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The existence of solutions to the nonhomogeneous -harmonic equation
Journal of Inequalities and Applications volume 2011, Article number: 80 (2011)
In this paper, we introduce the obstacle problem about the nonhomogeneous -harmonic equation. Then, we prove the existence and uniqueness of solutions to the nonhomogeneous -harmonic equation and the obstacle problem.
1 Introduction
In this paper, we study the nonhomogeneous -harmonic equation
where is an operator and f is a function satisfying some assumptions given in the next section. We give the definition of solutions to the nonhomogeneous -harmonic equation and the obstacle problem. In the mean time, we show some properties of their solutions. Then, we prove the existence and uniqueness of solutions to the Dirichlet problem for the nonhomogeneous -harmonic equation with Sobolev boundary values.
Let ℝn be the real Euclidean space with the dimension n. Throughout this paper, all the topological notions are taken with respect to ℝn. E ⋐ F means that is a compact subset of F. C(Ω) is the set of all continuous functions u : Ω → ℝ. spt u is the smallest closed set such that u vanishes outside spt u.
Let Lp(Ω) = {φ: Ω → ℝ: ∫Ω |φ|p dx < ∞} and Lp(Ω; ℝn) = {φ: Ω → ℝn : ∫Ω |φ|p dx < ∞}, 1 < p < ∞. Denote the norm of Lp(Ω) and Lp(Ω; ℝn) by || · || p ,
where ϕ ∈ Lp(Ω)(or Lp(Ω; ℝn)).
For φ ∈ C∞(Ω), let
where ▽φ = (∂1φ, ..., ∂ n φ) is the gradient of φ. The Sobolev space H1,p(Ω) is defined to be the completion of the set {φ ∈ C∞(Ω): ||φ||1,p< ∞} with respect to the norm || · ||1,p. In other words, u ∈ H1,p(Ω) if and only if u ∈ Lp(Ω) and there is a function v ∈ Lp(Ω; ℝn) and a sequence φ i ∈ C∞(Ω), such that
We call v the gradient of u in H1,p(Ω) and write v = ▽u.
The space is the closure of in H1,p(Ω). Obviously, H1,p(Ω) and are Banach space with respect to the norm ||·||1,p. Moreover, ||·||1,pis uniformly convex and the Sobolev space H1,p(Ω) and are reflexive; see [1] for details.
The Dirichlet space L1,p(Ω) and are defined as follows: u ∈ L1,p(Ω) if and only if and ▽u ∈ Lp(Ω); is the closure of with respect to the semi-norm p(u) = (∫Ω|▽u|p)1/p. In other words, is the set of all functions u ∈ L1,p(Ω), for which there is a sequence such that ▽φ j → ▽u in Lp(Ω; ℝn).
Lemma 1.1 [2] Let 1 < p < ∞ and f i be a bounded sequence in Lp(Ω), i.e. f i ∈ Lp(Ω) and . If f i → f a.e. in Ω, then f i converges to f weakly in Lp(Ω).
Lemma 1.2 [3] (1) If with▽u = 0, then u = 0.
(2) If u, v ∈ H1,p(Ω), then min{u, v} and max{u, v} are in H1,p(Ω) with
(3) If , then min{u, v} and max{u, v} are in . Moreover, if is nonnegative, then there is a sequence of nonnegative functions converging to u in H1,p(Ω).
2 The nonhomogeneous -harmonic equation
The following nonlinear elliptic equation
is called the nonhomogeneous -harmonic equation, where is an operator satisfying the following assumptions for some constants 0 < α ≤ β < ∞:
for all ξ ∈ ℝn and almost all x ∈ ℝn,
whenever ξ1, ξ2 ∈ ℝn, ξ1 ≠ ξ2; and
whenever λ ∈ ℝ, λ ≠ 0, and f is a function satisfying f ∈ Lp/(p-1)(Ω).
If f = 0, the equation (2.1) degenerates into the homogeneous -harmonic equation
A continuous solution to (2.2) in Ω is called -harmonic function. Many well-known results have been developed about (2.2), especially as (2.2) is the corresponding -harmonic equation of differential forms; see [4–10].
Definition 2.1 A function is a (weak) solution to the equation (2.1) in Ω, if weakly in Ω, i.e.
for all .
A function is a supersolution to (2.1) in Ω, if in weakly Ω, i.e.
whenever is nonnegative.
A function is a subsolution to (2.1) in Ω, if weakly in Ω, i.e.
whenever is nonnegative.
Remark: If u is a solution (a supersolution or a subsolution), then u+τ is also a solution (a supersolution or a subsolution), but λu + τ, λ, τ ∈ ℝ may not.
Proposition 2.1 A function u is a solution (a supersolution or a subsolution) to (2.1) in Ω if and only if Ω can be covered by open sets where u is a solution (a supersolution or a subsolution).
Proof. We just give the proof in the case that u is a solution and the others are similar.
Since Ω is covered by itself, it is easy to know that Ω can be covered by open sets where u is a solution.
Let and u be the solution to (2.1) in Ω λ for each λ ∈ I, where I is an index set. For each , there is a subset {Ω1, ..., Ω m } of {Ω λ }λ∈Isuch that . Choose a partition of unity of D, {g1, ..., g m }, subordinate to the covering Ω i , such that , 0 ≤ g i ≤ 1 and in D; see Lemma 2.3.1 in [11]. Thus,
Note that and , it is easy to see that . Since u is solution in Ω i , we have
It means that u is a solution in Ω.
Lemma 2.1 If is a solution (respectively, a supersolution or a subsolution) to (2.1), then
for all (respectively, for all nonnegative or for all nonnegative ).
Proof. For all , there is a sequence , such that φ i → φ in H1,p(Ω).
Since satisfies the assumption (III), f ∈ Lp/(p-1)(Ω) and u ∈ Ω L1,p(Ω), it follows that
where .
Since u is a solution,
If u ∈ L1,p(Ω) is a supersolution or a subsolution, by Lemma 1.2, there is a sequence of nonnegative functions converging to the nonnegative function φ in H1,p(Ω). By the same discussion, the lemma follows.
Remark: Using the similar method as above, it is easy to prove that, if u is a solution (a supersolution or a subsolution),
for all (nonegative) with compact support.
Proposition 2.2 A function u is a solution to (2.1) if and only if u is a supersolution and a subsolution.
Proof. Obviously, u is both a supersolution and a subsolution if u is a solution.
To establish the converse, for each , let φ+ be the positive part and φ- be the negative part of φ. Then, both φ+ and φ- are in and have compact support. Since u is both a supersolution and a subsolution and φ+ ≥ 0, -φ- ≥ 0, the following inequalities hold,
By the above inequalities,
This proves that u is a solution to (2.1).
Lemma 2.2 (Comparison Lemma) Let u ∈ H1,p(Ω) be a supersolution and v ∈ H1,p(Ω) be a subsolution to (2.1). If , then u ≥ v a.e. in Ω.
Proof. By η = min {u - v, 0} and Lemma 1.2, η ≤ 0 and .
Since u ∈ H1,p(Ω) is a supersolution and v ∈ H1,p(Ω) is a subsolution, the following inequalities hold,
Then, by the assumption (IV),
Therefore, the Lebesgue measure of the set {u < v} ∩ {▽u ≠ ▽v} is zero. That is ▽η = 0 a.e. in Ω By and Lemma 1.2, η = 0 a.e. in Ω. Thus, u ≥ v a.e. in Ω.
3 The obstacle problem
Suppose that Ω is bounded in ℝn, ψ : Ω → [-∞,∞] is a function and ϑ ∈ H1,p(Ω)). Let
If ψ = ϑ, write .
The problem is to find a function u in K ψ , ϑ such that
whenever . We call the function ψ an obstacle.
Definition 3.1 If a function satisfies (3.1) for all , we say that u is a solution to the obstacle problem with obstacle ψ and boundary vales ϑ or a solution to the obstacle problem in.
If u is a solution to the obstacle problem in , we say that u is a solution to the obstacle problem with obstacle ψ.
Proposition 3.1 (1) A solution u to the obstacle problem is always a supersolution to (2.1) in Ω.
(2) If u is a supersolution to (2.1) in Ω, u is a solution to the obstacle problem in for each open sets D ⋐ Ω. Moreover, if Ω is bounded, u is a solution to the obstacle problem in .
(3) A solution u to the obstacle problem in is a solution to (2.1) in Ω.
(4) If u is a solution to (2.1) in Ω, u is a solution to the obstacle problem in for each open set D ⋐ Ω. Moreover, if Ω is bounded, u is a solution to the obstacle problem in .
Theorem 3.1 Suppose u is a solution to the obstacle problem in . If v ∈ H1,p(Ω) is a supersolution to (2.1) in Ω, such that , then v ≥ u a.e. in Ω.
The proof is similar to Lemma 2.2.
4 The existence of solutions
In this section, we introduce the main work of this paper, to prove the existence and the uniqueness of solutions to the nonhomogeneous - harmonic equation. We can see this work for the -harmonic equation (2.2) in [3, Chapter 3 and Appendix I] for details. We use the similar method to prove our results.
First, we introduce the following proposition as the theoretical basis for our work, which is a general result in the theory of monotone operators; see [12]. Let X be a reflexive Banach space and denote its dual by X'. Let || · || be the norm of X and 〈·, ·〉 be a pairing between X' and X. K is a closed convex subset of X.
Definition 4.1 A mapping is called monotone, if
for all u, v in K.
is called coercive on K, if there exists φ ∈ K such that
for each sequence u j in K with ||u j || → ∞.
is called weakly continuous on K, if converges to weakly in X', i.e.
whenever u j ∈ K converges to u ∈ K in X.
Proposition 4.1 Let K be a nonempty closed convex subset of X and let : K → X' be monotone, coercive and weakly continuous on K. Then there exists an element u in K such that
whenever v ∈ K.
Lemma 4.1 Let x i be a sequence of X. For any subsequence of x i , there is a subsequence of, such that converges to x0 weakly in X and the weak limit x0 is independent of the choice of the subsequence of x i . Then x i converges to x0 weakly in X.
Proof. Suppose that x i does not converge to x0 weakly in X. Then, there exist ε0 > 0, y0 ∈ X' and a subsequence of x i , such that
for each j ∈ ℕ.
Obviously, for any subsequence of cannot converge to x0 weakly in X. This contradicts the condition of the lemma.
Therefore, x i converges to x0 weakly in X.
Now let X = Lp(Ω) × Lp(Ω; ℝn). Then, X is a reflexive Banach space and its dual X' = Lp/(p- 1)(Ω) × Lp/(p- 1)(Ω; ℝn). The norm of X is
for all g = (g1, g2) ∈ X. 〈·, ·〉 is the usual pairing between X' and X,
where g = (g1, g2) is in X and h = (h1, h2) in X'.
Let Ω be a bounded open set in ℝn, ϑ ∈ H1,p(Ω) and ψ: Ω → [-∞,∞] be any function. Construct the obstacle set
and suppose that is not empty.
Let . Then, K is also not empty.
Lemma 4.2 K is a nonempty closed convex subset of X.
Proof. (i) Suppose that (v, ▽v) ∈ K. Because , v is in H1.p(Ω). Then, v ∈ Lp(Ω) and ▽v ∈ Lp(Ω). That means (v, ▽v) ∈ X. Therefore, K ⊂ X.
If (v i , ▽v i ) ∈ K is a sequence which converges to (v, φ) in X, where φ = (φ1, ..., φ n ) ∈ Lp(Ω; ℝn), it follows that
Since and ▽ν = φ.
Since v i → v in Lp(Ω), there exists a subsequence , such that a.e. in Ω. By v i ≥ ψ a.e. in Ω, v ≥ ψ a.e. in Ω.
By the argumentation above, we have and ▽v = φ. So (v, φ) = (v, ▽v) ∈ K. This means K is closed in X.
Let (u, ▽u) ∈ K, (v, ▽v) ∈ K and λ ∈ [0, 1].
It means that λu + (1 - λ)v ∈ K ψ , ϑ . Then,
Therefore, K is convex in X.
Define a mapping by for each (v, ▽v) ∈ K. For convenience, we denote simply by . For any element h = (h1, h2) ∈ X,
Since f ∈ Lp/(p- 1)(Ω), by the assumption (III) and the Hölder inequality, we have
where .
By the inequality (4.5), for each (v, ▽v) ∈ K. The mapping is well defined.
The following three lemmas show that is monotone, coercive and weakly continuous on K.
Lemma 4.3 is monotone on K, i.e. for all(u, ▽u), (v, ▽v) in K.
Proof. For all (u, ▽u), (v, ▽v) in K, and .
Then, .
Since (u - v, ▽u - ▽v) ∈ X, by the assumption (IV), we have
This proves the lemma.
Lemma 4.4 is coercive on K, i.e. there exists φ ∈ K such that
for each sequence u j in K with ||u j || → ∞.
Proof. Fix (φ, ▽φ) ∈ K. For each (u, ▽u) ∈ K, by assumptions (II), (III) and the Hölder inequality,
Using the inequality (a + b)r ≤ 2r(ar + br) for all a ≥ 0, b ≥ 0 and r > 0, the following inequalities hold.
Putting the above inequalities into (4.6), we get
Then, we have
Since (u,▽u), (φ, ▽φ) ∈ K, both u and φ are in . Thus, .
By the Poincaré inequality,
where C is a constant independent of u and φ.
By the definition of the norm of X and the inequality (4.8), we obtain
Combining the inequality ||u j - φ|| ≥ ||u j || - ||φ|| and (4.9), we have
For each sequence (u j , ▽u j ) ∈ K with ||u j || → ∞, ||▽u j - ▽φ|| p → ∞.
Combining (4.10) with (4.7), we obtain
Using (4.9), we conclude
It follows that is coercive on K.
Lemma 4.5 is weakly continuous on K, that means converges to weakly in X', i.e.
whenever (u j , ▽u j ) ∈ K converges to (u, ▽u) ∈ K in X.
Proof. Let (u j , ▽u j ) ∈ K be any sequence that converges to an element (u, ▽u) ∈ K in X. It suffices to prove that converges to weakly in X', i.e.
By the definition of ,
By the definition of X and (u j , ▽u j ) → (u, ▽u) in X, ▽u j → ▽u in Lp(Ω; ℝn). There exists a subsequence such that a.e. in Ω.
Since satisfies the assumption (I), a.e. in Ω.
By the assumption (III), we obtain
Since ▽u j → ▽u in Lp(Ω; ℝn), (4.12) shows Lp/(p-1)(Ω; ℝn) - norms of are uniformly bounded. By Lemma 1.1, converges to weakly in Lp/(p-1)(Ω; ℝn).
By the same discussion, we know that, for any subsequence of , there exists a subsequence of , such that converges to weakly in Lp/(p-1)(Ω; ℝn).
Since the weak limit is independent of the choice of the subsequence and by Lemma 4.1, it follows that converges to weakly in Lp/(p-1)(Ω; ℝn).
Consequently, for all v = (v1, v2) ∈ X,
Then, for all v ∈ X. Hence, is weakly continuous on K.
Based on the above lemmas, we can prove our main results.
Theorem 4.1 Let Ω ⊂ ℝnis a bounded open set, ϑ ∈ H1,p(Ω) and ψ: Ω → [-∞, ∞] be any function. If , then there is a unique function u in, such that
whenever . That is, if , there is a unique solution u to the obstacle problem in .
Proof. (i) Construct X, K and as Lemmas 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 and 4.5. By the proposition (4.1) and Lemmas 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 and 4.5, there exists an element u in K such that
whenever ν ∈ K.
This means that there is a function u in , such that
Whenever .
Suppose that u1 and u2 are two solutions to the obstacle problem in . Then and both u1 and u2 are supersolutions to (2.1) in Ω. By Lemma 3.1, u1 ≥ u2 a.e. in Ω and u2 ≥ u1 a.e. in Ω. Thus, u1 = u2 a.e. in Ω and the uniqueness is proved.
Theorem 4.2 Let Ω ⊂ ℝn be a bounded open set and ϑ ∈ H1,p(Ω). There is a unique function u ∈ H1·p(Ω) with such that
whenever . That is u is the unique solution to (2.1) with .
Proof. (i) Choose ψ ≡ -∞. Since ϑ ≥ -∞ = ψ and , .
By Theorem 4.1, there is a function u in such that
whenever .
For each ,
Therefore, both u + φ and u - ϑ are in for all Then,
Let u1 and u2 are two solutions to (2.1) with , i = 1, 2. Since ϑ ∈ H1,p(Ω), u1, u2 ∈ H1,p(Ω) and . Then, . Since u1 and u2 are two solutions and by Proposition 2.2, u1 is a supersolution and u2 is a subsolution. By Lemma 2.2, u1 ≥ u2 a.e in Ω. Similarly, u2 ≥ u1 a.e in Ω. Thus, u1 = u2 a.e. in Ω and the uniqueness is proved.
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This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11071048).
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Li, G., Wang, Y. & Bao, G. The existence of solutions to the nonhomogeneous -harmonic equation. J Inequal Appl 2011, 80 (2011). https://doi.org/10.1186/1029-242X-2011-80
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/1029-242X-2011-80