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Retraction Note: Growth properties at infinity for solutions of modified Laplace equations

The Original Article was published on 25 August 2015

1 Retraction note

The Editors-in-Chief have retracted this article because it shows significant overlap with an article by different authors that was simultaneously under consideration with another different journal [1], as well as previously published articles [2, 3]. The article also shows evidence of peer review manipulation. In addition, the identity of the third author could not be verified: the University of Delaware have confirmed that Cochardo Peixoto-de-Büyükkurt has not been affiliated with their institution.

Jianguo Sun agrees with this retraction. Binghang He and Corchado Peixoto-de-Büyükkurt have not responded to correspondence regarding this retraction.


  1. Yan, Z., Ychussie, B.: RETRACTED ARTICLE: Normal families and asymptotic behaviors for solutions of certain Laplace equations. Adv. Differ. Equ. 2015, 226 (2015).

    Article  MATH  Google Scholar 

  2. Qi, J., Zhu, T.: Some normal criteria about shared values with their multiplicity zeros. Abstr. Appl. Anal. 2010, Article ID 147878 (2010).

    Article  MathSciNet  MATH  Google Scholar 

  3. Qi, J., Zhang, G., Yuan, W.: Radically distributed value and normal families of meromorphic functions. Front. Math. China 9, 355–376 (2014).

    Article  MathSciNet  MATH  Google Scholar 

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Correspondence to Binghang He.

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Sun, J., He, B. & Peixoto-de-Büyükkurt, C. Retraction Note: Growth properties at infinity for solutions of modified Laplace equations. J Inequal Appl 2021, 59 (2021).

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