3})< k\), then \(D\setminus\{v_{k+1}\}\) is a distance k-dominating set, a contradiction. Therefore, \(d(v_{k+1},u_{3})=k\). We conclude that \(|V(T)|=3(k+1)\), which contradicts \(n>3(k+1)\), so Claim 1 is true. □

Considering \(S_{T}\neq\emptyset\) for \(T\in\mathscr{T}_{n,k,3}\), the tree among \(\mathscr{T}_{n,k,3}\) that maximizes the Zagreb indices must be in the set \(\{T^{*}\in\mathscr{T}_{n,k,3}\mid |N_{T^{*}}(S_{T^{*}})|=1\}\) by Lemma 2.8. To determine the extremal trees among \(\mathscr{T}_{n,k,3}\), we assume that \(T\in\{T^{*}\in\mathscr {T}_{n,k,3}\mid|N_{T^{*}}(S_{T^{*}})|=1\}\) in what follows.

Let \(u_{i}\) be a pendent vertex such that \(\gamma_{k}(T-u_{i})=\gamma_{k}(T)\) and s be the unique vertex adjacent to \(u_{i}\). By Lemma 2.5, \(d_{T}(s)\leq\triangle\leq n-k\gamma_{k}\). Define \(A=\{x\in V(T)\mid d_{T}(x)=1, xs\notin E(T)\}\) and \(B=\{x\in V(T)\mid d_{T}(x)\geq2, xs\notin E(T)\}\). Then \(\gamma_{k}(T-x)=\gamma _{k}(T)-1\) for all \(x\in A\). As a consequence, \(|A|\leq\gamma_{k}\) from the proof of Claim 1. By the induction hypothesis,

$$\begin{aligned} M_{1}(T) =& M_{1}(T-u_{i})+2d(s) \\ \leq&(n-1-k\gamma_{k}) (n-1-k\gamma_{k}+1)+4(k \gamma_{k}-1)+2(n-k\gamma _{k}) \\ =&(n-k\gamma_{k}) (n-k\gamma_{k}+1)+4(k \gamma_{k}-1). \end{aligned}$$

The equality holds if and only if \(T-u_{i}\cong T_{n-1,k,\gamma_{k}}\) and \(d_{T}(s)=\triangle=n-k\gamma_{k}\), i.e., \(T\cong T_{n,k,\gamma_{k}}\).

Note that \(|A|+|B|=n-1-d_{T}(s)\) and \(|A|\leq\gamma_{k}\). Therefore, \(|B|=n-1-d_{T}(s)-|A|\geq n-1-d_{T}(s)-\gamma_{k}\) and

$$\sum_{xs\notin E(T)}d(x)\geq|A|+2|B|=\bigl(|A|+|B|\bigr)+|B|\geq 2 \bigl(n-1-d_{T}(s)\bigr)-\gamma_{k}. $$

By the above inequality and the definition of \(M_{2}\), we have

$$\begin{aligned} M_{2}(T) =&M_{2}(T-u_{i})+\sum _{v\in V(T)}d_{T}(v)-\sum_{xs\notin E(T)}d_{T}(x)-1 \\ \leq&M_{2}(T-u_{i})+2(n-1)-2\bigl(n-1-d_{T}(s) \bigr)+\gamma_{k}-1 \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} \leq&(n-1-k\gamma_{k})\bigl[n-1-(k-1)\gamma_{k} \bigr]+(4k-2)\gamma_{k}-4 \\ &{}+2(n-k\gamma_{k})+\gamma_{k}-1 \quad\bigl(\text{since } d_{T}(s)\leq\triangle\leq n-k\gamma_{k}\bigr) \\ =&(n-k\gamma_{k})\bigl[n-(k-1)\gamma_{k}\bigr]+(4k-2) \gamma_{k}-4. \end{aligned}$$

The equality (1) holds if and only if \(|A|=\gamma_{k}\), \(|B|=n-1-d_{T}(s)-\gamma_{k}\) and \(d_{T}(x)=2\) for \(x\in B\). The equality (2) holds if and only if \(T-u_{i}\cong T_{n-1,k,\gamma_{k}}\) and \(d_{T}(s)=\triangle=n-k\gamma_{k}\). Hence, \(M_{2}(T)\leq(n-k\gamma _{k})[n-(k-1)\gamma_{k}]+(4k-2)\gamma_{k}-4\) with equality if and only if \(T\cong T_{n,k,\gamma_{k}}\). □

Theorem 3.4

Let T be a tree of order n with distance k-domination number \(\gamma_{k}\) (≥3). Then

$$M_{1}(T)\leq(n-k\gamma_{k}) (n-k\gamma_{k}+1)+4(k \gamma_{k}-1) $$


$$M_{2}(T)\leq(n-k\gamma_{k})\bigl[n-(k-1)\gamma_{k} \bigr]+(4k-2)\gamma_{k}-4, $$

with equality if and only if \(T\cong T_{n,k,\gamma_{k}}\).


Let \(T\in\mathscr{T}_{n,k,\gamma_{k}}\) and \(P=v_{0}v_{1}\cdots v_{d}\) be a diameter path of T. Define \(S_{T}=\{u\in V(T)\mid d_{T}(u)=1,\gamma_{k}(T-u)=\gamma_{k}(T)\}\). If \(S_{T}=\emptyset\), then \(\gamma_{k}(T-v_{i})=\gamma_{k}(T)-1\) for \(i=0,d\). If \(S_{T}\neq\emptyset\), then we suppose that \(T\in\{T^{*}\in\mathscr {T}_{n,k,\gamma_{k}}\mid|N_{T^{*}}(S_{T^{*}})|=1\}\) by Lemma 2.8 for establishing the maximum Zagreb indices of trees among \(\mathscr {T}_{n,k,\gamma_{k}}\). If \(v_{d}\in S_{T}\neq\emptyset\), then \(\gamma_{k}(T-v_{0})=\gamma_{k}(T)-1\), which implies that \(\gamma _{k}(T-v_{0})=\gamma_{k}(T)-1\) or \(\gamma_{k}(T-v_{d})=\gamma_{k}(T)-1\). Assume that \(\gamma_{k}(T-v_{0})=\gamma_{k}(T)-1\). Then there is a minimum distance k-dominating set D of T such that \(\{v_{k},v_{k+1},v_{d-k}\}\subseteq D\) from the proof of Lemma 3.3.

Let \(T'\) be the tree obtained from T by applying Transformation I on \(T_{i}\) repeatedly for \(i=1,\ldots,k\) such that \(T'_{i}\cong S_{|V(T'_{i})|}\), where \(T'_{i}\) is the component of \(T'-\{ v_{i-1}v_{i},v_{i}v_{i+1}\}\) containing \(v_{i}\), \(i=1,\ldots,k\) (see Figure 4). Then \(T'\in\mathscr{T}_{n,k,\gamma_{k}}\). By Lemma 2.2, we have \(M_{i}(T)\leq M_{i}(T')\), \(i=1,2\), with equality if and only if \(T\cong T'\).

Figure 4
figure 4

T , \(\pmb{T'}\) , \(\pmb{T''}\) and \(\pmb{T'''}\) .

By Lemma 2.3, for some \(i_{0},i_{1}\in\{1,\ldots,k\}\), define

$$\begin{aligned} T''={}&T'-\bigcup _{i\in\{1,\ldots,k\}\setminus\{i_{0}\}}\bigl\{ v_{i} x\mid x\in N_{T'}(v_{i}) \setminus\{v_{i-1},v_{i+1}\}\bigr\} \\ &+\bigcup_{i\in\{1,\ldots,k\}\setminus\{i_{0}\}}\bigl\{ v_{i_{0}}x\mid x\in N_{T'}(v_{i})\setminus\{v_{i-1},v_{i+1}\} \bigr\} \end{aligned} $$


$$\begin{aligned} \widetilde{T}''={}&T'-\bigcup _{i\in\{1,\ldots,k\}\setminus\{i_{1}\}}\bigl\{ v_{i} x\mid x\in N_{T'}(v_{i}) \setminus\{v_{i-1},v_{i+1}\}\bigr\} \\ & +\bigcup_{i\in\{1,\ldots,k\}\setminus\{i_{1}\}}\bigl\{ v_{i_{1}}x\mid x\in N_{T'}(v_{i})\setminus\{v_{i-1},v_{i+1}\} \bigr\} .\end{aligned} $$

Then one has \(M_{1}(T')\leq M_{1}(T'')\) with equality if and only if \(T'\cong T''\) and \(M_{2}(T')\leq M_{2}(\widetilde{T}'')\) with equality if and only if \(T'\cong\widetilde{T}''\).

Suppose that \(|N_{T''}(v_{i_{0}})\setminus\{v_{i_{0}-1},v_{i_{0}+1}\} |=|N_{\widetilde{T}''}\setminus\{v_{i_{1}-1},v_{i_{1}+1}\}|=m\), \(m\geq0\). Let

$$\begin{aligned} T'''={}&T''- \bigl\{ v_{i_{0}}x\mid x\in N_{T''}(v_{i_{0}})\setminus\{ v_{i_{0}-1},v_{i_{0}+1}\}\bigr\} \\ &+\bigl\{ v_{k+1}x\mid x\in N_{T''}(v_{i_{0}})\setminus \{v_{i_{0}-1},v_{i_{0}+1}\} \bigr\} \\ ={}&\widetilde{T}''-\bigl\{ v_{i_{1}}x\mid x\in N_{\widetilde {T}''}(v_{i_{1}})\setminus\{v_{i_{1}-1},v_{i_{1}+1}\} \bigr\} \\ &+\bigl\{ v_{k+1}x\mid x\in N_{\widetilde{T}''}(v_{i_{1}})\setminus \{ v_{i_{1}-1},v_{i_{1}+1}\}\bigr\} .\end{aligned} $$

Then D is a minimum distance k-dominating set of \(T'''\) and \(d_{T'''}(v_{i})=2\) for \(i=1,\ldots,k\). Assume that \(\mathit{PN}_{k,D}(x)\) is the set of all private k-neighbors of x with respect to D in \(T'''\). It is clear that the vertices in \(\bigcup_{i=0}^{k}N_{T'''}^{i}(v_{k})\setminus\{v_{0},\ldots,v_{k}\}\) can be dominated by \(v_{k+1}\in D\). Thus, \(D\setminus\{v_{k}\}\) is a distance k-dominating set of tree \(T'''-\{v_{0},\ldots,v_{k}\}\). In addition, \(\mathit{PN}_{k,D}(v_{k+1})\subseteq V(T''')\setminus\{v_{0},\ldots ,v_{k}\}\), which means that \(D\setminus\{v_{k}\}\) is a minimum distance k-dominating set of \(T'''-\{v_{0},\ldots,v_{k}\}\). So \(\gamma_{k}(T'''-\{v_{0},\ldots,v_{k}\} )=\gamma_{k}-1\). Analogously, \(\gamma_{k}(T'''-\{v_{0},\ldots,v_{k-1}\})=\gamma_{k}-1\).

By the definition of the first Zagreb index, we get

$$\begin{aligned} M_{1}\bigl(T''' \bigr)-M_{1}\bigl(T''\bigr)&=4+ \bigl(d_{T''}(v_{k+1})+m\bigr)^{2}-(2+m)^{2}-d_{T''}^{2}(v_{k+1}) \\ &=2m\bigl(d_{T''}(v_{k+1})-2\bigr) \\ &\geq0,\end{aligned} $$

so \(M_{1}(T''')-M_{1}(T'')=0\) if and only if at least one of the following conditions holds:

  1. (1)

    \(m=0\), which implies that \(T''\cong T'''\);

  2. (2)


If \(i_{1}=1\), then

$$\begin{aligned} M_{2}\bigl(T''' \bigr)-M_{2}\bigl(\widetilde{T}''\bigr) ={}&6+ \bigl(d_{\widetilde{T}''}(v_{k+1})+m\bigr) \biggl(m+\sum _{x\in N_{\widetilde {T}''}(v_{k+1})}d_{\widetilde{T}''}(x)\biggr) \\ &-(m+2) (m+3)-d_{\widetilde{T}''}(v_{k+1})\sum _{x\in N_{\widetilde {T}''}(v_{k+1})}d_{\widetilde{T}''}(x) \\ ={}&m\biggl[d_{\widetilde{T}''}(v_{k+1})+\sum_{x\in N_{\widetilde {T}''}(v_{k+1})}d_{\widetilde{T}''}(x)-5 \biggr] \\ \geq{}&0 ,\end{aligned} $$

with equality if and only if \(m=0\), that is, \(\widetilde{T}''\cong T'''\). If \(i_{1}\neq1\) and \(i_{1}\neq k\), then

$$\begin{aligned} M_{2}\bigl(T''' \bigr)-M_{2}\bigl(\widetilde{T}''\bigr) ={}&8+ \bigl(d_{\widetilde{T}''}(v_{k+1})+m\bigr) \biggl(m+\sum _{x\in N_{\widetilde {T}''}(v_{k+1})}d_{\widetilde{T}''}(x)\biggr) \\ &-(m+2) (m+4)-d_{\widetilde{T}''}(v_{k+1})\sum _{x\in N_{\widetilde {T}''}(v_{k+1})}d_{\widetilde{T}''}(x) \\ ={}&m\biggl[d_{\widetilde{T}''}(v_{k+1})+\sum_{x\in N_{\widetilde {T}''}(v_{k+1})}d_{\widetilde{T}''}(x)-6 \biggr] \\ \geq{}&0 .\end{aligned} $$

Also, \(M_{2}(T''')-M_{2}(\widetilde{T}'')=0\) if and only if at least one of the following conditions holds:

  1. (1)

    \(m=0\), namely, \(\widetilde{T}''\cong T'''\);

  2. (2)

    \(d_{\widetilde{T}''}(v_{k})=d_{\widetilde {T}''}(v_{k+1})=d_{\widetilde{T}''}(v_{k+2})=2\).

If \(i_{1}\neq1\) and \(i_{1}=k\), then

$$\begin{aligned} M_{2}\bigl(T''' \bigr)-M_{2}\bigl(\widetilde{T}''\bigr) ={}&4+ \bigl(d_{\widetilde{T}''}(v_{k+1})+m\bigr) \biggl(m+2+\sum _{x\in N_{\widetilde {T}''}(v_{k+1})\setminus\{v_{k}\}}d_{\widetilde{T}''}(x)\biggr) \\ &-(m+2) (m+2)-d_{\widetilde{T}''}(v_{k+1}) \biggl(\sum _{x\in N_{\widetilde {T}''}(v_{k+1})\setminus\{v_{k}\}}d_{\widetilde{T}''}(x)+m+2\biggr) \\ ={}&m\biggl(\sum_{x\in N_{\widetilde{T}''}(v_{k+1})\setminus\{v_{k}\} }d_{\widetilde{T}''}(x)-2\biggr) \\ \geq{}&0 .\end{aligned} $$

As a result, \(M_{2}(T''')-M_{2}(\widetilde{T}'')=0\) if and only if at least one of the following conditions holds:

  1. (1)

    \(m=0\), which implies that \(\widetilde{T}''\cong T'''\);

  2. (2)


In what follows, we prove \(M_{1}(T''')\leq(n-k\gamma_{k})(n-k\gamma _{k}+1)+4(k\gamma_{k}-1)\) and \(M_{2}(T''')\leq(n-k\gamma_{k})[n-(k-1)\gamma _{k}]+(4k-2)\gamma_{k}-4\) with equality if and only if \(T'''\cong T_{n,k,\gamma_{k}}\) by induction on \(\gamma_{k}\). The statement is true for \(\gamma_{k}=3\) and \(n\geq(k+1)\gamma_{k}\) by Lemma 3.3. Assume that \(\gamma _{k}\geq4\), the statement holds for \(\gamma_{k}-1\) and all the \(n\geq (k+1)(\gamma_{k}-1)\).

In view of \({\gamma_{k}(T'''-\{v_{0},v_{1},\ldots,v_{k}\})}=\gamma _{k}-1\) and \({|V(T'''-\{v_{0},v_{1},\ldots,v_{k}\})|}=n-k-1\geq (k+1)(\gamma_{k}-1)\), by the induction hypothesis, we get

$$\begin{aligned} M_{1}\bigl(T'''\bigr)&= M_{1}\bigl(T'''- \{v_{0},v_{1},\ldots,v_{k}\} \bigr)+2d_{T'''}(v_{k+1})-1+ \sum_{i=0}^{k}d^{2}_{T'''}(v_{i}) \\ &\leq M_{1}(T_{n-k-1,k,\gamma_{k}-1})+2(n-k\gamma_{k})+4k \\ &=(n-k\gamma_{k}) (n-k\gamma_{k}+1)+4(k \gamma_{k}-1).\end{aligned} $$

The equality holds if and only if \(T'''-\{v_{0},v_{1},\ldots,v_{k}\}\cong T_{n-k-1,k,\gamma_{k}-1}\) and \(d_{T'''}(v_{k+1})=\triangle=n-k\gamma_{k}\). Recalling that \(d_{T'''}(v_{i})=2\) for \(i=1,\ldots,k\), we have \(M_{1}(T''')=(n-k\gamma _{k})(n-k\gamma_{k}+1)+4(k\gamma_{k}-1)\) if and only if \(T'''\cong T_{n,k,\gamma_{k}}\).

Thus, \(M_{1}(T)\leq M_{1}(T')\leq M_{1}(T'')\leq M_{1}(T''')\leq(n-k\gamma _{k})(n-k\gamma_{k}+1)+4(k\gamma_{k}-1)\) and \(M_{1}(T)=(n-k\gamma_{k})(n-k\gamma_{k}+1)+4(k\gamma_{k}-1)\) if and only if at least one of the following conditions holds:

  1. (1)

    \(T\cong T'\cong T''\cong T'''\cong T_{n,k,\gamma_{k}}\);

  2. (2)

    \(T\cong T'\cong T''\), where \(d_{T''}(v_{k+1})=2\). Besides, \(T'''\cong T_{n,k,\gamma_{k}}\).

However, the second condition is impossible. If \(T'''\cong T_{n,k,\gamma _{k}}\), then \(d_{T'''}(v_{k+1})=n-k\gamma_{k}\) and the number of the pendent vertices in \(N_{T'''}(v_{k+1})\) is \(n-(k+1)\gamma_{k}\). By the definition of \(T'''\), we have

$$n-(k+1)\gamma_{k}\geq\big|N_{T''}(v_{i_{0}})\setminus \{v_{i_{0}-1},v_{i_{0}+1}\}\big|. $$


$$\begin{aligned} d_{T''}(v_{k+1})&=d_{T'''}(v_{k+1})-|N_{T''}(v_{i_{0}}) \setminus\{ v_{i_{0}-1},v_{i_{0}+1}\}| \\ &\geq d_{T'''}(v_{k+1})-\bigl[n-(k+1)\gamma_{k}\bigr] \\ &=\gamma_{k}\geq3,\end{aligned} $$

a contradiction to \(d_{T''}(v_{k+1})=2\). Therefore,

$$M_{1}(T)\leq(n-k\gamma_{k}) (n-k\gamma_{k}+1)+4(k \gamma_{k}-1) $$

with equality if and only if \(T\cong T_{n,k,\gamma_{k}}\).

Note that \({\gamma_{k}(T'''-\{v_{0},\ldots,v_{k-1}\})}=\gamma _{k}-1\) and \({|V(T'''-\{v_{0},\ldots,v_{k-1}\})|}>(k+1)(\gamma _{k}-1)\). Then

$$\begin{aligned} M_{2}\bigl(T'''\bigr)&= M_{2}\bigl(T'''- \{v_{0},v_{1},\ldots,v_{k-1}\} \bigr)+d_{T'''}(v_{k+1})+4(k-1)+2 \\ &\leq M_{2}(T_{n-k,k,\gamma_{k}-1})+n-k\gamma_{k}+4(k-1)+2 \\ &=(n-k\gamma_{k})\bigl[n-(k-1)\gamma_{k}\bigr]+(4k-2) \gamma_{k}-4.\end{aligned} $$

The equality holds if and only if \(T'''-\{v_{0},\ldots,v_{k-1}\}\cong T_{n-k,k,\gamma_{k}-1}\) and \(d_{T'''}(v_{k+1})=\triangle=n-k\gamma _{k}\). In consideration of \(d_{T'''}(v_{i})=2\) for \(i=1,\ldots,k\), the equality holds if and only if \(T'''\cong T_{n,k,\gamma_{k}}\).

Hence, if \(i_{1}\neq1\), then \(M_{2}(T)\leq M_{2}(T')\leq M_{2}(\widetilde {T}'')\leq M_{2}(T''')\leq(n-k\gamma_{k})[n-(k-1)\gamma_{k}]+(4k-2)\gamma _{k}-4\), with equality if and only if at least one of the following conditions holds:

  1. (1)

    \(T\cong T'\cong\widetilde{T}''\cong T'''\cong T_{n,k,\gamma_{k}}\);

  2. (2)

    \(T\cong T'\cong\widetilde{T}''\), where \(d_{\widetilde {T}''}(v_{k})=d_{\widetilde{T}''}(v_{k+1})=d_{\widetilde {T}''}(v_{k+2})=2\) and \(\widetilde{T}'''\cong T_{n,k,\gamma_{k}}\).

Analogous to the analysis of the first Zagreb index, the second condition above is impossible. Thus,

$$M_{2}(T)\leq(n-k\gamma_{k})\bigl[n-(k-1)\gamma_{k} \bigr]+(4k-2)\gamma_{k}-4 $$

and the equality holds if and only if \(T\cong T_{n,k,\gamma_{k}}\).

Besides, if \(i=1\), then \(M_{2}(T)\leq(n-k\gamma_{k})[n-(k-1)\gamma _{k}]+(4k-2)\gamma_{k}-4\) with equality if and only if \(T\cong T_{n,k,\gamma _{k}}\) immediately. This completes the proof. □

Remark 3.5

Borovićanin and Furtula [1] proved

$$M_{1}(T)\leq(n-\gamma) (n-\gamma+1)+4(\gamma-1) $$


$$M_{2}(T)\leq 2(n-\gamma+1) (\gamma-1)+(n-\gamma) (n-2\gamma+1), $$

with equality if and only if \(T\cong T_{n,\gamma}\), where \(T_{n,\gamma}\) is the tree obtained from the star \(K_{1,n-\gamma}\) by attaching a pendent edge to its \(\gamma-1\) pendent vertices. In this paper, we determine the extremal values on the Zagreb indices of trees with distance k-domination number for \(k\geq2\). Note that the domination number is the special case of the distance k-domination number for \(k=1\) and \(T_{n,k,\gamma_{k}}\cong T_{n,\gamma}\), \(T_{n,k,2}^{i}\cong T_{n,\gamma}\), \(i\in\{1,\ldots,k\}\), when \(k=1\). Let T be an n-vertex tree with distance k-domination number \(\gamma_{k}\). Then, by using Theorems 3.1, 3.2 and 3.4 and the results in [1], we have

$$M_{1}(T)\leq \textstyle\begin{cases}n(n-1) & \text{if }\gamma _{k}=1,\\ (n-k\gamma_{k})(n-k\gamma_{k}+1)+4(k\gamma_{k}-1) &\text{if }\gamma_{k}\geq2, \end{cases} $$

with equality if and only if \(T\cong S_{n}\) when \(\gamma_{k}=1\), \(T\cong T_{n,k,2}^{i}\), \(i\in\{1,\ldots,k\}\), when \(\gamma_{k}=2\), or \(T\cong T_{n,k,\gamma_{k}}\) when \(\gamma_{k}\geq3\). Moreover,

$$M_{2}(T)\leq \textstyle\begin{cases}2(n-\gamma_{k}+1)(\gamma_{k}-1)+(n-\gamma_{k})(n-2\gamma _{k}+1) & \text{if }k=1,\\ (n-1)^{2} & \text{if }k\geq2, \gamma_{k}=1,\\ (n-k\gamma_{k})[n-(k-1)\gamma_{k}]+(4k-2)\gamma _{k}-4 & \text{if }k\geq2, \gamma_{k}\geq2, \end{cases} $$

with equality if and only if \(T\cong S_{n}\) when \(k\geq2\) and \(\gamma _{k}=1\), \(T\cong T_{n,k,2}^{i}\), \(i\in\{2,\ldots,k\}\), when \(k\geq2\) and \(\gamma_{k}=2\), or \(T\cong T_{n,k,\gamma_{k}}\) otherwise.


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This work is financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 11401004) and the Natural Science Foundation of Anhui Province of China (No. 1408085QA03).

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Either \(M_{i}(G_{1})>M_{i}(G)\) or \(M_{i}(G_{2})>M_{i}(G)\), \(i=1,2\), in Lemma 2.8, where \(G_{1}=G-\{vy_{1}\}+\{uy_{1}\} \) and \(G_{2}=G-\{ux_{1}\}+\{vx_{1}\}\), as shown in the following figure.

figure e

Let \(G^{*}=G-\{x_{1},\ldots,x_{r},y_{1},\ldots,y_{t}\}\), \(d_{G^{*}}(u)=a\) and \(d_{G^{*}}(v)=b\). Then

$$\begin{aligned} M_{1}(G_{1})-M_{1}(G)&=(a+r+1)^{2}+(b+t-1)^{2}-(a+r)^{2}-(b+t)^{2} \\ &=2(a+r-b-t+1)\end{aligned} $$


$$\begin{aligned} M_{1}(G_{2})-M_{1}(G)&=(a+r-1)^{2}+(b+t+1)^{2}-(a+r)^{2}-(b+t)^{2} \\ &=2(b+t-a-r+1)\end{aligned} $$

by the definition of the first Zagreb index. Suppose that \(M_{1}(G_{1})-M_{1}(G)\leq0\). Then \(a+r\leq b+t-1\). It follows that \(M_{1}(G_{2})-M_{1}(G)>0\).

If \(u\notin N_{G}(v)\), then

$$\begin{aligned} M_{2}(G_{1})-M_{2}(G)={}&(a+r+1) \biggl(\sum _{x\in N_{G^{*}}(u)}d_{G}(x)+r+1 \biggr) \\ &+(b+t-1) \biggl(\sum_{x\in N_{G^{*}}(v)}d_{G}(x)+t-1 \biggr) \\ &-(a+r) \biggl(\sum_{x\in N_{G^{*}}(u)}d_{G}(x)+r \biggr)-(b+t) \biggl(\sum_{x\in N_{G^{*}}(v)}d_{G}(x)+t \biggr) \\ ={}&\sum_{x\in N_{G^{*}}(u)}d_{G}(x)-\sum _{x\in N_{G^{*}}(v)}d_{G}(x)+2r-2t+a-b+2\end{aligned} $$


$$\begin{aligned} M_{2}(G_{2})-M_{2}(G)={}&(a+r-1) \biggl(\sum _{x\in N_{G^{*}}(u)}d_{G}(x)+r-1 \biggr) \\ &+(b+t+1) \biggl(\sum_{x\in N_{G^{*}}(v)}d_{G}(x)+t+1 \biggr) \\ &-(a+r) \biggl(\sum_{x\in N_{G^{*}}(u)}d_{G}(x)+r \biggr)-(b+t) \biggl(\sum_{x\in N_{G^{*}}(v)}d_{G}(x)+t \biggr) \\ ={}&\sum_{x\in N_{G^{*}}(v)}d_{G}(x)-\sum _{x\in N_{G^{*}}(u)}d_{G}(x)+2t-2r+b-a+2.\end{aligned} $$

If \(M_{2}(G_{1})-M_{2}(G)\leq0\), then \(M_{2}(G_{2})-M_{2}(G)>0\).

If \(u\in N_{G}(v)\), then

$$\begin{gathered} M_{2}(G_{1})-M_{2}(G) \\ \quad=(a+r+1) \biggl(\sum_{x\in N_{G^{*}}(u)\setminus\{v\}}d_{G}(x)+r+1 \biggr)+(b+t-1) \biggl(\sum_{x\in N_{G^{*}}(u)\setminus\{v\}}d_{G}(x)+t-1 \biggr) \\ \qquad{}+(a+r+1) (b+t-1)-(a+r) \biggl(\sum_{x\in N_{G^{*}}(u)\setminus\{v\} }d_{G}(x)+r \biggr) \\ \qquad{}-(b+t) \biggl(\sum_{x\in N_{G^{*}}(u)\setminus\{v\} }d_{G}(x)+t \biggr)-(a+r) (b+t) \\ \quad=\sum_{x\in N_{G^{*}}(u)\setminus\{v\}}d_{G}(x)-\sum _{x\in N_{G^{*}}(v)\setminus\{u\}}d_{G}(x)+r-t+1\end{gathered} $$


$$\begin{gathered} M_{2}(G_{2})-M_{2}(G) \\ \quad=(a+r-1) \biggl(\sum_{x\in N_{G^{*}}(u)\setminus\{v\}}d_{G}(x)+r-1 \biggr)+(b+t+1) \biggl(\sum_{x\in N_{G^{*}}(u)\setminus\{v\}}d_{G}(x)+t+1 \biggr) \\ \qquad{}+(a+r-1) (b+t+1)-(a+r) \biggl(\sum_{x\in N_{G^{*}}(u)\setminus\{v\} }d_{G}(x)+r \biggr) \\ \qquad{}-(b+t) \biggl(\sum_{x\in N_{G^{*}}(u)\setminus\{v\}}d_{G}(x)+t \biggr)-(a+r) (b+t) \\ \quad=\sum_{x\in N_{G^{*}}(v)\setminus\{u\}}d_{G}(x)-\sum _{x\in N_{G^{*}}(u)\setminus\{v\}}d_{G}(x)+t-r+1.\end{gathered} $$

Assume that \(M_{2}(G_{1})-M_{2}(G)\leq0\). Then \(M_{2}(G_{2})-M_{2}(G)>0\). Therefore, either \(M_{i}(G_{1})>M_{i}(G)\) or \(M_{i}(G_{2})>M_{i}(G)\), \(i=1,2\). □

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Pei, L., Pan, X. Extremal values on Zagreb indices of trees with given distance k-domination number. J Inequal Appl 2018, 16 (2018).

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