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Some results on Rockafellar-type iterative algorithms for zeros of accretive operators
Journal of Inequalities and Applications volume 2013, Article number: 255 (2013)
We provide a new proof technique to obtain strong convergence of the sequences generated by viscosity iterative methods for a Rockafellar-type iterative algorithm and a Halpern-type iterative algorithm to a zero of an accretive operator in Banach spaces. By using a new method different from previous ones, the main results improve and develop the recent well-known results in this area.
MSC:47H06, 47H09, 47H10, 47J25, 49M05, 65J15.
1 Introduction
Let E be a real Banach space with the norm and the dual space . The value of at is denoted by and the normalized duality mapping from E into is defined by
Recall that a (possibly multivalued) operator with the domain and the range in E is accretive if, for each and (), there exists a such that . (Here is the normalized duality mapping.) In a Hilbert space, an accretive operator is also called a monotone operator. The set of zeros of A is denoted by , that is,
If , then the inclusion is solvable.
Iterative methods have extensively been studied over the last forty years for constructions of zeros of accretive operators (see, e.g., [1–7]). In particular, in order to find a zero of a monotone operator, Rockafellar [7] introduced a powerful and successful algorithm in a Hilbert space H, which is recognized as the Rockafellar proximal point algorithm: For any initial point , a sequence is generated by
where for all is the resolvent of A and is an error sequence in H. Bruck [2] proposed the following in a Hilbert space H: For any fixed point ,
In 1991, Güler [8] gave an example showing that Rockafellar’s proximal algorithm does not converge strongly. Solodov and Svaitor [9] in 2000 proposed a modified proximal point algorithm which converges strongly to a solution of the equation by using the projection method. In 2000, Kamimura and Takahashi [10–12] introduced the following iterative algorithms of Halpern type [13] and Mann type [14] in Hilbert spaces and Banach spaces: For any initial point ,
where , , and is an error sequence, and obtained strong and weak convergence of sequences generated by these algorithms.
Xu [15] in 2006 and Song and Yang [16] in 2009 obtained the strong convergence of the regularization method for Rockafellar’s proximal point algorithm in a Hilbert space H: For any initial point
where , and .
In 2012, as in [17], Zhang and Song [18] considered the following Rockafellar-type iterative algorithm (1.1) and Halpern-type iterative algorithm (1.2) for finding a zero of an accretive operator A in a uniformly convex Banach space E with a weakly continuous duality mapping with gauge function φ or with a uniformly Gâteaux differentiable norm: For any initial point and fixed point ,
where the sequences and satisfy the conditions: (i) ; (ii) ; (iii) ; and (iv) . In particular, in order to obtain strong convergence of the sequence generated by (1.2) to a zero of an accretive operator A, they utilized the well-known inequality in uniformly convex Banach spaces (see Xu [19]). The results of Zhang and Song [18] in a Banach space with a uniformly Gâteaux differentiable norm and the corresponding results of Song [17] are mutually complementary since Zhang and Song [18] assumed uniform convexity on the space instead of reflexivity on the space in Song [17] and relaxed the conditions and , on sequences and in Song [17]. Yu [20] filled the gaps in the result of Zhang and Song [18] for the Halpern-type iterative algorithm (1.2) by utilizing the result on the sequence of real numbers in [21], which is of fundamental importance for the techniques of analysis. Also, Zhang and Song [18] studied the Rockafellar-type iterative algorithm (1.1) in a uniformly convex Banach space with a weakly continuous normalized duality mapping or with a uniformly Gâteaux differentiable norm.
In this paper, motivated by the above mentioned results, we consider viscosity iterative methods for the Rockafellar-type iterative algorithm (1.1) and Halpern-type iterative algorithm (1.2). By using a new method different from ones in [18, 20] which recover the gaps in [18] as in [20], we establish results on strong convergence of the sequences generated by the proposed iterative methods to a zero of an accretive operator A, which solves a certain variational inequality in a uniformly convex Banach space having a weakly continuous duality mapping with gauge function φ or having a uniformly Gâteaux differentiable norm. Our results improve, develop and complement the corresponding results of Song [17], Zhang and Song [18], Yu [20] and Song et al. [22] as well as many existing ones.
2 Preliminaries and lemmas
Let E be a real Banach space with the norm and let be its dual. When is a sequence in E, then (resp., , ) will denote strong (resp., weak, weak∗) convergence of the sequence to x.
Recall that a mapping is said to be contractive mapping on E if there exists a constant such that , . An accretive operator A is said to satisfy the range condition if for all , where I is an identity operator of E and denotes the closure of the domain of A. An accretive operator A is called m-accretive if for each . If A is an accretive operator which satisfies the range condition, then we can define, for each , a mapping defined by , which is called the resolvent of A. We know that is nonexpansive (i.e., , ) and for all . Moreover, for , and ,
which is referred to as the resolvent identity (see [23, 24] where more details on accretive operators can be found).
The norm of E is said to be Gâteaux differentiable if
exists for each x, y in its unit sphere . Such an E is called a smooth Banach space. The norm is said to be uniformly Gâteaux differentiable if for , the limit is attained uniformly for .
A Banach space E is said to be uniformly convex if for all , there exists such that
Let and be two fixed real numbers. Then a Banach space is uniformly convex if and only if there exists a continuous strictly increasing convex function with such that
for all , where . For more detail, see Xu [19].
By a gauge function we mean a continuous strictly increasing function φ defined on such that and . The mapping defined by
is called the duality mapping with gauge function φ. In particular, the duality mapping with gauge function denoted by , is referred to as the normalized duality mapping. The following property of duality mapping is well known [23]:
where ℝ is the set of all real numbers; in particular, , . It is well known that E is smooth if and only if the normalized duality mapping is single-valued, and that in a Hilbert space H, the normalized duality mapping is the identity.
We say that a Banach space E has a weakly continuous duality mapping if there exists a gauge function φ such that the duality mapping is single-valued and continuous from the weak topology to the weak∗ topology, that is, for any with , . For example, every space () has a weakly continuous duality mapping with gauge function [23].
Let LIM be a continuous linear functional on and . We write instead of . LIM is said to be a Banach limit if LIM satisfies and for all . If LIM is a Banach limit, the following are well known [25]:
for all , implies ,
for any fixed positive integer N,
for all .
We need the following lemmas for the proofs of our main results.
Let E be a real Banach space and φ be a continuous strictly increasing function on such that and . Define
Then the following inequalities hold:
where . In particular, if E is smooth, then one has
Lemma 2.2 [26]
Let be a real number and let a sequence satisfy the condition for all Banach limit LIM. If , then .
Lemma 2.3 [27]
Let be a sequence of non-negative real numbers satisfying
where and satisfy the following conditions:
and ;
or .
Then .
Also, we will use the next lemma which is of fundamental importance for our proof.
Lemma 2.4 [21]
Let be a sequence of real numbers that does not decrease at infinity, in the sense that there exists a subsequence of such that for all . For every , define the sequence of integers by
Then is a nondecreasing sequence verifying
and, for all , the following two estimates hold:
3 Main results
In this section, we study the convergence of the following two iterative algorithms: For an initial value ,
Throughout this section, it is assumed that is an accretive operator satisfying the range condition with ; C is a nonempty closed convex subset of E such that ; is a contractive mapping with a constant ; and and are sequences satisfying the conditions:
(C1) ;
(C2) ;
(C3) for some a;
(C4) .
We need the following result for the existence of solutions of a certain variational inequality.
Let E be a reflexive Banach space with a weakly continuous duality mapping with gauge function φ. Let C be a nonempty closed convex subset of E, let be a nonexpansive mapping with and be a contractive mapping with a constant . For , let be the unique solution in C to the equation . Then converges as strongly to a point q in , which solves the variational inequality
Using Theorem J, we have the following result.
Theorem 3.1 Let E be a reflexive Banach space having a weakly continuous duality mapping with gauge function φ. Let be a sequence generated by (3.1) and for all . Let LIM be a Banach limit. If , then
where with being defined by for each .
Proof Let be defined by for and . Then, since , is bounded. In fact, for for , we have
This gives that
and hence is bounded. Also, by Theorem J, converges as strongly to a point in , which is denoted by .
First we show that and are bounded. Since , we take for all . From (3.1) and the nonexpansivity of for all n, we have
Hence is bounded. Also, for , we get
and so is bounded. Moreover, since , it follows that is bounded. Also, is bounded. As a consequence, with the control condition (C1), we get
Since , by (3.1) and (3.3), we obtain
Now, we show that , where with being defined by for each . Indeed, it follows that
Applying Lemma 2.1, we have
Along with using the resolvent identity (2.1), noting
we observe also that
where as (by (3.3), (3.4) and (3.5)), and
Thus it follows from (3.6) that
Applying the Banach limit LIM to (3.7), we have
Hence, noting and applying the property of the Banach limit LIM to (3.8), we obtain
for some satisfying . Since φ is uniformly continuous on compact intervals on and
we conclude from (3.9) and that
This completes the proof. □
By using Theorem 3.1, we establish the strong convergence of the Rockafellar-type iterative algorithm (3.1).
Theorem 3.2 Let E be a uniformly convex Banach space having a weakly continuous duality mapping with gauge function φ. Then the sequence generated by (3.1) converges strongly to , where q is the unique solution of the variational inequality
Proof First, we note that by Theorem J, there exists a solution q of a variational inequality
where with being defined by for each and . From now, we put for all .
We know that for all and all and , , and are bounded by the proof of Theorem 3.1.
First, by using arguments similar to those of [18] with and the inequality (2.2) (, ), we have
where is a continuous strictly increasing convex function in (2.2). From the condition (C3), it follows that for all and
In order to prove that , we consider two possible cases as in the proof of Yu [20].
Case 1. Assume that is a monotone sequence. In other words, for large enough, is either nondecreasing or nonincreasing. Hence converges (since is bounded). Thus, by (3.11) we obtain
Thus, from the property of the function g in (2.2), it follows that
Now, we proceed with the following steps.
Step 1. We know from (3.5) that .
Step 2. We show that . To this end, put
Then Theorem 3.1 implies that for any Banach limit LIM. Since is bounded, there exists a subsequence of such that
and . This implies that since is weakly asymptotically regular by Step 1. From the weak continuity of a duality mapping , we have
and so
Then Lemma 2.2 implies that , that is,
Step 3. We show that . In fact, let be a subsequence of such that and
Since by (3.3) in the proof of Theorem 3.1, we have also . From the weak continuity of , it follows that
Hence, by Step 2, we have
Step 4. We show that . Indeed, by using (3.1), we obtain
and so
by Lemma 2.1, we also get
As a consequence, since Φ in Lemma 2.1 is an increasing convex function with , by (3.12) and (3.13), we have
From the conditions (C1)-(C3) and Step 3, it follows that , and . Since (3.14) reduces to
from Lemma 2.3, we conclude that and .
Case 2. Assume that is not a monotone sequence. Then, we can define a sequence of integers for all (for some large enough) by
Clearly, is a nondecreasing sequence such that as and
for all . In this case, we derive from (3.11) that
So, by the property of the function g in (2.2), we have
From (3.3), (3.4) and (3.5), we also have
By using the same argument as in Theorem 3.1 with , and , we obtain
Moreover, by using the same argument as in Step 1-Step 4 of Case 1 with , and , we obtain the following:
Step 1′ ;
Step 2′ ;
Step 3′ ;
Step 4′ and . Hence
From Lemma 2.4, we have
Therefore, . This completes the proof. □
By taking in Theorem 3.2, we obtain the following result, which is an extension of Corollary 3.4 of Zhang and Song [18] to the viscosity iteration method.
Corollary 3.1 Let E be a uniformly convex Banach space having a weakly continuous duality mapping with gauge function φ. Let be a sequence generated by
Then converges strongly to , where q is the unique solution of the variational inequality (3.10).
Theorem 3.3 Let E be a uniformly convex Banach space having a uniformly Gâteaux differentiable norm. Then the sequence generated by (3.1) converges strongly to , where q is the unique solution of the variational inequality
Proof We also note that by [30], there exists a solution q of the variational inequality
where with being defined by for each and . From now, we put for .
We also know that , , and are bounded by the proof of Theorem 3.1.
As in the proof of Theorem 3.2, we divide the proof into several steps. We only include the differences.
Step 1. By considering two cases as in the proof of Theorem 3.2, we have that and , where is as in Case 2 in the proof of Theorem 3.2.
Step 2. (1) In the case when , we show that
To prove this, let a subsequence of be such that
and for some . Since
by Lemma 2.1, we have
Along with using the resolvent identity (2.1), noting
we observe also that
where as (by Step 1 and condition (C4)). Putting
and using Lemma 2.1, we obtain
The last inequality implies
It follows that
where is a constant such that for all and . Taking the lim sup as in (3.16) and noticing the fact that the two limits are interchangeable due to the fact that J is uniformly continuous on bounded subsets of E from the strong topology of E to the weak∗ topology of , we have
In the case when , by using the same argument with and , we also have .
Step 3. (1) In the case when , we conclude . Indeed, by using (3.1) and applying Lemma 2.1, we obtain
Combining (3.17) and (3.18) yields
From the conditions (C1)-(C3) and (1) of Step 2, it follows that , and . Since (3.19) reduces to
from Lemma 2.3, we conclude that .
In the case when , by using the same argument with , and and (2) of Step 2, we can obtain
From Lemma 2.4, we have
Therefore, . This completes the proof. □
By taking , we also have the following.
Corollary 3.2 Let E be a uniformly convex Banach space having a uniformly Gâteaux differentiable norm. Let be a sequence generated by
Then converges strongly to , where q is the unique solution of the variational inequality (3.15).
Corollary 3.3 Let H be a Hilbert space. Assume that is a monotone operator satisfying the range condition with and that C is a nonempty closed convex subset of H such that . Let be a sequence generated by (3.1). Then converges strongly to , where q is the unique solution of the variational inequality
By taking in Corollary 3.3, we also have the following.
Corollary 3.4 Let H be a Hilbert space. Assume that is a maximal monotone operator with . Let be a sequence generated by
Then converges strongly to , where q is the unique solution of the variational inequality (3.20).
Proof Since A is maximal monotone, A is monotone and satisfies the range condition for all . Putting in Corollary 3.3, we can obtain the desired result. □
By using arguments similar to those in the proofs of Theorems 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 and [20], we can obtain the following theorems for the Halpern-type iterative algorithm (3.2).
Theorem 3.4 Let E be a reflexive Banach space having a weakly continuous duality mapping with gauge function φ. Let be a sequence generated by (3.2) and LIM be a Banach limit. If , then
where with being defined by for each .
Theorem 3.5 Let E be a uniformly convex Banach space having a weakly continuous duality mapping with gauge function φ. Then the sequence generated by (3.2) converges strongly to , where q is the unique solution of the variational inequality (3.10).
Theorem 3.6 Let E be a uniformly convex Banach space having a uniformly Gâteaux differentiable norm. Then the sequence generated by (3.2) converges strongly to , where q is the unique solution of the variational inequality (3.15).
Corollary 3.5 Let H be a Hilbert space. Assume that is a maximal monotone operator with . Let be a sequence generated by (3.2). Then converges strongly to , where q is the unique solution of the variational inequality (3.20).
Remark 3.1
(1) Theorem 3.2 improves and develops Theorem 3.7 of Zhang and Song [18] in the following aspects.
The following gaps, which authors in [18] overlooked, are corrected: there exist two subsequences and of satisfying
where , and .
The case of an iterative scheme in [[11], Theorem 3.7] is extended to the case of a viscosity iterative scheme , where is a contractive mapping with a constant .
We utilize the weakly continuous duality mapping with gauge function φ instead of the weakly continuous normalized duality mapping in [[11], Theorem 3.7].
Theorem 3.3 extends Theorem 3.8 of Zhang and Song [18] to the viscosity iterative method together with our proof, which corrects the gap in the proof of [18].
Theorem 3.2 and Theorem 3.3 improve Theorem 3.3 and Theorem 3.4 of Yu [20], which were given without proofs, to the case of the viscosity iterative method together with our proofs. Theorem 3.3 also develops and complements Theorem 4.2 of Song [17]. In particular, the limit point of the sequence in Theorem 3.3 is the unique solution of the variational inequality (3.15) in comparison with [[10], Theorem 4.2].
Theorem 3.5 and Theorem 3.6 extend Theorems 3.1 and 3.2 of Zhang and Song [18] and Theorem 3.1 and Theorem 3.2 of Yu [20] to the viscosity iterative method.
Corollaries 3.1 and 3.2 improve the corresponding results of Zhang and Song [18] and Song et al. [22]. Corollary 3.4 also develops the corresponding results of Xu [15] and Song and Yang [16].
As in [22, 31, 32], we can replace the contractive mapping f in our algorithms by the weakly contractive mapping g (recall that a mapping is said to be weakly contractive [33] if , , where is a continuous and strictly increasing function such that ψ is positive on and ).
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The author would like to thank the anonymous referees for their valuable comments and suggestions, which improved the presentation of this manuscript. This research was supported by the Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (2012000895).
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Jung, J.S. Some results on Rockafellar-type iterative algorithms for zeros of accretive operators. J Inequal Appl 2013, 255 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1186/1029-242X-2013-255
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/1029-242X-2013-255