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Table 1 Pollutions indices [33]

From: Data analysis of heavy metal content in riverwater: multivariate statistical analysis and inequality expressions


Used formulas


Contamination Factor (CF)

CFn = Cn sample/Cn background∗

CF<1 low contamination

1 ≤ CF<3 moderate contamination

3 ≤ CF<6 considerable contamination

CF ≥ 6 very high pollution

Enrichment Factor (EF)

EFn = (Cn/Fe) sample/(Cn/Fe) background∗∗

EF<2 natural variability

2<EF<5 moderate enrichment

5<EF<20 significant enrichment

20<EF<40 very high enrichment

EF>40 extremely high enriched

Geochemical Index (Igeo)

\(\text{I}_{\text{geo}}=\log 2(\text{C}_{\text{n}}/ 1.5\text{B}_{\text{n}})^{***}\)

Igeo<0.42 unpolluted

0.42<Igeo<1.42 low unpolluted

1.42<Igeo<3.42 moderately polluted

3.42<Igeo<4.42 strongly polluted

Igeo>4.42 extremely polluted

  1. ∗CF (metal) is the ratio between the content of each metal and the background value in sediment and water samples of the study area [35].
  2. ∗∗C/Fe (sample) and C/Fe (background) represent the heavy metal-to-Fe ratios in the study and in the background sample, respectively [35].
  3. ∗∗∗Cn expresses the content of the toxic metal n, Bn expresses background data of the toxic metal n, 1.5 is a a factor of possible lithological changes [37].