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A note on k-quasi--paranormal operators


Let T be a bounded linear operator on a complex Hilbert space . In this paper we introduce a new class of operators satisfying

T T k x 2 T k + 2 x T k x

for all xH, where k is a natural number. This class includes the classes of -paranormal and k-quasi--class . We prove some of the properties of these operators.

MSC:47A10, 47B37, 15A18.

1 Introduction

Throughout this paper, let be a complex separable Hilbert space with inner product ,. Let L(H) denote the C algebra of all bounded operators on . For TL(H), we denote by kerT the null space and by T(H) the range of T. We shall denote the set of all complex numbers and the complex conjugate of a complex number μ by and μ ¯ , respectively. The closure of a set M will be denoted by M ¯ , and we shall henceforth shorten TμI to Tμ. We write α(T)=dimkerT, β(T)=dim[H/T(H)]=dimker T , and let σ(T), σ p (T) and σ a (T) denote the spectrum, point spectrum and approximate point spectrum. Sets of isolated points and accumulation points of σ(T) are denoted by isoσ(T) and accσ(T), respectively. We write r(T) for the spectral radius. It is well known that r(T)T. The operator T is called normaloid if r(T)=T.

For an operator TL(H), as usual, |T|= ( T T ) 1 2 and [ T ,T]= T TT T (the self-commutator of T). An operator TL(H) is said to be normal if [ T ,T] is zero, and T is said to be hyponormal if [ T ,T] is nonnegative (equivalently if |T|| T |). Furuta et al. [1] introduced a very interesting class of bounded linear Hilbert space operators: class defined by | T 2 | | T | 2 , which is called the absolute value of T, and they showed that the class A is a subclass of paranormal operators. Jeon and Kim [2] introduced quasi-class (i.e., T | T 2 |T T | T | 2 T) operators as an extension of the notion of class operators. Dugall et al. [3] introduced -class operator. An operator TL(H) is said to be a -class operator if

| T 2 | | T | 2 .

A -class operator is a generalization of a hyponormal operator [[3], Theorem 1.2], and -class is a subclass of the class of -paranormal operators [[3], Theorem 1.3]. We denote the set of -class by A . Shen et al. [4] introduced quasi--class operator: An operator TL(H) is said to be a quasi--class operator if

T | T 2 | T T | T | 2 T.

We denote the set of quasi--class by Q( A ). Mecheri [5] introduced k-quasi--class operator: An operator TL(H) is said to be a k-quasi--class operator if

T k | T 2 | T k T k | T | 2 T k .

We denote the set of k-quasi--class operator by Q( A k ).

An operator TL(H) is said to be paranormal if T x 2 T 2 x for any unit vector x in . Further, T is said to be -paranormal if T x 2 T 2 x for any unit vector x in . An operator TL(H) is said to be a quasi-paranormal operator if

T 2 x 2 T 3 x Tx

for all xH. Mecheri [6] introduced a new class of operators called k-quasi-paranormal operators. An operator T is called k-quasi-paranormal if

T k + 1 x 2 T k + 2 x T k x

for all xH, where k is a natural number. Also, Mecheri [7] introduced a new class of operators called quasi--paranormal operators. An operator T is called quasi--paranormal if

T T x 2 T 3 x Tx

for all xH. In order to extend the class of paranormal and -paranormal operators, we introduce the class of k-quasi--paranormal operators defined as follows.

Definition 1.1 An operator T is called k-quasi--paranormal if

T T k x 2 T k + 2 x T k x

for all xH, where k is a natural number.

A 1-quasi--paranormal operator is quasi--paranormal.

2 Main results

It is well known that T is -paranormal if and only if T 2 T 2 2λT T + λ 2 0 for all λR [8]. Similarly, we can prove the following proposition.

Proposition 2.1 An operator TL(H) is k-quasi--paranormal if and only if

T k ( T 2 T 2 2 λ T T + λ 2 ) T k 0 for all λR.

Proof Let us suppose that T is k-quasi--paranormal. Then it follows that the following relation holds:

T T k x 2 T k + 2 x T k x

for all xH, where k is a natural number.

T T k x 2 T k + 2 x T k x 4 T T k x 2 4 T k + 2 x T k x 0 T k + 2 x 2 2 λ T T k x 2 + λ 2 T k x 2 0 .

The last relation is equivalent to

T k ( T 2 T 2 2 λ T T + λ 2 ) T k 0

for every λR. □

Proposition 2.2 Let M be a closed T-invariant subspace of . Then the restriction T | M of a k-quasi--paranormal operator T to M is a k-quasi--paranormal operator.

Proof Let

T= ( A B 0 C ) on H=M M .

Since T is k-quasi--paranormal, we have

( A B 0 C ) k { ( A B 0 C ) 2 ( A B 0 C ) 2 2 λ ( A B 0 C ) ( A B 0 C ) + λ 2 } ( A B 0 C ) k 0

for all λR.


( A k ( A 2 A 2 2 λ ( A A + B B ) + λ 2 ) A k E F G ) 0

for some operators E, F and G.


( A k ( A 2 A 2 2 λ A A + λ 2 ) A k ) x , x ( A k 2 λ B B A k ) x , x =2|λ| B A k x 2 0

for all λ>0. This implies that A= T | M is a k-quasi--paranormal operator. □

Proposition 2.3 Let TL(H), k-quasi--paranormal operator. If T k has dense range, then T is a -paranormal operator.

Proof Since T k has dense range, T k ( H ) ¯ =H. Let yH. Then there exists a sequence { x n } n = 1 in such that T k ( x n )y as n. Since T is a k-quasi--paranormal operator, then

( T k ( T 2 T 2 2 λ T T + λ 2 ) T k ) x n , x n 0 for all  λ R , ( T 2 T 2 2 λ T T + λ 2 ) T k x n , T k x n 0 for all  λ R  and for all  n N .

By the continuity of the inner product, we have

( T 2 T 2 2 λ T T + λ 2 ) y , y 0for all λR.

Therefore T is a -paranormal operator. □

Proposition 2.4 Let TL(H) be a k-quasi--paranormal operator, let the range of T k not be dense, and

T= ( A B 0 C ) on H= T k ( H ) ¯ ker T k .

Then A is -paranormal on T k ( H ) ¯ , C k =0 and σ(T)=σ(A){0}.

Proof Since T is a k-quasi--paranormal operator and T k does not have dense range, we can represent T as follows:

T= ( A B 0 C ) on H= T k ( H ) ¯ ker T k .

Since T is a k-quasi--paranormal operator, from Proposition 2.1 we have

T k ( T 2 T 2 2 λ T T + λ 2 ) T k 0for all λR.


( T 2 T 2 2 λ T T + λ 2 ) x , x = ( A 2 A 2 2 λ A A + λ 2 ) x , x 0

for all λR and for all x T k ( H ) ¯ .

Hence, A 2 A 2 2λA A + λ 2 0 for all λR. This shows that A is -paranormal on T k ( H ) ¯ .

Let x= ( x 1 x 2 ) H= T k ( H ) ¯ ker T k . Then

C k x 2 , x 2 = T k ( I P ) x , ( I P ) y = ( I P ) x , T k ( I P ) y =0.

Thus T k =0.

Since σ(A)σ(C)=σ(T)ϑ, where ϑ is the union of the holes in σ(T), which happen to be a subset of σ(A)σ(C) by [[9], Corollary 7]. Since σ(A)σ(C) has no interior points, then σ(T)=σ(A)σ(C)=σ(A){0} and C k =0. □

The converse of the above proposition is valid when k=1.

Proposition 2.5 If T is a quasi--paranormal operator, which commutes with an isometric operator S, then TS is a quasi--paranormal operator.

Proof Let A=TS, TS=ST, S T = T S and S S=I.

A 3 A 3 2 λ ( A A ) 2 + λ 2 A A = ( T S ) 3 ( T S ) 3 2 λ ( ( T S ) ( T S ) ) 2 + λ 2 ( T S ) ( T S ) = T 3 T 3 2 λ T T T T + λ 2 T T 0 ,

so that T is a quasi--paranormal operator. □

It is known that there exists a linear operator T, so that T n is a compact operator for some nN, but T itself is not compact. In this context, we will show that in cases where an operator T is k-quasi--paranormal and if its exponent T n is compact, for some nN, then T is compact too.

Proposition 2.6 Let T be a k-quasi--paranormal operator such that T n is compact for some nk+2. Then T k is compact if k2 and T is compact if k=0,1.

Proof To prove this proposition, it is enough to prove that T n 1 is compact. Let us consider the unit vector T n k 2 x T n k 2 x H for nk+2. Since T is k-quasi--paranormal, then

T T k T n k 2 x T n k 2 x 2 T k + 2 T n k 2 x T n k 2 x T k T n k 2 x T n k 2 x ,


T T n 2 x 2 T n x T n 2 x for all xH.

Let ( x m ) be any sequence in , satisfying x m =1 and x m 0 weakly as m. Now, by the compactness of T n and from relation (2.1), we have

T T n 2 x m 0as m.

If n=2, relation (2.2) implies the compactness of T , hence T is compact. If n3, relation (2.2) implies the compactness of T T n 2 , hence T ( n 1 ) T n 1 = T ( n 2 ) T T n 2 T is compact. Then T n 1 is a compact operator. □

3 SVEP property

Let Hol(σ(T)) be the space of all analytic functions in an open neighborhood of σ(T). We say that TL(H) has the single-valued extension property (SVEP) at μC if for every open neighborhood U of μ, the only analytic function f:UC which satisfies the equation (Tμ)f(μ)=0 is the constant function f0. The operator T is said to have SVEP if T has SVEP at every μC. An operator TL(H) has SVEP at every point of the resolvent ρ(T)=Cσ(T). Every operator T has SVEP at an isolated point of the spectrum.

Proposition 3.1 Let T be a k-quasi--paranormal operator. If μ0 and (Tμ)x=0, then ( T μ ) x=0.

Proof We may assume x0 and (Tμ)x=0. Since T is a k-quasi--paranormal operator, then T T k x 2 T k + 2 x T k x for all xH. Hence, T x 2 | μ | 2 x 2 . So,

( T μ ) x 2 = μ ¯ x , μ ¯ x μ ¯ x , T x T x , μ ¯ x + T x , T x | μ | 2 x 2 | μ | 2 x 2 | μ | 2 x 2 + | μ | 2 x 2 = 0 .

Therefore, ( T μ ) x=0. □

For TL(H), the smallest nonnegative integer p such that ker T p =ker T p + 1 is called the ascent of T and is denoted by p(T). If no such integer exists, we set p(T)=. We say that TL(H) is of finite ascent (finitely ascensive) if p(Tμ)< for all μC.

Proposition 3.2 Let TL(H) be a k-quasi--paranormal operator. Then Tμ has finite ascent for all μC.

Proof We have to tell that ker ( T μ ) k =ker ( T μ ) k + 1 . To do that, it is sufficient enough to show that ker ( T μ ) k + 1 ker ( T μ ) k since ker ( T μ ) k ker ( T μ ) k + 1 is clear.

Let xker ( T μ ) k + 1 , then ( T μ ) k + 1 x=0. We consider two cases:

If μ0, then from Proposition 3.1 we have ( T μ ) ( T μ ) k x=0. Hence,

( T μ ) k 2 = ( T μ ) ( T μ ) k x , ( T μ ) k 1 x =0,

so we have ( T μ ) k x=0, which implies ker ( T μ ) k + 1 ker ( T μ ) k .

If μ=0, then T k + 1 x=0, hence T k + 2 x=0.

Since T is a k-quasi--paranormal operator, then

T k x 4 = T k x , T k x 2 = T T k x , T k 1 x 2 T T k x 2 T k 1 x 2 T k + 2 x T k x T k 1 x 2


T k x 3 T k + 2 x T k 1 x 2 .

Since T k + 2 x=0, then T k x=0, which implies ker T k + 1 ker T k . □

Corollary 3.3 Let TL(H) be a k-quasi--paranormal operator. Then T has the SVEP property.

Proof The proof of the corollary follows directly from Proposition 3.2. □


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Hoxha, I., Braha, N.L. A note on k-quasi--paranormal operators. J Inequal Appl 2013, 350 (2013).

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