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New inequalities for hyperbolic functions and their applications


In this paper, we obtain some new inequalities in the exponential form for the whole of the triples about the four functions {1,(sinht)/t,exp(tcotht−1),cosht}. Then we generalize some well-known inequalities for the arithmetic, geometric, logarithmic, and identric means to obtain analogous inequalities for their p th powers, where p>0.

MSC: 26E60, 26D07.

1 Introduction

Let sinht, cosht, and cotht be the hyperbolic sine, hyperbolic cosine, and hyperbolic cotangent, respectively. It is well known that (see [1–6])

1< sinh t t < e t coth t − 1 <cosht

holds for all t≠0.

In the recent paper [7], we have established the following Cusa-type inequalities of exponential type for the triple {1,(sinht)/t,cosht} described as follows.

Theorem 1.1 (Cusa-type inequalities [[7], Part (i) of Theorem 1.1])

Let p≥4/5, and t≠0. Then the double inequality

(1−λ)+λ ( cosh t ) p < ( sinh t t ) p <(1−η)+η ( cosh t ) p

holds if and only if η≥1/3 and λ≤0.

On the other hand, the author of this paper [8] obtains the following inequalities of exponential type for the triple {1,exp(tcotht−1),cosht}.

Theorem 1.2 ([[8], Theorem 2])

Let p>0, and t≠0. Then

(1) if 0<p≤6/5, the double inequality

α ( cosh t ) p +(1−α)< e p ( t coth t − 1 ) <β ( cosh t ) p +(1−β)

holds if and only if α≤2/3 and β≥ ( 2 / e ) p ;

(2) if p≥2, the double inequality

α ( cosh t ) p +(1−α)< e p ( t coth t − 1 ) <β ( cosh t ) p +(1−β)

holds if and only if α≤ ( 2 / e ) p and β≥2/3.

Next, we do the work for each of the triples {(sinht)/t,exp(tcotht−1),cosht} and {1,(sinht)/t,exp(tcotht−1)}, and obtain the following two new results.

Theorem 1.3 Let 0<p≤8/5, and t≠0. Then

α ( cosh t ) p +(1−α) ( sinh t t ) p < e p ( t coth t − 1 ) <β ( cosh t ) p +(1−β) ( sinh t t ) p

holds if and only if α≤1/2 and β≥ ( 2 / e ) p .

Theorem 1.4 Let p≥286/693, and t≠0. Then

α+(1−α) e p ( t coth t − 1 ) < ( sinh t t ) p <β+(1−β) e p ( t coth t − 1 )

holds if and only if β≤1/2 and α≥1.

In this paper, we shall give the elementary proofs of Theorem 1.3 and Theorem 1.4. In the last section, we apply Theorems 1.1-1.4 to obtain some new results for four classical means.

2 Lemmas

Lemma 2.1 ([9–11])

Let f,g:[a,b]→R be two continuous functions which are differentiable on (a,b). Further, let g ′ ≠0 on (a,b). If f ′ / g ′ is increasing (or decreasing) on (a,b), then the functions (f(x)−f( b − ))/(g(x)−g( b − )) and (f(x)−f( a + ))/(g(x)−g( a + )) are also increasing (or decreasing) on (a,b).

Lemma 2.2 Let t∈(0,+∞). Then the inequality

D(t)≜t sinh 5 t+2t sinh 3 t+ t 4 cosht− sinh 4 tcosht− t 3 sinh 3 t−2 t 3 sinht>0


Proof Using the power series expansions of the functions sinh5t, sinh3t, cosht, sinh 4 tcosht, and sinht, we have

D ( t ) = 1 16 t ( sinh 5 t − 5 sinh 3 t + 10 sinh t ) + 1 2 t ( sinh 3 t − 3 sinh t ) + t 4 cosh t − 1 16 ( cosh 5 t − 3 cosh 3 t + 2 cosh t ) − 1 4 t 3 ( sinh 3 t − 3 sinh t ) − 2 t 3 sinh t = 1 16 ∑ n = 0 ∞ 5 2 n + 1 − 5 ⋅ 3 2 n + 1 + 10 ( 2 n + 2 ) ! t 2 n + 1 + 1 2 ∑ n = 0 ∞ 3 2 n + 1 − 3 ( 2 n + 1 ) ! t 2 n + 2 + ∑ n = 0 ∞ 1 ( 2 n ) ! t 2 n + 4 − 1 16 ∑ n = 0 ∞ 5 2 n − 3 ⋅ 3 2 n + 2 ( 2 n ) ! t 2 n − 1 4 ∑ n = 0 ∞ 3 2 n + 1 − 3 ( 2 n + 1 ) ! t 2 n + 4 − 2 ∑ n = 0 ∞ 1 ( 2 n + 1 ) ! t 2 n + 4 = 1 16 ∑ n = 3 ∞ l n ( 2 n + 4 ) ! t 2 n + 4 ,


l n = ( 2 n + 4 ) ( 5 2 n + 3 − 5 ⋅ 3 2 n + 3 + 10 ) + 8 ( 2 n + 4 ) ( 3 2 n + 3 − 3 ) + 16 ( 2 n + 4 ) ( 2 n + 3 ) ( 2 n + 2 ) ( 2 n + 1 ) − ( 5 2 n + 4 − 3 ⋅ 3 2 n + 4 + 2 ) − 4 ( 2 n + 4 ) ( 2 n + 3 ) ( 2 n + 2 ) ( 3 2 n + 1 − 3 ) − 32 ( 2 n + 4 ) ( 2 n + 3 ) ( 2 n + 2 ) = ( 250 n − 125 ) 25 n + ( 279 − 462 n − 432 n 2 − 96 n 3 ) 9 n + 256 n 4 + 1 , 120 n 3 + 1 , 520 n 2 + 532 n − 154 , n = 3 , 4 , … .

Using a basic differential method, we can easily prove

f ( x ) ≜ ( 250 x − 125 ) 25 x + ( 279 − 462 x − 432 x 2 − 96 x 3 ) 9 x + 256 x 4 + 1 , 120 x 3 + 1 , 520 x 2 + 532 x − 154 > 0

on [3,∞). This leads to l n >0 for n=3,4,… , and D(t)>0. So, the proof of Lemma 2.2 is complete. □

3 Proof of Theorem 1.3


F(t)≡ ( t sinh t e t coth t − 1 ) p − 1 ( t coth t ) p − 1 = f 1 ( t ) − f 1 ( 0 + ) g 1 ( t ) − g 1 ( 0 + ) ,

where f 1 (t)= ( t sinh t e t coth t − 1 ) p and g 1 (t)= ( t coth t ) p . Then

k 1 (t)≜ f 1 ′ ( t ) g 1 ′ ( t ) = e p ( t coth t − 1 ) ( cosh t ) p − 1 ⋅ sinh 2 t − t 2 sinh t ( sinh t cosh t − t ) .

We compute

k 1 ′ (t)= e p ( t coth t − 1 ) ( cosh t ) p ⋅ u 1 ( t ) ( sinh t ) 3 ( sinh t cosh t − t ) 2 ,


u 1 ( t ) = 2 t 2 sinh 4 t cosh t + sinh 4 t cosh t − 4 t sinh 5 t − 3 t sinh 3 t + 3 t 2 sinh 2 t cosh t − t 3 sinh t − p ( t sinh 5 t + 2 t sinh 3 t + t 4 cosh t − sinh 4 t cosh t − t 3 sinh 3 t − 2 t 3 sinh t ) = 2 t 2 sinh 4 t cosh t + sinh 4 t cosh t − 4 t sinh 5 t − 3 t sinh 3 t + 3 t 2 sinh 2 t cosh t − t 3 sinh t − p D ( t ) .

If 0<p≤8/5, by Lemma 2.2 we have

5 u 1 ( t ) ≥ 10 t 2 sinh 4 t cosh t + 13 sinh 4 t cosh t − 28 t sinh 5 t − 46 t sinh 3 t + 30 t 2 sinh 2 t cosh t + 6 t 3 sinh t − 8 t 4 cosh t + 8 t 3 sinh 3 t = ∑ n = 3 ∞ h n 16 ( 2 n + 4 ) ! t 2 n + 4 ,


h n = 10 ( 2 n + 4 ) ( 2 n + 3 ) ( 5 2 n + 2 − 3 ⋅ 3 2 n + 2 + 2 ) + 13 ( 5 2 n + 4 − 3 ⋅ 3 2 n + 4 + 2 ) − 28 ( 2 n + 4 ) ( 5 2 n + 3 − 5 ⋅ 3 2 n + 3 + 10 ) − 184 ( 2 n + 4 ) ( 3 2 n + 3 − 3 ) + 120 ( 2 n + 4 ) ( 2 n + 3 ) ( 3 2 n + 2 − 1 ) + 96 ( 2 n + 4 ) ( 2 n + 3 ) ( 2 n + 2 ) ( 2 n + 1 ) 2 n − 128 ( 2 n + 4 ) ( 2 n + 3 ) ( 2 n + 2 ) ( 2 n + 1 ) + 96 ( 2 n + 4 ) ( 2 n + 3 ) ( 2 n + 2 ) ( 3 2 n − 1 ) = ( 1 , 000 n 2 − 3 , 500 n − 2 , 875 ) 25 n + ( 768 n 3 + 6 , 696 n 2 + 13 , 956 n + 4 , 113 ) 9 n + ( 2 n + 4 ) ( 2 n + 3 ) ( 2 n + 2 ) ( 2 n + 1 ) ( 192 n − 128 ) − 96 ( 2 n + 4 ) ( 2 n + 3 ) ( 2 n + 2 ) − 100 ( 2 n + 4 ) ( 2 n + 3 ) + 272 ( 2 n + 4 ) + 26 > 0

for n=3,4,… .

We have u 1 (t)>0 for 0<p≤8/5. So, k 1 ′ (t)>0 for t>0, and f 1 ′ (t)/ g 1 ′ (t)= k 1 (t) is increasing on (0,+∞). Hence, F(t) is increasing on (0,+∞) by Lemma 2.1. At the same time, lim t → 0 + F(t)=1/2 and lim t → + ∞ F(t)= ( 2 / e ) p . So, the proof of Theorem 1.3 is complete.

4 Proof of Theorem 1.4


S(t)≡ ( sinh t t e 1 − t coth t ) p − 1 e p ( 1 − t coth t ) − 1 = f 2 ( t ) − f 2 ( 0 + ) g 2 ( t ) − g 2 ( 0 + ) ,

where f 2 (t)= ( sinh t t e 1 − t coth t ) p and g 2 (t)= e p ( 1 − t coth t ) . Then

k 2 (t)≜ f 2 ′ ( t ) g 2 ′ ( t ) = ( sinh t t ) p − 1 ( sinh t ) 3 − t 2 sinh t t 2 ( sinh t cosh t − t ) ,


k 2 ′ (t)= ( sinh t t ) p − 2 u 2 ( t ) t 4 ( sinh t cosh t − t ) 2 ,


where e n =1−( d n / c n ) and



e n =1− d n c n = j ( n ) i ( n ) .

Let Δ(n)=286i(n)−693j(n). Then

Δ ( n ) = ( 741 , 313 n − 5 , 759 , 424 ) 36 n + 16 n [ 2 , 275 , 328 ( 2 n + 5 ) + 4 , 009 , 984 + 70 , 400 ( 2 n + 5 ) ( 2 n + 4 ) ( 2 n + 3 ) − 532 , 224 ( 2 n + 5 ) ( 2 n + 4 ) ] + 4 n [ 9 , 152 ( 2 n + 5 ) ( 2 n + 4 ) ( 2 n + 3 ) ( 2 n + 2 ) − 62 , 656 ( 2 n + 5 ) ( 2 n + 4 ) ( 2 n + 3 ) + 133 , 056 ( 2 n + 5 ) ( 2 n + 4 ) − 610 , 016 ( 2 n + 5 ) − 156 , 640 ] .

First, we check that Δ(n)>0 for n=3,4,5,6,7; second, we can easily obtain that Δ(n)>0 for n≥8. So, we have that Δ(n)>0 for n=3,4,… .

So, we have u 2 (t)>0 for p≥286/693. So, k 2 ′ (t)>0 for t>0, and f 2 ′ (t)/ g 2 ′ (t)= k 2 (t) is increasing on (0,+∞). Hence, S(t) is increasing on (0,+∞) by Lemma 2.1 when p≥286/693. At the same time, lim t → 0 + S(t)=1/2 and lim t → + ∞ S(t)=1. So, the proof of Theorem 1.4 is complete.

5 Applications of theorems

In this section, we assume that x and y are two different positive numbers. Let A(x,y), G(x,y), L(x,y), and I(x,y) be the arithmetic, geometric, logarithmic, and identric means, respectively. Without loss of generality, we set 0<x<y. By the transformation t=(log(y/x))/2, we can compute and obtain

where t>0.

Now, the four results in Section 1 are equivalent to the following ones for four classical means.

Theorem 5.1 Let p≥4/5, and x and y be positive real numbers with x≠y. Then

α A p (x,y)+(1−α) G p (x,y)< L p (x,y)<β A p (x,y)+(1−β) G p (x,y)

holds if and only if α≤0 and β≥1/3.

Theorem 5.1 can deduce the following one, which is from Zhu [8].

Corollary 5.2 ([[8], Theorem 1])

Let p≥1, and x and y be positive real numbers with x≠y. Then

α A p (x,y)+(1−α) G p (x,y)< L p (x,y)<β A p (x,y)+(1−β) G p (x,y)

holds if and only if α≤0 and β≥1/3.

When letting p=1 in Theorem 5.1, one can obtain the result (see [12–14], [[15], Theorem 1]).

Corollary 5.3 Let x and y be positive real numbers with x≠y. Then


holds if and only if α≤0 and β≥1/3.

When letting β=1/3 in the right-hand inequality of (5.3), one can obtain the well-known inequality by Carlson [16]

L(x,y)< 1 3 A(x,y)+ 2 3 G(x,y).

Theorem 5.4 Let p>0. Then

(1) if 0<p≤6/5, the double inequality

α A p (x,y)+(1−α) G p (x,y)< I p (x,y)<β A p (x,y)+(1−β) G p (x,y)

holds if and only if α≤2/3 and β≥ ( 2 / e ) p ;

(2) if p≥2, the double inequality

α A p (x,y)+(1−α) G p (x,y)< I p (x,y)<β A p (x,y)+(1−β) G p (x,y)

holds if and only if α≤ ( 2 / e ) p and β≥2/3.

The part (2) of Theorem 5.4 is a result of Trif [17].

When letting p=2 and β=2/3 in the right-hand inequality of (5.6), one can obtain the following result, which is from Sándor and Trif [18].

I 2 (x,y)< 2 3 A 2 (x,y)+ 1 3 G 2 (x,y).

When letting p=1 in the double inequality (5.5), one can obtain the following result (see [12], [[15], Theorem 2]).

Corollary 5.5 Let x and y be positive real numbers with x≠y. Then


holds if and only if α≤2/3 and β≥2/e.

When letting α=2/3 in the left-hand inequality in (5.8), one can obtain the following result, which is from Sándor [19].

2 3 A(x,y)+ 1 3 G(x,y)<I(x,y).

Theorem 5.6 Let 0<p≤8/5, x and y be positive real numbers with x≠y. Then

α A p (x,y)+(1−α) L p (x,y)< I p (x,y)<β A p (x,y)+(1−β) L p (x,y)

holds if and only if α≤1/2 and β≥ ( 2 / e ) p .

Theorem 5.6 can deduce the following result (see Zhu [15]).

Corollary 5.7 ([[15], Theorem 3])

Let x and y be positive real numbers with x≠y. Then


holds if and only if α≤1/2 and β≥2/e.

When letting α=1/2 in the left-hand inequality of (5.11), one can obtain the following result, which is from Sándor [4, 19].

I(x,y)> A ( x , y ) + L ( x , y ) 2 .

Finally, we give the bounds for L p (x,y) in terms of G p (x,y) and I p (x,y), and obtain the following new result.

Theorem 5.8 Let x and y be positive real numbers with x≠y, and p≥286/693. Then

α G p (x,y)+(1−α) I p (x,y)< L p (x,y)<β G p (x,y)+(1−β) I p (x,y)

holds if and only if β≤1/2 and α≥1.

Theorem 5.8 can deduce a result of Zhu [15]:

Corollary 5.9 ([[15], Theorem 4])

Let x and y be positive real numbers with x≠y. Then


holds if and only if β≤1/2 and α≥1.

Obviously, the right-hand side of (5.14) is an extension of the following inequality:

L(x,y)< 1 2 ( G ( x , y ) + I ( x , y ) ) ,

which was given by Alzer [5].


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Zhu, L. New inequalities for hyperbolic functions and their applications. J Inequal Appl 2012, 303 (2012).

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