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A refinement of the integral form of Jensen’s inequality
Journal of Inequalities and Applications volume 2012, Article number: 178 (2012)
There are a lot of refinements of the discrete Jensen’s inequality, and this problem has been studied by many authors. It is also a natural problem to give analogous results for the classical Jensen’s inequality. In spite of this, few papers have been published dealing with this problem. The purpose of this paper is to give some refinements of the classical Jensen’s inequality. The results give a new approach of this topic. Moreover, new discrete inequalities can be derived, and the integral analogous of discrete inequalities can be obtained. We also have new refinements of the left-hand side of the Hermite-Hadamard inequality.
MSC:26D07, 26A51.
1 Introduction
In view of applications in different parts of mathematics, the classical Jensen’s inequality is especially noteworthy, as well as useful.
Theorem A (see [2])
Let fbe an integrable function on a probability space taking values in an interval . Then lies in I. If q is a convex function on I such that is P-integrable, then
The discrete version of the Jensen’s inequality is also particularly important.
Theorem B (see [8])
Let C be a convex subset of a real vector space V, and let be a convex function. If are nonnegative numbers with , and , then
Various attempts have been made by many authors to refine the discrete Jensen’s inequality (2). Basic papers in this direction were [10] and [9]. [6] and [4] contain essential generalizations of some earlier results. Some other types of refinements have been studied in the recent papers [12] and [5]. The treatment of the problem is similar in all the mentioned and other papers: Create an expression satisfying the inequality
where A is a sum whose index set is a subset (mainly a proper subset) of either or for some . For further details, see [5].
It is also a natural problem to give analogous results for the classical Jensen’s inequality (1). In spite of this, few papers have been published dealing with this problem (see [3] and [11]). One important reason is indicated: It is not possible to use the same machinery that is used in the discrete case. To the author’s best knowledge, it does not exist any refinements of (1) in the form
where is an integral over a proper subset of for some .
In this paper, such a refinement of (1) is obtained. The results not only extend and generalize earlier results, but give a new method to refine inequality (1). Moreover, the integral versions of classical discrete inequalities can be obtained. The inspiration for our result comes from the approach applied in [6]. We give such a version which shows the new feature clearly, but the method can be extended.
2 Main results
For the results from integration theory, see [2].
We consider the following conditions:
() Let be a σ-finite measure space such that .
The integrable functions are considered to be measurable.
() Let φ be a positive function on X such that .
In this case, the measure P defined on by
is a probability measure having density φ with respect to μ. An -measurable function is P-integrable if and only if gφ is μ-integrable, and the relationship between the P- and μ-integrals is
() Let be a fixed integer.
The σ-algebra in generated by the projection mappings ()
is denoted by . means the product measure on : This measure is uniquely (μ is σ-finite) specified by
We shall also use the following projection mappings: For define by
For every and for all , the sets
are called x-sections of Q () and -sections of Q (), respectively. We note that the sets lie in , while .
() Let such that
where are fixed positive numbers.
We stress that the first condition in (4) is necessary. For example, there exists a Borel set in whose image under the first projection map is not a Borel set in (see [7]). The function l is -measurable.
Under the conditions ()-(), we introduce the functions
and ()
ψ is -measurable. Similarly, () is -measurable.
() Suppose ().
Now we formulate the main results.
Theorem 1 Assume ()-(). Let be a P-integrable function taking values in an interval , and let q be a convex function on I such that is P-integrable. Then
(b) If () is also satisfied, then
By applying the method used in the proof of the preceding theorem, it is possible to obtain a chain of refinements of the form
but some measurability problems crop up and it is not so easy to construct the expressions (). These difficulties disappear entirely if . In this case, we have the following theorem.
Theorem 2 Assume ()-(), and let . If is a P-integrable function taking values in an interval , and q is a convex function on I such that is P-integrable, then
3 Discussion and applications
The following special situations show the force of our results: They extend and generalize some earlier results; new refinements of the discrete Jensen’s inequality can be constructed; the integral version of known discrete inequalities can be derived.
Suppose is a probability space, (), , and . Then ()-() are satisfied. Suppose also that is a μ-integrable function taking values in an interval , and q is a convex function on I such that is μ-integrable. In this case, Theorem 1(a) gives Theorem 1.3(a) in [3]:
If () also holds, then Theorem 1.3(b) in [3] comes from Theorem 1(b):
We can see that Theorem 1 is much more general than (5) even if μ is a probability measure. Moreover, Theorem 1(b) makes it possible to obtain a chain of refinements in (5):
Let (). The set of the Borel subsets of () is denoted by (). λ means the Lebesgue measure on . Let be a convex function.
The classical Hermite-Hadamard inequality (see [1]) says
We can obtain the following refinement of the left-hand side of the Hermite-Hadamard inequality.
Corollary 3 Let be a Borel set such that
where ().
Proof We can apply Theorem 1(a) to the pair of functions , , and . □
If and , then we have from (7) and Theorem 1(b) one of the main results in [13] as a special case:
Another concrete example can be constructed for (7) by using Corollary 5.
In the following results, we consider noteworthy proper subsets of .
Let , , and be an integer. The simplex is defined by
Let (), and μ be a finite measure on the trace σ-algebra such that . Suppose is a positive function such that . Fix an integer , and let ().
Choose . Then
once the appropriate identification of with () has been made. Therefore,
where . Thus,
We can see that under the above assumptions ()-() are satisfied, so Theorem 1 can be applied.
Corollary 4 If is a P-integrable function taking values in an interval , and q is a convex function on I such that is P-integrable, then
Specifically, if , we have
When , this says
and in this case we have the inequality for the cube
Next, we show that inequality (8) extends the following well-known discrete inequality to an integral form. Similar results are quite rare in the literature (see [3]).
Theorem C (see [9])
Let I be an interval in , and let be a convex function. If , then for each
Let ( is an integer), and let μ be the measure on the trace σ-algebra defined by , where is the unit mass at m (). Suppose (), is a fixed integer, and ().
Some easy combinatorial considerations yield that for every and
where is the largest natural number that does not exceed x. Therefore,
Now, if I is an interval in , is a convex function, and defined by
then (9) follows immediately from (8).
Let be an integer, , and . The open ball of radius r centered at the point z is denoted by .
Consider the measure space (). Suppose is a positive function such that . Fix an integer , and let (). Choose
Then for all and
According to this, for all ,
It is not hard to check that ()-() are satisfied in this situation, and thus Theorem 1 says:
Corollary 5 If is a P-integrable function taking values in an interval , and q is a convex function on I such that is P-integrable, then
By applying this result (, and ), we can have a special case of the refinement of the left-hand side of the Hermite-Hadamard inequality in (7).
We turn now to the case where X is a countable set.
() Consider the measure space , where either for some positive integer n or , denotes the power set of X, and is a positive number for all .
() Let be a sequence of positive numbers for which .
() Let be a fixed integer.
We define the functions (, ) on by
Then means the number of occurrences of v in . If , we introduce the following sums:
Every sum is either a nonnegative integer or ∞.
() Let such that for all , and
where ().
Since for all , for all . By the definition of the measure μ,
In this case, the function ψ has the form
Now Theorem 1(a) can be formulated in the following way.
Corollary 6 Assume ()-(), and let be a sequence taking values in an interval such that . If q is a convex function on I such that , then
Assume ()-(), and suppose μ is the counting measure on , that is, for all . For a set , let denote the number of elements of A. Then ,
We note explicitly this particular case of Corollary 6.
Corollary 7 Assume ()-(), where μ is the counting measure on , and let be a sequence taking values in an interval such that . If q is a convex function on I such that , then
Corollary 6 corresponds to Theorem 2 in [4], but in [4] only finite sets are considered. If and (), then Theorem 1(a) in [6] contains Corollary 7, but Corollary 6 makes sense in a lot of other cases (for example, for countably infinite sets).
Next, some examples are given.
The first example deals with a relatively flexile case.
Example 8 (a) Assume ()-(), and let () such that () and . Define . Then (4) holds and
where (), and means the characteristic function of (). We can see that () is satisfied and
The condition () is also true, since
Moreover, for ,
It follows that Theorem 1 can be applied.
We consider the special case of (a), when the sets () are pairwise disjoint (a special partition of X). Let the function τ be defined on X by
The second example corresponds to Corollary 6.
Example 9 Let , let be a sequence of positive numbers for which , and let be a sequence taking values in an interval such that . Define
An easy calculation shows that (≥2) for all , where denotes the greatest integer that does not exceed . If q is a convex function on I such that , then by Corollary 7
The final example illustrates the case .
Example 10 Consider the measure space . The function , is the density of the standard normal distribution on , and thus . Let
Then ()-() are satisfied. Let be a Borel measurable function taking values in an interval such that fφ is integrable, and let q be a convex function on I such that is integrable. By Theorem 1(a),
4 Preliminary results and the proof of the main result
We first establish a result which will be fundamental to our treatment.
Lemma 11 Assume ()-(), and let be a P-integrable function. Then
Proof The functions
are obviously -measurable on S.
Suppose first that the function f is nonnegative. By (), , and hence the theorem of Fubini implies that
It follows from (10) that
If , then let
The sets () are pairwise disjoint and measurable. Moreover, by (4),
These establishments with (11) imply that
Choose . It is clear that if and , and hence
Therefore, (12) gives
Having disposed of the nonnegativity of the function f, we have from the first part of the proof that
and, therefore, the functions
are -integrable over S. By using this, the result follows by an argument entirely similar to that for the nonnegative case.
The proof is complete. □
Remark 12 Under the conditions of Lemma 11, we have
The functions
are -integrable over S.
The measure defined on by
is a probability measure.
Lemma 13 Assume ()-(). Let be a P-integrable function taking values in an interval , and let q be a convex function on I such that is P-integrable.
(a) The function
is -integrable over S.
(b) The functions
are -integrable over S.
Proof (a) It is easy to check that for fixed
are positive numbers with
This gives immediately that for every
and, therefore, by Theorem B,
Since the function q is convex on I, it is lower semicontinuous on I and, therefore, the function g is -measurable.
Choose an interior point a of I. The convexity of q on I implies that
where means the right-hand derivative of q at a. It follows from this and from (13) that
Now we can apply Remark 12(a), by the P-integrability of the functions , f and .
Fix i from the set . We can prove as in (a) by using the -measurability of and the estimates
The proof is complete. □
Now we are able to prove the main results.
Proof of Theorem 1 (a) By Lemma 11,
Since is a probability measure on , it follows from the previous part, Theorem A, Lemma 11, and Lemma 13(a) that
Now (a) has been proven.
By using the convexity of q, an easy manipulation leads to
Consequently, by applying (), Lemma 13(b), and the theorem of Fubini, we have
The proof is complete. □
Proof of Theorem 2 Apply Theorem 1 with and (). Then the conditions () (by using ) and () are satisfied,
and () has the form
The proof is complete. □
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Supported by the Hungarian National Foundations for Scientific Research Grant No. K101217.
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Horváth, L. A refinement of the integral form of Jensen’s inequality. J Inequal Appl 2012, 178 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1186/1029-242X-2012-178
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/1029-242X-2012-178