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Geometric properties of certain analytic functions associated with generalized fractional integral operators


Let be the class of normalized analytic functions in the unit disk and define the class P(β)={fA:φR such that Re[ e i φ ( f (z)β)]>0,zU}. In this paper we find conditions on the number β and the non-negative weight function λ(t) such that the integral transform V λ (f)(z)= 0 1 λ(t) f ( t z ) t dt is convex of order γ (0γ1/2) when fP(β). Some interesting further consequences are also considered.

MSC:30C45, 33C50.

1 Introduction and definitions

Let denote the class of functions of the form

f(z)=z+ n = 2 a n z n

which are analytic in the open unit disk U={zC:|z|<1}. Also let , S (γ) and K(γ) denote the subclasses of consisting of functions which are univalent, starlike of order γ and convex of order γ in , respectively. In particular, the classes S (0)= S and K(0)=K are the familiar ones of starlike and convex functions in , respectively.

We note that

f(z)K(γ)z f (z) S (γ)

for 0γ<1.

Let a, b, and c be complex numbers with c0,1,2, . Then the Gaussian hypergeometric function F 1 2 is defined by

F 1 2 (a,b;c;z)= n = 0 ( a ) n ( b ) n ( c ) n z n n ! ,

where ( λ ) n is the Pochhammer symbol defined, in terms of the Gamma function, by

( λ ) n = Γ ( λ + n ) Γ ( λ ) = { 1 ( n = 0 ) , λ ( λ + 1 ) ( λ + n 1 ) ( n N ) .

For functions f j (z) (j=1,2) of the forms

f j (z):= n = 0 a j , n + 1 z n + 1 ( a j , 1 :=1;j=1,2),

let ( f 1 f 2 )(z) denote the Hadamard product or convolution of f 1 (z) and f 2 (z), defined by

( f 1 f 2 )(z):= n = 0 a 1 , n + 1 a 2 , n + 1 z n + 1 ( a j , 1 :=1;j=1,2).

By using (1.3), Hohlov [1] introduced the convolution operator H a , b , c by

H a , b , c (f)(z):= z 2 F 1 (a,b;c;z)f(z)

for fA. The three-parameter family of operators given by (1.4) contains as special cases several of the known linear integral or differential operators studied by a number of authors. This operator has been studied extensively by Ponnusamy [2], Kim and Rønning [3] and many others [4, 5]. In particular, if a=1 in (1.4), then H 1 , b , c is the operator L(b,c) due to Carlson and Shaffer [6] which was defined by

L(b,c)f(z)= z 2 F 1 (1,b;c;z)f(z).

Clearly, L(b,c) maps onto itself, and L(c,b) is the inverse of L(b,c), provided that b0,1,2, . Furthermore, L(b,b) is the unit operator and


Also, we note that

K(γ)=L(1,2) S (γ)(0γ<1)


S (γ)=L(2,1)K(γ)(0γ<1).

Various definitions of fractional calculus operators are given by many authors. We use here the following definition due to Saigo [7] (see also [5, 8]).

Definition 1 For λ>0, μ,νR, the fractional integral operator I 0 , z λ , μ , ν is defined by

I 0 , z λ , μ , ν f(z)= z λ μ Γ ( λ ) 0 z ( z ζ ) λ 1 2 F 1 ( λ + μ , ν ; λ ; 1 ζ z ) f(ζ)dζ,

where f(z) is taken to be an analytic function in a simply connected region of the z-plane containing the origin with the order

f(z)=O ( | z | ϵ ) (z0)

for ϵ>max{0,μν}1, and the multiplicity of ( z ζ ) λ 1 is removed by requiring log(zζ) to be real when zζ>0. With the aid of the above definition, Owa et al. [9] defined a modification of the fractional integral operator J 0 , z λ , μ , ν by

J 0 , z λ , μ , ν f(z)= Γ ( 2 μ ) Γ ( 2 + λ + ν ) Γ ( 2 μ + ν ) z μ I 0 , z λ , μ , ν f(z)

for f(z)A and min{λ+ν,μ+ν,μ}>2. Then it is observed that J 0 , z λ , μ , ν also maps onto itself and

J 0 , z λ , μ , ν f(z)=L(2,2μ)L(2μ+ν,2+λ+ν)f(z).

The function

s α (z)= z ( 1 z ) 2 ( 1 α ) (0α<1)

is the well-known extremal function for the class S (α). A function f(z)A is said to be in the class R(α,γ) if

(f s α )(z) S (γ)(0α<1;0γ<1).

Note that

R(α,γ)=L(1,22α) S (γ)

and R(α,α)R(α) is the subclass of consisting of prestarlike functions of order α which was introduced by Suffridge [10]. In [11], it is shown that R(α)S if and only if α1/2. For β<1 we denote the class

P(β)= { f A : φ R  such that  Re [ e i φ ( f ( z ) β ) ] > 0 , z U } .

Throughout this paper we let λ:[0,1]R be a non-negative function with

0 1 λ(t)dt=1.

For certain specific subclasses of fA, many authors considered the geometric properties of the integral transform of the form

V λ (f)(z)= 0 1 λ(t) f ( t z ) t dt.

More recently, starlikeness of this general operator V λ (f) was discussed by Fournier and Ruscheweyh [12] by assuming that fP(β). The method of proof is the duality principle developed mainly by Ruscheweyh [13]. This result was later extended by Ponnusamy and Rønning [14] by means of finding conditions such that V λ (f) carries P(β) into starlike functions of order γ, 0γ1/2.

In this paper, we find conditions on β and the function λ(t) such that V λ (f) carries P(β) into K(γ). As a consequence of this investigation, a number of new results are established.

2 Preliminaries

We begin by recalling the following results.

Lemma 1 ([15]; see also [5])

If fA and ca+1>b>0, then

H a , b , c (f)(z)= Γ ( c ) Γ ( a ) Γ ( b ) 0 1 ( 1 t ) c a b Γ ( c a b + 1 ) t b 2 2 F 1 (ca,1a;cab+1;1t)f(tz)dt.

Remark 1 In view of Lemma 1, we see that the convolution operator (1.4) is an integral operator of the form (1.10) with

λ(t)= Γ ( c ) t b 1 ( 1 t ) c a b Γ ( a ) Γ ( b ) Γ ( c a b + 1 ) 2 F 1 (ca,1a;cab+1;1t).

For Λ:[0,1]R being integrable and positive on (0,1), we define

L Λ ( h γ )= inf z U 0 1 Λ(t) [ Re h γ ( z t ) z t 1 γ ( 1 + t ) ( 1 γ ) ( 1 + t ) 2 ] dt


M Λ ( h γ )= inf z U 0 1 Λ(t) [ Re h γ ( z t ) 1 t γ ( 1 + t ) ( 1 γ ) ( 1 + t ) 3 ] dt,

where 0γ<1 and

h γ (z)= z ( 1 + ϵ + 2 γ 1 2 2 γ z ) ( 1 z ) 2 ,|ϵ|=1.

In [16], Ponnusamy and Rønning proved the following lemmas.

Lemma 2 Let Λ(t) be integrable on [0,1] and positive on (0,1). If Λ(t)/(1+t) ( 1 t ) 1 + 2 γ is decreasing on (0,1), then for 0γ1/2 we have L Λ ( h γ )0.

Lemma 3 Let 0γ<1 and let λ(t) be given by (1.9). Define β<1 by

β 1 β = 0 1 λ(t) [ 1 + γ ( 1 γ ) t ( 1 γ ) ( 1 + t ) 2 γ 1 γ log ( 1 + t ) t ] dt.

Assume that lim t 0 + tΛ(t)=0, where

Λ(t)= t 1 λ(s)ds/s.

Then V λ (P(β)) S (γ) if and only if L Λ ( h γ )0.

We now find conditions on β and the non-negative weight function λ(t) such that V λ (P(β))K(γ).

Lemma 4 (i) Let Λ(t) be monotone decreasing on [0,1] satisfying Λ(1)=0 and lim t 0 + tΛ(t)=0. For 0γ1/2 if t Λ (t)/(1+t) ( 1 t ) 1 + 2 γ is increasing on (0,1), then M Λ ( h γ )0.

  1. (ii)

    Let 0γ1/2 and let λ(t) and Λ(t) be as in Lemma 3. Define β<1 by

    β 1 2 1 β = 0 1 λ(t) 1 γ ( 1 + t ) ( 1 γ ) ( 1 + t ) 2 dt.

Then V λ (P(β))K(γ) if and only if M Λ ( h γ )0.

Proof (i) Let M Λ ( h γ )= inf z U I γ . Then, by using the conditions Λ(1)=0 and lim t 0 + tΛ(t)=0, an integration by parts yields

I γ = 0 1 Λ ( t ) [ Re h γ ( z t ) 1 t γ ( 1 + t ) ( 1 γ ) ( 1 + t ) 3 ] d t = 0 1 Λ ( t ) d d t [ Re h γ ( z t ) z t ( 1 γ ( 1 + t ) ) ( 1 γ ) ( 1 + t ) 2 ] d t = 0 1 t Λ ( t ) [ Re h γ ( z t ) z t 1 γ ( 1 + t ) ( 1 γ ) ( 1 + t ) 2 ] d t .

Since t Λ (t)/(1+t) ( 1 t ) 1 + 2 γ is increasing on (0,1), by Lemma 2, inf z U I γ 0, which evidently completes the proof of (i).

  1. (ii)

    We state this proof only in outline here because the proof is similar to that of [[3], Theorem 2.1]. Let F(z)= V λ (f)(z). Then, by convolution theory [[13], p.94] and (1.2), we have

    F(z)K(γ) 1 z ( z F ( z ) h γ ( z ) ) 0,

where h γ (z) is given by (2.1). Since fP(β), by the duality principle [[13], p.23], it is enough to verify this with f given by

f (z)=(1β) 1 x z 1 y z +β ( | x | = | y | = 1 ) .

In the same way as in [[3], Theorem 2.1], we conclude that (2.2) holds if and only if

Re 0 1 λ(t) [ h γ ( z t ) z t 1 γ ( 1 + t ) ( 1 γ ) ( 1 + t ) 2 ] dt>0.

Integrating by parts, we find that the inequality (2.3) is equivalent to

Re 0 1 Λ(t) [ h γ ( z t ) 1 t γ ( 1 + t ) ( 1 γ ) ( 1 + t ) 3 ] dt0,

which again is equivalent to M Λ ( h γ )0. □

Remark 2 In particular, taking γ=0 in Lemma 4, we obtain the result due to Ali and Singh [[17], Theorem 1].

3 Main results

We define

φ(1t)=1+ n = 1 b n ( 1 t ) n ( b n 0)


λ(t)=C t b 1 ( 1 t ) c a b φ(1t),

where C is a constant satisfying the condition (1.9). For fA Balasubramanian et al. [4] defined the operator P a , b , c by

P a , b , c (f)(z)= 0 1 λ(t) f ( t z ) t dt,

where λ(t) is given by (3.2). Special choices of φ(1t) and C led to various interesting geometric properties concerning certain linear operators. For example, if we take φ(1t) = 2 F 1 (ca,1a;cab+1;1t) and

C= Γ ( c ) Γ ( a ) Γ ( b ) Γ ( c a b + 1 ) ,

by virtue of Remark 1,

P a , b , c (f)(z)= H a , b , c (f)(z).

First, by applying Lemma 4, we prove the following.

Theorem 1 Let 0γ1/2, a>0, 0<b1, and ca+b+2γ+1, and let λ(t) be given by (3.2). Define β=β(a,b,c,γ) by

β 1 2 1 β = 0 1 λ(t) 1 γ ( 1 + t ) ( 1 γ ) ( 1 + t ) 2 dt.

If f(z)P(β), then P a , b , c (f)(z)K(γ). The value of β is sharp.

Proof Let C>0 and

Λ(t)= t 1 λ ( s ) s ds,

where λ(t) is given by (3.2). Then it is easily seen that Λ(t) is monotone decreasing on [0,1] and lim t 0 + tΛ(t)=0. In order to apply Lemma 4, we want to prove that the function

u(t)= λ ( t ) ( 1 + t ) ( 1 t ) 1 + 2 γ

is decreasing on (0,1), where λ(t) is given by (3.2). Making use of the logarithmic differentiation of both sides in (3.4), we have

u ( t ) u ( t ) = λ ( t ) λ ( t ) + 2 ( γ + ( 1 + γ ) t ) 1 t 2 .


λ (t)=C t b 2 ( 1 t ) c a b 1 [ φ ( 1 t ) { ( b 1 ) ( 1 t ) t ( c a b ) } t ( 1 t ) φ ( 1 t ) ] ,

from (3.4) and (3.5) we find that u (t)0 on (0,1) is equivalent to

(ca32γ) t 2 +(cab2γ)t+1bt ( 1 t 2 ) φ ( 1 t ) φ ( 1 t ) (0<t<1).

In view of (3.1), φ(1t)>0 and φ (1t)0 on (0,1), so that the right hand side of the inequality (3.6) is non-positive for all t(0,1). If we assume that 0γ1/2, a>0, 0<b1, and ca+b+2γ+1, then (ca32γ) t 2 +(cab2γ)t+1b0 for t(0,1). Thus, the inequality (3.6) holds for all t(0,1). Hence, from Lemma 4 we obtain P a , b , c (f)(z)K(γ). □

The same techniques as in the proof of [[5], Theorem 1] show that the value β is sharp.

By using (3.3) and Theorem 1, we have the following.

Corollary 1 Let 0γ1/2, 0<a1, 0<b1, and ca+b+2γ+1. Define β=β(a,b,c,γ) by

β 1 2 1 β = Γ ( c ) Γ ( a ) Γ ( b ) 0 1 ( 1 t ) c a b t b 1 Γ ( c a b + 1 ) 1 γ ( 1 + t ) ( 1 γ ) ( 1 + t ) 2 × 2 F 1 ( c a , 1 a ; c a b + 1 ; 1 t ) d t .

If f(z)P(β), then H a , b , c (f)(z)K(γ). The value of β is sharp.

Proof If we put

λ(t)= Γ ( c ) t b 1 ( 1 t ) c a b Γ ( a ) Γ ( b ) Γ ( c a b + 1 ) 2 F 1 (ca,1a;cab+1;1t),

then, by applying (3.3) and Theorem 1, we obtain the desired result. □

Setting a=1 in Corollary 1, we obtain the following.

Corollary 2 Let 0γ1/2, 0<b1, and cb+2γ+2. Also let

β(1,b,c,γ)=1 1 γ 2 [ 1 2 F 1 ( 2 , b ; c ; 1 ) γ ( 1 2 F 1 ( 1 , b ; c ; 1 ) ) ] .

If β(1,b,c,γ)<β<1 and f(z)P(β), then L(b,c)f(z)K(γ).

Next we find a univalence criterion for the operator J 0 , z λ , μ , ν .

Theorem 2 Let 0γ1/2, 0μ<2, λ2(1+γ)μ, and μ2<νμ1. Define β=β(λ,μ,ν,γ) by

β=1 1 γ 2 [ 1 2 F 1 ( 2 , 2 μ + ν ; 2 + λ + ν ; 1 ) γ ( 1 2 F 1 ( 1 , 2 μ + ν ; 2 + λ + ν ; 1 ) ) ] .

If f(z)P(β), then J 0 , z λ , μ , ν f(z)R(μ/2,γ).

Proof Making use of (1.5) and (1.7), we note that

J 0 , z λ , μ , ν f ( z ) = L ( 2 , 2 μ ) L ( 2 μ + ν , 2 + λ + ν ) f ( z ) = L ( 1 , 2 μ ) L ( 2 , 1 ) L ( 2 μ + ν , 2 + λ + ν ) f ( z ) .

By using Corollary 2, we obtain


Since 0μ<2, from (1.6), (1.8) and (3.7) we have J 0 , z λ , μ , ν f(z)R(μ/2,γ), which completes the proof of Theorem 2. □

Taking μ=2γ in Theorem 2, we get the following.

Corollary 3 Let 0γ1/2, λ2, and 2(γ1)<ν2γ1. Define β=β(λ,ν,γ) by

β=1 1 γ 2 [ 1 2 F 1 ( 2 , 2 ( 1 γ ) + ν ; 2 + λ + ν ; 1 ) γ ( 1 2 F 1 ( 1 , 2 ( 1 γ ) + ν ; 2 + λ + ν ; 1 ) ) ] .

If f(z)P(β), then J 0 , z λ , 2 γ , ν f(z)R(γ)S.

Proof If we put μ=2γ in Theorem 2, then

J 0 , z λ , 2 γ , ν f(z)R(γ,γ)=R(γ).

Since γ1/2, R(γ)S, so that the proof is completed. □

Remark 3 In [4], Balasubramanian et al. found the conditions on the number β and the function λ(t) such that P a , b , c (f)(z) S (γ) (0γ1/2). Since J 0 , z λ , μ , ν f(z)= P 1 ν , 2 , λ ν + 2 (f)(z) with φ(1t) = 2 F 1 (λ+μ,ν;λ;1t) and

C= Γ ( 2 μ ) Γ ( 2 + λ + ν ) Γ ( λ ) Γ ( 2 μ + ν ) ,

the condition on β and λ(t) is easily found such that J 0 , z λ , μ , ν f(z) S (γ).

Finally, by using Lemma 4 again, we investigate convexity of the operator J 0 , z λ , μ , ν .

Theorem 3 Let 0γ1/2, 0<λ1+2γ, 2<μ<3, 0<ν1, and ν>μ2. Define β=β(λ,μ,ν,γ) by

β 1 2 1 β = Γ ( 2 μ ) Γ ( 2 + λ + ν ) Γ ( λ ) Γ ( 2 μ + ν ) 0 1 t ( 1 t ) λ 1 ( 1 γ ( 1 + t ) ) ( 1 γ ) ( 1 + t ) 2 2 F 1 (λ+μ,ν;λ;1t)dt.

If f(z)P(β), then J 0 , z λ , μ , ν f(z)K(γ). The value of β is sharp.

Proof Let 0γ1/2, 0<λ1+2γ, 2<μ<3, and ν>μ2, and let

λ(t)= Γ ( 2 μ ) Γ ( 2 + λ + ν ) Γ ( λ ) Γ ( 2 μ + ν ) t ( 1 t ) λ 1 2 F 1 (λ+μ,ν;λ;1t).

Then we can easily see that 0 1 λ(t)dt=1, Λ(t)= t 1 λ(s)ds/s is monotone decreasing on [0,1] and lim t 0 + tΛ(t)=0. Also we find that the function u(t)=λ(t)/(1+t) ( 1 t ) 1 + 2 γ is decreasing on (0,1), where λ(t) is given by (3.8). Hence, t Λ (t)/(1+t) ( 1 t ) 1 + 2 γ =u(t) is increasing on (0,1). From Lemma 4, we obtain the desired result. □


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The first author was supported by Yeungnam University (2013).

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Kim, Y.C., Choi, J.H. Geometric properties of certain analytic functions associated with generalized fractional integral operators. J Inequal Appl 2014, 177 (2014).

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