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An elementary operator and generalized Weyl’s theorem


A Hilbert space operator T belongs to class A if | T 2 | | T | 2 0. Let d A B denote either δ A B or A B , where δ A B and A B denote the generalized derivation and the elementary operator on a Banach space B(H) defined by δ A B X=AXXB and A B X=AXBX respectively. If A and B are class A operators, we show that d A B is polaroid and generalized Weyl’s theorem holds for f( d A B ), generalized a-Weyl’s theorem holds for f( ( d A B ) ) for every fH(σ( d A B )) and f is not constant on each connected component of the open set U containing σ( d A B ), where H(σ( d A B )) denotes the set of all analytic functions in a neighborhood of σ( d A B ).

MSC:47B20, 47A63.

1 Introduction

Let be a complex Hilbert space and be the set of complex numbers. Let B(H) and K(H) denote the C -algebra of all bounded linear operators and the ideal of compact operators acting on respectively. For operators A,BB(H), let δ A B B(B(H)) denote the generalized derivation on a Banach space B(H) defined by δ A B X=AXXB; let A B B(B(H)) denote the elementary operator on a Banach space B(H) defined by A B =AXBX. Let d A B denote either δ A B or A B . d A B has been studied by a number of authors [14]. Also let α(T)=dimkerT, β(T)=dimker T , and let σ(T), σ a (T) denote the spectrum and approximate point spectrum of T. An operator TB(H) is called upper (resp. lower) semi-Fredholm if ranT is closed and α(T)< (resp. β(T)<). In the sequel, let S F + (H) denote the set of all upper semi-Fredholm operators. If both α(T) and β(T) are finite, then T is called a Fredholm operator. An operator TB(H) is called Weyl if it is Fredholm of index zero and Browder if it is Fredholm of finite ascent and descent. Let σ e (T), σ w (T) and σ b (T) denote the essential spectrum, the Weyl spectrum and the Browder spectrum of TB(H). Let isoK denote the isolated points of KC. We write π 00 (T)={λisoσ(T):0<α(Tλ)<}, π 00 a (T)={λiso σ a (T):0<α(Tλ)<}, and p 00 (T)=σ(T) σ b (T). It is evident that σ e (T) σ w (T) σ b (T)= σ e (T)accσ(T) and p 00 (T) π 00 (T) π 00 a (T), where accσ(T)=σ(T)isoσ(T).

We say that Weyl’s theorem holds for TB(H) if

σ(T) σ w (T)= π 00 (T),

and that Browder’s theorem holds for TB(H) if

σ(T) σ w (T)= p 00 (T).

By definition, σ e a (T)={ σ a (T+K):KK(H)} is the essential approximate point spectrum of T, and σ a b (T)={ σ a (T+K):KK(H) and KT=TK} is the Browder approximate point spectrum of T.

We say that a-Weyl’s theorem holds for TB(H) if

σ a (T) σ e a (T)= π 00 a (T),

and that a-Browder’s theorem holds for TB(H) if

σ e a (T)= σ a b (T).

For a bounded linear operator T and a nonnegative integer n, define T n to be the restriction of T to ran T n viewed as a map from ran T n into ran T n (in particular T 0 =T). If for some integer n, the range space ran T n is closed and T n is a Fredholm operator, then T is called a B-Fredholm operator. If T is a B-Fredholm operator of index zero, then T is called a B-Weyl operator. The B-Fredholm spectrum σ BF (T) and B-Weyl spectrum σ BW (T) of T are defined by σ BF (T)={λC:Tλ is not a B-Fredholm operator} and σ BW (T)={λC:Tλ is not a B-Weyl operator}. An operator TB(H) satisfies generalized Weyl’s theorem [[5], Definition 2.13] if

σ BW (T)=σ(T) π 0 (T),

where π 0 (T) is the set of all isolated eigenvalues of T, and TB(H) satisfies generalized Browder’s theorem [[5], Definition 2.13] if

σ BW (T)=σ(T) p 0 (T),

where p 0 (T) is the set of all poles of the resolvent of T.

Let SBF + (H) be the class of all the upper semi-B-Fredholm operators and SBF + (H) be the class of all T SBF + (H) such that ind(T)0. Let

σ SBF + (T)= { λ C : T λ SBF + ( H ) }

be called the semi-B-essential approximate point spectrum of T. We say that TB(H) satisfies generalized a-Weyl’s theorem [[5], Definition 2.13] if

σ SBF + (T)= σ a (T) π 0 a (T),

where π 0 a (T) is the set of all eigenvalues of T which are isolated points of σ a (T).

The following implications are known to hold:

generalized  a -Weyl’s theorem generalized Weyl’s theorem Weyl’s theorem Browder’s theorem ; generalized  a -Weyl’s theorem a -Weyl’s theorem a -Browder’s theorem Browder’s theorem .

In this paper, we shall study the generalized Weyl’s theorem for the elementary operator and the generalized derivation with class A operators as entries. Recall that TB(H) is called p-hyponormal for p>0 if ( T T ) p ( T T ) p 0 [6]; when p=1, T is called hyponormal. And T is called paranormal if T x 2 T 2 xx for all xH [7, 8]. In order to discuss the relations between paranormal and p-hyponormal and log-hyponormal operators (T is invertible and log T TlogT T ), Furuta, Ito and Yamazaki [9] introduced a very interesting class of operators: class A defined by | T 2 | | T | 2 0, where |T|= ( T T ) 1 2 which is called the absolute value of T, and they showed that class A is a subclass of paranormals and contains p-hyponormal and log-hyponormal operators.

Definition 1.1 An operator TB(H) is said to have the single valued extension property (SVEP) at λC if for every open neighborhood G of λ, the only function fH(G) such that (Tμ)f(μ)=0 on G is 0H(G), where H(G) means the space of all analytic functions on G. When T has SVEP at each λC, say that T has SVEP.

The single valued extension property dates back to the early days of local spectral theory; see the recent monograph of Laursen and Neumann [10] or Aiena [11]. In addition to the definition of SVEP, there are notions of property (β), property (δ) and condition (C). The interested reader is referred to [10] for more details.

2 The main results

For TB(H), let L T and R T denote the operators of left and right multiplication by T respectively.

Chō and Yamazaki proved that class A operators have property β in [12] Theorem 3.1; unfortunately, there are some mistakes in the proof of this theorem; see details in [13]. So, Theorem 3.1 in [12] is still an open problem.

Lemma 2.1 Let A and B be class A operators satisfying property (β), then d A B has SVEP.

Proof By assumption and [10] Theorem 2.5.5, A satisfies property (β) and B satisfies property (δ). Hence, both L A and R B satisfy condition (C) by [10] Corollary 3.6.11. Clearly, L A and R B commute. By Theorem 3.6.3 and Note 3.6.19 on p.283 of [10], L A R B and L A R B have SVEP, which implies that d A B has SVEP. □

It is well known that the isolated points of the spectrum of a class A (indeed, paranormal) operator T are poles of the resolvent of the operator (hence, eigenvalues of the operator), the restriction of T to an invariant subspace is again of class A (resp., paranormal), and that if T has countable spectrum then T is normal. (We shall use this information freely in the following without any further reference.)

Recall, [14], that σ( δ A B )={λ:λσ(A)σ(B)} and σ( A B )={λ:λσ(A)σ(B)1}. If λisoσ( d A B ), then we have one of the following two cases:

  1. (1)

    λ1 if d A B = A B . Then there exist finite sequences { α i } i = 1 m and { β i } i = 1 m , where α i isoσ(A) and β i isoσ(B) respectively, such that λ= α i β i if λisoσ( δ A B ) and λ= α i β i 1 if λisoσ( A B ), for all 1im.

  2. (2)

    λ=1 and d A B = A B . Then either 0isoσ(A) and 0isoσ(B) or 0isoσ(A) and 0σ(B) or 0isoσ(B) and 0σ(A).

Theorem 2.2 Let A and B be class A operators, then H 0 ( d A B λ)=ker( d A B λ) for all λisoσ( d A B ).

Proof We consider the case d A B = δ A B and d A B = A B respectively.

  1. (1)

    We consider the case d A B = δ A B . The idea comes from [1]. If λisoσ( δ A B ), then there exist finite sets { α 1 , α 2 ,, α m } and { β 1 , β 2 ,, β m }, where α i isoσ(A) and β i isoσ(B) such that λ= α i β i for all 1im. Let

    M 1 = i = 1 m ker(A α i ), M 2 =H M 1


N 1 = i = 1 m ker ( B β i ¯ ) , N 2 =H N 1 .

Then A and B have representations A= ( A 11 A 12 0 A 22 ) on M 1 M 2 and B= ( B 11 0 B 21 B 22 ) on N 1 N 2 respectively, where A 11 and B 11 are normal, σ(A)=σ( A 11 )σ( A 22 ), σ(B)=σ( B 11 )σ( B 22 ) and λσ( δ A i i B j j ) for all 1i, j2 other than i=j=1. Consider an X H 0 ( δ A B λ). Letting X: N 1 N 2 M 1 M 2 have the matrix representation X= [ X i j ] i , j = 1 2 , we have

( δ A B λ ) n X= ( ( δ A 22 B 22 λ ) n X 22 )

for some yet to be determined entries .


lim n ( δ A B λ ) n X 1 n =0,

we have that

lim n ( δ A 22 B 22 λ ) n X 22 1 n =0.

Since λσ( δ A 22 B 22 ), we have that δ A 22 B 22 λ is invertible. Hence, X 22 =0. So, we have that

( δ A B λ ) n X= ( ( δ A 11 B 22 λ ) n X 12 ( δ A 22 B 11 λ ) n X 21 0 ) .


lim n ( δ A i i B j j λ ) n X i j 1 n =0

for all 1i, j2 other than i=j=1 and since λσ( δ A 11 B 22 ) and λσ( δ A 22 B 11 ), we have that X 12 = X 21 =0. Hence,

( δ A B λ ) n X= ( ( δ A 11 B 11 λ ) n X 11 0 0 0 ) .

Since A 11 and B 11 are normal,

lim n ( δ A 11 B 11 λ ) n X 11 1 n =0

if and only if

( δ A 11 B 11 λ) X 11 =0

by [15] Lemma 2. Hence, we have H 0 ( δ A B λ)ker( δ A B λ). Since ker( δ A B λ) H 0 ( δ A B λ) is always true, we have

H 0 ( δ A B λ)=ker( δ A B λ).
  1. (2)

    We consider the case d A B = A B . When λ1, the proof is similar to the proof of the first part. We omit the proof. When λ=1, then either 0isoσ(A) and 0isoσ(B) or 0isoσ(A) and 0σ(B) or 0isoσ(B) and 0σ(A). If 0 is both in isoσ(A) and isoσ(B), then let M 1 =ker(A), M 2 =H M 1 and N 1 =ker( B ), N 2 =H N 1 .

Then we have A= ( 0 C 1 0 A 2 ) on H= M 1 M 2 and B= ( 0 0 C 2 B 2 ) on H= N 1 N 2 for some operators C 1 , A 2 and C 2 , B 2 respectively. Here both A 2 and B 2 are invertible. So, we have that A 2 B 2 λ= L A 2 R B 2 is invertible. Let X: N 1 N 2 M 1 M 2 have the matrix representation X= [ X i j ] i , j = 1 2 . If X H 0 ( A B λ)= H 0 ( L A R B ), it follows that X 22 =0 as in the proof of the first part. Hence, L A R B X=0 for every X H 0 ( A B λ)= H 0 ( L A R B ). So, we have H 0 ( A B λ)ker( A B λ). Since ker( A B λ) H 0 ( A B λ) is always true, we have H 0 ( A B λ)=ker( A B λ). The proofs of the other remaining cases are similar, we consider 0isoσ(A) and 0σ(B). Here A B λ= L A R B . In the following, we shall prove that H 0 ( L A R B )= H 0 ( L A ). If X H 0 ( L A R B ), then

lim n ( L A ) n X 1 n = lim n ( L A R B ) n X B n 1 n B 1 lim n ( L A R B ) n X 1 n =0.

On the other hand, if X H 0 ( L A ), then

lim n ( L A R B ) n X 1 n B lim n ( L A ) n X 1 n =0.

Hence, H 0 ( L A R B )= H 0 ( L A ). Next, we shall prove that H 0 ( L A )=ker( L A ). Let M 1 =kerA, M 2 =H M 1 . We have A= ( 0 C 1 0 A 2 ) on H= M 1 M 2 , where A 2 is invertible. Let X have the following matrix representation: X= [ X i j ] i , j = 1 2 on H= M 1 M 2 . If X H 0 ( L A ), as in the proof above, we have that X 21 = X 22 =0. So, we have that L A X=0. Hence, H 0 ( L A )ker( L A ). Since ker( L A ) H 0 ( L A ) is always true, we have that H 0 ( L A )=ker( L A ). Since B is invertible, we have ker( L A R B )=ker( L A ). Therefore, we have that

H 0 ( L A R B )= H 0 ( L A )=ker( L A )=ker( L A R B ),


H 0 ( L A R B )=ker( L A R B ).

That is,

H 0 ( A B λ)=ker( A B λ).

This completes the proof. □

An operator TB(H) is said to be isoloid if every isolated point of σ(T) is an eigenvalue of T and polaroid if every isolated point of σ(T) is a pole of the resolvent of T. In general, if T is polaroid then it is isoloid.

Lemma 2.3 Let A and B be class A operators, then d A B and d A B are polaroid. In particular, d A B and d A B are isoloid.

Proof We only need to prove that d A B is polaroid. Let X=B(H) and λisoσ( d A B ). Then we have that H 0 ( d A B λ)=ker( d A B λ) by Theorem 2.2. Hence,

X= H 0 ( d A B λ)K( d A B λ)=ker( d A B λ)K( d A B λ).

So, we have

( d A B λ)X=0( d A B λ) ( K ( d A B λ ) ) =K( d A B λ).


X=ker( d A B λ)( d A B λ)X.

Thus, isolated points of σ( d A B ) are simple poles of the resolvent of d A B . Hence, d A B is polaroid. So, we have that d A B and d A B are polaroid. Since polaroid operators are always isoloid, we have that d A B and d A B are isoloid. □

Theorem 2.4 Let A and B be class A operators satisfying property (β). Then generalized Weyl’s theorem holds for f( d A B ) for every fH(σ( d A B )) and f is not constant on each connected component of the open set U containing σ( d A B ).

Proof Suppose that A and B are class A operators. By Lemma 2.1 and Lemma 2.3, we have that d A B has SVEP and d A B is polaroid. So, we have that generalized Weyl’s theorem holds for d A B by [[16], Theorem 3.10(ii)]. Since d A B has SVEP and d A B is isoloid, we have that generalized Weyl’s theorem holds for f( d A B ) for every fH(σ( d A B )) by [[17], Theorem 2.2]. □

Corollary 2.5 Let A and B be class A operators satisfying property (β). Then Weyl’s theorem holds for f( d A B ) for every fH(σ( d A B )) and f is not constant on each connected component of the open set U containing σ( d A B ).

A bounded linear operator TB(H) is called a-isoloid if every isolated point of σ a (T) is an eigenvalue of T. Note that every a-isoloid operator is isoloid and the converse is not true in general.

Lemma 2.6 Let A and B be class A operators satisfying property (β), then d A B is a-isoloid.

Proof Let λ be an isolated point of σ a ( d A B ). Suppose that A and B are class A operators satisfying property (β). By Lemma 2.1 and Lemma 2.3, we have that d A B has SVEP and d A B is isoloid. Hence, σ a ( d A B )=σ( d A B ) by [[18], Corollary 7]. We have that λ is an isolated point of σ( d A B ). Since d A B is isoloid, we have that λ is an eigenvalue of d A B . Hence, d A B is a-isoloid. □

Theorem 2.7 Let A and B be class A operators satisfying property (β). Then generalized a-Weyl’s theorem holds for f( d A B ) for every fH(σ( d A B )), and f is not constant on each connected component of the open set U containing σ( d A B ).

Proof Suppose that A and B are class A operators satisfying property (β). By Lemma 2.1 and Lemma 2.3, we have that d A B has SVEP and d A B is polaroid. By Corollary 2.5, Weyl’s theorem holds for d A B . Hence, d A B satisfies Weyl’s theorem by [[19], Proposition 2.1]. Since d A B has SVEP and d A B is polaroid, generalized a-Weyl’s theorem holds for d A B by [[16], Theorem 3.10]. T is a-isoloid by Lemma 2.6, hence generalized a-Weyl’s theorem holds for f(T) for every fH(σ(T)) by [[17], Theorem 2.4]. □

Corollary 2.8 Let A and B be class A operators satisfying property (β). Then a-Weyl’s theorem holds for f( d A B ) for every fH(σ( d A B )), and f is not constant on each connected component of the open set U containing σ( d A B ).


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The authors wish to express their indebtedness to the referee, for his suggestions have improved the final version of the present work. This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (11071188), (11271112); the Natural Science Foundation of the Department of Education, Henan Province (2011A110009) and the Project of Science and Technology Department of Henan Province (122300410375), (112300410323).

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Gao, F., Li, X. An elementary operator and generalized Weyl’s theorem. J Inequal Appl 2012, 243 (2012).

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