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Some properties of the sequence space


In this paper we define the sequence space on a seminormed complex linear space by using an Orlicz function. We give various properties and some inclusion relations on this space.

MSC:40A05, 40C05, 40D05.

1 Introduction

Let and c denote the Banach spaces of real bounded and convergent sequences x=( x n ) normed by x= sup n | x n |, respectively.

Let σ be a one-to-one mapping of the set of positive integers into itself such that σ k (n)=σ( σ k 1 (n)), k=1,2, . A continuous linear functional φ on is said to be an invariant mean or a σ-mean if and only if

  1. (i)

    φ(x)0 when the sequence x=( x n ) has x n 0 for all n,

  2. (ii)

    φ(e)=1, where e=(1,1,1,) and

  3. (iii)

    φ({ x σ ( n ) })=φ({ x n }) for all x .

If σ is the translation mapping nn+1, a σ-mean is often called a Banach limit [1], and V σ , the set of σ-convergent sequences, that is, the set of bounded sequences all of whose invariant means are equal, is the set f ˆ of almost convergent sequences [2].

If x=( x n ), set Tx=(T x n )=( x σ ( n ) ). It can be shown (see Schaefer [3]) that

V σ = { x = ( x n ) : lim k t k n ( x ) = L e  uniformly in  n , L = σ lim x } ,


t k n (x)= 1 k + 1 j = 0 k T j x n .

The special case of (1.1), in which σ(n)=n+1, was given by Lorentz [2].

Subsequently invariant means were studied by Ahmad and Mursaleen [4], Mursaleen [5], Raimi [6] and many others.

We may remark here that the concept of almost bounded variation was introduced and investigated by Nanda and Nayak [7] as follows:


t m n (x)= 1 m ( m + 1 ) v = 1 m v( x n + v x n + v 1 ).

By a lacunary sequence θ= ( k r ) r = 0 , 1 , 2 , , where k 0 =0, we shall mean an increasing sequence of non-negative integers with k r k r 1 as r. The intervals determined by θ will be denoted by I r =( k r 1 , k r ], and we let h r = k r k r 1 . The ratio k r k r 1 will usually be denoted by q r (see [8]).

Karakaya and Savaş [9] defined the sequence spaces and as follows:


φ r , n (x)= 1 h r + 1 j = k r 1 + 1 x j + n 1 h r j = k r 1 + 1 k r x j + n ,r>1.

Straightforward calculation shows that

φ r , n (x)= 1 h r ( h r + 1 ) u = 1 h r u( x + k r 1 u + 1 + n x + k r 1 u + n )


φ r 1 , n (x)= 1 h r ( h r 1 ) u = 1 h r 1 ( x + k r 1 u + 1 + n x + k r 1 u + n ).

Note that for any sequences x, y and scalar λ, we have

φ r , n (x+y)= φ r , n (x)+ φ r , n (y)and φ r , n (λx)=λ φ r , n (x).

An Orlicz function is a function M:[0,)[0,), which is continuous, nondecreasing and convex with M(0)=0, M(x)>0 for x>0 and M(x) as x. (For details, see Krasnoselskii and Rutickii [10].)

It is well known that if M is a convex function and M(0)=0, then M(λx)λM(x) for all λ with 0<λ<1.

Lindenstrauss and Tzafriri [11] used the idea of Orlicz function to construct the sequence space

M = { x w : k = 1 M ( | x k | ρ ) <  for some  ρ > 0 } .

The space M is a Banach space with the norm

x=inf { ρ > 0 : k = 1 M ( | x k | ρ ) 1 } ,

and this space is called an Orlicz sequence space. For M(t)= t p , 1p<, the space M coincides with the classical sequence space p .

Definition 1.1 Any two Orlicz functions M 1 and M 2 are said to be equivalent if there are positive constants α and β, and x 0 such that M 1 (αx) M 2 (x) M 1 (βx) for all x with 0x x 0 (see Kamthan and Gupta [12]).

Later on, different types of sequence spaces were introduced by using an Orlicz function by Mursaleen et al. [13], Choudhary and Parashar [14], Tripathy and Mahanta [15] , Altinok et al. [16], Bhardwaj and Singh [17], Et et al. [18] and many others.

A sequence space E is said to be solid (or normal) if ( α k x k )E whenever ( x k )E for all sequences ( α k ) of scalars with | α k |1.

It is well known that a sequence space E is normal implies that E is monotone.

Definition 1.2 Let q 1 , q 2 be seminorms on a vector space X. Then q 1 is said to be stronger than q 2 if whenever ( x n ) is a sequence such that q 1 ( x n )0, then also q 2 ( x n )0. If each is stronger than the others, q 1 and q 2 are said to be equivalent (one may refer to Wilansky [19]).

Lemma 1.3 Let q 1 and q 2 be seminorms on a linear space X. Then q 1 is stronger than q 2 if and only if there exists a constant T such that q 2 (x)T q 1 (x) for all xX (see, for instance, Wilansky [19]).

Let p=( p r ) be a sequence of strictly positive real numbers, X be a seminormed space over the field of complex numbers with the seminorm q, M be an Orlicz function and s0 be a fixed real number. Then we define the sequence space as follows:

It is clear that q( φ r n ( x ) ρ )= q ( φ r n ( x ) ) ρ for any seminorm q and any ρ>0.

We get the following sequence spaces from B V θ (M,p,q,s) by choosing some of the special p, M and s:

For M(x)=x we get

for p k =1, for all rN, we get

for s=0 we get

for M(x)=x and s=0 we get

for p r =1, for all rN, and s=0 we get

for M(x)=x, p r =1, for all rN, and s=0 we have

B V θ (q)= { x = ( x k ) X : r = 1 q ( φ r n ( x ) ) < ,  uniformly in  n } .

The following inequalities will be used throughout the paper. Let p=( p r ) be a bounded sequence of strictly positive real numbers with 0< p r sup p r =H, D=max(1, 2 H 1 ), then

| a r + b r | p r D { | a r | p r + | b r | p r } ,

where a r , b r C.

2 Main results

In this section we prove the general results of this paper on the sequence space , those characterize the structure of this space.

Theorem 2.1 The sequence space is a linear space over the field of complex numbers.

Proof Omitted. □

Theorem 2.2 For any Orlicz function M and a bounded sequence p=( p r ) of strictly positive real numbers, is a paranormed space (not necessarily totally paranormed), paranormed by

g ( x ) = inf { ρ p r / H : ( r = 1 r s [ M ( q ( φ r n ( x ) ρ ) ) ] p k ) 1 H 1 , r = 1 , 2 , 3 , , n = 1 , 2 , 3 , } ,

where H=max(1,sup p r ).

Proof Clearly g(x)=g(x). By using Theorem 2.1 and then using Minkowski’s inequality, we get g(x+y)g(x)+g(y).

Since q( θ ¯ )=0 and M(0)=0, we get inf{ ρ p r / H }=0 for x=Θ, where Θ ¯ is the zero sequence of X.

Finally, we prove that scalar multiplication is continuous. Let λ be any numbers. By definition,

g ( λ x ) = inf { ρ p r / H : ( r r s [ M ( q ( λ φ r n ( x ) ρ ) ) ] p r ) 1 H 1 , r = 1 , 2 , 3 , , n = 1 , 2 , 3 , } .


g ( λ x ) = inf { ( λ r ) p r / H : ( r = 1 r s [ M ( q ( φ r n ( x ) r ) ) ] p r ) 1 H 1 , r = 1 , 2 , 3 , , n = 1 , 2 , 3 , } ,

where r= ρ | λ | . Since |λ | p r max(1,|λ | H ), it follows that |λ | p r / H ( max ( 1 , | λ | H ) ) 1 H .


g ( λ x ) = ( max ( 1 , | λ | H ) ) 1 H inf { r p r / H : ( r = 1 r s [ M ( q ( φ r n ( x ) r ) ) ] p r ) 1 H 1 , r = 1 , 2 , 3 , , n = 1 , 2 , 3 , } ,

which converges to zero as g(x) converges to zero in . Now suppose that λ n 0 and x is in B V σ (M,p,q,s). For arbitrary ε>0, let N be a positive integer such that

r = N + 1 r s [ M ( q ( φ r n ( x ) ρ ) ) ] p r < ε 2

for some ρ>0, all n. This implies that

( r = N + 1 r s [ M ( q ( φ r n ( x ) ρ ) ) ] p r ) 1 H ε 2

for some ρ>0, r>N and all n.

Let 0<|λ|<1, using convexity of M and all n, we get

r = N + 1 r s [ M ( q ( λ φ r n ( x ) ρ ) ) ] p r < r = N + 1 r s [ | λ | M ( q ( φ r n ( x ) ρ ) ) ] p r < ( ε 2 ) H .

Since M is continuous everywhere in [0,), then

f(t)= r = 1 N r s [ M ( q ( t φ r n ( x ) ρ ) ) ]

is continuous at 0. So there is 1>δ>0 such that |f(t)|< ε 2 for 0<t<δ. Let K be such that | λ i |<δ for i>K, then for i>K, all n,

( r = 1 N r s [ M ( q ( λ i φ r n ( x ) ρ ) ) ] p r ) 1 H < ε 2 .


( r = 1 r s [ M ( q ( λ i φ r n ( x ) ρ ) ) ] p r ) 1 H <ε

for i>K and n, so that g(λx)0 (λ0). □

Theorem 2.3 Let M, M 1 , M 2 be Orlicz functions q, q 1 , q 2 seminorms and s, s 1 , s 2 0. Then

  1. (i)


  2. (ii)

    If s 1 s 2 then ,

  3. (iii)


  4. (iv)

    If q 1 is stronger than q 2 , then .

Proof Omitted □

Corollary 2.4 Let M be an Orlicz function, then we have

  1. (i)

    If q 1 (equivalent to) q 2 , then ,

  2. (ii)


  3. (iii)


Theorem 2.5 Suppose that 0< m k t k < for each kN. Then .

Proof Let . Then there exists some ρ>0 such that

r = 1 [ M ( q ( φ r n ( x ) ρ ) ) ] m k <uniformly in n.

This implies that M(q( φ r n ( x ) ρ ))1 for sufficiently large values of k, say k k 0 for some fixed k 0 N. Since m k t k , for each kN we get

[ M ( q ( φ r n ( x ) ρ ) ) ] t k [ M ( q ( φ r n ( x ) ρ ) ) ] m k

for all k k 0 , and therefore

r = 1 [ M ( q ( φ r n ( x ) ρ ) ) ] t r r = 1 [ M ( q ( φ m ( x ) ρ ) ) ] m k .

Hence we have

r = 1 [ M ( q ( φ r n ( x ) ρ ) ) ] t r <,

so . This completes the proof. □

The following result is a consequence of the above result.

Corollary 2.6

  1. (i)

    If 0< p r 1 for each r, then ,

  2. (ii)

    If p r 1 for all r, then .

Theorem 2.7 Let M 1 and M 2 be any two of Orlicz functions. If M 1 and M 2 are equivalent, then .

Proof Proof follows from Definition 1.1. □

Theorem 2.8 The sequence space is solid.

Proof Let , i.e.,

r = 1 r s [ M ( q ( φ r n ( x ) ρ ) ) ] p r <.

Let ( α r ) be sequence of scalars such that | α r |1 for all rN. Then the result follows from the following inequality:

r = 1 r s [ M ( q ( α r φ r n ( x ) ρ ) ) ] p r r = 1 r s [ M ( q ( φ r n ( x ) ρ ) ) ] p r .


Corollary 2.9 The sequence space is monotone.


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Işik, M., Altin, Y. & Et, M. Some properties of the sequence space . J Inequal Appl 2013, 305 (2013).

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