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On a class of spiral-like functions with respect to a boundary point related to subordination


For μC, φ a starlike univalent function, the class of functions f that are spiral-like with respect to a boundary point satisfying the subordination

2 μ z f ( z ) f ( z ) + 1 + z 1 z φ(z),zD,

is investigated. The integral representation, growth and distortion theorem are proved by relating these functions with Ma and Minda starlike functions. Some earlier results are shown to be a special case of the results obtained.

MSC:30C80, 30C45.


Dedicated to Professor Hari M Srivastava

1 Introduction and motivation

Let D={z:|z|<1} be an open unit disk of the complex plane and let A be a class of analytic functions f normalized by f(0)=0 and f (0)=1. Let w 0 be an interior or a boundary point of a set D in . The set D is starlike with respect to w 0 if the line segment joining w 0 to every other point in D lies in the interior of D. If a function fA maps D onto a starlike domain with respect to origin, then f is a starlike function. The class of starlike functions with respect to origin is denoted by S . Analytically,

S := { f A : Re z f ( z ) f ( z ) > 0 } .

Robertson [1] took a leap forward with the characterization of the class S and defined the class S b of starlike functions with respect to a boundary point. Geometrically, it is the characterization of a function f S b ={f(z)=1+ d 1 z+ d 2 z 2 +|f univalent} such that f(D) is starlike with respect to the boundary point f(1):= lim r 1 f(r)=0 and lies in a half-plane. The analytic description given by Robertson was

S b := { f S b : Re ( 2 z f ( z ) f ( z ) + 1 + z 1 z ) > 0 } .

This was partially proved in [1]. It was only in 1984 that the characterization was validated by Lyzzaik [2]. Todorov [3] associated this class with a functional f(z)/(1z) and obtained a structured formula and coefficient estimates in the year 1986. Later, Silverman and Silvia [4] gave a full description of the class of univalent functions on D, the image of which is star-shaped, with respect to a boundary point. Since then, this class of starlike functions with respect to a boundary point has gained notable interest among geometric function theorist and also other researchers. Among them, Abdullah et al. [5] studied the properties of functions in this class. The distortion results for starlike functions with respect to a boundary point were obtained in [6, 7]. The dynamical characterizations of functions starlike with respect to a boundary point can be found in [8]. In the year 2001, Lecko [9] gave another representation of starlike functions with respect to a boundary point. Also, Lecko and Lyzzaik obtained different characterizations of this class in [10].

Following the studies on the class of starlike functions, many authors extensively studied the class of spiral-like functions. For recent work on the class of spiral-like functions, see [11]. Later, there was interest towards the class of spiral-like functions with respect to a boundary point. See [1215]. Aharonov et al. [16] gave a comprehensive definition for spiral-shaped domains with respect to a boundary point.

Definition 1.1 A simply connected domain ΩC, 0Ω, is called a spiral-shaped domain with respect to a boundary point if there is a number μC with Reμ>0 such that, for any point ωΩ, the curve e t μ ω, t0, is contained in Ω.

It was also showed in [16] (see also [17]) that each spiral-like function with respect to a boundary point is a complex power of starlike function with respect to a boundary point. In particular, if μR in Definition 1.1, then Ω is called a star-shaped domain with respect to a boundary point. The following was proved in the same.

Theorem 1.1 Let f be an analytic function with f(0)=1, f(1)=0, and let it be a spiral-like function with respect to a boundary point. Then there exists a number μΩ:={λC:|λ1|1,λ0} such that

Re ( 2 μ z f ( z ) f ( z ) + 1 + z 1 z ) >0.

Conversely, if f is a univalent function with f(0)=1 and f(1)=0 satisfies (1.1) for some μΩ, then f is a spiral-like function with respect to a boundary point.

Elin [18] then considered the class of spiral-like functions of order β (0<β1) with respect to a boundary point and obtained interesting results including the distortion and covering theorems.

On the other hand, Ma and Minda [19] gave a unified presentation of the class starlike using the method of subordination. For two functions h and g in A, the function h is subordinate to g, written


if there exists a function wA, with w(0)=0 and |w(z)|<1, such that h(z)=g(w(z)). In particular, if the function g is univalent in D, then h(z)g(z) is equivalent to h(0)=g(0) and h(D)g(D). A function hA is starlike if z h (z)/h(z) is subordinated to (1+z)/(1z). Ma and Minda [19] introduced the class

S (φ)= { h A : z h ( z ) h ( z ) φ ( z ) } ,

where φ is an analytic function with a positive real part in D, φ(D) is symmetric with respect to the real axis and starlike with respect to φ(0)=1 and φ (0)>0. A function f S (φ) is called Ma and Minda starlike (with respect to φ). The class S (β) consisting of starlike functions of order β, 0β<1 and the class S (A,B) of Janowski starlike functions are special cases of S (φ) when φ(z):=(1+(12β)z)/(1z) and φ(z):=(1+Az)/(1+Bz) for 1B<A1, respectively.

In the same direction and motivated mainly by [18] and [19], we consider the following class.

Definition 1.2 Let f S b , f(0)=1 and μΩ:={λC:|λ1|1,λ0}. Also, let φ be an analytic function with a positive real part D, let φ(D) be symmetric with respect to the real axis and starlike with respect to φ(0)=1 and φ (0)>0. The function f S b (μ,φ) if the subordination

2 μ z f ( z ) f ( z ) + 1 + z 1 z φ(z),zD,


For φ(z)=(1+Az)/(1+Bz) (1B<A1), denote the class S b (μ,φ) by S b (μ,A,B). For 0β<1, A=12β and B=1, denote S b (μ,A,B) by S b (μ,β).

The class S b (μ,φ) defined by subordination is investigated to obtain representation, estimates for f and f and subordination conditions. We obtained some interesting result in a wider context and our approach is mainly based on [19].

2 Representation for the class S b (μ,φ)

The following result provides an integral representation of functions belonging to the class S b (μ,φ).

Theorem 2.1 The function f S b (μ,φ) if and only if there exists p satisfying pφ such that

f(z)= ( 1 z ) μ exp ( μ 2 0 z p ( ζ ) 1 ζ d ζ ) .

Proof Let f S b (μ,φ). Then define p:DC by

p(z)= 2 μ z f ( z ) f ( z ) + 1 + z 1 z .

Then f S b (μ,φ) implies that pφ. Rewriting the above equation as

2 μ f ( z ) f ( z ) + 2 1 z = p ( z ) 1 z

and integrating from 0 to z, it follows that

log ( f ( z ) 2 μ ( 1 z ) 2 ) = 0 z p ( ζ ) 1 ζ dζ.

An exponentiation gives

f ( z ) 2 μ = ( 1 z ) 2 exp ( 0 z p ( ζ ) 1 ζ d ζ ) .

The desired result follows from this. The converse follows easily. □

3 Estimates for f and f in the class S b (μ,φ)

Theorem 3.1 Let h φ be an analytic function with h φ (0)=0, h φ (0)=1 satisfying the equation z h φ (z)/ h φ (z)=φ(z). If f S b (μ,φ), then

h φ ( r ) r | 1 z | 2 | f ( z ) 2 μ | h φ ( r ) r | 1 z | 2 ,|z|=r.

Proof Define the function hA by

h(z)= z ( 1 z ) 2 f ( z ) 2 μ ,zD.

Since f is univalent and f(1):= lim r 1 f(r)=0, it is clear that f(z)0 in D. Therefore, the function h is well defined and analytic in D. A computation shows that

z h ( z ) h ( z ) = 2 μ z f ( z ) f ( z ) + 1 + z 1 z .

Hence we have the relation f S b (μ,φ) if and only if h S (φ). Ma and Minda [[19], Corollary 1′] have shown that for h S (φ),

h φ (r) | h ( z ) | h φ (r),|z|=r.

Using this inequality for h in (3.2) gives

h φ (r)| z ( 1 z ) 2 f ( z ) 2 μ | h φ (r),|z|=r

and hence the desired result follows. □

If S b (μ,A,B) and hence

h φ (z)={ z ( 1 + B z ) A B B , B 0 , z exp ( A z ) , B = 0 ,


| 1 z | 2 ( 1 B r ) A B B | f ( z ) 2 μ | | 1 z | 2 ( 1 + B r ) A B B for  B 0 , | 1 z | 2 exp ( A r ) | f ( z ) 2 μ | | 1 z | 2 exp ( A r ) for  B = 0 .

If S b (μ,β) and

h φ (z)= z ( 1 z ) 2 2 β ,


| 1 z | 2 ( 1 + r ) 2 2 β | f ( z ) 2 μ | | 1 z | 2 ( 1 r ) 2 2 β .

In particular, for 0μR, the inequality reduces to the following inequality [18]:

| 1 z | μ ( 1 + r ) μ ( 1 β ) | f ( z ) | | 1 z | μ ( 1 r ) μ ( 1 β ) .

Theorem 3.2 Let φ(z)=z h φ (z)/ h φ (z) and f S b (μ,φ). Then, for |z|=r,

|arg f ( z ) 1 μ ( 1 z ) | 1 2 max | z | = r arg h φ ( z ) z .

For 0μR,

|arg f ( z ) ( 1 z ) μ | | μ | 2 max | z | = r arg h φ ( z ) z .

Proof For a function h S (φ), in the paper [[19], Corollary 3′] it is shown that

|arg h ( z ) z | max | z | = r arg h φ ( z ) z ,|z|=r.

The result then follows easily as the relation (3.3) holds. □

Corollary 3.1 If f S b (μ,A,B), then for |z|=r,

|arg f ( z ) 1 μ ( 1 z ) | A B 2 B max | z | = r arg(1+Bz) for B0


|arg f ( z ) 1 μ ( 1 z ) | 1 2 max | z | = r argexp(Az) for B=0.

Corollary 3.2 If f S b (μ,β), then for |z|=r

|arg f ( z ) 1 μ ( 1 z ) |(1β) max | z | = r arg 1 ( 1 z ) .

Theorem 3.3 Let φ(z)=z h φ (z)/ h φ (z) and

min | z | = r | φ ( z ) | =φ(r)and max | z | = r | φ ( z ) | =φ(r).

Also, let

H φ 1 = | μ | | 1 z | μ 2 r ( h φ ( r ) r ) μ 2 ( | 1 + z 1 z | + φ ( r ) )


H φ 2 = | μ | | 1 z | μ 2 r ( h φ ( r ) r ) μ 2 ( | 1 + z 1 z | + φ ( r ) ) .

For μR, if f S b (μ,φ) then

H φ 1 | f ( z ) | H φ 2 .

Proof By Definition 1.2, for f S b (μ,φ), we have

2 μ z f ( z ) f ( z ) + 1 + z 1 z φ(z),zD.

When (3.4) holds, the above subordination indicates that

φ(r)| 2 μ z f ( z ) f ( z ) + 1 + z 1 z |φ(r),|z|=r.

This shows that

| 1 + z 1 z |+φ(r)| 2 μ z f ( z ) f ( z ) || 1 + z 1 z |+φ(r)


| μ | 2 r ( | 1 + z 1 z | + φ ( r ) ) | f ( z ) f ( z ) | | μ | 2 r ( | 1 + z 1 z | + φ ( r ) ) .

For μR, Theorem 3.1 gives

| 1 z | μ ( h φ ( r ) r ) μ 2 | f ( z ) | | 1 z | μ ( h φ ( r ) r ) μ 2 .

Combining (3.5) and (3.6), the desired results follows. □

We have the following corollaries as (3.4) holds.

Corollary 3.3 Let φ(z)=z h φ (z)/ h φ (z). For B0, let

H φ 1 = | μ | | 1 z | μ 2 r ( 1 B r ) μ ( A B ) 2 B ( | 1 + z 1 z | + 1 A r 1 B r )


H φ 2 = | μ | | 1 z | μ 2 r ( 1 + B r ) μ ( A B ) 2 B ( | 1 + z 1 z | + 1 + A r 1 + B r ) .

For B=0, let

H φ 1 = | μ | | 1 z | μ 2 r exp ( μ A r 2 ) ( | 1 + z 1 z | r exp ( A r ) )


H φ 2 = | μ | | 1 z | μ 2 r exp ( μ A r 2 ) ( | 1 + z 1 z | + r exp ( A r ) ) .

For μR, if f S b (μ,A,B) then

H φ 1 | f ( z ) | H φ 2 .

Corollary 3.4 Let φ(z)=z h φ (z)/ h φ (z),

H φ 1 = | μ | | 1 z | μ 2 r ( 1 + r ) μ ( 1 β ) ( | 1 + z 1 z | + 1 ( 1 2 β ) r 1 + r )


H φ 2 = | μ | | 1 z | μ 2 r ( 1 r ) μ ( 1 β ) ( | 1 + z 1 z | + 1 + ( 1 2 β ) r 1 r ) .

For μR, if f S b (μ,β) then

H φ 1 | f ( z ) | H φ 2 .

4 Necessary and sufficient condition

Theorem 4.1 Let φ be a convex univalent function defined on D. The function f S b (μ,φ) if and only if for all |s|1, |t|1,

s t ( 1 t z 1 s z ) 2 ( f ( s z ) f ( t z ) ) 2 μ h φ ( s z ) h φ ( t z ) ,

where h φ (z)=zexp( 0 z ((φ(ζ)1)/ζ)dζ).

Proof Ruscheweyh [[20], Theorem 1] showed that for φ a convex univalent function, F as in the hypothesis and hA

z h ( z ) h ( z ) φ(z)

if and only if for all |s|1, |t|1,

h ( s z ) h ( t z ) h φ ( s z ) h φ ( t z ) .

From the relation (3.3), we know that f S b (μ,φ) if and only if h S (φ). Substituting (3.2) in (4.1), we have

s z ( 1 s z ) 2 f ( s z ) 2 μ t z ( 1 t z ) 2 f ( t z ) 2 μ h φ ( s z ) h φ ( t z )

and hence the desired result follows. □

The following corollaries hold for φ(z)= 1 + A z 1 + B z is convex univalent on D.

Corollary 4.1 The function f S b (μ,A,B) if and only if for all |s|1, |t|1,

( 1 t z 1 s z ) μ ( f ( s z ) f ( t z ) ) ( 1 + B s z 1 + B t z ) μ ( A B ) 2 B for B 0 , ( 1 t z 1 s z ) μ ( f ( s z ) f ( t z ) ) exp ( μ A z ( s t ) 2 ) for B = 0 .

Let 0β<1, A=12β and B=1 in Corollary 4.1 and hence we have the result.

Corollary 4.2 [18]

The function f S b (μ,β) if and only if for all |s|1, |t|1,

( 1 t z 1 s z ) μ f ( s z ) f ( t z ) ( 1 t z 1 s z ) μ ( 1 β ) .

Theorem 4.2 as well as Corollaries 4.3 and 4.4 below are respectively special cases of Theorem 4.1 and Corollaries 4.1 and 4.2 when s=1 and t=0. However, we prove the below without the convexity assumption on φ.

Theorem 4.2 If f S b (μ,φ), then

f ( z ) 2 μ ( 1 z ) 2 h φ ( z ) z ,

where h φ (z)=zexp( 0 z ((φ(ζ)1)/ζ)dζ).

Proof Clearly z h φ (z)/ h φ (z)=φ(z). If h S (φ), then

z h ( z ) h ( z ) z h φ ( z ) h φ ( z ) .

Therefore by [[19], Theorem 1′]

h ( z ) z h φ ( z ) z .

Let h(z) be defined as in (3.2) and hence we arrive at the desired conclusion. □

Corollary 4.3 If f S b (μ,A,B) then

f ( z ) ( 1 z ) μ ( 1 + B z ) μ ( A B ) 2 B for B0


f ( z ) ( 1 z ) μ exp ( μ A z 2 ) for B=0.

When 0β<1, A=12β and B=1, the above corollary reduces to the following result.

Corollary 4.4 [18]

If f S b (μ,β) then

f ( z ) ( 1 z ) μ 1 ( 1 z ) μ ( 1 β ) .

5 Coefficient estimate for f S b (φ)

In particular, when μ=1, (1.2) becomes

2 z f ( z ) f ( z ) + 1 + z 1 z φ(z),zD.

We denote the class satisfying the above subordination as S b (φ).

Theorem 5.1 Let φ(z)=1+ B 1 z+ B 2 z 2 + . If f S b (φ), then the coefficients d 1 , d 2 , d 3 satisfy the following inequalities:

| d 1 | B 1 2 + 1 , | d 2 | B 1 4 max { 1 , | B 2 B 1 + B 1 2 | } + B 1 2 , | d 3 | B 1 6 H ( 6 B 1 2 + 16 B 2 8 B 1 , B 1 3 + 6 B 1 B 2 + 8 B 3 8 B 1 ) + B 1 4 max { 1 , | B 2 B 1 + B 1 2 | } ,

where H( q 1 , q 2 )a is as defined in [21] (see also [[22], Lemma 3]) and

| d 2 ν d 1 2 | { B 1 4 ( B 2 B 1 ( 2 ν 1 ) B 1 2 ) + ( 2 ν + 1 ) B 1 2 + 2 ν , ν σ 1 , B 1 4 + ( 2 ν + 1 ) B 1 2 + 2 ν , σ 1 ν σ 2 , B 1 4 ( ( 2 ν 1 ) B 1 2 B 2 B 1 ) + ( 2 ν + 1 ) B 1 2 + 2 ν , ν σ 2 ,


σ 1 = 1 B 1 ( B 2 B 1 1 ) + 1 2 , σ 2 = 1 B 1 ( B 2 B 1 + 1 ) + 1 2 .

Proof Define the function g(z)=1+ g 1 z+ g 2 z 2 + by

g(z)= f ( z ) ( 1 z ) ,zD.

Then a computation shows that

2 z g ( z ) g ( z ) +1=2 z f ( z ) f ( z ) + 1 + z 1 z .

Since f S b (φ), we have

2 z g ( z ) g ( z ) +1φ(z),

or there is an analytic function w(z)= w 1 z+ w 2 z 2 + such that

2 z g ( z ) g ( z ) +1=φ ( w ( z ) ) .


2 z g ( z ) g ( z ) +1=1+2 g 1 z+ ( 2 g 1 2 + 4 g 2 ) z 2 + ( 2 g 1 3 6 g 1 g 2 + 6 g 3 ) z 3 +


φ ( w ( z ) ) =1+ B 1 w 1 z+ ( B 2 w 1 2 + B 1 w 2 ) z 2 + ( B 3 w 1 3 + 2 B 2 w 1 w 2 + b 1 w 3 ) z 3 +,

we see that

g 1 = B 1 w 1 2 , g 2 = B 1 4 ( w 2 + ( B 2 B 1 + B 1 2 ) w 1 2 ) , g 3 = B 1 6 ( w 3 + ( 6 B 1 2 + 16 B 2 8 B 1 ) w 1 w 2 + ( B 1 3 + 6 B 1 B 2 + 8 B 3 8 B 1 ) w 1 3 ) .

In view of the well-known inequality | w 1 |1, we have

| g 1 | B 1 2 .

Applying [[23], inequality 7, p.10] and [[22], Lemma 3] (see also [21]), we get

| g 2 | B 1 4 max { 1 , | B 2 B 1 + B 1 2 | }


| g 3 | B 1 6 H ( 6 B 1 2 + 16 B 2 8 B 1 , B 1 3 + 6 B 1 B 2 + 8 B 3 8 B 1 ) ,

respectively. Also, we see that applying [[22], Lemma 1] (see also [19]) to inequality

g 2 ν g 1 2 = B 1 4 ( w 2 ( ( 2 ν 1 ) B 1 2 B 2 B 1 ) w 1 2 )


| g 2 ν g 1 2 | { B 1 4 ( B 2 B 1 ( 2 ν 1 ) B 1 2 ) , ν σ 1 , B 1 4 , σ 1 ν σ 2 , B 1 4 ( ( 2 ν 1 ) B 1 2 B 2 B 1 ) , ν σ 2

for σ 1 and σ 2 as in the hypothesis. Todorov in [3] shows that for

g(z)=1+ 1 g n z n ,

the coefficient

g n =1+ d 1 + d 2 ++ d n ,

and hence from the above relation the desired results are obtained. □

Corollary 5.1 When φ(z)=(1+z)/(1z), our results coincide with [[3], Corollary 2.3].

Remark 5.1 All the results for the special case when μ=1 or the class starlike with respect to a boundary point defined by subordination were presented at the 8th International Symposium on GFTA, 27-31 August 2012, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia and thereafter published as [24].


The expression for H is too lengthy to be reproduced here. See [21] or [22] for the full expression.


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The work here is partially supported by MOHE:LRGS/TD/2011/UKM/ICT/03/02.

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The first author MHM is currently a PhD student under supervision of the second author MD and jointly worked on deriving the results. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

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Haji Mohd, M., Darus, M. On a class of spiral-like functions with respect to a boundary point related to subordination. J Inequal Appl 2013, 274 (2013).

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