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On degree of approximation of the Gauss-Weierstrass means for smooth L p ( R n ) functions


The notion of μ-smooth point of an L p ( R n )-function f is introduced in terms of some ‘maximal function.’ Then the connection between the order of μ-smoothness of the function f and the rate of convergence of the Gauss-Weierstrass means to f, when ε tends to 0, is obtained.

MSC:41A25, 42B08, 26A33.

1 Introduction and formulations of main results

Let Φ C 0 ( R n ) L 1 ( R n ) and Φ(0)=1. The Φ-means of the integral R n f(x)dx are defined as [[1], p.6]

M ε , Φ (f)= R n Φ(εx)f(x)dx(ε>0).

If lim ε 0 + M ε , Φ (f)=l, then it is said that the (divergent) integral R n f(x)dx is summable to l. It is possible to obtain various summability methods by choosing a suitable function Φ. For example, by letting Φ(x)= e | x | , Φ(x)= e | x | 2 or for δ>0, Φ(x)= { ( 1 | x | 2 ) δ ; | x | 1 0 ; | x | > 1 } , the classical Abel, Gauss-Weierstrass and Bochner-Riesz means and corresponding summability methods are obtained. One of the important problems in classical harmonic analysis is to construct an (unknown) function f by means of its Fourier transform F(f) defined as

F(f)(x)= R n f(t) e 2 π i x t dt.

However, F(f) needs not be integrable for some f L p ( R n ), and hence the formula

f(x)= R n F(f)(t) e 2 π i x t dt

becomes incorrect. To overcome this difficulty, one may apply suitable summability methods (see, e.g., [13]).

Whenever a function Φ is radial, it is well known that [[1], p.8] for the Φ-means of the convergent or divergent integral R n F(f)(t) e 2 π i x t dt, the following equality holds:

R n F(f)(x) e 2 π i x t Φ(εx)dx= R n f(x) φ ε (tx)dx,

where φ ε (x)= ( 1 / ε ) n φ ε (x/ε) and φ(x)=F(Φ).

In particular, putting the function e | x | 2 instead of Φ(x) in (1.1), the following formula for the Gauss-Weierstrass means of the integral R n F(f)(t) e 2 π i x t dt

S(x,ε)= R n f(t) φ ε (xt)dt(ε>0)

is obtained. Here, the function φ ε is defined as

φ ε (x)W(x,ε)= ( 4 π ε ) ( n / 2 ) e | x | 2 / 4 ε ,

and called the Gauss-Weierstrass kernel.

One of the well-known and basic results for the Gauss-Weierstrass means is the following ([[4], p.5], [[5], p.223]).

Proposition 1.1 Let f L p ( R n ) (1p<), and let the Gauss-Weierstrass means of f be defined as in (1.2). Then

  1. (a)

    lim ε 0 S ( x , ε ) f L p =0;

  2. (b)

    lim ε 0 S(x,ε)=f(x) at each x belonging to the Lebesgue set of f;

  3. (c)

    sup ε > 0 |S(x,ε)|c(Mf)(x), where (Mf)(x) is the Hardy-Littlewood maximal function.

Various aspects of the Gauss-Weierstrass and Abel-Poisson type summability of the multiple Fourier series and integrals have been studied in Stein and Weiss [1], Golubov [6, 7] and Gorodetskii [8]; see also Weisz [2] and [9] and references therein.

The aim of the paper is to investigate the error of approximation of f(x) by its Gauss-Weierstrass means S(x,ε) as ε0 at the so-called μ-smoothness point of f. Note that some problems of the Bochner-Riesz summability of Fourier transform of f L p ( R n ) at the Dini-like points was studied in [10]. Also, the rate of convergence of the Gauss-Weierstrass means of relevant Fourier series at some kind of smoothness points was studied in [9].

Definition 1.2 Let μ(r) be a positive function on (0,), and assume that lim r 0 + μ(r)=0. If ψ(t,x), defined on R n × R n , is measurable, we define its μ-maximal function by

( M μ ψ)(x)= sup r > 0 1 μ ( r ) r n | t | < r | ψ ( t , x ) | dt.

Definition 1.3 Let, for a constant ρ<1, a function μ(r) be a continuous and positive function on the interval (0,ρ), and assume that lim r 0 + μ(r)=μ(0)=0. We say that a function f L l o c 1 ( R n ) is μ-smooth of order μ(r) at x R n if

D μ (x)= sup 0 < r < 1 1 r n μ ( r ) | t | < r | f ( x t ) f ( x ) | dt<.

The points x R n , for which (1.5) holds, are called μ-smoothness points of f.

Remark 1.4 Simple characterization of a μ-smoothness point is not known. However, most of the classes of ‘smooth’ functions in a classical sense have the μ-smoothness property. For example, if the modulus of continuity of f

w f (r)= sup | x | r f ( x ) f ( )

satisfies the inequality w f (r)cμ(r) for r0, then every point x R n is a μ-smoothness point of f, as can easily be seen from (1.5). In particular, if f satisfies the local Lipschitz (Hölder) condition

|f(xt)f(x)|c | t | α ,0<α1,

then x is a μ-smoothness point of f, provided μ(r)= r α .

From now on, we will assume that the function μ(r) is continued as a constant from [0,ρ] to [ρ,), that is, μ(r)=μ(ρ), rρ.

Now, we state the main results of the paper.

Theorem 1.5 Let f L p ( R n ), 1<p<, be μ-smooth at x R n . Then the following estimate holds:

| S ( x , ε ) f ( x ) | c 1 0 r n + 1 e r 2 / 4 μ(εr)dr+ c 2 ε n / 2 e 1 / 4 ε ( ε 0 + ) ,

where c 1 and c 2 are constants independent of ε.

Corollary 1.6 Let f L p ( R n ), 1p<, have the μ-smoothness property at x, and let μ(r) be a modulus of continuity (see [[11], p.40]) on [0,ρ] and continued as a constant to [ρ,), i.e., μ(r)=μ(ρ), rρ (0<ρ<1). Then, under the conditions of Theorem  1.5, we have

| S ( x , ε ) f ( x ) | cμ(ε)(ε0).

Corollary 1.7 Let α>0 and μ(r)= ( 1 ln 1 r ) α , then

| S ( x , ε ) f ( x ) | c ( 1 ln 1 ε ) α (ε0).

Corollary 1.8 Let α>0 and <β< be fixed parameters. If we take μ(r)= r α | ln r | β for 0<rρ<1 and μ(r)=μ(ρ) for ρ<r<, then under the conditions of Theorem  1.5,

| S ( x , ε ) f ( x ) | c ε α | ln ε | β (ε0).

In particular, for β=0 in (1.9), we obtain |S(x,ε)f(x)|c ε α as ε0.

The following lemma plays a crucial role in the proof of the main results.

Lemma A (cf. [[9], Lemma A])

Suppose that φ is differentiable on (0,), and that the following limits exist:

lim r r n μ(r)φ(r)=0and lim r 0 + r n μ(r)φ(r)=0.

Let ψ(t,x) be measurable on R n × R n and ( M μ ψ)(x)<, then

R n | ψ ( t , x ) φ ( | t | ) | dt( M μ ψ)(x) 0 r n μ(r) | φ ( r ) | dr,

where ( M μ ψ)(x) is a μ-maximal function defined by (1.4) and φ is a derivative of φ.

We need also the following lemmas on the well-known properties of the Gauss-Weierstrass kernel and the upper incomplete gamma function.

Lemma 1.9 [[1], p.9]

The Gauss-Weierstrass kernel, W(t,ε)= ( 4 π ε ) ( n / 2 ) e | t | 2 / 4 ε , has the following property:

R n W(t,ε)dt=1(for all ε>0).

Lemma 1.10 [[12], p.948]

The upper incomplete gamma function, defined as

Γ(s,τ)= τ u s 1 e u du(s>0,τ>0),

has the following asymptotic property:

Γ(s,τ)=O(1) τ s 1 e τ as τ.

2 Proof of the main results

Proof of Lemma A Changing variables to polar coordinates t(r,θ), 0<r<, θ S n 1 ( S n 1 is the unite sphere of R n ), the left side of (1.11) becomes

I ( x ) = R n | ψ ( t , x ) φ ( | t | ) | d t = 0 r n 1 [ S n 1 | ψ ( r θ , x ) φ ( r ) | d σ ( θ ) ] d r = 0 r n 1 | φ ( r ) | [ S n 1 | ψ ( r θ , x ) | d σ ( θ ) ] d r .

Now, denoting

λ(t)= S n 1 | ψ ( t θ , x ) | dσ(θ),0t<,
Λ(r)= 0 r λ(t) t n 1 dt,0r,

we get

I ( x ) = 0 r n 1 | φ ( r ) | λ ( r ) d r = 0 | φ ( r ) | d Λ ( r ) = | φ ( r ) | Λ ( r ) | 0 0 Λ ( r ) sgn φ ( r ) φ ( r ) d r .

Using (1.10) and considering the inequality

Λ(r)= 0 r λ(t) t n 1 = | t | r | ψ ( t , x ) | dx r n μ(r)( M μ ψ)(x),

we have

| φ ( r ) | Λ(r) | 0 =0.


I ( x ) = 0 Λ ( r ) sgn φ ( r ) φ ( r ) d r 0 Λ ( r ) | φ ( r ) | d r ( 2.3 ) ( M μ ψ ) ( x ) 0 r n μ ( r ) | φ ( r ) | d r .

That completes the proof. □

Proof of Theorem 1.5 Let us fix x, a μ-smoothness point of f, and consider the difference

| S ( x , ε ) f ( x ) | = | R n [ f ( x t ) f ( x ) ] W ( t , ε ) d t | | t | 1 | f ( x t ) f ( x ) | W ( t , ε ) d t + | t | > 1 | f ( x t ) f ( x ) | W ( t , ε ) d t = A 1 ( ε ) + A 2 ( ε ) .

In order to estimate A 1 (ε), we let

ψ(t,x)= { f ( x t ) f ( x ) , | t | 1 ; 0 , | t | > 1 ,

and then

A 1 (ε)= R n W(t,ε) | ψ ( t , x ) | dt,W(t,ε)= ( 4 π ε ) ( n / 2 ) e | t | 2 / 4 ε .

Now, by Lemma A, taking φ(|t|)= ( 4 π ε ) n / 2 e | t | 2 / 4 ε , we have

A 1 (ε)( M μ ψ)(x) 0 r n μ(r)| φ (r)|dr,where φ(r)= ( 4 π ε ) ( n / 2 ) e r 2 / 4 ε .

Since f is μ-smooth at the point x R n , we have ( M μ ψ)(x) D μ (x)< (see (1.5)). So we get

A 1 (ε) c 1 0 r n μ(r)| φ (r)|drc 0 r n + 1 e r 2 / 4 μ(εr)dr.

To estimate A 2 (ε), we first apply Hölder’s inequality for p>1 and observe that

A 2 ( ε ) | f ( x ) | | t | > 1 W ( t , ε ) d t + ( | t | > 1 | f ( x t ) | p d t ) 1 / p ( | t | > 1 | W ( t , ε ) | q d t ) 1 / q ( 1 p + 1 q = 1 ) .

Let us estimate the first term on the right of (2.8). Changing variables to polar coordinates yields

| t | > 1 W ( t , ε ) d t = k 1 1 r n 1 [ S n 1 ε n / 2 e r 2 / 4 ε d σ ( θ ) ] d r = k 2 1 r n 1 ε n / 2 e r 2 / 4 ε = k 3 ( 1 / 2 ε ) r n 1 e r 2 d r (we set  u = r 2 d u = 2 r d r ) = k 3 ( 1 / 4 ε ) u n / 2 1 e u d u = k 3 Γ ( n 2 , 1 4 ε ) ,

where Γ(s,τ) is the upper incomplete gamma function. Now, using asymptotic formula (1.13), we get

| t | > 1 W(t,ε)dt=O ( ε 1 n 2 e 1 / 4 ε ) as ε 0 + .

The same is true for the second term of (2.8):

( | t | > 1 | W ( t , ε ) | q d t ) 1 / q = k 4 ( 1 r n 1 [ S n 1 ( ε n / 2 e r 2 / 4 ε ) q d σ ( θ ) ] d r ) 1 / q = k 5 ε n 2 q n 2 ( ( q / 2 ε ) r n 1 e r 2 d r ) 1 / q = k 5 ε n 2 q n 2 ( ( q / 4 ε ) u n / 2 1 e u d u ) 1 / q .

Now, using formula (1.13), we get

( | t | > 1 | W ( t , ε ) | q d t ) 1 / q =O ( ε 1 q n 2 e 1 / 4 ε ) as ε 0 + .

Collecting estimates (2.9) and (2.10), and taking into account that

( | t | > 1 | f ( x t ) | p ) 1 / p f p <,

we have

A 2 (ε)=O ( ε n / 2 e 1 / 4 ε ) as ε 0 + .

By (2.7) and (2.11) we have shown that inequality (1.6) holds, as desired.

To complete the proof, we have to show that the conditions of Lemma A are satisfied; that is, for φ(r)= ( 4 π ε ) n / 2 e r 2 / 4 ε ,

lim r r n μ(r)φ(r)=0and lim r 0 + r n μ(r)φ(r)=0.

But this is obvious. □

Proof of Corollary 1.6 Let μ(r), r[0,) be a modulus of continuity, i.e., (a) μ(r)0 as r 0 + ; (b) μ(r) is non-negative and non-decreasing on (0,); (c) μ(r) is continuous and subadditive (0,).

It follows from the subadditivity of μ(r) that

μ(εr)(1+r)μ(ε)for all ε,r>0.

By employing this in (1.6), we get

| S ( x , ε ) f ( x ) | c 1 μ ( ε ) 0 ( 1 + r ) r n + 1 e r 2 d r + c 2 ε n / 2 e 1 / 4 ε c 3 μ ( ε ) + c 2 ε n / 2 e 1 / 4 ε .

Now, since the function μ(r) is a modulus of continuity, it cannot tend to zero too rapidly as ε0, that is, for instance, if μ ( ε ) ε 0 as ε0, then μ(ε)0. Therefore

ε n / 2 e 1 / 4 ε c 4 μ(ε),ε0

for some constant c 4 . Taking into account this in (2.12), we obtain

| S ( x , ε ) f ( x ) | cμ(ε),ε0,

where the constant c does not depend on ε>0. □

Proof of Corollary 1.7 Let us show that for some 0<ρ<1 the function

μ(r)= { 0 , r = 0 ( 1 / ln 1 / r ) α , 0 < r < ρ < 1 ( 1 / ln 1 / ρ ) α , ρ r < } (0<α<)

is a modulus of continuity, i.e., it is continuous, non-decreasing, subadditive on [0,) and tends to zero as r 0 + . The continuity and lim r 0 μ(r)=0 are obvious. To prove the other properties, it suffices to show that (see [11], p.41)

μ (r)0and ( μ ( r ) / r ) 0(0<r<ρ).

Simple calculations show that the above inequalities are fulfilled if one takes ρ= e α . □

Proof of Corollary 1.8 Let us substitute the function

μ(r)= { 0 , r = 0 r α | ln r | β , 0 < r ρ ρ α | ln ρ | β , r > ρ }

in (1.6), where α>0 and β(,) are given numbers and 0<ρ<1.

If β0, we have, for sufficiently small ε>0,

μ(εr) ε α | ln ε | β r α ( 1 + | ln r | | ln ε | ) β ε α | ln ε | β r α ( 1 + | ln r | ) β .

By making use of this estimate in (1.6), we have for ε1 that

| S ( x , ε ) f ( x ) | c ε α | ln ε | β 0 r n + 1 e r 2 / 4 r α ( 1 + ln r ) β d r + O ( ε n / 2 e 1 / 4 ε ) c 1 ε α | ln ε | β + c 2 ε n / 2 e 1 / 4 ε c 3 ε α | ln ε | α , ε 0 .

Let now β<0. By setting δ=β>0, we have for ε1

μ ( ε r ) = ε α | ln ε | β r α | ln ε r ln ε | β = ε α | ln ε | β r α | ln ε ln ε r | δ = ε α | ln ε | β r α | 1 ln r ln ε r | δ ε α | ln ε | β r α ( 1 + | ln r | | ln ε r | ) δ .

Since εr<ρ<1, it follows that

μ(εr) ε α | ln ε | β r α ( 1 + | ln r | | ln ρ | ) δ .

Using this in (1.6), we get

| S ( x , ε ) f ( x ) | c ε α | ln ε | β 0 r n + 1 e r 2 / 4 r α ( 1 + | ln r | | ln ρ | ) δ e r d r + c 2 ε n / 2 e 1 / 4 ε c ε α | ln ε | β ,

which is the desired result. □


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This paper was supported by the Scientific Research Project Administration Unit of Akdeniz University and TUBITAK (Turkey).

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Eryigit, M. On degree of approximation of the Gauss-Weierstrass means for smooth L p ( R n ) functions. J Inequal Appl 2013, 428 (2013).

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