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Approximation of linear mappings in Banach modules over C -algebras


Let X, Y be Banach modules over a C -algebra and let r 1 ,, r n R be given. Using fixed-point methods, we prove the stability of the following functional equation in Banach modules over a unital C -algebra:

j = 1 n f ( 1 2 1 i n , i j r i x i 1 2 r j x j ) + i = 1 n r i f( x i )=nf ( 1 2 i = 1 n r i x i ) .

As an application, we investigate homomorphisms in unital C -algebras.

MSC:39B72, 46L05, 47H10, 46B03, 47B48.

1 Introduction and preliminaries

We say a functional equation (ζ) is stable if any function g satisfying the equation (ζ) approximately is near to the true solution of (ζ). We say that a functional equation is superstable if every approximate solution is an exact solution of it (see [1]). The stability problem of functional equations was originated from a question of Ulam [2] concerning the stability of group homomorphisms. Hyers [3] gave a first affirmative partial answer to the question of Ulam in Banach spaces. Hyers’ theorem was generalized by Aoki [4] for additive mappings and by T.M. Rassias [5] for linear mappings by considering an unbounded Cauchy difference. A generalization of the T.M. Rassias theorem was obtained by Găvruta [6] by replacing the unbounded Cauchy difference by a general control function in the spirit of T.M. Rassias’ approach.

The functional equation


is called a quadratic functional equation. In particular, every solution of the quadratic functional equation is said to be a quadratic mapping. A Hyers-Ulam stability problem for the quadratic functional equation was proved by Skof [7] for mappings f:XY, where X is a normed space and Y is a Banach space. Cholewa [8] noticed that the theorem of Skof is still true if the relevant domain X is replaced by an Abelian group. Czerwik [9] proved the Hyers-Ulam stability of the quadratic functional equation. J.M. Rassias [10, 11] introduced and investigated the stability problem of Ulam for the Euler-Lagrange quadratic functional equation

f( a 1 x 1 + a 2 x 2 )+f( a 2 x 1 a 1 x 2 )= ( a 1 2 + a 2 2 ) [ f ( x 1 ) + f ( x 2 ) ] .

Grabiec [12] has generalized these results mentioned above.

The stability problems of several functional equations have been extensively investigated by a number of authors and there are many interesting results concerning this problem (see [1343]).

Let X be a set. A function d:X×X[0,] is called a generalized metric on X if d satisfies the following conditions:

  1. (1)

    d(x,y)=0 if and only if x=y;

  2. (2)

    d(x,y)=d(y,x) for all x,yX;

  3. (3)

    d(x,z)d(x,y)+d(y,z) for all x,y,zX.

We recall a fundamental result in fixed-point theory.

Theorem 1.1 [44, 45]

Let (X,d) be a complete generalized metric space and let J:XX be a strictly contractive mapping with Lipschitz constant L<1. Then, for each given element xX, either

d ( J n x , J n + 1 x ) =

for all nonnegative integers n or there exists a positive integer n 0 such that

  1. (1)

    d( J n x, J n + 1 x)< for all n n 0 ;

  2. (2)

    the sequence { J n x} converges to a fixed point y of J;

  3. (3)

    y is the unique fixed point of J in the set Y={yXd( J n 0 x,y)<};

  4. (4)

    d(y, y ) 1 1 L d(y,Jy) for all yY.

In 1996, Isac and T.M. Rassias [46] were the first to provide applications of stability theory of functional equations for the proof of new fixed-point theorems with applications. By using fixed-point methods, the stability problems of several functional equations have been extensively investigated by a number of authors (see [4758]).

Recently, Park and Park [59] introduced and investigated the following additive functional equation of Euler-Lagrange type:


whose solution is said to be a generalized additive mapping of Euler-Lagrange type.

In this paper, we introduce the following additive functional equation of Euler-Lagrange type which is somewhat different from (1.2):

j = 1 n f ( 1 2 1 i n , i j r i x i 1 2 r j x j ) + i = 1 n r i f( x i )=nf ( 1 2 i = 1 n r i x i ) ,

where r 1 ,, r n R. Every solution of the functional equation (1.3) is said to be a generalized Euler-Lagrange type additive mapping.

Using fixed-point methods, we investigate the Hyers-Ulam stability of the functional equation (1.3) in Banach modules over a C -algebra. These results are applied to investigate C -algebra homomorphisms in unital C -algebras. Also, ones can get the super-stability results after all theorems by putting the product of powers of norms as the control functions (see for more details [60, 61]).

Throughout this paper, assume that A is a unital C -algebra with the norm A and the unit e, B is a unital C -algebra with the norm B , and X, Y are left Banach modules over a unital C -algebra A with the norms X and Y , respectively. Let U(A) be the group of unitary elements in A and let r 1 ,, r n R.

2 Hyers-Ulam stability of the functional equation (1.3) in Banach modules over a C -algebra

For any given mapping f:XY, uU(A) and μC, we define D u , r 1 , , r n f and D μ , r 1 , , r n f: X n Y by

D u , r 1 , , r n f ( x 1 , , x n ) : = j = 1 n f ( 1 2 1 i n , i j r i u x i 1 2 r j u x j ) + i = 1 n r i u f ( x i ) n f ( 1 2 i = 1 n r i u x i )


D μ , r 1 , , r n f ( x 1 , , x n ) : = j = 1 n f ( 1 2 1 i n , i j μ r i x i 1 2 μ r j x j ) + i = 1 n μ r i f ( x i ) n f ( 1 2 i = 1 n μ r i x i )

for all x 1 ,, x n X.

Lemma 2.1 Let X and Y be linear spaces and let r 1 ,, r n be real numbers with k = 1 n r k 0 and r i 0, r j 0 for some 1i<jn. Assume that a mapping L:XY satisfies the functional equation (1.3) for all x 1 ,, x n X. Then the mapping L is additive. Moreover, L( r k x)= r k L(x) for all xX and 1kn.

Proof One can find a complete proof at [62]. □

Lemma 2.2 Let X and Y be linear spaces and let r 1 ,, r n be real numbers with r i 0, r j 0 for some 1i<jn. Assume that a mapping L:XY with L(0)=0 satisfies the functional equation (1.3) for all x 1 ,, x n X. Then the mapping L is additive. Moreover, L( r k x)= r k L(x) for all xX and 1kn.

Proof One can find a complete proof at [62]. □

We investigate the Hyers-Ulam stability of a generalized Euler-Lagrange type additive mapping in Banach modules over a unital C -algebra. Throughout this paper, let r 1 ,, r n be real numbers such that r i 0, r j 0 for fixed 1i<jn.

Theorem 2.3 Let f:XY be a mapping satisfying f(0)=0 for which there is a function φ: X n [0,) such that

D e , r 1 , , r n f ( x 1 , , x n ) Y φ( x 1 ,, x n )

for all x 1 ,, x n X. Let

φ i j (x,y):=φ(0,,0, x i th ,0,,0, y j th ,0,,0)

for all x,yX and 1i<jn. If there exists 0<C<1 such that

φ(2 x 1 ,,2 x n )2Cφ( x 1 ,, x n )

for all x 1 ,, x n X, then there exists a unique generalized Euler-Lagrange type additive mapping L:XY such that

f ( x ) L ( x ) Y 1 4 4 C { φ i j ( 2 x r i , 2 x r j ) + 2 φ i j ( x r i , x r j ) + φ i j ( 2 x r i , 0 ) + 2 φ i j ( x r i , 0 ) + φ i j ( 0 , 2 x r j ) + 2 φ i j ( 0 , x r j ) }

for all xX. Moreover, L( r k x)= r k L(x) for all xX and 1kn.

Proof For each 1kn with ki,j, let x k =0 in (2.1). Then we get the following inequality:

f ( r i x i + r j x j 2 ) + f ( r i x i r j x j 2 ) 2 f ( r i x i + r j x j 2 ) + r i f ( x i ) + r j f ( x j ) Y φ ( 0 , , 0 , x i i th , 0 , , 0 , x j j th , 0 , , 0 )

for all x i , x j X. Letting x i =0 in (2.3), we get

f ( r j x j 2 ) f ( r j x j 2 ) + r j f ( x j ) Y φ i j (0, x j )

for all x j X. Similarly, letting x j =0 in (2.3), we get

f ( r i x i 2 ) f ( r i x i 2 ) + r i f ( x i ) Y φ i j ( x i ,0)

for all x i X. It follows from (2.3), (2.4) and (2.5) that

f ( r i x i + r j x j 2 ) + f ( r i x i r j x j 2 ) 2 f ( r i x i + r j x j 2 ) + f ( r i x i 2 ) + f ( r j x j 2 ) f ( r i x i 2 ) f ( r j x j 2 ) Y φ i j ( x i , x j ) + φ i j ( x i , 0 ) + φ i j ( 0 , x j )

for all x i , x j X. Replacing x i and x j by 2 x r i and 2 y r j in (2.6), we get

f ( x + y ) + f ( x y ) 2 f ( x + y ) + f ( x ) + f ( y ) f ( x ) f ( y ) Y φ i j ( 2 x r i , 2 y r j ) + φ i j ( 2 x r i , 0 ) + φ i j ( 0 , 2 y r j )

for all x,yX. Putting y=x in (2.7), we get

2 f ( x ) 2 f ( x ) 2 f ( 2 x ) Y φ i j ( 2 x r i , 2 x r j ) + φ i j ( 2 x r i , 0 ) + φ i j ( 0 , 2 x r j )

for all xX. Replacing x and y by x 2 and x 2 in (2.7), respectively, we get

f ( x ) + f ( x ) Y φ i j ( x r i , x r j ) + φ i j ( x r i , 0 ) + φ i j ( 0 , x r j )

for all xX. It follows from (2.8) and (2.9) that

1 2 f ( 2 x ) f ( x ) Y 1 4 ψ(x)

for all xX, where

ψ ( x ) : = φ i j ( 2 x r i , 2 x r j ) + 2 φ i j ( x r i , x r j ) + φ i j ( 2 x r i , 0 ) + 2 φ i j ( x r i , 0 ) + φ i j ( 0 , 2 x r j ) + 2 φ i j ( 0 , x r j ) .

Consider the set W:={g:XY} and introduce the generalized metric on W:

d(g,h)=inf { C R + : g ( x ) h ( x ) Y C ψ ( x ) , x X } .

It is easy to show that (W,d) is complete.

Now, we consider the linear mapping J:WW such that

Jg(x):= 1 2 g(2x)

for all xX. By Theorem 3.1 of [44], d(Jg,Jh)Cd(g,h) for all g,hW. Hence, d(f,Jf) 1 4 .

By Theorem 1.1, there exists a mapping L:XY such that

  1. (1)

    L is a fixed point of J, i.e.,


for all xX. The mapping L is a unique fixed point of J in the set

Z= { g W : d ( f , g ) < } .

This implies that L is a unique mapping satisfying (2.12) such that there exists C(0,) satisfying

L ( x ) f ( x ) Y Cψ(x)

for all xX.

  1. (2)

    d( J n f,L)0 as n. This implies the equality

    lim n f ( 2 n x ) 2 n =L(x)

for all xX.

  1. (3)

    d(f,L) 1 1 C d(f,Jf), which implies the inequality d(f,L) 1 4 4 C . This implies that the inequality (2.2) holds.

Since φ(2 x 1 ,,2 x n )2Cφ( x 1 ,, x n ), it follows that

D e , r 1 , , r n L ( x 1 , , x n ) Y = lim k 1 2 k D e , r 1 , , r n f ( 2 k x 1 , , 2 k x n ) Y lim k 1 2 k φ ( 2 k x 1 , , 2 k x n ) lim k C k φ ( x 1 , , x n ) = 0

for all x 1 ,, x n X. Therefore, the mapping L:XY satisfies the equation (1.3) and L(0)=0. Hence, by Lemma 2.2, L is a generalized Euler-Lagrange type additive mapping and L( r k x)= r k L(x) for all xX and 1kn. This completes the proof. □

Theorem 2.4 Let f:XY be a mapping satisfying f(0)=0 for which there is a function φ: X n [0,) satisfying

D u , r 1 , , r n f ( x 1 , , x n ) φ( x 1 ,, x n )

for all x 1 ,, x n X and uU(A). If there exists 0<C<1 such that

φ(2 x 1 ,,2 x n )2Cφ( x 1 ,, x n )

for all x 1 ,, x n X, then there exists a unique A-linear generalized Euler-Lagrange type additive mapping L:XY satisfying (2.2) for all xX. Moreover, L( r k x)= r k L(x) for all xX and 1kn.

Proof By Theorem 2.3, there exists a unique generalized Euler-Lagrange type additive mapping L:XY satisfying (2.2), and moreover L( r k x)= r k L(x) for all xX and 1kn. By the assumption, for each uU(A), we get

D u , r 1 , , r n L ( 0 , , 0 , x i th , 0 , , 0 ) Y = lim k 1 2 k D u , r 1 , , r n f ( 0 , , 0 , 2 k x i th , 0 , , 0 ) Y lim k 1 2 k φ ( 0 , , 0 , 2 k x i th , 0 , , 0 ) lim k C k φ ( 0 , , 0 , x i th , 0 , , 0 ) = 0

for all xX. So, we have

r i uL(x)=L( r i ux)

for all uU(A) and xX. Since L( r i x)= r i L(x) for all xX and r i 0,


for all uU(A) and xX. By the same reasoning as in the proofs of [63] and [64],


for all a,bA (a,b0) and x,yX. Since L(0x)=0=0L(x) for all xX, the unique generalized Euler-Lagrange type additive mapping L:XY is an A-linear mapping. This completes the proof. □

Theorem 2.5 Let f:XY be a mapping satisfying f(0)=0 for which there is a function φ: X n [0,) such that

D e , r 1 , , r n f ( x 1 , , x n ) Y φ( x 1 ,, x n )

for all x 1 ,, x n X. If there exists 0<C<1 such that

φ( x 1 ,, 2 n ) C 2 φ(2 x 1 ,,2 x n )

for all x 1 ,, x n X, then there exists a unique generalized Euler-Lagrange type additive mapping L:XY such that

f ( x ) L ( x ) Y C 4 4 C { φ i j ( 2 x r i , 2 x r j ) + 2 φ i j ( x r i , x r j ) + φ i j ( 2 x r i , 0 ) + 2 φ i j ( x r i , 0 ) + φ i j ( 0 , 2 x r j ) + 2 φ i j ( 0 , x r j ) }

for all xX, where φ i j is defined in the statement of Theorem  2.3. Moreover, L( r k x)= r k L(x) for all xX and 1kn.

Proof It follows from (2.10) that

f ( x ) f ( x 2 ) Y 1 2 ψ ( x 2 ) C 4 ψ(x)

for all xX, where ψ is defined in the proof of Theorem 2.3. The rest of the proof is similar to the proof of Theorem 2.3. □

Theorem 2.6 Let f:XY be a mapping with f(0)=0 for which there is a function φ: X n [0,) satisfying

D u , r 1 , , r n f ( x 1 , , x n ) φ( x 1 ,, x n )

for all x 1 ,, x n X and uU(A). If there exists 0<C<1 such that

φ( x 1 ,, 2 n ) C 2 φ(2 x 1 ,,2 x n )

for all x 1 ,, x n X, then there exists a unique A-linear generalized Euler-Lagrange type additive mapping L:XY satisfying (2.15) for all xX. Moreover, L( r k x)= r k L(x) for all xX and all 1kn.

Proof The proof is similar to the proof of Theorem 2.4. □

Remark 2.7 In Theorems 2.5 and 2.6, one can assume that k = 1 n r k 0 instead of f(0)=0.

3 Homomorphisms in unital C -algebras

In this section, we investigate C -algebra homomorphisms in unital C -algebras. We use the following lemma in the proof of the next theorem.

Lemma 3.1 [64]

Let f:AB be an additive mapping such that f(μx)=μf(x) for all xA and μ S 1 n o 1 :={ e i θ ;0θ2π n o }. Then the mapping f:AB is -linear.

Note that a -linear mapping H:AB is called a homomorphism in C -algebras if H satisfies H(xy)=H(x)H(y) and H( x )=H ( x ) for all x,yA.

Theorem 3.2 Let f:AB be a mapping with f(0)=0 for which there is a function φ: A n [0,) satisfying


for all x, x 1 ,, x n A, uU(A), kN and μ S 1 . If there exists 0<C<1 such that

φ(2 x 1 ,,2 x n )2Cφ( x 1 ,, x n )

for all x 1 ,, x n A, then the mapping f:AB is a C -algebra homomorphism.

Proof Since |J|3, letting μ=1 and x k =0 for all 1kn (ki,j) in (3.1), we get

f ( r i x i + r j x j 2 ) +f ( r i x i r j x j 2 ) + r i f( x i )+ r j f( x j )=2f ( r i x i + r j x j 2 )

for all x i , x j A. By the same reasoning as in the proof of Lemma 2.1, the mapping f is additive and f( r k x)= r k f(x) for all xA and k=i,j. So, by letting x i =x and x k =0 for all 1kn, ki, in (3.1), we get f(μx)=μf(x) for all xA and μ S 1 . Therefore, by Lemma 3.1, the mapping f is -linear. Hence, it follows from (3.2) and (3.3) that

f ( u ) f ( u ) B = lim k 1 2 k f ( 2 k u ) f ( 2 k u ) B lim k 1 2 k φ ( 2 k u , , 2 k u n times ) lim k C k φ ( u , , u n times ) = 0 , f ( u x ) f ( u ) f ( x ) B = lim k 1 2 k f ( 2 k u x ) f ( 2 k u ) f ( x ) B lim k 1 2 k φ ( 2 k u x , , 2 k u x n times ) lim k C k φ ( u x , , u x n times ) = 0

for all xA and uU(A). So, we have f( u )=f ( u ) and f(ux)=f(u)f(x) for all xA and uU(A). Since f is -linear and each xA is a finite linear combination of unitary elements (see [65]), i.e., x= k = 1 m λ k u k , where λ k C and u k U(A) for all 1kn, we have

f ( x ) = f ( k = 1 m λ ¯ k u k ) = k = 1 m λ ¯ k f ( u k ) = k = 1 m λ ¯ k f ( u k ) = ( k = 1 m λ k f ( u k ) ) = f ( k = 1 m λ k u k ) = f ( x ) , f ( x y ) = f ( k = 1 m λ k u k y ) = k = 1 m λ k f ( u k y ) = k = 1 m λ k f ( u k ) f ( y ) = f ( k = 1 m λ k u k ) f ( y ) = f ( x ) f ( y )

for all x,yA. Therefore, the mapping f:AB is a C -algebra homomorphism. This completes the proof. □

The following theorem is an alternative result of Theorem 3.2.

Theorem 3.3 Let f:AB be a mapping with f(0)=0 for which there is a function φ: A n [0,) satisfying


for all x, x 1 ,, x n A, uU(A), kN and μ S 1 . If there exists 0<C<1 such that

φ( x 1 ,, 2 n ) C 2 φ(2 x 1 ,,2 x n )

for all x 1 ,, x n A, then the mapping f:AB is a C -algebra homomorphism.

Remark 3.4 In Theorems 3.2 and 3.3, one can assume that k = 1 n r k 0 instead of f(0)=0.

Theorem 3.5 Let f:AB be a mapping with f(0)=0 for which there is a function φ: A n [0,) satisfying (3.2), (3.3) and

D μ , r 1 , , r n f ( x 1 , , x n ) B φ( x 1 ,, x n )

for all x 1 ,, x n A and μ S 1 . Assume that lim k 1 2 k f( 2 k e) is invertible. If there exists 0<C<1 such that

φ(2 x 1 ,,2 x n )2Cφ( x 1 ,, x n )

for all x 1 ,, x n A, then the mapping f:AB is a C -algebra homomorphism.

Proof Consider the C -algebras A and B as left Banach modules over the unital C -algebra . By Theorem 2.4, there exists a unique -linear generalized Euler-Lagrange type additive mapping H:AB defined by

H(x)= lim k 1 2 k f ( 2 k x )

for all xA. By (3.2) and (3.3), we get

H ( u ) H ( u ) B = lim k 1 2 k f ( 2 k u ) f ( 2 k u ) B lim k 1 2 k φ ( 2 k u , , 2 k u n times ) = 0 , H ( u x ) H ( u ) f ( x ) B = lim k 1 2 k f ( 2 k u x ) f ( 2 k u ) f ( x ) B lim k 1 2 k φ ( 2 k u x , , 2 k u x n times ) = 0

for all uU(A) and xA. So, we have H( u )=H ( u ) and H(ux)=H(u)f(x) for all uU(A) and xA. Therefore, by the additivity of H, we have

H(ux)= lim k 1 2 k H ( 2 k u x ) =H(u) lim k 1 2 k f ( 2 k x ) =H(u)H(x)

for all uU(A) and all xA. Since H is -linear and each xA is a finite linear combination of unitary elements, i.e., x= k = 1 m λ k u k , where λ k C and u k U(A) for all 1kn, it follows from (3.7) that

H ( x y ) = H ( k = 1 m λ k u k y ) = k = 1 m λ k H ( u k y ) = k = 1 m λ k H ( u k ) H ( y ) = H ( k = 1 m λ k u k ) H ( y ) = H ( x ) H ( y ) , H ( x ) = H ( k = 1 m λ ¯ k u k ) = k = 1 m λ ¯ k H ( u k ) = k = 1 m λ ¯ k H ( u k ) = ( k = 1 m λ k H ( u k ) ) = H ( k = 1 m λ k u k ) = H ( x )

for all x,yA. Since H(e)= lim k 1 2 k f( 2 k e) is invertible and


for all yA, it follows that H(y)=f(y) for all yA. Therefore, the mapping f:AB is a C -algebra homomorphism. This completes the proof. □

The following theorem is an alternative result of Theorem 3.5.

Theorem 3.6 Let f:AB be a mapping with f(0)=0 for which there is a function φ: A n [0,) satisfying (3.4), (3.5) and

D μ , r 1 , , r n f ( x 1 , , x n ) B φ( x 1 ,, x n )

for all x 1 ,, x n A and μ S 1 . Assume that lim k 2 k f( e 2 k ) is invertible. If there exists 0<C<1 such that

φ( x 1 ,, 2 n ) C 2 φ(2 x 1 ,,2 x n )

for all x 1 ,, x n A, then the mapping f:AB is a C -algebra homomorphism.

Remark 3.7 In Theorem 3.6, one can assume that k = 1 n r k 0 instead of f(0)=0.

Theorem 3.8 Let f:AB be a mapping with f(0)=0 for which there is a function φ: A n [0,) satisfying (3.2), (3.3) and

D μ , r 1 , , r n f ( x 1 , , x n ) B φ( x 1 ,, x n )

for all x 1 ,, x n A and μ=i,1. Assume that lim k 1 2 k f( 2 k e) is invertible and for each fixed xA the mapping tf(tx) is continuous in tR. If there exists 0<C<1 such that

φ(2 x 1 ,,2 x n )2Cφ( x 1 ,, x n )

for all x 1 ,, x n A, then the mapping f:AB is a C -algebra homomorphism.

Proof Put μ=1 in (3.8). By the same reasoning as in the proof of Theorem 2.3, there exists a unique generalized Euler-Lagrange type additive mapping H:AB defined by

H(x)= lim k f ( 2 k x ) 2 k

for all xA. By the same reasoning as in the proof of [58], the generalized Euler-Lagrange type additive mapping H:AB is -linear. By the same method as in the proof of Theorem 2.4, we have

D μ , r 1 , , r n H ( 0 , , 0 , x j th , 0 , , 0 ) Y = lim k 1 2 k D μ , r 1 , , r n f ( 0 , , 0 , 2 k x j th , 0 , , 0 ) Y lim k 1 2 k φ ( 0 , , 0 , 2 k x j th , 0 , , 0 ) = 0

for all xA and so

r j μH(x)=H( r j μx)

for all xA. Since H( r j x)= r j H(x) for all xX and r j 0,


for all xA and μ=i,1. For each λC, we have λ=s+it, where s,tR. Thus, it follows that

H ( λ x ) = H ( s x + i t x ) = s H ( x ) + t H ( i x ) = s H ( x ) + i t H ( x ) = ( s + i t ) H ( x ) = λ H ( x )

for all λC and xA and so


for all ζ,ηC and x,yA. Hence, the generalized Euler-Lagrange type additive mapping H:AB is -linear.

The rest of the proof is the same as in the proof of Theorem 3.5. This completes the proof. □

The following theorem is an alternative result of Theorem 3.8.

Theorem 3.9 Let f:AB be a mapping with f(0)=0 for which there is a function φ: A n [0,) satisfying (3.4), (3.5) and

D μ , r 1 , , r n f ( x 1 , , x n ) B φ( x 1 ,, x n ),

for all x, x 1 ,, x n A and μ=i,1. Assume that lim k 2 k f( e 2 k ) is invertible and for each fixed xA the mapping tf(tx) is continuous in tR. If there exists 0<C<1 such that

φ( x 1 ,, 2 n ) C 2 φ(2 x 1 ,,2 x n )

for all x 1 ,, x n A, then the mapping f:AB is a C -algebra homomorphism.

Proof We omit the proof because it is very similar to last theorem. □

Remark 3.10 In Theorem 3.9, one can assume that k = 1 n r k 0 instead of f(0)=0.


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Park, C., Cho, Y.J. & Saadati, R. Approximation of linear mappings in Banach modules over C -algebras. J Inequal Appl 2013, 185 (2013).

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