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Global existence of solutions and energy decay for a Kirchhoff-type equation with nonlinear dissipation


This paper deals with the initial boundary value problem for a class of nonlinear Kirchhoff-type equation with dissipative term

u t t φ ( u 2 2 ) Δu+a | u t | α 2 u t =b | u | β 2 u,xΩ,t>0

in a bounded domain, where a,b>0 and α,β>2 are constants. We obtain the global existence of solutions by constructing a stable set in H 0 1 (Ω) and show the energy decay estimate by applying a lemma of Komornik.

MSC:35B40, 35L70.

1 Introduction

In this paper, we investigate the existence and asymptotic stability of global solutions for the initial boundary value problem of the following Kirchhoff-type equation with nonlinear dissipative term in a bounded domain

u t t φ ( u 2 2 ) Δu+a | u t | α 2 u t =b | u | β 2 u,xΩ,t>0,
u(x,0)= u 0 (x), u t (x,0)= u 1 (x),xΩ,

where Ω is a bounded domain in R n with a smooth boundary Ω, a,b>0 and α,β>2 are constants, φ(s) is a C 1 -class function on [0,+) satisfying

φ(s) m 0 ,sφ(s) 0 s φ(θ)dθ,s[0,+)

with m 0 1 is a constant.

If Ω=[0,L] is an interval of the real line, equation (1.1) describes a small amplitude vibration of an elastic string with fixed endpoints. The original equation is

ρh u t t +δ u t +f= ( γ 0 + E h 2 L 0 L | u x | 2 d s ) u x x ,

where L is the rest length, E is the Young modulus, ρ is the mass density, h is the cross-section area, γ 0 is the initial axial tension, δ is the resistance modulus and f is a nonlinear perturbation effect.

When a=b=0, φ(s)= s r , r1 and u 0 0 (the mildly degenerate case), the local existence of solutions in Sobolev space was investigated by many author [16]. Concerning a global existence of solutions for mildly degenerate Kirchhoff equations, it is natural to add a dissipative term u t or Δ u t .

For a=1, b=0, α=2, φ(s)= s r , r1, the problem (1.1)-(1.3) was treated by Nishihara and Yamada [7]. They proved the existence and uniqueness of a global solution u(t) for small data ( u 0 , u 1 )( H 0 1 (Ω) H 2 (Ω))× H 0 1 (Ω) with u 0 0 and the polynomial decay of the solution. Aassila and Benaissa [8] extended the global existence part of [7] to the case where φ(s)0 with φ( u 0 2 )0 and the case of nonlinear dissipative term case (a0).

In the case a=0, for large β and φ(s)r>0, D’Ancona and Spagnolo [9] proved that if u 0 , u 1 C 0 ( R n ) are small, then problem (1.1)-(1.3) has a global solution. The nondegenerate case with α=2, a>0 and b=0 was considered by De Brito, Yamada and Nishihara [1013], they proved that for small initial data ( u 0 , u 1 )( H 0 1 (Ω) H 2 (Ω))× H 0 1 (Ω) there exists a unique global solution of (1.1)-(1.3) that decays exponentially as t+.

When φ(s)0, Ghisi and Gobbino [14] proved the existence and uniqueness of a global solution u(t) of the problem (1.1)-(1.3) for small initial data ( u 0 , u 1 )( H 0 1 (Ω) H 2 (Ω))× H 0 1 (Ω) with m( u 0 2 )0 and the asymptotic behavior (u(t), u t (t), u t t (t))( u ,0,0) in ( H 0 1 (Ω) H 2 (Ω))× H 0 1 (Ω)× L 2 (Ω) as t+, where either u =0 or φ( u 2 )=0.

The case φ(s)r>0 has been considered by Hosoya and Yamada [15] under the following condition:

0β< 2 n 4 ,n5;0β<+,n4.

They proved that, if the initial datas are small enough, the problem (1.1)-(1.3) has a global solution which decays exponentially as t+.

In this paper, we prove the global existence for the problem (1.1)-(1.3) by applying the potential well theory introduced by Sattinger [16] and Payne and Sattinger [17]. Meanwhile, we obtain the asymptotic stability of global solutions by use of the lemma of Komornik [18].

We adopt the usual notation and convention. Let H m (Ω) denote the Sobolev space with the norm u H m ( Ω ) = ( | α | m D α u L 2 ( Ω ) 2 ) 1 2 , H 0 m (Ω) denotes the closure in H m (Ω) of C 0 (Ω). For simplicity of notation, hereafter we denote by p the Lebesgue space L p (Ω) norm, denotes L 2 (Ω) norm and we write equivalent norm instead of H 0 1 (Ω) norm H 0 1 ( Ω ) . Moreover, M denotes various positive constants depending on the known constants and it may be difference in each appearance.

This paper is organized as follows: In the next section, we will give some preliminaries. Then in Section 3, we state the main results and give their proof.

2 Preliminaries

In order to state and prove our main results, we first define the following functionals:

K(u)= m 0 u 2 b u β β ,J(u)= m 0 2 u 2 b β u β β ,

for u H 0 1 (Ω). Then we define the stable set S by

S= { u H 0 1 ( Ω ) , K ( u ) > 0 } {0}.

We denote the total energy functional associated with (1.1)-(1.3) by

E(t)= 1 2 u t 2 + 1 2 0 u 2 φ(s)ds b β u β β

for u H 0 1 (Ω), t0, and E(0)= 1 2 u 1 2 + 1 2 0 u 0 2 φ(s)ds b β u 0 β β is the total energy of the initial data.

Lemma 2.1 Let q be a number with 2q<+, n2 and 2q 2 n n 2 , n>2. Then there is a constant C depending on Ω and q such that

u q C u H 0 1 ( Ω ) ,u H 0 1 (Ω).

Lemma 2.2 [18]

Let y(t): R + R + be a nonincreasing function and assume that there are two constants μ1 and A>0 such that

s + y ( t ) μ + 1 2 dtAy(s),0s<+,

then y(t)Cy(0) ( 1 + t ) 2 μ 1 , t0, if μ>1, where C is positive constants independent of y(0).

Lemma 2.3 Let u(t,x) be a solutions to the problem (1.1)-(1.3). Then E(t) is a nonincreasing function for t>0 and

d d t E(t)=a u t ( t ) α α .

Proof By multiplying equation (1.1) by u t and integrating over Ω, we get

d d t E ( u ( t ) ) =a u t ( t ) α α 0.

Therefore, E(t) is a nonincreasing function on t. □

We state a local existence result, which is known as a standard one (see [6, 19]).

Theorem 2.1 Suppose that α,β>2 satisfy

2<β<+,n2;2<β 2 ( n 1 ) n 2 ,n>2,
2<α<+,n2;2<α 2 n n 2 ,n>2,

and let ( u 0 , u 1 ) H 0 1 (Ω)× L 2 (Ω). Then there exists T>0 such that the problem (1.1)-(1.3) has a unique local solution u(t) in the class

uC ( [ 0 , T ) ; H 0 1 ( Ω ) ) , u t C ( [ 0 , T ) ; L 2 ( Ω ) ) L α ( Ω × [ 0 , T ) ) .

In order to prove the existence of global solutions of the problem (1.1)-(1.3), we need the following lemma.

Lemma 2.4 Supposed that (2.3) holds, If u 0 S, u 1 L 2 (Ω) such that

δ=b C β ( 2 β ( β 2 ) m 0 E ( 0 ) ) β 2 2 <1,

then uS, for each t[0,T).

Proof Assume that there exists a number t [0,T) such that u(t)S on [0, t ) and u( t )S. Then we have

K ( u ( t ) ) =0,u ( t ) 0.

Since u(t)S on [0, t ), it holds that

J ( u ( t ) ) = m 0 2 u ( t ) 2 b β u ( t ) β β m 0 2 u ( t ) 2 m 0 β u ( t ) 2 = ( β 2 ) m 0 2 β u ( t ) 2 ,

we have from K(u( t ))=0 that

J ( u ( t ) ) = m 0 2 u ( t ) 2 b β u ( t ) β β = m 0 2 u ( t ) 2 m 0 β u ( t ) 2 = ( β 2 ) m 0 2 β u ( t ) 2 ,

we conclude from (1.4) and (2.1) that

E ( t ) 1 2 u t ( t ) 2 + m 0 2 u ( t ) 2 b β u ( t ) β β = 1 2 u t ( t ) 2 + J ( u ( t ) ) .

Therefore, we obtain from (2.8), (2.9) and (2.10) that

u ( t ) 2 2 β ( β 2 ) m 0 J ( u ( t ) ) 2 β ( β 2 ) m 0 E(t) 2 β ( β 2 ) m 0 E(0),

for t[0, t ].

By exploiting Lemma 2.1, (2.6) and (2.11), we easily arrive at

b u ( t ) β β b C β u ( t ) β = b C β u ( t ) β 2 u ( t ) 2 b C β ( 2 β ( β 2 ) m 0 E ( 0 ) ) β 2 2 u ( t ) 2 < u ( t ) 2 ,

for all t[0, t ].

Therefore, we obtain

K ( u ( t ) ) = m 0 u ( t ) 2 b u ( t ) β β >0,

which contradicts (2.7). Thus, we conclude that u(t)S on [0,T). □

3 The global existence and nonexistence

Theorem 3.1 Suppose that (2.3) and (2.4) hold, and u(t) is a local solution of problem (1.1)-(1.3) on [0,T). If u 0 S and u 1 L 2 (Ω) satisfy (2.6), then u(x,t) is a global solution of the problem (1.1)-(1.3).

Proof It suffices to show that u ( t ) 2 + u t ( t ) 2 is bounded independently of t.

Under the hypotheses in Theorem 3.1, we get from Lemma 2.4 that u(t)S on [0,T). So the formula (2.8) holds on [0,T).

Therefore, we have from (2.8) that

1 2 u t 2 + ( β 2 ) m 0 2 β u ( t ) 2 1 2 u t ( t ) 2 +J ( u ( t ) ) =E(t)E(0).

Hence, we get

u t ( t ) 2 + u ( t ) 2 max ( 2 , 2 β ( β 2 ) m 0 ) E(0)<+.

The above inequality and the continuation principle lead to the global existence of the solution, that is, T=+. Thus, the solution u(t) is a global solution of the problem (1.1)-(1.3). □

Now we employ the analysis method to discuss the solution of the problem (1.1)-(1.3) occurs blow-up in finite time. Our result reads as follows.

Theorem 3.2 Assume that (i) 2<β< 2 n n 2 , if n>2; (ii) 0<β<+, if n2. If u 0 S and u 1 L 2 (Ω) such that

E(0)< Q 0 , u 0 β > S 0 ,


Q 0 = ( β 2 ) b 2 β ( m 0 b C 2 ) β β 2 , S 0 = ( m 0 b C 2 ) 1 β 2

with C>0 is a positive Sobolev constant. Then the solution of the problem (1.1)-(1.3) does not exist globally in time.

Proof On the contrary, under the conditions in Theorem 3.2, suppose that u(x,t) is a global solution of the problem (1.1)-(1.3); then by Lemma 2.1, it is well known that there exists a constant C>0 depending only n, β such that u β Cu for all u H 0 1 (Ω).

From the above inequality, we conclude that

u 2 C 2 u β 2 .

It follows from (1.4), (2.1) and (3.2) that

E ( t ) = 1 2 u t 2 + 1 2 0 u 2 φ ( s ) d s b β u β β m 0 2 u 2 b β u β β m 0 2 C 2 u β 2 b β u β β .


s=s(t)= u ( t ) β = { Ω | u ( x , t ) | β d x } 1 β .

We denote the right side of (3.3) by Q(s)=Q( u ( t ) β ), then

Q(s)= m 0 2 C 2 s 2 b β s β ,s0.

By (3.4), we obtain

Q (s)= m 0 C 2 sb s β 1 .

Let Q (s)=0, then we obtain S 0 = ( m 0 b C 2 ) 1 β 2 .

As s= S 0 , we have

Q (s) | s = S 0 = ( m 0 C 2 b ( β 1 ) s β 2 ) | s = S 0 = m 0 ( β 2 ) C 2 <0.

Consequently, the function Q(s) has a single maximum value Q 0 at S 0 , where

Q 0 =Q( S 0 )= ( β 2 ) b 2 β ( m 0 b C 2 ) β β 2 .

Since the initial data is such that E(0), s(0) satisfies E(0)< Q 0 , u 0 β > S 0 .

Therefore, we have from Lemma 2.3 that

E(t)E(0)< Q 0 ,t>0.

At the same time, by (3.3) and (3.4) it is evident that there can be no time t>0 for which

E(t)< Q 0 ,s(t)= S 0 .

Hence, we have also s(t)> S 0 for all t>0 from the continuity of E(t) and s(t).

According to the above contradiction we know that the global solution of the problem (1.1)-(1.3) does not exist, i.e., the solution blows up in some finite time.

This completes the proof of Theorem 3.2. □

4 Energy decay estimate

The following theorem shows the asymptotic behavior of global solutions of the problem (1.1)-(1.3).

Theorem 4.1 If the hypotheses in Theorem  3.2 are valid, then the global solutions of the problem (1.1)-(1.3) has the following asymptotic property:

E(t)M ( 1 + t ) 2 α 2 ,

where M>0 is a constant depending on initial energy E(0).

Proof Multiplying by E ( t ) α 2 2 u on both sides of the equation (1.1) and integrating over Ω×[S,T], we obtain that

0= S T Ω E ( t ) α 2 2 u [ u t t φ ( u 2 ) Δ u + a | u t | α 2 u t b u | u | β 2 ] dxdt,

where 0S<T<+.


S T Ω E ( t ) α 2 2 u u t t d x d t = Ω E ( t ) α 2 2 u u t d x | S T S T Ω E ( t ) α 2 2 | u t | 2 d x d t α 2 2 S T Ω E ( t ) α 4 2 E ( t ) u u t d x d t .

So, substituting the formula (4.2) into the right-hand side of (4.1), we get that

0 = S T E ( t ) α 2 2 ( u t 2 + φ ( u 2 ) u 2 2 b β u β β ) d t S T Ω E ( t ) α 2 2 [ 2 | u t | 2 a | u t | α 2 u t u ] d x d t α 2 2 S T Ω E ( t ) α 4 2 E ( t ) u u t d x d t + Ω E ( t ) α 2 2 u u t d x | S T + ( 2 β 1 ) b S T E ( t ) α 2 2 u β β d t .

We obtain from (2.12) and (2.11) that

b ( 1 2 β ) u β β δ β 2 β u 2 δ β 2 β 2 β ( β 2 ) m 0 E(t)= 2 δ m 0 E(t).

We derive from (1.4) that

0 u 2 φ(s)dsφ ( u 2 ) u 2 .

It follows from (4.3), (4.4) and (4.5) that

2 ( 1 δ m 0 ) S T E ( t ) α 2 d t S T Ω E ( t ) α 2 2 [ 2 | u t | 2 a | u t | α 2 u t u ] d x d t + α 2 2 S T Ω E ( t ) α 4 2 E ( t ) u u t d x d t Ω E ( t ) α 2 2 u u t d x | S T .

We have from Lemma 2.1 and (3.1) that

| α 2 2 S T Ω E ( t ) α 4 2 E ( t ) u u t d x d t | α 2 2 S T E ( t ) α 4 2 ( E ( t ) ) ( 1 2 u 2 + 1 2 u t 2 ) d t α 2 2 S T E ( t ) α 4 2 E ( t ) ( β C 2 ( β 2 ) m 0 ( β 2 ) m 0 2 β u 2 + 1 2 u t 2 ) d t α 2 2 max ( β C 2 ( β 2 ) m 0 , 1 ) S T E ( t ) α 2 2 E ( t ) d t = α 2 α max ( β C 2 ( β 2 ) m 0 , 1 ) E ( t ) α 2 | S T M E ( S ) α 2 ,

similarly, we have

| Ω E ( t ) α 2 2 u u t d x | S T | max ( β C 2 ( β 2 ) m 0 , 1 ) E ( t ) α 2 | S T M E ( S ) α 2 .

Substituting the estimates (4.7) and (4.8) into (4.6), we conclude that

2 ( 1 δ m 0 ) S T E ( t ) α 2 d t S T Ω E ( t ) α 2 2 [ 2 | u t | 2 a | u t | α 2 u t u ] d x d t + M E ( S ) α 2 .

We get from Young inequality and Lemma 2.3 that

2 S T Ω E ( t ) α 2 2 | u t | 2 d x d t S T Ω ( ε 1 E ( t ) α 2 + M ( ε 1 ) | u t | α ) d x d t M ε 1 S T E ( t ) α 2 d t + M ( ε 1 ) S T u t α α d t = M ε 1 S T E ( t ) α 2 d t M ( ε 1 ) a ( E ( T ) E ( S ) ) M ε 1 S T E ( t ) α 2 d t + M E ( S ) .

From Young inequality, Lemma 2.1, Lemma 2.3 and (2.11), We receive that

a S T Ω E ( t ) α 2 2 u u t | u t | α 2 d x d t a S T E ( t ) α 2 2 ( ε 2 u α α + M ( ε 2 ) u t α α ) d t a C α ε 2 E ( 0 ) α 2 2 S T u α d t + a M ( ε 2 ) E ( S ) α 2 2 S T u t α α d t = a C α ε 2 E ( 0 ) α 2 2 S T ( 2 β ( β 2 ) m 0 E ( t ) ) α 2 d t + M ( ε 2 ) E ( S ) α 2 2 ( E ( S ) E ( T ) ) C α ε 2 E ( 0 ) α 2 2 ( 2 β ( β 2 ) m 0 ) α 2 S T E ( t ) α 2 d t + M E ( S ) α 2 .

Choosing small enough ε 1 and ε 2 , such that

1 2 [ M ε 1 + E ( 0 ) α 2 2 ( 2 β C 2 ( β 2 ) m 0 ) α 2 ε 2 ] + δ m 0 <1,

then, substituting (4.10) and (4.11) into (4.9), we get

S T E ( t ) α 2 dtME(S)+ME ( S ) α 2 M ( 1 + E ( 0 ) ) α 2 2 E(S).

Therefore, we have from Lemma 2.2 that

E(t)M ( 1 + t ) α 2 2 ,t[0,+).

The proof of Theorem 4.1 is thus finished. □


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This work was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61273016), the Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province (No. Y6100016), the Middle-aged Academic Leader of Zhejiang University of Science and Technology (2008-2012), Interdisciplinary Pre-research Project of Zhejiang University of Science and Technology (2010-2012) and Zhejiang province universities scientific research key project (Z201017584).

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Ye, Y. Global existence of solutions and energy decay for a Kirchhoff-type equation with nonlinear dissipation. J Inequal Appl 2013, 195 (2013).

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