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On two-valued measure and double statistical convergence in 2-normed spaces
Journal of Inequalities and Applications volume 2013, Article number: 347 (2013)
In this paper we introduce some new double difference lacunary sequence spaces using Orlicz functions, generalized double difference sequences and a two-valued measure μ in 2-normed spaces, and we also examine some of their properties.
MSC:40H05, 40C05.
Dedicated to Professor Hari M Srivastava
1 Introduction
The notion of summability of single sequences with respect to a two-valued measure was introduced by Connor [1, 2] as a very interesting generalization of statistical convergence which was defined by Fast [3]. Over the years, and under different names, statistical convergence was discussed in the theory of Fourier analysis, ergodic theory and number theory. Later on, it was further investigated from the sequence spaces point of view and linked with summability theory by Fridy [4], Salat [5]. The notion of statistical convergence was further extended to double sequences independently by Móricz [6] and Mursaleen et al. [7]. Savaş [8] studied statistical convergence in random 2-normed space. For more recent developments on double sequences one can consult the papers (see [9–16]) where more references can be found. In particular, very recently Das and Bhunia investigated the summability of double sequences of real numbers with respect to a two-valued measure and made many interesting observations [17]. In [18], Das and Savaş et al. introduced some generalized double difference sequence spaces using summability with respect to a two-valued measure and an Orlicz function in 2-normed spaces which have a unique non-linear structure. The study of Orlicz sequence spaces was initiated with a certain specific purpose in Banach space theory. Lindenstrauss and Tzafriri [19] investigated Orlicz sequence spaces in more detail and they proved that every Orlicz sequence space contains a subspace isomorphic to (). The Orlicz sequence spaces are the special cases of Orlicz spaces studied in [20]. Orlicz spaces find a number of useful applications in the theory of nonlinear integral equations. Whereas the Orlicz sequence spaces are the generalization of -spaces, the -spaces find themselves enveloped in Orlicz spaces [21].
The concept of 2-normed spaces was initially introduced by Gahler [22, 23] as a very interesting non-linear extension of the idea of usual normed linear spaces. Some initial studies on this structure can be seen in [22–24]. Recently a lot of interesting developments have occurred in 2-normed spaces in summability theory and related topics (see [18, 25–30]).
In this paper, in a natural way, we first define statistical convergence for double sequences in 2-normed spaces using a two-valued measure and also prove some interesting theorems. Furthermore, we introduce some new sequence spaces in 2-normed spaces using Orlicz functions, generalized double difference sequences and a two-valued measure μ.
2 Preliminaries
Throughout the paper ℕ denotes the set of all natural numbers, represents the characteristic function of and ℝ represents the set of all real numbers.
Recall that a set is said to have the asymptotic density if
Definition 2.1 [3]
A sequence of real numbers is said to be statistically convergent to if for any we have , where .
In [31] the notion of convergence for double sequences was presented by Pringsheim.
A double sequence of real numbers is said to be convergent to if, for any , there exists such that whenever . In this case, we write .
A double sequence of real numbers is said to be bounded if there exists a positive real number M such that for all . That is, .
Let and let be the cardinality of the set . If the sequence has a limit in the Pringsheim’s sense, then we say that K has double natural density and is denoted by .
A statistically convergent double sequence of elements of a metric space is defined essentially in the same way ( instead of ).
Throughout the paper μ will denote a complete -valued finite additive measure defined on algebra Γ of subsets of that contains all subsets of that are contained in the union of a finite number of rows and columns of and if A is contained in the union of a finite number of rows and columns of (see [18]).
Definition 2.2 [18]
A double sequence of real numbers is said to be μ-statistically convergent to if and only if for any , .
Definition 2.3 [18]
A double sequence of real numbers is said to be convergent to in μ-density if there exists an with such that is convergent to L.
Definition 2.4 [23]
Let X be a real vector space of dimension d, where . A 2-norm on X is a function which satisfies (i) if and only if x and y are linearly independent; (ii) ; (iii) , ; (iv) . The ordered pair is then called a 2-normed space.
Let be a finite dimensional 2-normed space and let be the basis of X. We can define the norm on X by . Also, .
Let be any 2-normed space and let be the set of all double sequences defined over the 2-normed space . Clearly is a linear space under addition and scalar multiplication.
Recall in [20] that an Orlicz function is a continuous, convex and non-decreasing function such that and for , and as .
Note that if M is an Orlicz function, then for all λ with .
In the later stage, different classes of Orlicz sequence spaces were introduced and studied by Parashar and Choudhary [32], Savaş [28–30, 33–38] and many others.
Definition 2.5 [18]
A double sequence in a 2-normed space is said to be convergent to L in if for each and each , there exists such that for all .
Definition 2.6 [18]
Let μ be a two-valued measure on . A double sequence in a 2-normed space is said to be μ-statistically convergent to some point x in X if for each pre-assigned and for each , , where .
Definition 2.7 Let μ be a two-valued measure on . A double sequence in a 2-normed space is said to be μ-statistically Cauchy if for each pre-assigned and for each , there exist integers and such that , where .
We first give the following theorem.
Theorem 2.1 Let μ be a two-valued measure on and two sequences and in 2-normed space . If is a μ-convergent sequence such that a.a. , then is μ-statistically convergent.
Proof Suppose and . Then, for every and ,
for every , the set
contains a finite number of integers. Hence,
We get
for every and . Consequently, μ-st-. This completes the proof. □
Theorem 2.2 Let μ be a two-valued measure on and let be a μ-statistically Cauchy sequence in a finite dimensional 2-normed space . Then there exits a μ-convergent sequence in such that for a.a. .
Proof First suppose that is a statistically Cauchy sequence in . Choose natural numbers and such that the closed ball contains for a.a. . Then choose natural numbers and such that the closed ball contains for a.a. . Note that also contains for a.a. . Thus, by continuing this process, we can obtain a sequence of nested closed balls such that . Therefore . Since each contains for a.a. , we can choose a sequence of strictly increasing natural numbers such that
Hence we have
Put for all , and . Now define the sequence as follows:
Note that . In fact, for each , choose a natural number p, q such that . Then, for each , or or and so in each case . Since , we have
Hence . Thus, in the space , for a.a. . Suppose that is the basis for . Since and for all , for every . This completes the proof. □
In order to prove the equivalence of Definitions 2.5 and 2.6, we shall find it helpful to use Theorems 2.1 and 2.2.
Theorem 2.3 Let μ be a two-valued measure on and let be a sequence in a 2-normed space . The sequence is μ-statistically convergent if and only if is a μ-statistically Cauchy sequence.
3 New double sequence spaces
We first state an inequality which will be used throughout this paper : If is a bounded double sequence of non-negative real numbers and and , then
for all k, l and , the set of all complex numbers. Also,
for all .
By a lacunary sequence ; , where , we shall mean an increasing sequence of non-negative integers with as . The intervals determined by θ will be denoted by and . The ratio will be denoted by .
Definition 3.1 The double sequence is called double lacunary if there exist two increasing sequences of integers such that
Let us denote , and is determined by , , , and .
Definition 3.2 Suppose that as before μ is a two-valued measure on and let M be an Orlicz function and be a 2-normed space. Further, let be a bounded sequence of positive real numbers. Now we introduce the following different types of sequence spaces, for all ,
where .
We now prove the following theorem.
Theorem 3.1 , and are linear spaces.
Proof We shall prove the theorem for and others can be proved similarly. Let be given. Assume that and , where and . Further let . Then
for some and
for some .
Since is 2-normed, is linear, therefore the following inequality holds:
From the above inequality we get
Hence from (3.1) and (3.2) the required result is proved. □
Theorem 3.2 For any fixed , is a paranormed space with respect to the paranorm , defined by
Proof This can be proved by using the techniques similar to those used in Theorem 4.3 in [18]. □
Theorem 3.3 Let M, , be Orlicz functions. Then
, provided are such that ;
Proof (i) Let be given. Choose such that . Now, using the continuity of M, choose such that implies that . Let . Now, from the definition , where
Thus if , then
for all . Hence
for all .
Hence, from the above, using the continuity of M, we must have
for all . This implies that
for all , i.e.,
which again implies that
This shows that
Let . Then the fact that
gives us the result. Hence this completes the proof of the theorem. □
Finally we conclude this paper by stating the following theorem.
Theorem 3.4 Let , , stand for or or . Then . In general, for all .
Proof We shall give the proof for only. It can be proved in a similar way for and .
Let . Let also be given. Then
for some . Since M is non-decreasing and convex, it follows that
where . Hence we have
Using (3.3) we get
Therefore . This completes the proof. □
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Savaş, E. On two-valued measure and double statistical convergence in 2-normed spaces. J Inequal Appl 2013, 347 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1186/1029-242X-2013-347
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/1029-242X-2013-347