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Demi-linear duality
Journal of Inequalities and Applications volume 2011, Article number: 128 (2011)
As is well known, there exist non-locally convex spaces with trivial dual and therefore the usual duality theory is invalid for this kind of spaces. In this article, for a topological vector space X, we study the family of continuous demi-linear functionals on X, which is called the demi-linear dual space of X. To be more precise, the spaces with non-trivial demi-linear dual (for which the usual dual may be trivial) are discussed and then many results on the usual duality theory are extended for the demi-linear duality. Especially, a version of Alaoglu-Bourbaki theorem for the demi-linear dual is established.
1 Introduction
Let and X be a locally convex space over with the dual X'. There is a beautiful duality theory for the pair (X, X') (see [[1], Chapter 8]). However, it is possible that X' = {0} even for some Fréchet spaces such as Lp (0, 1) for 0 < p < 1. Then the usual duality theory would be useless and hence every reasonable extension of X' will be interesting.
Recently, , the family of demi-linear mappings between topological vector spaces X and Y is firstly introduced in [2]. is a meaningful extension of the family of linear operators. The authors have established the equicontinuity theorem, the uniform boundedness principle and the Banach-Steinhaus closure theorem for the extension . Especially, for demi-linear functionals on the spaces of test functions, Ronglu Li et al have established a theory which is a natural generalization of the usual theory of distributions in their unpublished paper "Li, R, Chung, J, Kim, D: Demi-distributions, submitted".
Let X,Y be topological vector spaces over the scalar field and the family of neighborhoods of 0 ∈ X. Let
Definition 1.1 [2, Definition 2.1] A mapping f: X → Y is said to be demi-linear if f(0) = 0 and there exists γ ∈ C(0) and such that every x ∈ X, u ∈ U and yield for which |r - 1| ≤ | γ (t) |, |s| ≤ | γ (t)| and f(x + tu) = rf(x) + sf(u).
We denote by the family of demi-linear mappings related to γ ∈ C(0) and , and by the subfamily of satisfying the following property: if x ∈ X, u ∈ U and |t| ≤ 1, then f(x + tu) = rf(x) + sf(u) for some s with |s| ≤ | γ (t)|. Let
which is called the demi-linear dual space of X. Obviously, X' ⊂ X(γ, U).
In this article, first we discuss the spaces with non-trivial demi-linear dual, of which the usual dual may be trivial. Second we obtain a list of conclusions on the demi-linear dual pair (X, X(γ, U)). Especially, the Alaoglu-Bourbaki theorem for the pair (X, X(γ, U)) is established. We will see that many results in the usual duality theory of (X, X') can be extended to (X, X(γ, U)).
Before we start, some existing conclusions about are given as follows. In general, is a large extension of L(X, Y). For instance, if ||·||: X → [0, +∞) is a norm, then for every γ ∈ C(0). Moreover, we have the following
Proposition 1.2 ([2, Theorem 2.1]) Let X be a non-trivial normed space, C > 1, δ > 0 and U ={u ∈ X : ||u|| ≤ δ}, γ(t) = Ct for . If Y is non-trivial, i.e.,Y≠{0}, then the family of nonlinear mappings in is uncountable, and every non-zero linear operator T: X → Y produces uncountably many of nonlinear mappings in .
Definition 1.3 A family Г ⊂ YX is said to be equicontinuous at x ∈ X if for every , there exists such that f(x + V) ⊂ f(x) + W for all f ∈ Г, and Г is equicontinuous on X or, simply, equicontinuous if Г is equicontinuous at each x ∈ X.
As usual, Г ⊂ YX is said to be pointwise bounded on X if {f(x): f ∈ Г} is bounded at each x ∈ X, and f : X → Y is said to be bounded if f(B) is bounded for every bounded B ⊂ X.
The following results are substantial improvements of the equicontinuity theorem and the uniform boundedness principle in linear analysis.
Theorem 1.4 ([2, Theorem 3.1]) If X is of second category and is a pointwise bounded family of continuous demi-linear mappings, then Г is equicontinuous on X.
Theorem 1.5 ([2, Theorem 3.3]) If x is of second category and is a pointwise bounded family of continuous demi-linear mappings, then Г is uniformly bounded on each bounded subset of X, i.e.,{f(x): f ∈ Г, x ∈ B} is bounded for each bounded B ⊂ X.
If, in addition, X is metrizable, then the continuity of f ∈ Г can be replaced by boundedness of f ∈ Г.
2 Spaces with non-trivial demi-linear dual
Lemma 2.1 Let . For each x∈ X, u ∈ U and |t| ≤ 1, we have
Proof. Since , for each x ∈ X, u ∈ U and |t| ≤ 1, we have f(x + tu) = rf(x) + sf(u) where |r - 1| ≤ |γ(t)| and |s| ≤ |γ(t)|. Then
which implies (2). Then (1) holds by letting x = 0 in (2).
Theorem 2.2 Let X be a topological vector space and f : X → [0, +∞) a function satisfying
Then, for every γ ∈ C(0) and, the following (I), (II), and (III) are equivalent:
(I) ;
(II) f(tu) ≤ |γ(t)|f(u) whenever u ∈ U and |t| ≤ 1;
Proof. (I) ⇒ (II). By Lemma 2.1.
⇒ (III). Let x ∈ X, u ∈ U and |t| ≤ 1. Then
Define φ : [-|γ(t)|, |γ(t)|] → ℝ by φ(α) = f(x) + αf(u). Then φ is continuous and
So there is s ∈[-|γ(t)|, |γ(t)|] such that f(x + tu) = γ(s) = f(x) + sf(u).
⇒ (I). .
In the following Theorem 2.2, we want to know whether a paranorm on a topological vector space X is in for some γ and U. However, the following example shows that this is invalid.
Example 2.3 Let ω be the space of all sequences with the paranorm||·||:
Then, for every γ ∈ C(0) and U ε = {u = (u j ): ||u|| < ε}, we have. Otherwise, there exists γ ∈ C(0) and ε > 0 such thatand hence
by Theorem 2.2. Pick N ∈ ℕ with. Let, ∀n ∈ ℕ. Thenimplies u n ∈ U ε for each N ∈ ℕ. It follows from
thatas n → ∞, which contradicts γ ∈ C(0).
Note that the space ω in Example 2.3 has a Schauder basis. The following corollary shows that the set of nonlinear demi-linear continuous functionals on a Hausdorff topological vector space with a Schauder basis has an uncountable cardinality.
Corollary 2.4 Let X be a Hausdorff topological vector space with a Schauder basis. Then for every γ ∈ C(0) and , the demi-linear dual is uncountable.
Proof. Let {b k } be a Schauder basis of X. There is a family P of non-zero paranorms on X such that the vector topology on X is just σP, i.e., x α → x in X if and only if ||x α - x|| → 0 for each ||·|| ∈ P ([[1], p.55]).
Pick ||·|| ∈ P. Then for some and hence for some k0 ∈ ℕ. For non-zero , define f c : X → [0, +∞) by
Obviously, f c is continuous and satisfies the condition (*) in Theorem 2.2. Let γ ∈ C(0), and |t| ≤ 1. Then
and hence for all by Theorem 2.2. Thus, for all γ ∈ C(0) and .
Example 2.5 As in Example 2.3, the space (ω, ||·||) is a Hausdorff topological vector space with the Schauder base . Define f c,n : ω → ℝ with f c,n (u) = |cu n | where u = (u j ) ∈ ω. Then we have
for every γ ∈ C(0) and by Corollary 2.4.
Recall that a p-seminorm ||·|| (0 < p ≤ 1) on a vector space E is characterized by ||x|| ≥ 0, ||tx|| = |t| p ||x|| and ||x + y|| ≤ ||x|| + ||y|| for all and x, y ∈ E. If, in addition, ||x|| = 0 implies x = 0, then, ||·|| is called a p-norm on E.
Definition 2.6 ([[3], p. 11][[4], Sec. 2]) A topological vector space X is semiconvex if and only if there is a family {p α } of (continuous) k α -seminorms ( 0 < k α ≤ 1) such that the sets {x ∈ X : p α (x) < 1} form a neighborhood basis at 0, that is,
is a base of, where P is the family of all continuous p-seminorms with 0 < p ≤ 1.
A topological vector space X is locally bounded if and only if its topology is given by a p-norm (0 < p ≤ 1) ([[5], §15, Sec. 10]).
Clearly, locally bounded spaces and locally convex spaces are both semiconvex.
Corollary 2.7 Let X be a semiconvex Hausdorff topological vector space and p0a continuous k0-seminorm ( 0 < k0 ≤ 1) on X. Then for and , the demi-linear dual
is uncountable. Especially, .
Proof. Let P be the family of all continuous k α -seminorms with 0 < k α ≤ 1. Obviously, the functionals in P satisfy the condition (*) in Theorem 2.2. Moreover, for each p α ∈ P with k α ≥ k0, we have
and hence by Theorem 2.2.
Define f : X → ℝ by f(x) = sin(p0(x)), ∀x ∈ X. For each x ∈ X, u ∈ U0 and |t| ≤ 1, there exists and θ ∈ [0,1] such that
which implies that .
Define g : X → ℝ by , ∀x ∈X. For each x ∈ X, u ∈ U0 and |t| ≤ 1, there exists such that
Then, there exists θ,η ∈ [0,1] for which
Thus, .
Example 2.8 For 0 < p < 1, let Lp (0,1) be the space of equivalence classes of measurable functions on [0,1], with
Then (Lp (0,1), ||·||)' = {0} ([[1], p.25]). However, Lp (0,1) is locally bounded and hence semiconvex. By Corollary 2.7, if U0 = {f : ||f|| ≤ 1} and γ(·) = e|·| p ∈ C(0), then the demi-linear dualcontains various non-zero functionals.
A conjecture is that each topological vector space has a nontrivial demi-linear dual space. However, this is invalid, even for separable Fréchet space.
Example 2.9 Let be the space of equivalence classes of measurable functions on[0,1], with
Thenis a separable Fréchet space with trivial dual. In fact, the demi-linear dual space ofis also trivial, that is,
Let. Let N ∈ ℕ be such thatimplies f ∈ U and |u(f)| < 1. Given, writewhere f k = 0 off. Thenso
where |r i - 1| ≤ |γ(1)| and |s i | ≤ |γ(1)| for 2 ≤ I ≤ N. Then
So. Sincefor each n ∈ ℕ and 1 ≤ k ≤ N, we have {nf k : n ∈ ℕ, k ∈ ℕ} ⊂ U. Then by Lemma 2.1,
holds for all n ∈ ℕ and 1 ≤ k ≤ N. Letting n → ∞, (7) implies u(f k ) = 0 for 1 ≤ k ≤ N. Hence, |u(f)| = 0 by (4). Thus, u = 0.
3 Conclusions on the demi-linear dual pair (X, X (γ,U))
Henceforth, X and Y are topological vector spaces over , is the family of neighborhoods of 0 ∈ X, and X(γ,U)is the family of continuous demi-linear functionals in . Recall that for usual dual pair (X, X') and A ⊂ X, the polar of A, written as A°, is given by
In this article, for the demi-linear dual pair (X, X(γ,U)) and A ⊂ X, we denote the polar of A by A•, which is given by
Similarly, for S ⊂ X(γ,U),
Lemma 3.1. Let . For every u∈ U and n ∈ ℕ,
Proof. It is similar to the proof of (3)-(6) in Example 2.9.
Lemma 3.2. Let S ⊂ X(γ,U). If S is equicontinuous at 0 ∈ X, then, and sup f∈S,x∈B|f(x)| < +∞ for every bounded B ⊂ X.
Proof. Assume that S is equicontinuous at 0 ∈ X. There is such that |f(x)| < 1 for all f ∈ S and x ∈ V. Then V ⊂ S• and hence .
Let B ⊂ X be bounded. Since , we have for some m ∈ ℕ. Then for each f ∈ S and x ∈ B,
by Lemma 3.1. Hence, sup f∈S,x∈B|f(x)| ≤ 2(1 + |γ(1)|)m-1- 1 < +∞.
Lemma 3.3. Let S ⊂ X(γ,U). Then S is equicontinuous on X if and only if S is equicontinuous at 0 ∈ X.
Proof. Assume that S is equicontinuous at 0 ∈ X. There is such that |f(ω)| < 1 for all f ∈ S and ω ∈ W.
Let x ∈ X and ε > 0. By Lemma 3.2, sup f ∈S|f(x)| = M < +∞. Observing lim t →0 γ(t) = 0, pick δ ∈ (0, 1) such that . By Lemma 2.1, for f ∈ S and , we have
Thus, for all f ∈ S, i.e., S is equicontinuous at x.
Theorem 3.4. Let S ⊂ X(γ,U). Then S is equicontinuous on X if and only if .
Proof. If S is equicontinuous, then by Lemma 3.2.
Assume that and ε > 0. Since lim t →0γ(t) = γ(0) = 0, there is δ > 0 such that |γ(t)| < ε whenever |t| < δ. For f ∈ S and , we have |f(x0)| ≤ 1 and by Lemma 2.1. Thus, for all f ∈ S, i.e., S is equicontinuous at 0 ∈ X. By Lemma 3.3, S is equicontinuous on X.
The following simple fact should be helpful for further discussions.
Example 3.5. Let (Lp (0, 1), ||·||) be as in Example 2.8, U = {f : ||f || ≤ 1} and γ(t) = e |t| p for . Then (Lp (0, 1), ||·||)(γ,U)contains non-zero continuous functionals such as ||·||, sin ||·||, e||·|| - 1, etc. Since (αf)(·) = αf(·) for and f∈ (Lp (0, 1), ||·||)(γ,U), it follows from e||·|| - 1 ∈ (Lp (0, 1), ||·||)(γ,U)that . If u ∈ U, then ||u|| ≤ 1, |sin ||u||| ≤ ||u|| ≤ 1 and . Thus, if V is a neighborhood of 0 ∈ Lp (0, 1) such that V ⊂ U, then V•contains non-zero functionals such as ||·||, sin ||·||, , etc.
Corollary 3.6. For every and γ∈ C(0), V• = {f ∈ X(γ,U): |f(x)| ≤ 1, ∀x ∈ V} is equicontinuous on X.
Proof. Let x ∈ V. Then |f(x)| ≤ 1, ∀f ∈ V•, i.e., x ∈ (V•)•. Thus, V ⊂ (V•)• and so . By Theorem 3.4, V• is equicontinuous on X.
Corollary 3.7. If X is of second category and S ⊂ X(γ,U)is pointwise bounded on X, then .
Proof. By Theorem 1.4, S is equicontinuous on X. Then by Theorem 3.4.
Corollary 3.8. Let X be a semiconvex space and S ⊂ X(γ,U). Then S is equicontinuous on x if and only if there exist finitely many continuous k i -seminorm p i 's ( 0 < k i ≤ 1, 1 ≤ i ≤ n < +∞) on x such that
In particular, for a p-seminormed space (X, ||·||) (||·|| is a p-seminorm for some p ∈ (0, 1], especially, a norm when p = 1) and S ⊂ X(γ,U), S is equicontinuous on x if and only if
Proof. Assume that S is equicontinuous. Then by Theorem 3.4. According to Definition 2.6, there exist finitely many continuous k i -seminorm p i 's (0 < k i ≤ 1, 1 ≤ i ≤ n < +∞) and ε > 0 such that
Let f ∈ S and p i (x) ≤ 1, 1 ≤ i ≤ n. Pick n0 ∈ ℕ for which , where k0 = min1≤i≤nk i . Then
which implies and hence . By Lemma 3.1,
Thus, .
Conversely, suppose that p i is a continuous k i -seminorm with 0 < k i ≤ 1 for 1 ≤ i ≤ n < +∞, and (8) holds. Let . Then A ⊂ X(γ,U)and
i.e., {x ∈ X : p i (x) ≤ 1, 1 ≤ i ≤ n} ⊂ A• and so . By Theorem 3.4, A• is equicontinuous on X and S = (1 + M)A is also equicontinuous on X.
Lemma 3.9. Let . For , the following (I) and (II) are equivalent.
(I) S is equicontinuous on X.
(II) If(x α ) α ∈I is a net in x such that x α → x ∈ X, then lim α f(x α ) = f(x) uniformly for f ∈ S.
Proof. (I)⇒(II). Let ε > 0 and xα → x in X. Since S is equicontinuous on X, there is such that
Since x α → x, there is an index α0 such that x α - x ∈ W for all α ≥ α0. Then
Thus, lim α f(x α ) = f(x) uniformly for f ∈ S.
(II)⇒(I). Suppose that (II) holds but there exists x ∈ X such that S is not equicontinuous at x.
Then there exists ε > 0 such that for every , we can choose f v ∈ S and z v ∈ V for which
Since is a directed set, we have is a net in X. For every ,
that is, lim v (x + z v ) = x.
By (II), there exists such that |f(x + z v ) - f(x)| < ε for all f ∈ S and with W0 ⊃ V. Then |f v (x + z v ) - f v (x)| < ε for all with W0 ⊃ V. This contradicts (9) established above. Therefore, (II) implies (I).
We also need the following generalization of the useful lemma on interchange of limit operations due to E. H. Moore, whose proof is similar to the proof of Moore lemma ([[6], p. 28]).
Lemma 3.10. Let D1and D2be directed sets, and suppose that D1 × D2is directed by the relation , which is defined by and . Let f: D1 × D2 → X be a net in the complete topological vector space X. Suppose that:
(a) for each d2 ∈ D2, the limitexists, and
(b) the limitexists uniformly on D1.
Then, the three limits
all exist and are equal.
We now establish the Alaoglu-Bourbaki theorem ([[1], p. 130]) for the pair (X, X(γ,U)), where X is an arbitrary non-trivial topological vector space.
Let be the family of all scalar functions on X. With the pointwise operations (f + g)(x) = f(x) + g(x) and (t f)(x) = t f(x) for x ∈ X and , we have is a linear space and each x ∈ X defines a linear functional by letting x( f) = f(x) for . In fact, for and ,
Then, each x ∈ X produces a vector topology ωx on such that
The vector topology V {ωx : x ∈ X} is just the weak * topology in the pair , and f α → f in if and only if f α (x) → f(x) for each x ∈ X ( [[1], p. 12, p. 38]). Note that weak* is a Hausdorff locally convex topology on .
Definition 3.11. A subset A ⊂ X(γ,U)is said to be weak * compact in the pair (X, X(γ,U)) or, simply, weak * compact if A is compact in , and A is said to be relatively weak* compact in the pair (X, Xγ,U ) or, simply, relatively weak* compact if in the closure is compact and .
For A ⊂ X(γ,U), stands for the closure of A in .
Theorem 3.12. For every , V• = {f ∈ X(γ,U): |f(x)| ≤ 1, ∀x ∈ V} is weak* compact in the pair (X, X(γ,U)), and every equicontinuous S ⊂ X(γ,U)is relatively weak* compact in the pair (X, X(γ,U)).
Proof. For each x ∈ X, let x(f) = f(x) for f ∈ , then is a linear functional. Let . By Corollary 3.6, V• is equicontinuous on X and, by Lemma 3.2, x(V•) = {f(x): f ∈ V•} is bounded in for each x ∈ X, i.e., for each x ∈ X, x(V•) is totally bounded in and so V• is totally bounded in for each x ∈ X ( [[1], p. 84, Theorem 6]. But the weak* topology for is just V {ωx : x ∈ X} and so V• is totally bounded in ([[1], p. 85, Theorem 7].
Let (f α )α∈I⊂ V• be a Cauchy net in . Then lim α f α (x) = f(x) exists at each x ∈ X and so f α → f in . For x ∈ X, u ∈ U and ,
By passing to a subnet if necessary, we assume that r α → r and s α → s in . Then |r - 1| = lim α |r α - 1| ≤ |γ(t)|, |s| = lim α |s α | ≤ |γ(t)|| and
This shows that .
Let x β → x in X. Since V• is equicontinuous on X and f α ∈ V• for all α ∈ I, it follows from Lemma 3.9 that lim β f α (x β ) = f α (x) uniformly for α ∈ I. Then
by Lemma 3.10, i.e., is continuous and hence f ∈ X(γ,U). Moreover, |f(x)| = lim α |f α (x)| ≤ 1 for each x ∈ V, i.e., f ∈ V•. Thus, V• is complete in . Since is a topological vector space and V• is both totally bounded and complete in , we have V• is compact in , i.e., V• is weak* compact in the pair (X, X(γ,U)) ( [[1], p. 88, Theorem 7]).
Assume that S ⊂ X(γ,U)is equicontinuous on X. By Lemma 3.2,
, it follows from what is established above that (S•)• = {f ∈ X(γ,U): |f(x)| ≤ 1, ∀x ∈ S•} is compact in the Hausdorff space . Then S ⊂ (S•)• shows that and S is relatively weak* compact in (X, X(γ,U)).
Theorem 3.12 is a version of Alaoglu-Bourbaki theorem for the demi-linear dual pair (X, X(γ,U)), by which we can establish an improved Banach-Alaoglu theorem ( [[1], p. 130] as follows.
Corollary 3.13 (Banach-Alaoglu). Let X be a seminormed space and M > 0. Then
is weak* compact in the pair (X, X(γ,U)).
Proof. Since supf∈Ssup||x||≤1|f(x)| ≤ M < +∞, Corollary 3.8 shows that S is equicontinuous on X. By Theorem 3.12, and is compact in .
Let (f α )α∈Ibe a net in S such that lim α f α (x) = f(x) at each x ∈ X. Then f ∈ X,(γ,U)and
i.e., f ∈ S. Thus, .
Theorem 3.14. Let X be a separable space, K a weak* compact set in X(γ,U), S an equicontinuous set in X(γ,U), and , . Then(S, weak*) is metrizable, and both (K, weak*) and (V•, weak*) are compact metric spaces.
Proof. Assume that is dense in X. Let
Then, d(·,·) is a pseudometric on . If f, g ∈ X(γ,U)and d(f, g) = 0, then f(x n ) = g(x n ) for all n. Since both f and g are continuous on X and is dense in X, f(x) = g(x) for all x ∈ X, i.e., f = g. This shows that (X(γ,U), d) is a metric space, and f k → f in (X(γ,U), d) if and only if lim k f k (x n ) = f(x n ) for each n ∈ ℕ. Hence, weak* is stronger than d(·, ·) and so the compact space (K, weak*) is homeomorphic to the (Hausdorff) metric space (K, d). Thus, (K, weak*) is a compact metric space.
By Theorem 3.12, in the closure , and both and (V•, weak*) are compact and so they are compact metric spaces.
The following special case of Theorem 3.14 is a well-known fact ([[1], p. 143]).
Corollary 3.15. Let X be a separable locally convex space with the dual X', K a weak* compact set in X', S an equicontinuous set in X', and , V° = {f ∈ X0 : |f(x)| ≤ 1, ∀x ∈ V}. Then (S, weak*) is metrizable, and both (K, weak*) and (V°, weak*) are compact metric spaces.
Corollary 3.16. Let X be a separable space and S an equicontinuous set in X(γ,U). Every sequence {f n } in S has a subsequence such that exists at each X∈ X and the limit function f ∈ X(γ,U), i.e., f is both continuous and demi-linear.
Proof. By Theorems 3.12 and 3.14, and is a compact metric space. Then is sequentially compact.
Combining Theorem 1.4 and Corollary 3.16, we have the following
Corollary 3.17. Assume that X is of second category and separable, e.g., separable Fréchet spaces such as Lp (0, 1)(p > 0), C[0,1], c0, c, lp(p > 0), etc. If S ⊂ X(γ,U)is pointwise bounded on X, then every sequence {f n } in S has a subsequence such that exists at each x∈ X, and f ∈ X(γ,U).
For C ≥ 1 and δ > 0, letting γ(t) = Ct for t ∈ ℝ and U = (-δ,δ), we have γ ∈ C(0) and . Then let ℝ(C,δ)= ℝ(γ,U). It is easy to see that every is continuous and so . Thus, ℝ(C,δ)contains all linear functions and various nonlinear functions. It is noted that many functions in ℝ(C,δ)have very complicated graphs.
For S ⊂ ℝ(C,δ), there is an interesting fact: a local behavior in a small interval (-ε, ε) implies a nice behavior on (-∞, +∞).
Example 3.18. Let S ⊂ ℝ(C,δ). If there exists M, ε > 0 such that |f(x)| ≤ M for every f ∈ S and x ∈ (-ε, ε), then every {f n } ⊂ S has a subsequence such that exists at each x∈ ℝ, and f ∈ ℝ(C,δ).
In fact, ℝ is separable and . The assumption shows that
By Theorem 3.14, ((-ε, ε)•, weak*) is a compact metric space and so it is sequentially compact. Similarly, we have
Example 3.19. Let p > 0 and S ⊂ (Lp (0, 1))(γ,U). If there exists ε > 0 such that |f(x)| ≤ 1 whenever f ∈ S and X ∈ Lp (0, 1) with ||x|| < ε, then every {f n } ⊂ S has a subsequence such that exists for all x∈ Lp (0, 1), and f ∈ (Lp (0, 1))(γ,U).
We shall show that the condition "sup f∈S,||x||<ε| f(x)| ≤ 1" in Example 3.19 can be weakened as "supf∈S|f(x)| < +∞, ∀ ||x|| < ε" (see Corollary 3.20).
In general, combining Theorems 3.12 and 3.14, we have
Corollary 3.20. Let S ⊂ X(γ,U). If there exists such that sup f∈S,x∈V|f(x)| < +∞, then
(a) S is equicontinuous on X,
(b) S is relatively weak * compact,
(c) every net(f α ) in S has a subnet (f ξ (α)) such that limξ(α)f ξ (α)(x) = f(x) exists for all x ∈ X, and f ∈ X(γ,U).
If, in addition, x is separable, then
(d) every {f n } ⊂ S has a subsequence such that exists for all x∈ X, and f ∈ X(γ,U).
In fact, for M = supf∈S,x∈V|f(x)|, we have and (a)-(d) hold for A, i.e., S satisfies (a)-(d).
If X is of second category, then the condition "there exists such that supf∈S,x∈V|f(x)| < +∞" in Corollary 3.20 can be weakened as "there exists such that sup f∈S |f(x)| < +∞, ∀x ∈ V".
To see this, we first establish a simple fact.
Lemma 3.21. Let . If there exists such that{f(x): f ∈ Г} is bounded at each x ∈ V, then {f(x): f ∈ Г} is bounded at each x ∈ X.
Proof. Let x ∈ X. There exists n0 ∈ ℕ such that . By Lemma 3.1, for each f ∈ Г, we have
Since , is bounded and so is bounded.
Now we can improve Theorems 1.4 and 1.5 as follows.
Theorem 3.22. Assume that x is of second category and . If there exists such that Г is pointwise bounded on V, then Г is equicontinuous on X, and Г is uniformly bounded on each bounded subset of X.
Corollary 3.23. Assume that x is of second category and S ⊂ X(γ,U). If there exists such that supf∈S|f(x)| < +∞ at each x ∈ V, then (a)-(c) hold for S. If, in addition, X is separable, then (d) holds for S.
We now show that every equicontinuous S ⊂ X(γ,U)has a nice behavior on any compact subset of X.
Theorem 3.24. Let X be a Hausdorff topological vector space. If S is an equicontinuous subset of X(γ,U)and Ω is a compact subset of X, then every {f n } ⊂ S has a subsequence such that uniformly for x∈ Ω and f : is continuous.
Proof. Let K = {f |Ω: f ∈ S}. Then K ⊂ C(Ω) and K is equicontinuous at each x ∈ Ω. Suppose that sup f∈K||f||∞ = sup f∈K,x∈Ω|f(x)| = +∞. Then there exist sequences {f n } ⊂ S and {x n } ⊂ Ω such that |f n (x n )| > n, ∀n ∈ ℕ. By Lemma 3.2, we may assume that x n ≠ x m for n ≠ m.
Since Ω is compact, has a cluster point x ∈ Ω.
Since S is equicontinuous at x, there exists such that |f(y) - f(x)| < 1 for all f ∈ S and y ∈ x + V, i.e., |f(y)| < |f(x)| + 1 for all f ∈ S and y ∈ x + V. Observing that |f n (x n )| > n for all n ∈ ℕ and {f n } ⊂ S, there exists n0 ∈ ℕ such that x n ∉ x + V for all n > n0. Since (x + V) ∩ Ω contains some x n with x n ≠ x, it follows that
where m ≤ n0. But X is Hausdorff, so Ω is also Hausdorff. Then there exists such that V0 ⊊ V and (x + V0) ∩ (Ω ∩ {y1, y2, · · ·, y m }) = ∅. Hence x n ∈ (x + V0) ∩ Ω implies that x n = x.
This contradicts the fact that x is a cluster point of . Hence,
By the Arzela-Ascoli theorem, K is relatively compact in the metric space (C(Ω), ||·||∞). Hence, every {f n } ⊂ S has a subsequence such that , where f ∈ C(Ω), i.e., uniformly for x ∈ Ω.
Corollary 3.25. Let X = ℝ n or ℂ n, ε > 0 and D m = {x ∈ X : ||x|| ≤ mε}, ∀m ∈ ℕ. If S ⊂ X(γ,U)is pointwise bounded on D1, then every sequence {f k } ⊂ S has a subsequence such that uniformly on each D m , where f ∈ X(γ,U).
Proof. Theorem 3.22 shows that S is equicontinuous on X and, by Theorem 3.24, {f k } has a subsequence such that exists uniformly on D1. Then has a subsequence such exists uniformly on D2. Proceeding inductively, the diagonal procedure yields a subsequence {g i } of {f k } such that lim i g i (x) exists uniformly on each D m . Then lim i g i (x) = f(x) exists at each x ∈ X and in . By Theorem 3.12, f ∈ X(γ,U).
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5 Authors' contributions
RL gave the basic ideas and composed the main skeleton of this paper. His work includes the main theorems in section 2 and 3, and some concrete examples. AC provided more examples in section 2, proved some corollaries in section 2, 3, and drafted the manuscript. SZ participated in the discussion of the ideas and provided some insightful suggestion. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
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Li, R., Chen, A. & Zhong, S. Demi-linear duality. J Inequal Appl 2011, 128 (2011). https://doi.org/10.1186/1029-242X-2011-128
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/1029-242X-2011-128