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On generalized difference lacunary statistical convergence in a paranormed space


In this article, we introduce the concept of Δ m -lacunary statistical convergence and Δ m -lacunary strong convergence in a paranormed space. Also, we establish some connections between these concepts.


Dedicated to Professor Hari M Srivastava.

1 Introduction

In order to extend convergence of sequences, the notion of statistical convergence was introduced by Fast [1] and Steinhaus [2] and several generalizations and applications of this concept have been investigated by various authors [3, 4]. This notion was studied in normed spaces by Kolk [5], in locally convex Hausdorff topological spaces by Maddox [6], in topological Hausdorff groups by Çakallı [7] and in probabilistic normed space by Karakuş [8]. Recently, Alotaibi and Alroqi [9] extended this notion in paranormed spaces.

In this article, we study the concept of statistical convergence from difference sequence spaces which are defined over paranormed space.

2 Preliminaries and definitions

Let K be a subset of the set of natural numbers . Then the asymptotic density of K denoted by δ(K)= lim n 1 n |{kn:kK}|, where the vertical bars denote the cardinality of the enclosed set in [10].

A number sequence x=( x k ) is said to be statistically convergent to the number L if for each ε>0, the set K(ε)={kn:| x k L|ε} has asymptotic density zero, i.e.,

lim n 1 n | { k n : | x k L | ε } |=0.

In this case we write st-limx=L. This concept was studied by [11, 12].

By a lacunary θ=( k r ); r=0,1,2, , where k 0 =0, we shall mean an increasing sequence of non-negative integers with k r k r 1 as r. The intervals determined by θ will be denoted by I r =( k r 1 , k r ] and h r = k r k r 1 . The ratio k r k r 1 will be denoted by q r .

The notion of difference sequence space X(Δ) was introduced by Kızmaz [13] as follows:

X(Δ)= { x = ( x k ) : ( Δ x k ) X }

for X= l , c, c 0 , where Δ x k = x k x k + 1 for all kN.

The notion of difference sequence spaces was further generalized by Et and Çolak [14] as follows:

X ( Δ m ) = { x = ( x k ) w : ( Δ m x k ) X }

for X= l , c and c 0 , where mN, Δ m x k = Δ m 1 x k Δ m 1 x k + 1 , Δ 0 x k = x k .

The sequence x is said to be Δ m -statistically convergent to the number L provided that for each ε>0,

lim n 1 n | { k n : | Δ m x k L | ε } |=0.

The set of all Δ m -statistically convergent sequences was denoted by S( Δ m ) in [15].

Furthermore, this notion was studied in [16, 17].

A paranorm is a function g:XR defined on a linear space X such that for all x,y,zX,

(i) g(x)=0 if x=θ;

(ii) g(x)=g(x);

(iii) g(x+y)g(x)+g(y);

(iv) If ( α n ) is a sequence of scalars with α n α 0 (n) and x n ,aX with x n a (n) in the sense that g( x n a)0 (n), then α n x n α 0 a (n), in the sense that g( α n x n α 0 a)0 (n).

A paranorm g for which g(x)=0 implies x=θ is called a total paranorm on X and the pair (X,g) is called a total paranormed space.

Note that each seminorm (norm) p on X is a paranorm (total) but converse need not be true.

The concept of paranorm is a generalization of absolute value [18].

A modulus function f is a function from [0,) to [0,) such that

(i) f(x)=0 if and only if x=0;

(ii) f(x+y)f(x)+f(y) for all x,y0;

(iii) f increasing;

(iv) f is continuous from at the right zero.

Since |f(x)f(y)|f(|xy|), it follows from condition (iv) that f is continuous on [0,). Furthermore, we have f(nx)nf(x) for all nN from condition (ii) and so

f(x)=f ( n x 1 n ) nf ( x n ) .

Hence, for all nN,

1 n f(x)f ( x n ) .

A modulus may be bounded or unbounded. For example, f(x)= x p for 0<p1 is unbounded, but f(x)= x 1 + x is bounded. Ruckle [19] used the idea of a modulus function f to construct a class of FK spaces

L(f)= { x = ( x k ) : f ( | x k | ) < } .

In [9], the notion of statistical convergence was defined in a paranormed space.

Definition 2.1 A sequence x=( x k ) is said to be statistically convergent to the number L in (X,g) if for each ε>0,

lim n 1 n | { k n : g ( x k L ) ε } |=0.

In this case, we write g(st)-limx=L. We denote the set of all g(st)-convergent sequences by S g [9].

Definition 2.2 A sequence x=( x k ) is said to be strongly p-Cesaro summable (0<p<) to the limit L in (X,g) if

lim n 1 n j = 1 n ( g ( x j L ) ) p =0,

and we write it as x k L( [ C 1 , g ] p ). In this case, L is called the [ C 1 , g ] p -lim it of x [9].

In this article, we shall study the concept of Δ m -lacunary statistical convergence, Δ m -lacunary strong convergence and Δ m -lacunary strong convergence with respect to a modulus function in a paranormed space.

3 Generalized difference statistical convergence in a paranormed space

Definition 3.1 A sequence x=( x k ) is said to be Δ m -statistically convergent to the number L in (X,g) if for each ε>0,

lim n 1 n | { k n : g ( Δ m x k L ) ε } |=0.

In this case, we write S g ( Δ m )-limx=L. We denote the set of all Δ m -statistically convergent sequences in (X,g) by S g ( Δ m ).

Definition 3.2 Let θ be a lacunary sequence. A sequence x=( x k ) is said to be Δ m -lacunary statistically convergent to the number L in (X,g) if for each ε>0,

lim r 1 h r | { k I r : g ( Δ m x k L ) ε } |=0.

In this case, we write S g θ ( Δ m )-limx=L. We denote the set of all Δ m -lacunary statistically convergent sequences in (X,g) by S g θ ( Δ m ).

Definition 3.3 A sequence x=( x k ) is said to be strongly Δ m -Cesaro summable to the limit L in (X,g) if

lim n 1 n k = 1 n ( g ( Δ m x k L ) ) =0,

and we write it as x k L(| σ 1 | g ( Δ m )). In this case L is called the | σ 1 | g ( Δ m )-lim of x.

Definition 3.4 A sequence x=( x k ) is said to be strongly Δ m -lacunary strongly summable to the limit L in (X,g) if

lim r 1 h r k I r ( g ( Δ m x k L ) ) =0,

and we write it as x k L( N g θ ( Δ m )). In this case L is called the N g θ ( Δ m )-lim of x.

Theorem 3.1 Let θ be a lacunary sequence and (X,g) be a paranormed space. Then

(i) If x k L( N g θ ( Δ m )), then x k L( S g θ ( Δ m )) and the inclusion is strict;

(ii) If x is a Δ m -bounded sequence and x k L( S g θ ( Δ m )), then x k L( N g θ ( Δ m ));

(iii) l g ( Δ m ) S g θ ( Δ m )= l g ( Δ m ) N g θ ( Δ m ).

Proof (i) If ε>0 and x k L( N g θ ( Δ m )), we can write

k I r g ( Δ m x k L ) k I r g ( Δ m x k L ) ε g ( Δ m x k L ) ε| { k I r : g ( Δ m x k L ) ε } |,

which yields the result.

In order to prove that the inclusion N g θ ( Δ m ) S g θ ( Δ m ) is proper, let θ be given and X= N 0 θ (Δ, 1 h r )={x=( x k ):| 1 h r k I r Δ x k | 1 h r 0,r} with the paranorm g(x)=| x 1 |+ sup r | 1 h r k I r Δ x k | 1 h r . Define x=( x k ) to be 2 h r 1 h r at the first term in I r for every r1, x k = h r ( 1 h r 2 h r ( k 1 ) h r ) between the second term and ([ h r ]+1)th term in I r , x k = h r ( 1 h r 2 h r ( [ h r ] ) h r ) at the ([ h r ]+2)th term in I r and x k =0 otherwise.

We see that

Δ x k ={ h r 1 h r , h r 2 h r , , h r [ h r ] h r , at the first  [ h r ]  integers in  I r , 0 , otherwise .


g(Δ x k )={ 1 , 2 , , [ h r ] , at the first  [ h r ]  integers in  I r , 0 , otherwise .

Note that x is not Δ-bounded in (X,g). We have, for every ε>0,

1 h r | { k I r : g ( Δ x k ) ε ) } |= [ h r ] h r 0

as r, i.e., x k 0( S g θ (Δ)). On the other hand,

1 h r k I r g(Δ x k )= 1 h r [ h r ] ( [ h r ] + 1 ) 2 1 2 0;

hence x k 0( N g θ (Δ)).

(ii) Suppose that x k L( S g θ ( Δ m )) and say g( Δ m x k L)M for all k. Given ε>0, we get

1 h r k I r g ( Δ m x k L ) = 1 h r k I r g ( Δ m x k L ) ε g ( Δ m x k L ) + 1 h r k I r g ( Δ m x k L ) < ε g ( Δ m x k L ) M h r | { k I r : g ( Δ m x k L ) ε } | + ε ,

from which the result follows.

(iii) This is an immediate consequence of (i) and (ii). □

Corollary 3.1 If x k L(| σ 1 | g ( Δ m )), then x k L( S g ( Δ m )). If x l g ( Δ m ) and if x k L( S g ( Δ m )), then x k L(| σ 1 | g ( Δ m )).

Theorem 3.2 Let θ be a lacunary sequence and (X,g) be a paranormed space, then S g θ ( Δ m )= S g ( Δ m ) if and only if 1< lim inf r q r lim  sup r q r <.

Proof Suppose that liminf q r >1, then there exists a δ>0 such that q r 1+δ for sufficiently large r, which implies that

h r k r δ 1 + δ .

If x k L( S g ( Δ m )), then for every ε>0 and sufficiently large r, we have

1 k r | { k k r : g ( Δ m x k L ) ε } | 1 k r | { k I r : g ( Δ m x k L ) ε } | δ 1 + δ 1 h r | { k I r : g ( Δ m x k L ) ε } | ,

which proves the S g ( Δ m ) S g θ ( Δ m ).

Conversely, suppose that liminf q r =1. Since θ is lacunary, we can select a subsequence ( k r j ) of θ satisfying k r j k r j 1 <1+ 1 j and k r j 1 k r ( j 1 ) >j, where r j r j 1 +2 and X= N 0 θ (Δ, 1 h r )={x=( x k ):| 1 h r k I r Δ x k | 1 h r 0,r} with the paranorm g(x)=| x 1 |+ sup r | 1 h r k I r Δ x k | 1 h r .

Now define a sequence by

Δ x k ={ h r + k , k I r ( j ) , j = 1 , 2 , , 0 , otherwise .

We can see that

g(Δ x k )={ 1 , k I r ( j ) , j = 1 , 2 , , 0 , otherwise .

and hence x is Δ-bounded in (X,g).

We can see that x N g θ ( Δ m ), but x σ g 1 ( Δ m ). Theorem 3.1(ii) implies that x S g θ ( Δ m ), but it follows from Corollary 3.1 that x S g ( Δ m ). Hence S g ( Δ m ) S g θ ( Δ m ) and S g ( Δ m ) S g θ ( Δ m ) implies that liminf q r >1.

To show for any lacunary sequence θ, S g θ ( Δ m ) S g ( Δ m ) implies limsup q r <, the same technique of Lemma 3 of [20] can be used. Now suppose that limsup q r =. Consider the same space defined above and the sequence defined by

Δ x i ={ h r + i , k r j 1 < i 2 k r j 1 , j = 1 , 2 , , 0 , otherwise .

Then we get

g(Δ x i )={ 1 , k r j 1 < i 2 k r j 1 , j = 1 , 2 , , 0 , otherwise .

Then x N g θ ( Δ m ), but x σ g 1 ( Δ m ). By Theorem 3.1(i) we conclude that x S g θ ( Δ m ), but by Corollary 3.1 that x S g ( Δ m ). Hence, S g θ ( Δ m ) S g ( Δ m ). This completes the proof. □

Definition 3.5 Let f be a modulus function. Then a sequence x=( x k ) is lacunary strongly p-Cesaro summable to L with respect to f in (X,g) if

lim r 1 h r k ϵ I r [ f ( g ( Δ m x k L ) ) ] p k =0.

In this case, we write x k L( N g θ (f, Δ m ,p)). If we take p k =1 for all kN, we say x k L( N g θ (f, Δ m )).

Lemma 3.1 Let f be a modulus function and let 0<δ<1. Then for each x>δ we have f(x)2f(1) δ 1 x [21].

Theorem 3.3 Let f be a modulus function and (X,g) be a paranormed space. Then N g θ ( Δ m ) N g θ (f, Δ m ).

Proof Let x N g θ ( Δ m ). Then we have τ r = 1 h r k I r g( Δ m x k L)0 as r for some L.

Let ε>0 and choose δ with 0<δ<1 such that f(u)<ε for u with 0uδ. Then we can write

1 h r k I r f ( g ( Δ m x k L ) ) = 1 h r k I r g ( Δ m x k L ) δ f ( g ( Δ m x k L ) ) + 1 h r k I r g ( Δ m x k L ) > δ f ( g ( Δ m x k L ) ) 1 h r ( h r δ ) + 1 h r 2 f ( 1 ) δ 1 h r τ r

from Lemma 3.1. Therefore x N g θ (f, Δ m ). □

Theorem 3.4 Let 0< inf k p k p k sup k p k <. Then S g θ ( Δ m )= N g θ (f, Δ m ,p) if and only if f is bounded.

Proof Following the technique applied for establishing Theorem 3.16 of [22], we can prove the theorem. □


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Altundağ, S. On generalized difference lacunary statistical convergence in a paranormed space. J Inequal Appl 2013, 256 (2013).

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